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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  JamesDean Sat Apr 19, 2014 2:30 am

Duketronix wrote:Jamesdean -  I've been doing some form of DT for a long time, be it the malaniak "style" massage, to boar brushing, scritching, and gbp's pinching technique.  Probably been almost two years total and I got SOME regrowth from it all but DT has definitely upped the game/speed/results.  As for the peeling it really depends on the area.  

On my temples I would get peeling off and on for a few months depending how hard I worked them but that hasn't happened in a long while.  On the very front of my hairline (widows peak) I am still peeling sometimes but less and less.  this area of my scalp has felt "dead" for a pretty long time and was something I was aware of slowly happening.  It was just kind of slowly thickening and numbing out.  When I first started manual methods this area of my scalp and my left temple were nearly impossible to get properly flushed with blood.  Now it takes very little to get it pink/flowing.  this area has had "thicker" peeling of skin where sometimes it would almost be like a scab in texture.  Quite thick and almost yellow in colour.  As the are has improved and feeling returned the peeling has become more normal and less frequent but it still happens from time to time.  I believe this was calcification/keratinization.

As for overall hair shedding?  I recently started taking the supplements in the that "supposed regrowth protocol" thread and I it seems to have stopped my shedding dead in it's tracks.   I also started it a few weeks after I got more serious with the DT therapy though so it's hard to say which is the main factor in the shedding's cessation.  I feel the supplements are key there myself.  Mainly because since I started the regimen my stress is WAY down and I am sleeping much better.  I am also gaining weight more easily (muscle) which has always been an issue for me.

Hope that helps.

Duketronix thank you for your response ! That's very good news for you ! I think I'm also going to go for that full protocol (I'm already taking some of that stuff). However, I'd like to know if someone on this thread stopped his shedding and started regrowing only with DT.
Because having regrowth on specific areas (e.g. temples) is awesome but if you're still shedding, that's not a good point

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  darkknight Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:54 am

Long time lurker here.  Impressed with the results and the commitment of the volunteers -- thank you for sharing your experiences and insights!

I've tried this therapy the last couple of days and found it brutal on the fingers and hands to keep up for more than 5 minutes at a time much less 40 minutes day.  Not sure I can keep this therapy up regularly, at least not for 40 minutes a day, every day.  So I have been poking around the Internet for potential massage device solutions.  Came across the concept of the old school barber shop vibration massagers. Since I am a brand new member, I can't post any links, but just Google "barber shop vibration massagers".

Do you experienced guys think this could be helpful in applying this therapy?  They aren't exactly cheap, but they are not cost prohibitive either and might be worth it for this therapy.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:05 am

JamesDean wrote:
Duketronix wrote:Jamesdean -  I've been doing some form of DT for a long time, be it the malaniak "style" massage, to boar brushing, scritching, and gbp's pinching technique.  Probably been almost two years total and I got SOME regrowth from it all but DT has definitely upped the game/speed/results.  As for the peeling it really depends on the area.  

On my temples I would get peeling off and on for a few months depending how hard I worked them but that hasn't happened in a long while.  On the very front of my hairline (widows peak) I am still peeling sometimes but less and less.  this area of my scalp has felt "dead" for a pretty long time and was something I was aware of slowly happening.  It was just kind of slowly thickening and numbing out.  When I first started manual methods this area of my scalp and my left temple were nearly impossible to get properly flushed with blood.  Now it takes very little to get it pink/flowing.  this area has had "thicker" peeling of skin where sometimes it would almost be like a scab in texture.  Quite thick and almost yellow in colour.  As the are has improved and feeling returned the peeling has become more normal and less frequent but it still happens from time to time.  I believe this was calcification/keratinization.

As for overall hair shedding?  I recently started taking the supplements in the that "supposed regrowth protocol" thread and I it seems to have stopped my shedding dead in it's tracks.   I also started it a few weeks after I got more serious with the DT therapy though so it's hard to say which is the main factor in the shedding's cessation.  I feel the supplements are key there myself.  Mainly because since I started the regimen my stress is WAY down and I am sleeping much better.  I am also gaining weight more easily (muscle) which has always been an issue for me.

Hope that helps.

