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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Mon May 02, 2022 2:08 am

Just wondering. Perhaps after all that sifting and centrifugation that they do to identify the virus it really is hard to distinguish between a real virus and cellular components like exosomes. But...if they grow viruses in the lab and then use them on rodents or monkeys to test the effectiveness of a vaccine...what is making the animal sick? Lab animals will come down with symptoms of the virus and then the vaccine is tested on them. Supposedly they did that with human subjects as well when they were testing the new vaccines. People came down with covid symptoms and were given the vaccine or a placebo. Something was making them sick. What else could it be but what the lab experiment was designed to do? Test the vaccine on covid positive patients.


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Mon May 02, 2022 4:21 am

shaftless wrote:Just wondering. Perhaps after all that sifting and centrifugation that they do to identify the virus it really is hard to distinguish between a real virus and cellular components like exosomes. But...if they grow viruses in the lab and then use them on rodents or monkeys to test the effectiveness of a vaccine...what is making the animal sick? Lab animals will come down with symptoms of the virus and then the vaccine is tested on them. Supposedly they did that with human subjects as well when they were testing the new vaccines. People came down with covid symptoms and were given the vaccine or a placebo. Something was making them sick. What else could it be but what the lab experiment was designed to do? Test the vaccine on covid positive patients.

John Enders developed this technique, because it was the only highly effective way to demonstrate a cytopathic effect or dying of cells. (monkey kidney cells specifically). In the very first published study on this, there was indeed a control experiment--the only time with exception to what Stefan Lanka did to prove there are no viruses at all.

John Enders admitted that he did not know if the cytopathic effect was due to the effect of the experiment or not, how this got by anyone up until recently is puzzling, however - industry funding and Noble prize quickly stopped any more criticism of the study.

The first paper was published in 1954 by Enders et al.: “Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopathogenic
agents from patients with measles” (Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1954 Jun; 86 (2): 277–286).

In that experiment, Enders et al. Dramatically reduced the nutrient solution and added vero cell-destroying
antibiotics (toxic to monkey kidney cells) to the cell culture before introducing the allegedly infected fluid.

The subsequent dying of the cells was then misinterpreted as presence and also isolation of the measles virus. No control experiments were performed to exclude the possibility that it was the deprivation of nutrients as well as
the antibiotics which led to the cytopathic effects (death of cells).

Enders and his colleagues ignored their own reservations and cautions expressed in 1954, when they had
observed and noted that many cells also died after being treated normally (i.e. without being
“infected”), which they thought to have been caused by unknown viruses and other factors. All these
facts and cautions were subsequently disregarded.

In 2001, a German molecular biologist named Stefan Lanka and his colleague named Karl Krafeld wrote a
book entitled “Impfen – Völkermord im dritten Jahrtausend?” (Vaccination – Genocide in the third
millennium?) in which they claim that this is the case. And as one of the validations for this claim, in
2017 the German Federal Supreme Court has made a final decision agreeing that there wasn’t enough
evidence to support that the “measles virus” exists. In this court trial, Dr. Lanka even offered to pay
100,000 Euro for someone who can prove the opposite.

So what about exosomes?

They are the same shape and morphology of an alleged virus, because they are the same thing. When virologists claim "there isn't enough virus to cultivate" using density gradient centrifugation, well this is the gold standard technique used to isolate exosomes.

"Modern Vaccine Development"

Alleged viruses for vaccines, such as polio and measles do not contain viruses, but particles of dead
monkey kidney tissue or human cancerous body cells. To date, no negative control experiments have
been done with respect to the so-called polio and measles viruses either, which would have shown that
it was the laboratory procedures that lead to the cytopathic effects on the cells.

Additionally, all claims and experiments made by Enders et al. and subsequent researchers lead to the
only objective conclusion, that in fact they were observing and analyzing the cellular particles or
fragments and the activity thereof in the test tube, misinterpreting these as particles and characteristics
of the alleged polio and/or measles viruses.

In all likelihood, these particles resemble the morphology and shape/form of exosomes, also known as
extracellular vesicles (EV's).

