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Fresh info from Africa - a visit with nomads - is it the diet?

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Fresh info from Africa - a visit with nomads - is it the diet? Empty Fresh info from Africa - a visit with nomads - is it the diet?

Post  teacup Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:55 am

A friend just came back from visiting with a tribe in Tanzania called Maasai.
I saw many photos that he took, all of people had white healthy-looking teeth and no receding hairlines (no baldness) .. despite the avg lifespan being close to 55.

The Maasai people used to be nomads, hunters and gatherers, they possibly also had cattle as well even when they hunted. They would move from spot to spot based on land resources. Recently they have been settling down in villages and learning how to farm. They plant lots of rice, onions and corn.

They dont have sugar or wheat.. They eat things that they grow only. They eat corn, onions, lots of while rice, a little chicken, my friend never saw them drink milk or eat eggs, eggs are used in cooking mainly.

In the past they probably ate mostly meat from hunting, and now they eat mostly rice and rarely chicken. Yet their teeth and hair look good.

Diet may not be the main factor behind a full head of hair, as long as one avoids toxins like sugar, wheat, gluten, fake food etc. Perhaps what these once-nomad now-villagers people and the other non civilized people Weston Price found have things in common that are "not" dietary.

Maybe it is their sun exposure, enough sleep, showering in cold water, not using chairs or toilet seats, or maybe it's grounding?

One main factor most uncivilized people shared was walking barefoot (or in leather sandals), sitting on rocks or on the ground, i.e. being grounded most of he time.

I wonder what going on a week vacation somehwere warm and walking barefoot the whole week could do to one's health and hair.

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Join date : 2010-08-24

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Fresh info from Africa - a visit with nomads - is it the diet? Empty Re: Fresh info from Africa - a visit with nomads - is it the diet?

Post  crincrin Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:53 am

teacup could you post some pics if you have them?


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Fresh info from Africa - a visit with nomads - is it the diet? Empty Re: Fresh info from Africa - a visit with nomads - is it the diet?

Post  teacup Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:09 am

crincrin wrote:teacup could you post some pics if you have them?
Ok, I'll ask my friend, give me a few days.

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Fresh info from Africa - a visit with nomads - is it the diet? Empty Re: Fresh info from Africa - a visit with nomads - is it the diet?

Post  CausticSymmetry Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:24 pm

Lots of pictures and life and diet of the African Masai here:

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