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Post  Guest Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:08 pm

Hey JDP,

First off I'd like to thank you for your contributions to this website. I know everyone really appreciates the info you bring to everyones attention. I know your and cs's recommendations has literally changed my life. I for one have no more hair loss, no more anxiety, no more depression, overall improvement improvement of sense of well being etc.... I, like you, am planning on retiring from the forums very very soon and more on with my life with all this knowledge that I have gained.

I think it would be helpful for others and myself to have your regime written out because I know that you have a pretty well rounded regime of supplements that are more aimed for overall health that also help with hair loss. I know you shared it once with me in a PM but I think it disappeared.

Thanks in advance


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Post  TK Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:09 am

Personally, I find all this talk of people"retiring" alarming! JDP and Prague you are not allowed to retire! Smile)

I understand that focusing on hairloss is "negative" in some ways and that some members are actusally growing their hair back( I include myself as one of those membersi) so why bother with a site focusing on hairloss?

I dont know if people have noticed but, to me, the "secret" to hair rejuvenation is whole body rejuvenation. Unless one takes a holistic approach by focus on entire body healing the hair wont come back! So much of the info from this site, when implemented, has had a profound anti-aging impact on my body. In fact, my focus has turned from hair to whole body rejuvenation in the last few months - the results from things like coq10 , beta-alanine, and many others is amazing.

So- a modest proposal- Immortal should just chnage the name of this site from "Immortal hair" to simply "IMMORTAL" and we can then focus on the positive of getting and staying really youthful.

Again, I dont know if people have noticed, but this site and forum is CUTTING EDGE on health and nutrition! not just hair!


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Post  Guest Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:16 am

I agree completely, I no longer have to worry about my hair. By keeping my body in good health, my hair stays in good shape


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Post  kijumn Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:21 am

Thanks for the kind words 1.... I appreciate it!

Regarding my regimen for hair loss, diet is all that's needed in relation to MSG, sulfites, oxalates, gluten/wheat, casein/dairy, soy, corn, lectins. Most of the food I eat comes from rice and meat. If still having a problem then focus on aldosterone. Here are some quotes regarding aldosterone ... some are from CausticSymmetry and some are random quotes from the internet.

Minoxidil covers up a symptom of mineralocorticoid/electrolyte imbalance. If you raise insulin levels by eating high glycemic foods, it will depress phosphate levels and cause imbalances, raising aldosterone, which will cause hair loss.

Minerals like magnesium can reduce aldosterone, getting sufficient vitamin D can reduce aldosterone, normalizing glucose levels can reduce aldosterone, eating right for your ancestral type will keep phosphate levels above 4 and prevent chaos with calcium, and adverse endocrine gland changes.

Balance, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus levels will do more good than any amount of minoxidil will ever do. Plus, hair doesn't necessarily grow excessively in places like the back, such as with minoxidil.

"Potassium attracts oxygen to tissues; lack of it reduces tissue oxygenation."

It is quite conceivable that allergens damage the kidneys' ability to retain potassium.

It stimulates the kidneys to eliminate poisonous body wastes

correction of thyroid hormone levels results in correction of potassium levels.

Patients with low phosphate often also have hypokalaemia.

The replete body contains about 75 times as much potassium or more as is usually in the processed diet, so if it is increased

Naturally when refined sugars are consumed, potassium levels drop. Carbohydrate can certainly elevate aldosterone, leading to low potassium levels as well. Low magnesium levels result in an increased aldosterone secretion.

As a consequence, this drives hydrogen ions, reducing sodium bicarbonate production in cells, which is not optimal for cellular respiration.

If still having a problem then focus on heavy metals. Two major ones would be lead and mercury. Also, if having a problem with typical receding hair loss at temples and under high stress and still losing hair after the above then I'd take curcumin and resveratrol. I would also focus heavily on insulin resistance. Avoid MSG like the plague if it is. I would also look heavily at diet. Also, would donate blood ... a study showed better results donating blood than diet alone for insulin resistance.