Appearances Can Be Deceiving - Viral-like Inclusions in C0NV!D-19 Negative Renal Biopsies by Electron

Images can be seen on the website above

They could not tell the difference between the alleged corona virus and exosomes.
"Viral-like particles in non-C0NV!D-19 patients biopsies. Electron microscopy images of viral-like particles
within podocytes in a case of thrombotic microangiopathy in a (A) native kidney biopsy specimen and (B)
acute cellular rejection in an allograft. Note the presence in both cases of single vesicles with an
electron-dense rim likely representing endocytic coated vesicles, as well as larger multivesicular bodies
(arrows), which could be confounded with vesicle packets containing virions. Inset in (A): the individual
small coated pits in the exterior of the vesicle bear resemblance to a viral corona. (C) Similar
intracytoplasmic vesicles within tubules in an allograft with changes suspicious for acute cellular

Animal experiments and toxic Quackines

Let's be really clear - These antibiotics and/or antifungals used to "grow" alleged virus isn't growing anything. It's simply destroying monkey kidney tissue. All of these antibiotics are toxic to Monkey kidney cells. amphotericin, gentamicin are most commonly used in these experiments.

Antibiotics are the most common drugs implicated in reports of drug-induced kidney toxicity. Certain classes of antibiotics are better known for their kidney toxic potential, and they include:

Aminoglycosides eg. Gentamicin, Tobramycin, Streptomycin and Neomycin
Beta-Lactams- this group includes penicillins, cephalosporins and carbapenems.
Amphotericin B- is actually an anti-fungal not an antibiotic

Animals will get sick when injected with these toxins. V@ccines are primarily toxic cell cultures,
loaded with toxic adjuvants.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Mon May 02, 2022 8:35 am

I'm just wondering how they go about testing a vaccine. First there are a bunch of human volunteers or lab animals that aren't volunteers haha. They have the vaccine ready. They inject the vax in one group of people/animals and a placebo in another group. Then the real experiment happens...they must subject these people/animals to an illness and see how they react. If the all the placebo ones get sick (as expected) but the vaccinated ones don't then that says something...the vaccine was protective. But what are they using as the "irritant" for lack of a better word? They must be subjecting them to a virus if the vaccine was designed to protect against it. Isn't that logical?


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Mon May 02, 2022 11:36 am

"Just wondering. Perhaps after all that sifting and centrifugation that they do to identify the virus it really is hard to distinguish between a real virus and cellular components like exosomes. But...if they grow viruses in the lab and then use them on rodents or monkeys to test the effectiveness of a vaccine...what is making the animal sick? Lab animals will come down with symptoms of the virus and then the vaccine is tested on them. Supposedly they did that with human subjects as well when they were testing the new vaccines. People came down with covid symptoms and were given the vaccine or a placebo. Something was making them sick. What else could it be but what the lab experiment was designed to do? Test the vaccine on covid positive patients."....shaftless

Actually I got that wrong. I think they give the vaccine first and then infect them as I mentioned in the post above. It's for medication to treat an illness is when they induce the illness first and then see how the medication does in treating it.

But you sharp cookies already knew that lol


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Mon May 02, 2022 11:50 am

shaftless wrote:I'm just wondering how they go about testing a vaccine. First there are a bunch of human volunteers or lab animals that aren't volunteers haha. They have the vaccine ready. They inject the vax in one group of people/animals and a placebo in another group. Then the real experiment happens...they must subject these people/animals to an illness and see how they react. If the all the placebo ones get sick (as expected) but the vaccinated ones don't then that says something...the vaccine was protective. But what are they using as the "irritant" for lack of a better word? They must be subjecting them to a virus if the vaccine was designed to protect against it. Isn't that logical?

I've been researching these inject-able "bio-weapons" for over 15 years, and it's easy to forget that it's not widely known how these things are tested.

Are you ready to be shocked?

With very few exceptions, nearly all published studies are random control trials without an inert placebo group.

In other words, nearly 100% of all published research on va$$ines are pitted against either another va$$ine or against an adjuvant (typically aluminium).

The rationale for this is that the manufactures get to design the study themselves, so they set it up to make it appear that there is no harm given.

Unvaccinated Children are Healthier

The Centers for Disease Creation - CDC owns over 55 patents on va$$ines, so their real job is to promote getting

Some additional info....

