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Does hair follicles taken in hair transplants donor area grow back?

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Does hair follicles taken in hair transplants donor area grow back? Empty Does hair follicles taken in hair transplants donor area grow back?

Post  MikeGore Thu May 23, 2024 10:40 pm

Unfortunately having lost the battle of regrowing my hair naturally, I'm left with no choice but to do a hair transplant.

I'm still doing microneedling and attempting to have it grow back again until I've saved enough money, but I doubt it will grow at this point.

That said, I have heard conflict reports about hair transplants. Most sites say that hair follicles taken from the back of the head(donor area) do not grow again. But there are some that says regrowth occurs.

What is the consensus about this, and scientifically speaking is it possible to grow again once removed?


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Join date : 2010-05-25

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