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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Sat Sep 11, 2021 12:06 pm

Not my theory, but according to some sources, black holes are believed to be wormholes, or transporters -- No way to verify this, so moving on...

Network New Media (newsflash), it's CIA controlled, and this is not even new info. I've known it for 30 years.

The Pl@ndemic:

This is a planned take over and take down of life as we know it and a violation of natural law and in direct violation of The Nuremberg Code.

"We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical counter measures such as a pan corona vaccine.  A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype.  We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues.  Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process." ~ Peter Daszak
Stated in 2015
Head of Ecohealth Alliance
As reported February 12, 2016
National Academy of Press Publications

73 patents all novel prior to 2019.

Why did the NIH take ownership of the patents they already owned via University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill?

Goal to create spike protein vaccine a month prior to any outbreak.

This script was written first January 6, 2004.

Merck wrote the script at conference called SARS and Bioterrorism.

Merck introduced the term The New Normal adopted by the WHO, the Globalist Monitoring Board, Bill Gates’ Dr. Elias and Anthony Fauci.

Moderna it was understood would be put at the head of the line in March 2019 based upon deliberate release of coronavirus with goal of vaccine development.

There was a candidate vaccine at UNC-Chapel Hill to get spike protein in a lipid nanoparticle to have vaccine prior to pathogen.

At NAID board meeting Anthony Fauci was pushing flu vaccine in amended patent filings by Moderna months prior to alleged pathogen to gain an acquired worldwide acceptance via public relations and crowd control this was pushed prior to discovery of said virus.

There are 117 patents pertaining to coronavirus going back to 2008.

Weaponization patents.

Moderna’s patent application in March 2019 included words put into the patent application a deliberate respiratory pathogen was written into the language.

This is a ‘computer sequence’.

No novel anything.

A manufactured illusion.

Influenza did not leave the human population.

Governments changed the pathogen to gain compliance to get injections.

Need to create the illusion of demand and demand for something you manufacturer.

All evidence based.

This was not a manufactured health crisis.  This was an opportunistic marketing campaign to address a stated objective and that is why this is Occam's Razor that they said they needed to get the public to accept a pan corona virus vaccine countermeasure and needed to get the media’s help and investors would follow. ~ Dr. David E. Martin

As for viruses.

So far, all experiments to prove contagion in the last 100 years plus have been unsuccessful.  Shouldn't that be enough?

Experiments demonstrating that Vitamin D taken in winter time under controlled conditions (prisoners) who received or didn't receive vitamin D determined whether they got the flu or not.

All we have to do is observe nature, if you do a time lapse photography over a compost heap, it reveals that bacteria are natures recycling, as well as fungi.

The only pure isolation never performed on the smallest of living things has been on “bacteriophages,” correctly defined as incomplete mini spores and building blocks of the bacteria, as well as exosomes or extracellular vesicles.

Yet, these purification methods are not done on viruses, why?, because they do not exist.

The nearest simulation to a type of "contagion" in terms of influencing would be something like yawning, menstrual  cycle syncing, or vibrating signaling of chickenpox if the growth state of close enough (growth spurt, when detoxification of nerve ending occurs).

At no time has any virus been purified with, much less isolated without a toxic soup in a cell culture. Not once from animal or human tissue.

More on exosomes

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  MikeGore Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:16 pm

Does anybody know which religions are accepted as a valid exemption for vaccine? Whatever religion it is, I will become its follower.

Also what medical conditions are a cause for exemptions. Maybe I can develop some allergies.

All in all, there is exemption on the grounds of religion, medical and philosophical, I believe. What constitutes philosophical exemption?

Whatever it is I'm in.


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:38 pm

MikeGore wrote:Does anybody know which religions are accepted as a valid exemption for vaccine? Whatever religion it is, I will become its follower.

Also what medical conditions are a cause for exemptions. Maybe I can develop some allergies.

All in all, there is exemption on the grounds of religion, medical and philosophical, I believe. What constitutes philosophical exemption?

Whatever it is I'm in.

State that you're allergic to the serum, and get anaphylaxis.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Live forever Wed Sep 15, 2021 6:36 am

"We know that the longer we live, the more toxic we become, and I have mentioned several times that once one chronic symptom shows up, the body is already very toxic.