"There is no science that shows quackines cause Autism" - EXCEPT in all these government (ironic, isn't it?) published studies which show quackines cause Autism (and other health issues):
Read this about Hannah Brusewitz case and how she was harmed by DTP
Supreme Court Unavoidably Unsafe
A dose-response relationship between organic mercury exposure from thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010.
Is infant immunization a risk factor for childhood asthma or allergy?
Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?
Infection, vaccines and other environmental triggers of autoimmunity.
DTP with or after measles vaccination is associated with increased in-hospital mortality in Guinea-Bissau.
Measles outbreak in a vaccinated school population: epidemiology, chains of transmission and the role of vaccine failures.
A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population.
Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002.
Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism.
The plausibility of a role for mercury in the etiology of autism: a cellular perspective
Detection of RNA of Mumps Virus during an Outbreak in a Population with a High Level of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine Coverage
A case series of children with apparent mercury toxic encephalopathies manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders.
Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity.

Self-Organized Criticality Theory of Autoimmunity
Combination MMRV vaccine linked with 2-fold risk of seizures
Increased risk of noninfluenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine.
Effectiveness of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in influenza-related hospitalization in children: a case-control study.
Speciation of methyl- and ethyl-mercury in hair of breastfed infants acutely exposed to thimerosal-containing vaccines.
Comparison of VAERS fetal-loss reports during three consecutive influenza seasons
FDA concludes vaccines cause Autism
..."the present study provides new epidemiological evidence supporting an association between increasing organic-Hg exposure from Thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines and the subsequent risk of an ASD diagnosis"...
.A two-phase study evaluating the relationship between…
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is defined by…

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Delphine Mon May 02, 2022 4:44 pm

CausticSymmetry wrote:[Forwarded from The Truth Seeker]

"Dr Joseph Yi, AKA "StreetMD" asked Drs Bailey, Cowan and Kaufman to respond to Drs Malone, McCullough and Cole's claims that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated and shown to exist. Boom!"

Looks like Dr. Reiner Fullerich is on the Malone/Cole etc. bandwagon also.

Geez.  It wasn't long ago that Malone was making a big splash with the Rogan interview.  I don't recall if we discussed that here.

What do you think CS, are those guys controlled opposition? Or are they perhaps helping to open some minds that are not yet
ready to accept viruses don't exist?

btw it looks like Bailey, Cowan and Kaufman dismiss the snake venom theory.
Here's what Dr. Sam Bailey says. She of the radiant  winning smile Smile

Many people have contacted me regarding Dr. Bryan Ardis and his "WATCH THE WATER" video featured on the Stew Peters Show.
While I keep an open mind about new information, I do not believe the snake venom story is credible.
COVID-19 is nothing more than a testing pandemic driven by the PCR and RATs which have no capacity to diagnose a clinical illness in the way they are being used. COVID is a fictional entity that has no specific symptoms, signs, or confirmatory investigations - simply meaningless "case" numbers presented to the public. Nothing has changed in this regard since we started our investigations into the COVID fraud in early 2020.

I was considering making a video about this but Amandha Vollmer has already covered many of the problems with the "snake venom" story - you can check out her video here:

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Tue May 03, 2022 2:42 am

Delphine wrote:
CausticSymmetry wrote:[Forwarded from The Truth Seeker]

"Dr Joseph Yi, AKA "StreetMD" asked Drs Bailey, Cowan and Kaufman to respond to Drs Malone, McCullough and Cole's claims that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated and shown to exist. Boom!"

Looks like Dr. Reiner Fullerich is on the Malone/Cole etc. bandwagon also.

Geez.  It wasn't long ago that Malone was making a big splash with the Rogan interview.  I don't recall if we discussed that here.

What do you think CS, are those guys controlled opposition? Or are they perhaps helping to open some minds that are not yet
ready to accept viruses don't exist?

btw it looks like Bailey, Cowan and Kaufman dismiss the snake venom theory.
Here's what Dr. Sam Bailey says. She of the radiant  winning smile Smile

Many people have contacted me regarding Dr. Bryan Ardis and his "WATCH THE WATER" video featured on the Stew Peters Show.
While I keep an open mind about new information, I do not believe the snake venom story is credible.
C0NV!D-19 is nothing more than a testing pandemic driven by the PCR and RATs which have no capacity to diagnose a clinical illness in the way they are being used. C0NV!D-is a fictional entity that has no specific symptoms, signs, or confirmatory investigations - simply meaningless "case" numbers presented to the public. Nothing has changed in this regard since we started our investigations into the C0NV!D- fraud in early 2020.