Also, if it's more crown hair loss then I'd focus mostly on uric acid/gout. Potassium (e.g. apple cider vinegar) would take care of this so right back to aldosterone again but if stil having a problem then other remedies for uric acid would be good such as avoidance of high fructose corn syrup, Natural Factors celery seed extract, cherries, etc..

If it's just general thinning from advancing age or whatever then I'd focus on growth hormone. Ecklonia Cava would help.

Hypothyroid, based on my experience, I would focus more on oxalates first, then Iodine/selenium, then toxins. If still having a problem and believe it's toxins causing hypothyroid that isn't corrected with humifulvate or Iodine/selenium then I'd use Waiora NCD.

Also, if I started getting an itchy scalp then focus on a good topical to fight the malassezia yeast, etc. as it "greatly" speeds up hair loss IME. But fighting malassezia yeast, etc. is mostly important when first fighting hair loss. Topicals such as DMSO/lithium, grapeseed extract, coconut oil, topical Lugol's Iodine, etc. would all work very well. I don't like it or recommend but other boards use Nizoral though.

Fighting candida would also be important if you have a problem with it.

If hair loss is stopped but still have the occasional inflammation that apppears on scalp and then goes away could have what are called streamers ... which is what the majority of MPB sufferers have. CS had a good study but can't find it. Enzymes such as Bromelain, etc. or high dose Iodine/Iodide I bet should work.

Beyond this, as this is still very simplified, CausticSymmetry's quotes covers hair loss. That's why I did all that work collecting his quotes. I'd highly recommend to print out or save those quotes on a CD. It's extremely long, but the puzzle has been solved for pretty much all cases of hair loss IMO but requires a bit of experimentation to see where you're afflicted and what works best for you.

Regarding my general regimen for antiaging, etc. we've all heard stories of grandparents that lived till they were in there 90's in perfect health. The information I wrote above would get you there. The only thing is that I want more and would rather not become a raisin as I get older and want to be in perfect health as I age. Focusing on hyaluronic acid will prevent you from becoming a raisin and most likely will extend life. Instead of buying hyaluronic acid I go with blood donation to chelate heavy metals to prevent breakdown of hyaluronic acid as well as Ecklonia Cava or can choose similiar like grapeseed extract to prevent breakdown of hyaluronic acid. Glucosamine and Chondrotoin would also help but has sulfites in it so I don't use it personally. Ashwaganda might but not positive. Or can do the old fashioned way. Our grandparents, etc. use to boil bones to make broth. Nowadays you buy broth in a can but doesn't raise hyaluronic acid though.

I choose to take Krill over eating fish.

For gray hair, topical magnesium chloride, coconut oil, LLLT and some other I can't think of.

Focusing on keeping ATP levels high is very important as well. I personally choose ubiquinol for this but I buy those without soy in ingredients. Magnesium chloride also helps which I use for this and other reasons such as keeping DHEA levels up.

I'm also looking at negative hydrogen but is in experimental stage right now. This would work regarding ATP as well as well as other benefits. I'm guessing negative hydrogen might explain why popping too many pills doesn't work as popping just a couple for some people. If I was taking a bunch of pills I'd make sure I'd take some negative hydrogen ... MegaHydrate or MegaHydrin. I'm currently taking $30 worth each month ... but again, it's still in the experimental stage for me.

Iodine and selenomethionine. Iodine makes everything in your body work better. Selenomethionine is also needed and used for other reasons.

Grow my own brocolli sprouts for DIM, sulforaphane, etc.. Cure for my seasonal allergies, etc..

Sun exposure is "much" more important than taking a Vitamin D3 pill ... increased ATP, infrared light cleanses blood/removes toxins, negative hydrogen (?). Whenever possible always opt for that. But there are times when you can't such as in the winter and will take on a rare occasion 40,000 or 50,000 D3.

Avoid gelatin in capsules. I opt for powdered supplements whenever possible.

Also, carnosine as well.


Donate blood

LLLT/Laser Blood Irradiation ... useful for a lot of issues. Not just hair loss. Diabetes, high blood pressure, nitric oxide, etc..

High dose K2.

Enzymes are important that I'm experimenting with. Rats live 50% longer with them. Apple cider vinegar is a cheap source. Digest Gold is the standard enzyme though. With my food sensitivities and previous life-long allergies, I'm sure my enzymes are taxed.

