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Will there ever be a cure for myopia?

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Will there ever be a cure for myopia? Empty Will there ever be a cure for myopia?

Post  MikeGore Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:50 pm

I know that there is something called the Bates method, or eye exercises. But I've tried these and keeping up with them are not easy.

And then I also feel, that if you are working on the computer at least 40 hours a week and on top of that we are using it in our leisure time, we can't avoid that close distance work which I feel is a contributor to myopia. Probably if I didn't have to work looking at a computer screen and could spend hours looking at far distance objects and together with the eye exercises we know about, might have a chance to actually reverse it. But as it stands feels impossible.

Apart from the exercises, is there any research or anything in the works that might be used as a treatment for myopia?

I know about the eye laser surgery but I've heard some bad things about that, so not sure if that is a good option.


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Will there ever be a cure for myopia? Empty Re: Will there ever be a cure for myopia?

Post  shaftless Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:57 am

If you are on certain medications that can make your vision a little blurry too. Getting older doesn't help either. I don't think there's much we can do about it except protect our eyes from bright light and eat healthy and take supplements. Laser treatment isn't that bad since millions have gotten it and it has helped them.

I can see far pretty good but up close I need glasses. Which is par for the course for most people. That damn tiny print on packages doesn't help either. Maybe we just have to get used to wearing glasses for different situations...which is a drag cuz I hate glasses. I usually pull out a small magnifying glass when I want to read something on the label at stores.


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Will there ever be a cure for myopia? Empty Re: Will there ever be a cure for myopia?

Post  CausticSymmetry Wed Feb 14, 2024 4:31 am

One of many articles on the subject.

Also, going carnivore - a common side-benefit (better vision).

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