The more toxic is the individual, the stronger symptoms of flu will have during the detoxification process, and deaths are not excluded.

Every year anywhere between 24 and 62 thousand deaths are being blamed on the flu in the USA.

If you are following my work then you know that there is no such thing as a virus. All those deaths are caused by the rapid detoxification of very toxic individuals.

Because of a sudden energetic shift and drop of cellular voltage, toxins that were stored within the cells are being released. Blood’s toxicity shoots over the body’s capacity to eliminate it and the system chokes.

Often, in an attempt to help the patient and to eliminate the “virus”, doctors implement toxic symptomatic remedies/medications which further raise the body’s toxicity and become the drop that spills the coffee.

Why are some toxic medicaments like Ivermectin, ibuprofen, antibiotics.. easing the symptoms of the flu?

Cells of the body want to prevent those toxic medications from entering into the cell so they produce stress/heat proteins and reinforce their cellular membranes.

In this way, cells prevent the blood and lymph from entering them and bringing the toxic medication with them, and at the same time, the existing cellular toxins stay trapped inside of cells and stop further blood pollution.

The blood slowly gets cleansed and the symptoms of flu disappear.

When cells are clean, no matter what type of stress we are exposed to, no cellular pollution will be released into the blood, and no symptoms of flu or any other disease will occur.

Knowing this, we would love to cleanse our cells so why would anyone ever want to stop this process?

Well, since we are being lied to and our health professionals are giving us all the wrong instructions and further are poisoning us with a toxic medication, as time goes on, we become more and more toxic on the extracellular and intracellular level.

The more toxic we are, the stronger detoxification symptoms we will experience once when our body starts detoxifying itself.

There are many detoxifications triggers one of which we call the virus because we do not know how else to explain the flu symptoms."

Interesting take by Darko Velcek
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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Atlas Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:10 am

Pretty good video with Thomas Cowan.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Sat Sep 18, 2021 3:26 am

I can't figure out why they are able to isolate exosomes and other virus-size cellular bodies thru ultra-centrifugation but they can't do it for viruses. There's one company that specializes in it and details how they do it...

I DON'T GET IT!!!! lol


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Sat Sep 18, 2021 3:47 am

shaftless wrote:I can't figure out why they are able to isolate exosomes and other virus-size cellular bodies thru ultra-centrifugation but they can't do it for viruses. There's one company that specializes in it and details how they do it...

I DON'T GET IT!!!! lol

That exact question was asked in this interview:

My own answer is this. So far, exosomes are a response to cell insult or injury, and they are not infectious, but they do offer potential health benefits. If they did perform proper purification/isolation studies on alleged viruses using density gradient (or differential) ultracentrifugation, they would find exosomes. If they suspected these to be viruses, they would attempt to infect a healthy animal by injection. So far, such experiments in the past have failed to cause infection.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Live forever Sat Sep 18, 2021 4:47 am

Just a thought.

Even if we isolated a virus, it doesn't necessarily ascribe any causal agency to it.
As I currently see it, a 'virus' is an effect - something the body makes to clean/dissolve.

As far as I can see, causes of disease are Toxemia, Malnutrition, Injury (physical/mental)

Someone said the causes of healing - in a nutshell - are cleansing, rest and warmth.

On another note, watch this video, coroner explains how he thinks
it was the drugs they gave the elderly at the start if the plandm1c that *caused* the deaths.

It gets clearer by the day, that aside from acute injury, hospitals are not places a sick person goes to get healed.
sidenote: follow the money
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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Live forever Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:35 am

Quite a take

Vaccines = Toxic filth
Ivermectin = Toxic filth
Hydroxychloroquine = Toxic Filth

What do they all have in common? They're petrochemical pharmaceutical products that are poisonous and perpetuate the Germ Theory Fraud and reinforce the lie that these products are medicine.
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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Tue Sep 21, 2021 3:16 am

Refutation of the idea of the existence of the measles virus - Stefan’s victory in the measles trial

At 27:30 begins the discussion of the sars-cov-2 virus, the final exposure of the corona ”virus” farce

Discussion of "Dirty PCR", genetic sequencing, bioinformatics, etc.

