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SNEEZING!!! releases bacteria, viruses etc.

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SNEEZING!!! releases bacteria, viruses etc. Empty SNEEZING!!! releases bacteria, viruses etc.

Post  HarryHenderson Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:40 pm

Im not sure what it is that ive added, but ive started sneezing constantly for the last 3 days.

Thing is, i never ever ever get sick. I get occasionaly head aches but thats it.

Ive read that sneezing (similar to an orgasm in feeling) releases alot of bacteria and viruses.

I have a feeling this is a good sign as i have spoke to a few friends with thick thick hair and that are photic sun sneezers. (only 18% of the human population are).

Alltho im sneezing (every 10 minutes) i am feeling very energetic and healthy.

Theres alot of anchient myths? about sneezing releasing evil spirits etc. (take it how you want but it could be a sign of some bad bacteria/infection ive been carrying for a while. Not jumping the gun here but its very unusual for me to sneeze.

Also, my whole life when i have had to sneeze i have blocked my nose which im thinking now is really bad. (a sneeze leaves the nose at 100mile perhour) so ive read.


Posts : 181
Join date : 2009-10-03

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SNEEZING!!! releases bacteria, viruses etc. Empty Re: SNEEZING!!! releases bacteria, viruses etc.

Post  HarryHenderson Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:46 pm

For anyone who hasnt touched on sneezing for hairloss, i aint no professional but ive read a fare few articles over the last few days and this one answers alot of good questions.

I allways get excited when i think of something that may not have been tried for hairloss and the idea of sneezing and understanding why we sneeze looks very promising in my eyes.

Heres the link.


Posts : 181
Join date : 2009-10-03

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SNEEZING!!! releases bacteria, viruses etc. Empty So are you saying that...

Post  Jocko59 Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:46 pm

sneezing causes hair loss or that it prevents it? I don't quite understand what you are getting at.


Posts : 123
Join date : 2009-04-16

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SNEEZING!!! releases bacteria, viruses etc. Empty Re: SNEEZING!!! releases bacteria, viruses etc.

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