I also cook with turmeric and is important part of my diet. I use turmeric, coconut oil and then rice. I'm betting that constant low dose turmeric will be as beneficial as taking curcumin each day. Also supplies yttrium this is also for beneficial yttrium based bacteria (probiotics)... which is also good for heart, brain, etc..

Also, take occasional brewers yeast. Beyond what CS has mentioned about it, it contains the 3 forms of B6. One form "may" be better than carnosine or benfotiamine is preventing glycation according to Life Extension.

B12 patches are nice but only need to be used on a very rare occasion and then stop once no longer feel beneficial results from it. Alternatively, B12 shot but I choose patch.

R-ALA over regular ALA IME. While I don't really use alpha lipoic acid, acetyl l carnitine it's always open for any use in the future if I need it.

These are basically the top supplements for longevity, antiaging, etc. that I personally prefer. I have around 80 supplements at my house so I can always grab whatever I feel I need. I've done this for over 10 years ... something like 15 years of taking supplements, so it's really second nature for me and have a bunch of experience with it. With experience, I can instinctively grab whatever I feel is best for me at the time. I don't take supplements like you think though. I just take them whenever I feel the need. And also remember that food is "much much more" important and beneficial than supplements for a variety of reasons. But supplements also have there place.

Also, remember that exercise is much much more important than food or supplements as well for better overall health. The exception being if you're treating a specific condition like hair loss, etc.. But in general, for better overall health exercise is the most important. As Jack La Lanne has said, "Exercise is king; nutrition is queen."

Also, while I'm not sure how accurate this quotes is it's always worth noting if taking megadoses of a vitamin or mineral so would want to wean off "They discovered if one takes megadoses of vitamin C and then STOP abruptly, one can actually get scurvy, because the body became SO dependent on the megadoses of C!"

Also, there was an interesting study showing how a pig heart was able to stay alive for 34 or so years just by putting giving good nutrition and taking away the waste products each day. The only reason why it died is when someone forgot to replace the nutrients and take away the waste. IMO, this shows why a good diet is important. People commonly believe that their processed food or gluten, or casein, etc. is just a neutral and that the other beneficial food will offset this. This couldn't be further from the truth IMO.

Also, remember that it's not really some missing nutrient that the media always talks about. X vitamin cures X disease or Y mineral cures Y disease that is so common to talk about. Yes, while it will work, preventing food sensitivities is much much more important than getting some missing vitamin from food for general health. What I mean is be "very" careful with a varied diet that is talked about so often or thinking that X vitamin will cure Y diseas. Most diseases that people get today are from the food that's eaten. Yes, treating them with X vitamin will work though but it's not really the origin of the problem. It's like your car is leaking oil. Instead of plugging up the leak you just keep filling it with more oil to prevent the engine from seizing up. Also, hopefully that leak won't get any bigger or you spring another leak somwhere else. Digest gold enzymes or other high quality enzyme may work to help offset some of this.

I'm forgetting a lot as there is only so much information that I could type, lol. Hope this helps

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Join date : 2008-11-28

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Post  Guest Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:44 am

Awesome info JDP! Thanks!


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Post  KAPTUNKRUNK Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:52 am



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Post  TK Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:52 am

Amazing JDP!,

BTW, Ive been meaning to thank you for collecting CS"S posts- an incredibly useful compilation!

Ive been meaning to do the same for your contribution( in fact, I did collect them but due to the redundancy of the questions asked of you and your willingness to repeat advice - which I really appreciate!- it needs alot of editing to be concise. But Im on it!)

Also, ive been trying to access your old posts from regrowth but I have been having difficulty- they are not making them available from the looks of things!. Is that right?


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Post  kijumn Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:17 pm

Thanks for the kind words guys I appreciate it!

Also, thanks TK for the thanks for gathering CS's posts. I agree they are awesome! It took me an extremely long time to do. I've actually been meaning to copy my posts regarding diet and also my posts regarding Iodine as well. Hopefully I can get that finished this time next week. So if it would make it easier for you, you can always wait until I finish as it should lower the workload significantly for you.