Here's how they attempt to create the alleged sars-cov-2 virus through the RT-PCR:

You take two primers, two previously existing genetic sequences available in genetic banks, and put them in touch with the supernatant broth, until they attach to some RNA in the broth, thus creating an artificial DNA molecule, which is then multiplied though a certain number of PCR runs: each run doubles the quantity of DNA, but the higher is the number of the runs necessary to produce enough “virus” material, the lower the reliability of the PCR – meaning its ability to actually “get” anything at all meaningful from the supernatant – above 30 runs the result tends to be meaningless, and all the studies, as well as the current swab tests, always use more than 30 runs.

The primers are constituted of 18-24 bases (nucleotides) each; the SARS-Cov2 virus is supposedly composed of 30.000 bases; so the primer represents only the 0.07% of the virus genome.

This part alone should make people wonder how it's possible to identify anything.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Live forever Tue Sep 21, 2021 10:43 pm

"President Biden’s hectoring speech put none of these suspicious to rest. Quite the opposite. Surely President Biden knew many would dig in their heels. Why would he take this tack? Frijters, Foster, and Baker note the role of “sin stories” during the COVID panic. “A very effective way to dominate people,” they write, “is to convince them they are sinful unless they obey.” Government officials and powerful business leaders use sin stories to divide and control opposition. Corporations break the power of labor by cultivating discord in the workforce; politicians tell sin stories to keep the people from mounting mass opposition. COVID, they note, is “an almost perfect sin story,” one that sets all against all by treating everyone as a potential source of deadly infection and literally distances us from one another so we can’t mount a united opposition. Giant companies told sin stories to kill off small businesses that couldn’t afford to keep up with constantly-changing regulations. And President Biden deepens divisions by presenting himself as president of the vaccinated, whose duty is to protect them from impure semi-citizens like me."
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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Dudard Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:31 am

Excellent overview of all this virus crap.


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Nuada Wed Sep 29, 2021 6:59 am

What do you guys think about worms/parasites ?

I've come across this document :

It's a different outlook on the whole infection thing. It pretty much attribiutes most major diseases(cancer, "viral infections" and mental illnesses) or disease like symptoms to internal parasites.
Some interesting notes : Humans are one of the few mamals who are incapable of producing their own vitamin C. Vitamin C plays an important role immune system and without it our immune systems can't properly supress parasite activities. Quoted from the PDF :

Fact: The human immune system has been intentionally weakened through a variety of external methods:
1. Fluoride added to water
2. Heavy Metals, like Aluminum, added to air
3. Adjuvants, like Aluminum, added to vaccines
4. Alcohol pushed in mainstream media
Fact: The spread of parasites is intentionally encouraged in variety of ways:
1. Sugars added to food
2. Addictive psychiatric drugs peddled by doctors
3. Promiscuity pushed in mainstream media
4. Glyphosate added to food
5. Fenbendazole removed from food

Fenbendazole apparently removes parasites and it has no known sideeffects.

It also touches upon subjects like viral detection, exosomes and how big pharma doesn't like cheap anti parasitic drugs. Which may or may not have something to do with the smear campaign on ivermectin.

Interesting read none the less.
edit : BTW the document itself delves deeper into conspiracies but I'm mostly interested in the parasite infections part.


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Wed Sep 29, 2021 7:30 am

There's basically just a few causes of disease, despite what the medical industrial complex would have us believe. They blame everything on genetics and things we have no control over-all lies.

The only causes (with exception to trauma)

Parasites, toxins, dehydration, malnutrition. That's it!

Parasites exist in all of us, and depending on the environment within (terrain theory) they will initiate inflammatory prostaglandins (skin lesions of all kinds, hair loss, are all signs).

The more heavy metals, and other toxins we accumulate, the more evident damage will occur.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Sat Oct 02, 2021 3:33 am

*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Winter10

It is ridiculous and anti-scientific to recommend conducting control with water and control with buffer over the experiment, because the experiment is full of mixed sample without scientific isolation and scientific purification of sample components or "isolates".

WHO recommends inadequate control experiments.

Dr. Stefan Lanka is currently conducting control sequencing and control assembly, ie all logical, scientific and, above all, necessary control experiments for cell culture supernatant experiments, and BALF experiment , and throatswab experiments.

