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oral thrush candida

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oral thrush candida Empty oral thrush candida

Post  shaftless Thu May 23, 2024 3:14 pm

Someone I know keeps getting oral thrush and takes the antibiotic nystatin liquid oral rinse for it but they hate the taste. Is there a more palatable "homemade" version that controls candida fungus just as effectively?


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oral thrush candida Empty Re: oral thrush candida

Post  CausticSymmetry Fri May 24, 2024 4:40 am

shaftless wrote:Someone I know keeps getting oral thrush and takes the antibiotic nystatin liquid oral rinse for it but they hate the taste. Is there a more palatable "homemade" version that controls candida fungus just as effectively?

Killing a fungus is not very effective, because the real cause or need for the fungus to protect the body needs to be dealt with for a more effective solution.

Anyway for a quick fix, try swishing with Milk of Magnesia. However for a more standard fix, oral magnesium on the regular and incorporating a good probiotic improve internal conditions.

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oral thrush candida Empty Re: oral thrush candida

Post  shaftless Fri May 24, 2024 1:02 pm

Yes it's more of an internal thing with fungus. There are supplements called "candida stop" with echinacea and caprylic acid, oregano, garlic, grapefruit and suma root (which I've never heard before) but this person is on blood thinners which is one of the precautions on the label. Milk of magnesia sounds pretty safe. Will have to tell them this. Thanks


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