I was considering making a video about this but Amandha Vollmer has already covered many of the problems with the "snake venom" story - you can check out her video here:

When I read "guys controlled opposition" proposals, this is when strong skepticism begins.

I have no doubt they these people truly do believe in what they are saying, because their entire world and teaching has based on this information. I think they are absolutely incorrect, yet to them, it's too big of a distortion for them to handle. In other words, I believe they've convinced themselves that viruses exist in their own mind.

So far, few people have given them direct incontrovertible evidence yet. The interview (Street MD) admitted that he could have asked these questions better.

The great thing here is that there is some type of Q and A session, and maybe later it will lead to a real debate.

It took a fake p@ndemic to get the world ready to unveil one of the bigger lies. I for one want more debates, because maybe eventually it will get out to the masses.

One of the better quotes:

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
- Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher

On the Dr. Bryan Ardis venom theory. I took a lot of time to listen to Dr. Bryan Ardis, so when I heard Amandha Vollmer, she went off like an attack dog, and the others also didn't hear all of Dr. Bryan Ardis arguments.

Dr. Ardis spent 4 months diving in to different angles. The response he got was from people not hearing all of his arguments and also seemed to jump the gun on the water idea. The water idea was only a belief, not a knowing.

Here's what is known so far, Remdesivir (Run Death is Near) is not freeze dried snake venom. So that part is established.

However, most of us really do not know exactly what's in these toxic injections, because it's proprietary info, so we can only speculate. There does appear to be snake venom-like peptides in them, and of course we do not know this for certain.

Also, sure PCR-scam has been run to falsify the scam-demic. That said, it doesn't mean there isn't snake peptides. Fact is PCR does have some reliable purposes, and quantifying snake venom is one of them.

Probably for now the most important point is, all sides agree that this injectable bio-weapon is dangerous. Also Remdesivir is incredibly toxic. The CDC/WHO have lied about nearly everything, and there is no such thing as asymptomatic carrier.

The entire premise of the venom theory could be partially correct or totally wrong. However, debate is good and nice
that it does at least suggest there is no virus.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Thu May 05, 2022 3:22 am


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Delphine Sat May 07, 2022 7:37 pm

In a nutshell...

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Sun May 08, 2022 3:01 am



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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Sun May 08, 2022 4:42 am

In that church of virology video (which I haven't seen the whole thing yet) I'm a little confused as to what the narrator believes in near the beginning. At the 12 minute mark he seems to recognize what a bacteriophage is. It does exist according to him. But he seems to disagree on what it does. He calls it a pretty smart zombie for knowing how to inject its DNA into a bacteria cell. I wonder what exactly he thinks bacteriophages do? Are they part of the cleaning system? There are photos of bacteriophages clinging to bacteria. If they are not infecting the bacteria with their DNA then what are they trying to do? Drag them away?

Exosomes are pretty smart zombies too since they also carry DNA and proteins to target cells (that they somehow recognize) and also inject their cargo into these cells...similar to what viruses and bacteriophages are supposed to do.


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Sun May 08, 2022 10:06 am

Towards the last maybe 10 minutes of the video, the author gets into something that hasn't gotten a lot of play
in this discussion so far, which are called usually Somatids or Microzyma.

So-called Bacterial Viruses or bacteriophages.

Due to the belief that these – at the time of their discovery still invisible- structures were killing the bacteria, they were called phages/bacteriophages, “eaters of bacteria”. Only later it was determined that merely highly inbred and therefore almost non-viable bacteria can be made to turn into phages, or bacteria which are being destroyed so fast that they do not have time to form spores.

The introduction of the electron microscopy led to the discovery of the structures resulting from the biological transformation or pleomorphism of bacteria when these were suddenly dying or when the metabolism of the highly inbred germs was overwhelmed by processes triggered by the adding of “phages”. It was also discovered that there are hundreds of types of different-looking “phages”. The discovery of phages, the so-called bacterial “viruses”, reinforced the wrong assumption and the belief that there were human and animal viruses that looked the same and had the same structure. This is not and cannot be the case, for several different reasons.