The WHO has published information on a control experiment for sequencing:

Also, the WHO does not recommend the necessary control experiments in the field of virology, sequencing and bioinformatics, which means that the WHO is an anti-scientific organization. The WHO does not point out that virologists do not conduct the necessary control experiments, ie. do not perform sequencing of cell cultures supernatant:

1. into which no human fluid / material has been inserted
2. into which human fluids / material is inserted:
a) the material from a person who is healthy
b) the material from a person suffering from a disease other than the alleged "covid-19"
c) the material from a person who is PCR negative
3. into which genetic material from plants has been inserted
4. into which genetic material from animals has been inserted
5. into which genetic material from bacteria has been inserted

All of this is just being done by Dr. Stefan Lanka and a laboratory in Germany. We look forward to detailed documentation.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Live forever Mon Oct 04, 2021 7:35 pm

A short post here about Toxemia.

"There is no disease per se. What is called disease is impaired health, and is brought on from retention of waste-products in the blood. These waste products are called toxins, and, in normal and limited amounts, are natural and give a needed stimulation. But, like all stimulants, when an excessive amount is retained in the system, they create over-stimulation, resulting in enervation—Toxemia.

Every so-called disease is a crisis of Toxemia; which means that toxin has accumulated in the blood above the toleration point, and the crisis, the so-called disease-call it cold, “flu” pneumonia, headache—is a vicarious elimination. Nature is endeavoring to rid the body of toxin."
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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Tue Oct 05, 2021 2:10 am

Dis-ease can be broken down into 3 simple conditions.

Dehydration, elimination (lack of), and malnutrition.

When either one or more of these conditions exist, a disease will manifest.

From there, toxins will accumulate, then waste products from natural, biological clean-up crew (bacteria),
and parasites. From there, vasoactive reactions, that lead to inflammation markers.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Tue Oct 05, 2021 9:27 am

Ok I'll bite lol. Just curious...who is most vulnerable for this detoxifying effect? Older people? Middle-aged? Adolescents? Very young? You'd think that middle-aged adults would have more toxins stored in their system from their fast and furious lifestyle compared to aged adults who don't party like they used to and also children who didn't have time yet to accumulate a lot of toxins. Yet kids are coming down with covid presumably from their contacts in school. Tons of old people died in nursing homes from covid and other flus.

Ever wonder about how healthy strict vegetarians and vegans are? They should be almost toxin free at any age. Yet I'm sure they have caught colds and flus in their life time.


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Tue Oct 05, 2021 10:02 am

shaftless wrote:Ok I'll bite lol. Just curious...who is most vulnerable for this detoxifying effect? Older people? Middle-aged? Adolescents? Very young? You'd think that middle-aged adults would have more toxins stored in their system from their fast and furious lifestyle compared to aged adults who don't party like they used to and also children who didn't have time yet to accumulate a lot of toxins. Yet kids are coming down with covid presumably from their contacts in school. Tons of old people died in nursing homes from covid and other flus.

Ever wonder about how healthy strict vegetarians and vegans are? They should be almost toxin free at any age. Yet I'm sure they have caught colds and flus in their life time.

Caught colds? There's no evidence of contagion anywhere.

Toxins are everywhere.

Fluoridation of water supply (lowers IQ, makes people more docile, easier to control), displaces iodine.

Glyphosate in water, and food.

Stratospheric aerosol injections, thousands of chemicals and preservatives. Toxic food, and off gassing from new products, even "the new car smell" is toxic.

Toxic vaccines given - I'm probably older than most here and I can easily say that having common childhood diseases seen here today was almost unheard of.

We did not have glyphosate, vaccines were present by 70% less than today, fewer sky pollution (geo engineering), we saw clouds they way they originally looked like..also some countries today have pure, real clouds.

Overweight people were rare, one fat kid in an entire school back then.

Dis-eases are so common today, that low IQ teachers (most of them), encourage kids to get on toxic ADHD/ADD drugs, which are nothing more than types of methamphetamine (speed).

Because of the onslaught of toxins, it is usually necessary to improve our ability to purge out toxins. This prevents getting sick. Speaking of that, forgot to mention that food and the soils have over 90% less minerals than 50 years ago.