Regarding that other forum, I wouldn't be surprised if my posts were deleted. I believe someone said OMG's were. I also know the laser testimonial thread that I gathered about 80% was deleted by them as well. I did end up posting a lot of my LLLT information on another forum though. Here is the thread. BTW, that forum is awesome regarding information about LED's for the face and other antiaging devices. It's mostly women and the search function is horrible but they are just as much pioneers regarding LED's as we were at regrowth about LLLT.

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Post  kijumn Sun Mar 14, 2010 5:27 pm

Here's some interesting info regarding yttirum

AcresUSA: Things like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS)— what is causing these things and how do the trace nutrients figure in it?

OLREE. "The research that I’ve done started with multiple sclerosis, and if it wasn’t for a dear friend of mine, I might have been still groping in the dark in trying to understand the bacterial action of the intestinal tract in relation to yttrium.
My friend is suffering severely from multiple sclerosis. He staggered into my office one day and said, “Richard, read this. You’ve got to talk to this guy.” He showed me a 2002 article written by a geneticist whose research had shown that multiple sclerosis was actually nailed down to just two genes that weren’t working right. In the article he says that although we can stick all the raw ingredients into a test tube, we just can’t get this stuff to wrap around a nerve — and of course demyelination, or the loss of the coating of your nerve, is the hallmark of MS. In the article he had listed the two genes in the human genome that were faulty. I nailed down the protein sequences for these genes, I converted them, and to my surprise the number one termination code that was needed was yttrium. I said to myself, “They’re never going to figure this one out because they don’t know what yttrium is.” After that, I started looking at other genetic sequences. Alzheimer’s got my attention because it’s always in the media. Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease, they all seem to be very closely related. In terms of research, you find that many of the same broken genes appear in all of these various diseases — it’s just a matter of which combination of genes is broken that determines the type of disease process. When I started running the protein sequences for all of these genes, I found that the most needed termination code in the sequences was always yttrium. As a matter of fact, yttrium always fell in the top 10 (out of 64) minerals in terms of need. The body has a priority system. Yttrium falls on the heart meridian, and any yttrium-based polypeptide or amino acid sequences produced by bacteria in the stomach or the intestinal tract is probably going to be used by the heart or the circulatory system before it can be sent to the brain."

it just makes common sense from here... it seems that to really resolve the problem of MS, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, etc., you will have to work on resolving the problem the intestines are having in assimilating nutrients and minerals that will be used to make up the lacking proteins, polypeptides and amino acids needed to fill in the void as it presents itself in these dis-eases [to protect nerve sheaths, etc.]...
iodine supplementation is a major player when it comes to this, as it also needed by the body to manufacture the CORRECT proteins, enzymes, and amino acids.

But Before this can happen you have got to get yttrium [and Boron] levels back up in the intestines to support the proper bacteria that can break down the food so these mineral & nutrients can be absorbed. keep in mind these proper bacteria are competing with other bacteria that are supported by much of the aluminum that is ingested.
Yttruium competes with aluminum...get out the aluminum so that the bacteria that are supported by it diminish...put in yttrium [with the help from Boron] and the bacteria that live on that will multiply...then these dis-eases will subside as body-nerves-brain normalize.

[from acres usa October 2005 • Vol. 35, No. 10]:
OLREE. "That’s correct, and I would say that if you don’t have the right type of
bacteria growing in your system, you can experience selective starvation."...

..."When I started running the protein sequences for all of these genes, I found that the most needed termination code in the sequences was always yttrium. As a matter of fact, yttrium always fell in the top 10 (out of 64) minerals in terms of need"...

..."yttrium is an important factor for maintaining the lifecycle of two of our many probiotics, which are essential to digestion... although yttrium is not absorbed by the human body per se, its primary role is to support the right type of bacteria in our intestinal tract."...

"Yttrium is a positive three mineral. Our food is saturated with another positive three mineral that also happens to be the third-most abundant mineral on the crust of this Earth (in some places it’s the fourth), and that’s aluminum. Aluminum has crept into our diet over many years. Aluminum seems to be one of the most overabundant contaminant minerals within our diet."