Duketronix thank you for your response ! That's very good news for you ! I think I'm also going to go for that full protocol (I'm already taking some of that stuff). However, I'd like to know if someone on this thread stopped his shedding and started regrowing only with DT.
Because having regrowth on specific areas (e.g. temples) is awesome but if you're still shedding, that's not a good point

Before regrowth, people experience a halt in hair loss nearly all of the time. It can't work the other way around, IMO. It's all connected and the main arteries are around the middle of the skull/scalp.... I've witnessed two people on here already report better progress after loosening up their WHOLE scalp (with DT) as opposed to just loosening up their balding areas up alone

But yea.... I'd say the vast majority, if not EVERYONE, has stopped their shedding (including myself) after incorporating certain manuals, like DT, but I want to give them a chance to chime in and say it themselves. I can name a handful of people already though...

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Growdamnit Sat Apr 19, 2014 2:14 pm

I'd like to say that my shedding has stopped, but I'm not entirely sure about my left side anymore. It has now matched my right, but I'm just hoping that is part of the cycle. I have vellus hairs all over my temples 1 and 1/2 months in DT.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Sat Apr 19, 2014 5:36 pm

i can attest to this speeding up my regrowth. i feel like massaging and brushing are good, but until you break up that crap under your scalp, the blood you're trying to bring to the surface can't really get there because of the crap. get rid of crap + stimulate blood flow = stop your hairloss or regrow hair. i don't see how it can't work anymore

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  nobodyknowsthetruth Sat Apr 19, 2014 6:02 pm

hiilikeyourbeard wrote:i can attest to this speeding up my regrowth. i feel like massaging and brushing are good, but until you break up that crap under your scalp, the blood you're trying to bring to the surface can't really get there because of the crap. get rid of crap + stimulate blood flow = stop your hairloss or regrow hair. i don't see how it can't work anymore

Exactly > After you figured internals stress and life then itrs all about make the blood circulating
and remove the rock


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  JamesDean Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:13 pm

Thank you guys for those posts, it gives me hope for DT to work ! And if others DT guys who stopped shedding can chime in I would appreciate it even more Smile
I started this method 3 weeks ago but only started working it hard one week ago. I was on finasteride for 6 months we barely no results so I dropped it when I discovered this forum.
At the beginning I discovered that my scalp was sooo tight and painful on the crown and temples. Now it is much more loose and I feel that my shedding reduces little by little. But I'm also fixing problems internally.
I just feel that I have a problem with my scalp as it has always been very greasy, lot of sebum but no dandruff. ACV and DT are working on it but I feel that those bumps I regularly have while doing DT are a sign that I need to fix this sebum production in my scalp.
Does anyone here know about it ? I heard that a vitamin was helping with that, E or A ? Don't remember..
According to my last blood works (3 weeks ago approx.) I'm vitamin A defficient

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Xenon Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:33 am

I've started doing scalp loosening exercises. I'm 35 now so I'm basically at the age of decay and need to do whatever is necessary to resurrect my temple hairs. If I see no signs of regrowth within 12 months, then I'm wasting no more time on hair loss research.

I'm bored to the back teeth of the subject.

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Post  Growdamnit Sun Apr 20, 2014 1:58 am

Xenon wrote:I've started doing scalp loosening exercises. I'm 35 now so I'm basically at the age of decay and need to do whatever is necessary to resurrect my temple hairs. If I see no signs of regrowth within 12 months, then I'm wasting no more time on hair loss research.

I'm bored to the back teeth of the subject.
35?? Fuck you guys. I'm 23 and this shit is happening to me. You're all lucky you got that far.


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Post  Jay07 Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:08 am

Same I'm 21 Sad


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  rofl Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:31 am

lol told wat to do by 2 ppl who havent even been on the forum 6 months.


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Post  nobodyknowsthetruth Sun Apr 20, 2014 3:14 am

rofl wrote:lol told wat to do by 2 ppl who havent even been on the forum 6 months.


Listen rofl , when times passes and in 6 months to 1 year there will be extraodinary results of full regrowth
you will feel like a dumb that you didnt follow the protocol back then.

And i will save this comment for you here when the time will come
and post it.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Sun Apr 20, 2014 3:40 am

nobodyknowsthetruth wrote:
rofl wrote:lol told wat to do by 2 ppl who havent even been on the forum 6 months.


Listen rofl , when times passes and in 6 months to 1 year there will be extraodinary results of full regrowth
you will feel like a dumb that you didnt follow the protocol back then.

And i will save this comment for you here when the time will come
and post it.

i would also like to add to this as well for looking back on later. rofl is a bitch

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Duketronix Sun Apr 20, 2014 4:55 am

Not posting can be a good thing. I've definitely taken little breaks when I'm feeling great about my hair. I actually have only started coming back here because of the DT and "supposed regrowth protocols" threads. I fond keeping in touch motivating to keep me doing everything.