Vegans usually hit wall at some point, once all their vitamin A gets used up in the liver.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Tue Oct 05, 2021 10:44 am

But shouldn't we be detoxifying all the time? Toxins are 24/7. Yet traditionally we all caught colds and flus in the late fall and winter. They say it's something to do with the air in the winter.


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Tue Oct 05, 2021 11:10 am

shaftless wrote:But shouldn't we be detoxifying all the time? Toxins are 24/7. Yet traditionally we all caught colds and flus in the late fall and winter. They say it's something to do with the air in the winter.

If we can avoid some of the toxins, and consume enough nutrients, then we'll be better equipped to detoxify.

Regarding the winter, has to do with barometric pressure changes (concentrates toxins) and low UV-B rays (low Vitamin D). Also, without the infrared from the sun, which dilates blood vessels, we experience more constriction.

To prevent ourselves from getting sick, Vitamin D, A, Selenium, Zinc, C are some examples.

Trees go through changes in the winter time. For example:

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Tue Oct 05, 2021 12:11 pm

*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Throw-in-Towel-_-roboriginal-copy-e1491323619551



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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Tue Oct 05, 2021 1:25 pm

You know what's strange? New cases of covid are mostly the unvaccinated. You'd think it would be the other way around if people are getting sick from detoxifying. The vaccines are a new source of toxins so THEY should be the ones getting sick with respiratory ailments and filling hospital rooms now. But according to statistics they're not.

*chalks one up on the scoreboard* lol


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Live forever Tue Oct 05, 2021 9:01 pm

shaftless wrote:You know what's strange? New cases of covid are mostly the unvaccinated. You'd think it would be the other way around if people are getting sick from detoxifying. The vaccines are a new source of toxins so THEY should be the ones getting sick with respiratory ailments and filling hospital rooms now. But according to statistics they're not.

*chalks one up on the scoreboard* lol

From what I've seen so far this Autumn, it's the vaccinated that have been poorly. (laid up in bed off work)

In an honest world, we'd be able to trust statistics and data more, but after
what I've witnessed here in the UK this last 19 months, doing so simply leads
one into error and away from reality.

Ask yourself this. What would you do if you found beyond a doubt that
the main causes of all dis-ease are toxins, malnutrition, dehydration and physical/mental injury?
that no germ has ever been proven to be the cause of illness?
that we have criminalised the innocent and waged war against it?
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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 10 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Wed Oct 06, 2021 2:19 am

shaftless wrote:You know what's strange? New cases of covid are mostly the unvaccinated. You'd think it would be the other way around if people are getting sick from detoxifying. The vaccines are a new source of toxins so THEY should be the ones getting sick with respiratory ailments and filling hospital rooms now. But according to statistics they're not.

*chalks one up on the scoreboard* lol

I realize the media is creating the impression there we have a p@ndemic of the un-qwackcinated.

Factor in the that CDC (they are a vaccine company, they promote Qwackines).

CDC counts un-qwackcinated people who died within 14-days of getting the jab.

Also you’re not counted as fully qwackcinated until a full 14 days have passed since your second injection in the case of Pfizer or Moderna, or 14 days after your first dose of Janssen, despite the fact that over 80% of deaths after the Qwackines occur in this window.

That is how the Mainstream Media can pull of this twisted tale

Anyone who dies within the first 14 days post-injection is counted as an Un-qwackcinated  death. Not only does this inaccurately inflate the un-qwackcinated  death toll, it also hides the real dangers of the C0-Fraud jabs, as the vast majority of deaths from these jabs occur within the first two weeks.

The Center for Disease Creation (CDC) also has two different sets of testing guidelines -- one for qwackcinated patients and another for the un-qwackcinated . If you’re un-qwackcinated, CDC guidance says to use a cycle threshold (CT) of 40, known to result in false positives. If you’re qwackcinated, they recommend using a CT of 28 or less, which minimizes the risk of false positives.

The CDC also hides vaccine failures and props up the “pandemic of the un-qwackcinated ” narrative by only counting breakthrough cases that result in hospitalization or death
Hospitals are still also reporting non-C0V!D related illnesses as C0V!D-19.

On top of all that, they do not even have a medical code for Quackcine injury. (they are not counting Quackcine injuries!)

During the Nuremberg trials, the media were put to death for lying to the public.

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