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Role and Mechanisms of Phytochemicals in Hair Growth and Health

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Role and Mechanisms of Phytochemicals in Hair Growth and Health Empty Role and Mechanisms of Phytochemicals in Hair Growth and Health

Post  CausticSymmetry Wed Apr 10, 2024 4:20 am

Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2023 Jan 30;16(2):206. doi: 10.3390/ph16020206.
Role and Mechanisms of Phytochemicals in Hair Growth and Health
Periyanaina Kesika 1 2, Bhagavathi Sundaram Sivamaruthi 2, Subramanian Thangaleela 1, Muruganantham Bharathi 1, Chaiyavat Chaiyasut 1

Hair health is associated with personal distress and psychological well-being. Even though hair loss (alopecia) does not affect humans' biological health, it affects an individual's social well-being. So, treatment for hair problems and improving hair health are obligatory. Several pharmacological and cosmeceutical treatment procedures are available to manage hair loss and promote growth. Several factors associated with hair health include genetics, disease or disorder, drugs, lifestyle, chemical exposure, and unhealthy habits such as smoking, diet, and stress. Synthetic and chemical formulations have side effects, so people are moving towards natural compounds-based remedies for their hair problems. The history of using phytochemicals for hair health has been documented anciently. However, scientific studies on hair loss have accelerated in recent decades. The current review summarizes the type of alopecia, the factor affecting hair health, alopecia treatments, phytochemicals' role in managing hair loss, and the mechanisms of hair growth-stimulating properties of phytochemicals. The literature survey suggested that phytochemicals are potent candidates for developing treatment procedures for different hair problems. Further detailed studies are needed to bring the scientific evidence to market.

Keywords: alopecia; hair growth stimulation; hair health; hair loss; phytochemicals.


Comments: Such reviews are based on assumptions from medical cartel indoctrination. Claims that "genetics" plays a role in MBP, absolute nonsense.

Also, notice the image of a steak via the "long version" not the abstract of the paper (projected as a 'risk' factor), again absolute speculation and without any basis in science whatsoever.

Still a few interesting notes in the long form.

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