Regrowth is slow and steady for quite a while now and it's easy to get lax for me since it's so different then when It was slowly thinning and receding instead. I'll have days where I'll feel like I'm totally in the clear (and by a lot of people's standards I probably am now) but I want to fill my temples in and continue to thicken up. Mostly as a challenge and to prove that this stuff works after spending so long over the years battling hair loss. I just want to kick it's ass as hard as I can.

To all you young guys, you're lucky to get on this forum so young and be learning good stuff. I took fin/minox for years (with some decent results) and was receding a fair bit at your age too, but now am gaining back beyond the hair of my early twenties and am 30 years old now.

Besides the hair benefits I've learned so much about taking care of myself it is insane. This has really helped me with a lot of other areas in life through reduced stress and inflammation. I used to get tendonitis from playing musical instruments. Hasn't come up in about 5 years since I learned how to take care of my body.

Just be dedicated and keep plugging away and you'll get there.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Sun Apr 20, 2014 5:26 am

Duketronix wrote:Not posting can be a good thing.  I've definitely taken little breaks when I'm feeling great about my hair.  I actually have only started coming back here because of the DT and "supposed regrowth protocols" threads.  I fond keeping in touch motivating to keep me doing everything.

Regrowth is slow and steady for quite a while now and it's easy to get lax for me since it's so different then when It was slowly thinning and receding instead.  I'll have days where I'll feel like I'm totally in the clear (and by a lot of people's standards I probably am now) but I want to fill my temples in and continue to thicken up.  Mostly as a challenge and to prove that this stuff works after spending so long over the years battling hair loss.  I just want to kick it's ass as hard as I can.

To all you young guys, you're lucky to get on this forum so young and be learning good stuff.  I took fin/minox for years (with some decent results)  and was receding a fair bit at your age too, but now am gaining back beyond the hair of my early twenties and am 30 years old now.

Besides the hair benefits I've learned so much about taking care of myself it is insane.  This has really helped me with a lot of other areas in life through reduced stress and inflammation.  I used to get tendonitis from playing musical instruments.  Hasn't come up in about 5 years since I learned how to take care of my body.  

Just be dedicated and keep plugging away and you'll get there.

Great post man! Would you say that you've gained full vellus hair coverage on the spots that have been slick bald for years yet? And what is your current situation with those new hairs turning terminal? I know you said something about half of your hairline/temples has grown back or something, and it is now gradually improving since adding in DT.... But I just want to make sure bro. Does it finally look like the Juvenile hairline is re-forming for you?

Btw, I am so with you on the whole value thing... This forum (and other sources) have taught me SO MUCH about so many different things. Would have never happened if I hadn't developed MPB! In about 1 year I'll have my nice, full hairline restored and will be a brand new man because of the valuable stuff I've learned along this journey!

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Sun Apr 20, 2014 5:28 am

Growdamnit wrote:
Xenon wrote:I've started doing scalp loosening exercises. I'm 35 now so I'm basically at the age of decay and need to do whatever is necessary to resurrect my temple hairs. If I see no signs of regrowth within 12 months, then I'm wasting no more time on hair loss research.

I'm bored to the back teeth of the subject.
35?? Fuck you guys. I'm 23 and this shit is happening to me. You're all lucky you got that far.

No worries man! You're on the correct path brother.

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Post  Growdamnit Sun Apr 20, 2014 5:33 am

I want to believe all of you, I really do. Until my hair is back, I just have to take everything with a grain of salt. As unbelievable as it is, MPB is the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm ripped and in the best shape of my life. Stress has dramatically reduced and I have a lot of self-confidence (besides my hair, of course). I hope I can be one of the people who leave this forum for good by kicking this thing's ass.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Odysseus Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:02 am

Growdamnit wrote:I want to believe all of you, I really do. Until my hair is back, I just have to take everything with a grain of salt. As unbelievable as it is, MPB is the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm ripped and in the best shape of my life. Stress has dramatically reduced and I have a lot of self-confidence (besides my hair, of course). I hope I can be one of the people who leave this forum for good by kicking this thing's ass.

Wow! Great freaking post. Sums up my attitude, experience exactly. I'm here, as someone
pointed out, to generally be an annoying asshole.