[one can get a sense of what is being said, here, by just looking at the problem of Alzheimer’s]:

"...In the United States, the third leading cause of disability and death among senior citizens is Alzheimer’s, and I think it’s a direct result of the application of aluminum on their food three times a day [via Morton salt]. Take into account that aluminum is added to many, many municipality water treatment plants because it makes the water clear and sparkly. [not to mention that Morton Salt contains a significant amount of aluminum and the fact that many of the adults today grew up on food cooked in aluminum pots and frying pans its also in deoderant and cosmetic products]"

..."The addition of excessive amounts of aluminum into your system will promote the growth of bacteria that require aluminum — and there are many bacteria that do require aluminum. Remember that aluminum is the third- or fourth-most-abundant element in the soil, and one tablespoon of soil has over 10,000 different species of bacteria. Our bellies are growing many of these bacteria, as well, and excess aluminum means overproduction of aluminum-based bacteria and consequently — yttrium and boron being alternate positive three minerals — the scale tips and it will suppress, if not eliminate, the growth of yttrium-based bacteria. The final result is neurodegenerative disease [Alzheimer’s, etc.]."

Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS)& MS seem to be very much tied together... over a course of time, the intestines have gotten stressed out of shape, causing a malabsorption problem due to the aluminum in the diet. it could take some time for the body to get its house in order to be able to manufacture the correct amino acids, enzymes and proteins that is necessary to resume proper absorption through digestion. the first step though is to eliminate the aluminum then get yttrium [and Boron] levels back up together with the Iodine supplementation [which will assure the body will manufacture of the proper proteins, amino acids and enzymes that can be used to protect the nerve shealths in the body & brain.

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Post  tao81 Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:36 pm

thx a lot jpd for sharing this with us!


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Post  Guest Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:38 pm

JDP could you share your experience with lithium?


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Post  Hoppipolla Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:20 pm

I'm with 1..... .. and how did you come up with that name? lol

.. I know I'm a noobie still but I find your posts really helpful JDP and this site is starting to change my life as well! Not just because my hair is so important to me but also because my body's health has been really starting to waver of late, and this site was just what I needed to start to get it back on track!

I too am a little saddened by the idea of people "retiring" from here, but I do hope that if it happens it's things like writing out entire successful regimens and approaches to hair loss and wellbeing like this that will help future users find their way quickly - I hope this site and the advice on it is always here as it's simply far too good to ever lose Smile

Oh, by the way, 1....., would you mind detailing your regimen as well or linking me to it? I too am really trying to control my anxiety/stress and even though I think I am confident with the suggestions of magnesium, vitamin C and sensoril (as well as obviously my hair care and overall health regimen), I would love to receive more advice on that as it's the stress hormones that are really impacting me I think >.<

But yes, thank you JDP and all very much, I shall probably always be indebted to you Smile

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Post  Espio Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:35 pm

JDP, thanks for your help, you and Caustic have given me tips that I am sure have definitely stopped my hair loss. I didn't see major improvement until I followed your advice on food sensitivities. I noticed that whenever I ate eggs, I could not sleep. I could be up all night, then when I try to get to sleep at 6 AM after eating some eggs, I still couldn't sleep. I cut out the eggs and gluten and the scalp itchiness has gone away. My sexual problems are gone (probably due to low total testosterone which is indicative of male-PCOS and gluten intolerance). If you remember one of my older threads from about 6 months ago, I was asking for help because of difficulties with erection. I didn't even have the energy to have sex every day, but now I do.

I remember not being able to pull my hair back without seeing my scalp when looking in a mirror, now it's thicker and I can brush my hair back and it looks normal. My hair still sheds, when I run my hand through my hair I still see lots of hairs fall out. However, the only difference is that I'm seeing THICK and DARK hairs in my hands falling out. They look like pubic hairs they are so thick.

I'm sure I'm egg intolerant because of how I lose sleep, when I eat it. I also fart a lot and the gas smells just like rotten eggs, so it's no surprise on what did it (or it could because i'm taking 3,000 mg of MSM every day). I'm also pretty sure i'm gluten intolerant because I just had some pizza a few days ago after avoiding gluten and I had diahrea a couple of times, which I rarely ever get.