After introducing chemical examination techniques in biology, it was discovered that there are thousands of types of phages and that phages of one type always have the same structure. They consist of a particular molecule, made of nucleic acid, which is covered in a shell of proteins of a given number and composition. It was only later discovered that merely the bacteria which had been highly inbred in the test tube could turn into phages themselves, by contact with phages, but this never applied to natural bacteria or bacteria which had just been isolated from their natural environment. In this process, it was discovered that these “bacterial viruses” actually serve to provide other bacteria with important molecules and proteins, and that the bacteria themselves emerged from such structures.

Before it could be established that the “bacterial viruses” cannot kill natural bacteria, but they are instead helping them to live and that bacteria themselves emerge from such structures, these “phages” were already used as models for the alleged human and animal viruses. It was assumed that the human and animal viruses looked like the “phages”, were allegedly killing cells and thereby causing diseases, while at the same time producing new disease poisons and in this way transmitting the diseases. To date, many new or apparently new diseases have been attributed to viruses if their origin is unknown or not acknowledged. This reflex found an apparent confirmation in the discovery of the “bacterial viruses”.

*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Pleomo10

The Somatid and/or Microzyma (extremely small biological modifiers) - creating pleomorphism

Somatids are tiny micro-organisms that feed upon the toxic material which they find in the sick organism and prepare it for excretion. These tiny organisms are derived from still tinier organisms called “somatids” by Gaston Naessens.

Other researchers who discovered these same microbes called them protits, microzyma, etc.

Somatids are present in the tissues and blood of all living organisms, and also in plant sap, where they remain normally quiescent (quiet and not acting) and harmless. When the welfare of the human body is threatened by the presence of potentially harmful material, a transmutation (change) takes place called pleomorphism. The ‘somatid’ changes into a type of bacterium which immediately goes to work to rid the body of this harmful material. When the bacteria have completed their task of consuming the harmful material they automatically revert to the somatid stage.

If the environment in the body becomes toxic, polluted, or doesn’t have the nutrients it requires to maintain health these “tiny dots” hook together into long threads and change into the types of bacteria and finally the fungi (candida albicans) that clean up a corpse, if things get that bad.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Sun May 08, 2022 1:31 pm

Damn pleomorphic bacteria! There's always a backdoor escape for this argument lol


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Sun May 08, 2022 2:28 pm

shaftless wrote:Damn pleomorphic bacteria! There's always a backdoor escape for this argument lol

I think I didn't do that of good of a job explaining it. but definitely try to watch the last 30 minutes or whenever it started in the video "Church of Virology" because it shows a visual representation using a dark field microscope.

I sometimes forget that most of us who understand that germ theory and virus theory is false, is because we have a deep understanding of holographic blood (also called live blood analysis) or dark field microscopy.

Last edited by CausticSymmetry on Mon May 09, 2022 12:50 am; edited 1 time in total

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Delphine Sun May 08, 2022 5:37 pm

CausticSymmetry wrote:
I sometimes forget that most of us who understand that germ theory and virus theory is false, is because we have a deep understanding of holographic blood (also called live blood analysis) or dark field microscopy.

Heh, I understand germ/virus theory is false, and I don't know anything about holographic blood or dark field microscopy.

It's more that I've studied natural health in some depth, and for 15 years I edited a magazine based on teaching the principles of Natural Hygiene, one of which is that the
body is self-healing if we just provide the basics of nutrition, movement, fresh air, sunshine, sleep, and stress management.

Actually I've never worried about germs. I intuitively understand pleomorphism and I have taken control of my own health from a young age. Which is not to say
I've always practiced it perfectly, but I've stayed well for the most part.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Mon May 09, 2022 3:30 am

I hope you guys don't have any backyard chickens clucking around. Bird flu is making a huge comeback here in canada and the states. Hundreds of thousands of chickens have succumbed already and many farms are affected. As long as you cook your meat well there shouldn't be a problem. I'm suspecting a hidden agenda behind this one with this guy as the ringleader...

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Delphine Mon May 09, 2022 6:35 am

So CS, if "contagion" is not a real thing, what is it with this new bird flu? What do you think is really going on there?  

Good article from Sol Luckman.  He dissects why Covid is not a bioweapon as many "Truthers" are saying.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Mon May 09, 2022 8:25 am

Delphine wrote:So CS, if "contagion" is not a real thing, what is it with this new bird flu? What do you think is really going on there?  