Thanks again.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  JamesDean Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:29 am

JamesDean wrote:Thank you guys for those posts, it gives me hope for DT to work ! And if others DT guys who stopped shedding can chime in I would appreciate it even more Smile
I started this method 3 weeks ago but only started working it hard one week ago. I was on finasteride for 6 months we barely no results so I dropped it when I discovered this forum.
At the beginning I discovered that my scalp was sooo tight and painful on the crown and temples. Now it is much more loose and I feel that my shedding reduces little by little. But I'm also fixing problems internally.
I just feel that I have a problem with my scalp as it has always been very greasy, lot of sebum but no dandruff. ACV and DT are working on it but I feel that those bumps I regularly have while doing DT are a sign that I need to fix this sebum production in my scalp.
Does anyone here know about it ? I heard that a vitamin was helping with that, E or A ? Don't remember..
According to my last blood works (3 weeks ago approx.) I'm vitamin A defficient

Thanks for your post Duketronix, I totally agree with you ! I've learned so much in this forum, not only concerning MPB but also the whole body. It's a gift to discover that so young !
I'm sorry to quote myself but I just wanted to know if you guys knew a solution for my remaining problem (up there).
Thanks Wink

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  rofl Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:29 pm

like i said, its risk vs benefit, the risk of missing out of early treatment time, when working treatment is found vs the benefit of not getting sucked into every non working treatment that someone says doesnt work.

i know theres a possibility it will work well, and ill miss out. going on the last 10 yrs experience that i have, i have my doubts. dont get abusive towards me because im skeptical. grow up a little bit. go back to primary school if u want to abuse me, im here for the science. u do remember wat science is dont u ? In medical science we respect each other and work together. we dont call each other names like a child. Maybe u should learn a thing or two about science, and how it is conducted. or just sit on ur side of the fence calling me names, and crying when u dont get ur own way.

for the love of god, grow up.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bananasinpajamas Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:32 pm

rofl wrote:Hilikeurbeard
like i said, its risk vs benefit, the risk of missing out of early treatment time, when working treatment is found vs the benefit of not getting sucked into every non working treatment that someone says doesnt work.

i know theres a possibility it will work well, and ill miss out.  going on the last 10 yrs experience that i have, i have my doubts.  dont get abusive towards me because im skeptical.  grow up a little bit.  go back to primary school if u want to abuse me, im here for the science.  u do remember wat science is dont u ?  In medical science we respect each other and work together.  we dont call each other names like a child.  Maybe u should learn a thing or two about science, and how it is conducted.  or just sit on ur side of the fence calling me names, and crying when u dont get ur own way.

for the love of god, grow up.


i am with you. there are always a couple people claiming they have found the cure for everyone. last year, people were claiming indomethacin as a pgd2 blocker solved everything. now you hear nothing about it.

i think the reason some people get crazy is because they are so emotionally invested in thinking they found the cure. its like questioning a religious person. the fact you they got mad means you brought up some good points that they have no answer for.

im not saying DT doesn't work, but approaching this rationally and reasonably there hasn't been enough evidence.

and like you, i am also weary of being sucked into every treatment. i have made that mistake in the past. i changed my regimen due to enthusiastic posters on forums and as a result lost a lot of hair that i am not sure i will be able to grow back. for the first time i do not have full coverage.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 30 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:22 pm

crying when i don't get my way? my hair is growing back! i'm ecstatic about this. have you even stopped your hairloss? because manuals stopped mine in 1 month.

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Post  rofl Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:59 pm

great.  if ur so ecstatic, then why all the hostility calling me a bitch.  just cos i asked for pics?  i wasnt even talking to u.  ur just a shit stirrer.  trying to put ppl against me, for no reason.  im not the enemy u know,   im just a skeptic.  im not going to apologise for that.

calling me a bitch when u have only been on this forum for months.
as long as we r going to degenerate into name calling, i fell obliged to tell u to SUCK MY BALLS.

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Post  Odysseus Mon Apr 21, 2014 12:33 am

rofl wrote: i fell obliged to tell u to SUCK MY BALLS.

I've heard ball sucking increases circulation in the scalp by lowering the T! cell receptors/dendrites and generating X5 factors by 300 percentage points. No harm in giving it a try. . . and it's free!


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Post  DeadlyDevice Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:11 am

Does anyone's scalp itch after doing scalp scrunching/stretching?

I do the above then do a handstand for one minute and after I return to normal my scalp itches all over for like 15 minutes or so.

It doesn't feel like a bad thing though, the top of my head usually feels pretty 'dead' so it's nice to feel something up there, I think it could mean increased blood flow to the area.


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