Thank you for your help, I'm sorry that you are leaving.


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Post  kijumn Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:33 am

Hey 1...,

I really don't notice much of a difference with lithium but the information on it's benefits are extremely good. Couple the benefits of low dose lithium with the cost and it's awesome. Definitely one that I'll be taking for the rest of my life. I could find some links for the benefits of lithium if you'd like. I should also mention since I'm taking "very high" dose Iodine, a little bit of lithium is needed as well.

Hey Hoppipolla,

My regimen can be found on this thread. Also, regarding anxiety and other health related concerns, I'd highly recommend to follow CS's information. From all my research that I've done, CS's information that he posts is accurate and light years ahead of the current information that is advised.

Hey Espio,

Nice to hear from you and thanks for the update! That's awesome! Also, what you mentioned about not being able to sleep echoes mine to a T. For me, it's mostly the gluten that gives insomnia. I also get rumbling in my stomach after gluten. For me, those are probably the two easiest symptoms to catch regarding gluten. Itchy scalp as well but other foods and aldosterone/salt cause that problem too.

Anyway, glad to hear from you and glad you were able to stop your hair loss.

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Post  kijumn Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:47 am


Here is a study that Prague posted months back that would be relevant regarding low testosterone and gluten. I can also confirm that I had very low zinc levels as well.

I should also mention, I use to take zinc back when I was still eating a bit of gluten here and there but didn't notice much if any difference. I only noticed the "dramatic" difference of supplementing with Opti-Zinc until I cut out gluten 100%.

Also, joejoebaggins when he use to frequent this forum also mentioned about being low in zinc or imbalance of copper to zinc ratio. I don't think he mentioned anything about gluten sensitivity though.

gluten blocks zinc absorption

Zinc absorption in celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis: a test of small intestinal function

RW Crofton, SC Glover, SW Ewen, PJ Aggett, NA Mowat and CF Mills

The increments in plasma zinc concentrations after an oral dose of elemental zinc (50 mg) as the sulphate were used to assess the intestinal absorption of the metal in 11 patients with dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) before starting a gluten-free diet, 12 patients with newly diagnosed celiac disease (CD), 10 patients known to have CD, and 15 healthy volunteers. The areas under the plasma zinc increment curve plotted against time were determined for 3 (AUC3) and 6 (AUC6) h. The AUC3 in healthy volunteers was 401 +/- 48 mumol 1(-1) 3 h (mean +/- SD); it was reduced in newly diagnosed CD 187 +/- 76 mumol 1(-1) 3 h (p less than 0.001), and in dermatitis herpetiformis 206 +/- 87 mumol 1(- 1) 3 h (p less than 0.01); but it was normal in the known CD 396 +/- 204 mumol 1(-1) 3 h, the wide variation reflecting the variable compliance with a previously instituted gluten-free diet. The AUC6 was similarly affected, healthy volunteers 700 +/- 111 mumol 1(-1) 6 h, new CD 380 +/- 169 mumol 1(-1) 6 h (p less than 0.01); dermatitis herpetiformis 471 +/- 107 mumol 1(-1) 6 h (p less than 0.01); known CD 725 +/- 380 mumol 1(-1) 6 h. The AUC3 was more consistently abnormal than conventional tests of small intestinal function. In a prospective study the AUC3 and AUC6 improved and reflected compliance with a gluten- free diet.

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Post  Espio Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:27 am

JDP, I think Zinc deficiency may be a problem for me as well, only because i have white specks on fingernails, so that's another confirmation that I do have gluten intolerance.


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Post  europe Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:40 am

Can i add someting about zinc absorption, and moreover mineral absorption: phytic acid.
So for those deficient for whatever reason on phytase, please, soak your gluten free grains like brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, lens, peas etc....
soaking drastically ( 100% ?) reduce or eliminate the phytic acid after just minutes and hours ( 2 hours to 12 hours ).
Don't you listen to your grand ma about how they cooked ? all this "savoir faire" is lost because of the processing.