Good article from Sol Luckman.  He dissects why Covid is not a bioweapon as many "Truthers" are saying.

Haven't looked into the new (probably) fake bird flu yet....first time I heard of it.

Also never believed C0NV!D was ever real....I personally visited at least 70 hospitals during the initial fake p@ndemic and witnessed first hand exactly what you'll find on a basic search for "empty hospitals" using Bitchute (instead of Fascist-Tube).

Data was pretty clear, deaths in 2020 were a scant few verses most other years. 2021, was a different story because of the Quackcine/bio-weapon.

However, as for the bio-weapon, that's what I called the experimental injection. Since some of the ingredients are secret, hard to totally dismiss what is or isn't in it.

*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Image019

But we know something is rotten...

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Mon May 09, 2022 9:48 am

I can see pfizer and moderna jumping on this new cash cow bandwagon and will push for vaccinating all chickens lol


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Delphine Mon May 09, 2022 9:55 am

shaftless wrote:I can see pfizer and moderna jumping on this new cash cow bandwagon and will push for vaccinating all chickens lol
I don't know whether to laugh or cry so...

lol! Sad

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Delphine Tue May 10, 2022 9:14 am

I don’t want half a revolution
Advice to reporters and others

by Jon Rappoport
May 5, 2022

“I’m not anti-vaccine. I just want them to be safer and more effective.”

I love that statement. It’s a lullaby. When I can’t go to sleep at night, I just repeat it to myself a few times, and I’m out cold.

It’s typical of half a revolution, which never wins.

For the past 32 years, I’ve presented overwhelming evidence that no vaccine was ever safe or effective. The whole “science” of vaccination is a rank fraud.

But stuffed-shirt journalists, who sort of go against the grain while maintaining a front of respectability, don’t want to venture that far. They know the price they’ll have to pay. They’re hedging their bets.

Occasionally, one of them will take a swipe at me. It cements their position as middle of the road. Which is where they want to be.

Except, liberty and freedom, which is what we’re fighting for, against a global coup by mass medical murders, isn’t something you win in the middle of the road.

You don’t win by trying to come off like a Washington Post reporter who just happens to have different and dissenting ideas. That’s what half-ass looks like.

That sort of person is basically saying, “I have a machine mind like other machine minds. The difference is, I’m inputting different data and therefore drawing different conclusions. If you, too, have a machine mind, read what I write and let’s establish truth and justice…”

The long-term effect of that is like pissing through a fire hose to put out a conflagration taking down a city.

This is simple. If one group of “superior” machine minds wins against another group of machine minds—regardless of which issues come out on top—there is no revolution. LIFE AND FREEDOM have been excised out of the equation.

A considerable amount of money and effort have gone into building a modern culture composed of what looks like science and rationality, but isn’t. It’s a cartoon. A fucking cartoon.

There’s no JUICE in it.

That’s why I use the phrase machine-minds. Minds that calculate and process and collate and compare and then exude “better answers.” This is your educated class. Careful, cautious. Circumspect.

“Delivery, sir. Here are flowers you ordered. I’m sorry they’re dead.”

“I don’t mind dead. But I ordered roses and you brought me tulips. I can prove it. Let me just find the receipt here on my cell phone. And then I can show you these withered blossoms are actually tulips. There are 32 differences between the two types of flowers…”

That’s your educated class.

See, I’ve been at this for 38 years. Reporting. Writing. Actually, I’ve been writing for 66 years. I’ve made the cases I wanted to make. I’ve shoved the evidence in people’s faces. The overall medical cartel is waging a VERY successful war against the people.

You have to turn that evidence with torque, with leverage, into a flamethrower. You’re not just trying to set the record straight and bring in truth, you’re using the truth to crash the gold-plated systems of machine minds.

Those minds are remote. Distant. Distant is where Big Tech domeheads operate from. They profile, they plan, they crunch trillions of pieces of data, and they develop strategies to build a civilization that looks like their minds and their computers.

When one of these high-IQ blown dry characters develops his version of a conscience, and turns whistleblower, he’s a hero to his ilk. He speaks their language. He thinks the way they do. He geeks like they geek.

