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Seasonal allergies / Eye redness

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Seasonal allergies / Eye redness Empty Seasonal allergies / Eye redness

Post  CF Sun Jun 09, 2024 3:54 am


So I've been taking kratom a lot up until recently and it makes my eyes red. I think I screwed up the sclera of my eyes by doing so and there is this one red vein or artery that can be pretty prominent at times even when I'm not using the stuff, in addition to other lesser eye redness that I have been experiencing. I've reduced my kratom intake although on the weekends I have a hard time resisting it after the work week is complete.

Also, I think that skin care products getting into my eyes may have had an impact of the redness developing. So I'm trying to be more careful with that, and I've also stopped adding peppermint oil to mud masks since the peppermint oil vapors felt like they were inflaming my eyes.

Anyhow, during this time of increased eye redness my eyes have felt as though they were experiencing an allergic reaction, with them becoming weepy at times at night. So I was wondering what options might be out there in terms of allergy relief, and also if there were any other solutions out there to eye redness.

Finally, I just wanted to give a big thank you to CS. You have always been so helpful over the years and I really do appreciate it. Do you have a link where I can make a payment to you as a small token of my appreciation for all the help that you have provided?


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Seasonal allergies / Eye redness Empty Re: Seasonal allergies / Eye redness

Post  CausticSymmetry Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:56 am

Kratom might be the cause (sclera of my eyes issue)

Anything applied to the skin can potentially be an irritant and create a histamine reaction.

Would how to get much deeper to potentially ascertain what is happening. Might be as simple as
increasing hydration or electrolytes.

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