70-80% minerals are not absorbed when phytic acid is present.
PS: real sourdough bread eliminates PA . not baker's yeast.

on another side, i'm also interested in the soy fermentated aspect, which is to be good to all aspect for the health. And that is not the case for the TOFU or real soy.
Sprouted and/or fermentated grains seems to be the way soy or a vast majority of vegggies and grains must be eaten.

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Post  CausticSymmetry Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:07 pm

Espio - I second jdp710, in fact, I would search out all of joejoebaggins posts, b/c you may have similar symptoms that he had (histadelia).

My regimen

Now available for consultation (hair and/or health)

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Post  Espio Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:16 am

Okay thanks for the reference, next time I go to a checkup I'll ask him about histadelia.

What is crown hair loss? In this thread, JDP says that crown hair loss is from high uric acid levels and gout (gout runs in my family on both sides). Is crown hair loss the loss of hair just in a circle on the back of the head, or is it the entire top of the head? My hair loss is all over the top of my scalp, along with a slight recession.


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Post  randle20 Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:44 pm

Good question Espio. CS, What usually causes diffuse thinning all over the top of your scalp? Does it have to do with your digestion system?

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Post  kirtanyogi Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:51 pm

I know the "official way" of fighting uric acid, but i would like to read your thoughts about it, since it has been a problem in my family and i´m thinning in crown although my levels are normal


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Post  Hoppipolla Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:57 pm

jdp710 wrote:Hey Hoppipolla,

My regimen can be found on this thread. Also, regarding anxiety and other health related concerns, I'd highly recommend to follow CS's information. From all my research that I've done, CS's information that he posts is accurate and light years ahead of the current information that is advised.

Amen to that Smile

Between the two of you... you have all this stuff covered hehe

That's why none of you can ever quit! I protest! lol Shocked

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Post  kijumn Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:13 am

Regarding uric acid and crown hair loss, that's just my theory based only on my experience and observing others but believe it to be accurate. As far as the definition of crown if it's the top of the head or just the bald spot at the back of the head I'm not entirely sure. I'm not saying that those who have gout are going to suffer from androgenic alopecia but if you have androgenic alopecia and especially hair loss at the top or bald spot at the back you should also treat your hair as if treating for gout/uric acid IMO/IME.

As far as lowering uric acid, besides diet, kidney issues (no surprise ... aldosterone, lead, etc.) and especially fructose and beer there is celery seed extract (I prefer Natural Factors), 8 or 10 cherries per day, raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar like Braggs. Alternatively, cellfood, or possibly Mega H.

Here's one study.

Muhammad Asif Nawaz**, Muhammad Qaiser Alam Khan*, Farooq Ahmad Khan***, Sameena Ghayur****
*Department of Pathology, Combined Military Hospital, Sialkot, **Combined Military Hospital, Bahawalpur, ****Department of Chemical
Pathology & Endocrinology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Rawalpindi, ****Department of Pathology, HIT Hospital Taxila
Introduction: Hyperandrogenaemia and androgenetic alopecia has some association with increased risk of coronary heart
disease. Conflicting data has since been reported with regards to levels of biochemical markers of coronary heart disease
risk factors in androgenetic alopecia.
Methods: A case control study was planned to evaluate biochemical markers of coronary heart disease in
hyperandrogenaemia of males and androgenetic alopecia. Patients of androgenetic alopecia (n=22) were men with frontooccipital
baldness, aged 20-30 years.
Results: Healthy controls (n=20) were age-matched males without alopecia. The individuals with clinical evidence of any
systemic or localised scalp disease were excluded. Levels of fibrinogen, glucose, Insulin, uric acid, total cholesterol, LDLcholesterol
and HDL-cholesterol were measured. The levels of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, insulin, glucose, and uric
acid in patients of androgenetic alopecia when compared with normal controls were raised significantly.Fibrinogen levels
were raised while HDL-Cholesterol was lower in patients than controls but the difference was not significant statistically.
Conclusion: The results support the hypothesis that androgenetic alopecia in males is associated with increased risk of
coronary heart disease.

Regarding general thinning CausticSymmetry posted some awesome quotes that can be found on this thread For a search word or phrase you can try IGF or growth hormone should eventually pull up some good info.

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