If I have to guess which guy has more freedom in his belly and his brain, I’m going with the man who lives up in the hills of Tennessee with a shotgun and a dog. If he doesn’t like what I’m writing, I might think about his reasons for a half-hour. Whereas, when an “alt. journalist” claims I’m “going too far,” I know exactly what his game is. He’s spraying his usual brand of sanitizing respectable room-deodorant.

I’ll put this another way. Two men are discussing how to choose a wife. They’re looking at two different lists of characteristics a man should consider and check. But neither man mentions LOVE, so it doesn’t matter which list they decide is superior. They don’t know what love is. What they’re really discussing are machine-thoughts.

If the COVID narrative had never been launched, if we were living now as we did in 2018, we would still have a medical cartel taking away our freedom and killing and maiming an extraordinary number of people. And that will still be the case, even if all COVID mandates and restrictions are defeated.

Plus, the Brave New World on the drawing boards is fronted by medical people. Three of its main features are genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and human-computer interfaces and hybrids. If you think all possible freedom is now under fire, you haven’t seen anything yet.

Way back when, I was briefly trained in two schools. The first was formal logic, taught by a beloved college professor with an extraordinarily sophisticated mind and a huge heart. The second school consisted of two or three encounters with Ida Honorof, activist and author. She was barely five feet tall, and she had the energy, in her 70s, of ten tigers. She explained to me one afternoon, on a street corner, that officials in Los Angeles were spraying a version of deadly Agent Orange in the Angeles National Forest. She handed me a few pounds of corporate and government documents detailing the massive toxicity of a variety of pesticides. She kick-started my life as a reporter.

Neither one of these people engaged in coddling. They didn’t sit around planning their fronts and poses of respectability. They didn’t want half a revolution. They didn’t equivocate.

I’ve never been a big fan of equivocation. I’m over at the I-don’t-give-a-shit end of the spectrum.

Find answers—then shove in all your chips. At the end of the night, don’t leave anything on the table.

Fortunately for all of us, there is a life after this one. But we’re here now, so we’re fighting.

Make it COUNT.

In the wind and the rain and the storm, issue no apologies.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Tue May 10, 2022 3:28 pm

So is this jon guy an anti-vaxxer? I know that he doesn't like certain mind-frames like his "machine-mind" description. He big on passion, right? But can you be a passionate vaxxer? Does he have hard evidence of medical fraud? If so, what's stopping him from being another woodward and bernstein that exposed nixon's crimes to the masses? He seems to be more of a life coach instead of a truth exposer.


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Tue May 10, 2022 3:38 pm

shaftless wrote:So is this jon guy an anti-vaxxer? I know that he doesn't like certain mind-frames like his "machine-mind" description. He big on passion, right? But can you be a passionate vaxxer? Does he have hard evidence of medical fraud? If so, what's stopping him from being another woodward and bernstein that exposed nixon's crimes to the masses? He seems to be more of a life coach instead of a truth exposer.

Jon Rappoport has been around the scene probably longer than most of us. I was in high school or near graduated by the time the fake AIDs manufactured crisis came out. Rappaport was old enough to observe the fraud in real time.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Tue May 10, 2022 4:40 pm

shaftless wrote:I hope you guys don't have any backyard chickens clucking around. Bird flu is making a huge comeback here in canada and the states. Hundreds of thousands of chickens have succumbed already and many farms are affected. As long as you cook your meat well there shouldn't be a problem. I'm suspecting a hidden agenda behind this one with this guy as the ringleader...

*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Original-20240-1433182860-10


Talk about the Bird Flu

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 19 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Wed May 11, 2022 12:28 pm

It's good to research and see what kind of info is out there. It's always good to learn. But we're still at the mercy of the authors. We either trust their research and educated guesses or we don't. We could have an internal bias that we picked up over the years and will only look for info that backs that up. The average layman is caught in the middle and basically has to flip a coin in deciding who's right or wrong. Unless we become scientists and test the info we read in our own private that's really going to happen lol

I notice that kauf wears glasses. Near or farsightedness isn't considered a disease...something like baldness. It's how our eyes developed their shape. But it can be a huge disadvantage if there was no help. Animals in the wild probably wouldn't survive long if they can't see their enemies coming. Even young children who are still growing need corrective eyewear. Is there a terrain theory that might explain why our eyes developed this imperfection? Other than genetics and the physics of getting older could there be some hidden cause?

Curious minds want to


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