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Breast Biopsy

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Breast Biopsy Empty Breast Biopsy

Post  MikeGore Fri Apr 12, 2024 8:25 am

My girlfriend had done ultrasound and they had found some lumps. It is referred to as calcification and lump or tumor. It is very very small in size. However, they still don't know what it is yet.

She recently had a breast biopsy and the result came back inconclusive so they have asked her to come for a second time. They'll do a vacuum assisted biopsy again, but doctor said they'll use a bigger needle this time and take a bigger sample, which actually means taking the whole thing out. This is all done with a needle so it is not classed as surgery.

My concern is, could removing it cause more problem? From what I had read online before, tumors may contain toxins, isn't removing it risky? Wouldn't that mean the toxins flow back into the body and cause more issue?


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Breast Biopsy Empty Re: Breast Biopsy

Post  shaftless Fri Apr 12, 2024 2:04 pm

If the tiny lump is slowly sucked into the needle and doesn't disintegrate and remains whole it should be ok. And maybe its better to do it when its tiny compared to when it has gotten bigger and harder to extract.


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Breast Biopsy Empty Re: Breast Biopsy

Post  CausticSymmetry Sat Apr 13, 2024 7:40 am

The medical cartel knows nothing about cancer. Yes, needle biopsy, assuming that is what this is can lead to more problems.

For example if it happens to be malignant, then if it were just left alone (most cancers regress on their own), however a needle biopsy will help migrate it and then it will spread.

Also breast screening leads to more problems than "prevents."

Needless squeezing, and radiation, etc.

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Breast Biopsy Empty .

Post  MikeGore Sat Apr 13, 2024 10:52 am

This is exactly what I thought CS. I agree with what you say. But it is a terrible predicament to be in.

If I encourage my girlfriend to not do the biopsy and it turns out later maybe a year later to be cancer, than I would blame myself, why it wasn't removed when it was smaller.

If I encourage my girlfriend to do the biopsy and it gets worse, I will blame myself because I will think the biopsy removal itself caused the cancer.

So no matter what I am in a dilemma.

Is there some alternative way I am not seeing? I was actually annoyed when the doctor said it is inconclusive and they have to do it again but bigger. It is not a pleasant experience and what if there approach is wrong anyway.

Is there something else to do? Like a genetic test? MRI of the breast instead of mammogram or something.


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Breast Biopsy Empty Re: Breast Biopsy

Post  CausticSymmetry Sat Apr 13, 2024 12:55 pm

MikeGore wrote:This is exactly what I thought CS. I agree with what you say. But it is a terrible predicament to be in.

If I encourage my girlfriend to not do the biopsy and it turns out later maybe a year later to be cancer, than I would blame myself, why it wasn't removed when it was smaller.

If I encourage my girlfriend to do the biopsy and it gets worse, I will blame myself because I will think the biopsy removal itself caused the cancer.

So no matter what I am in a dilemma.

Is there some alternative way I am not seeing? I was actually annoyed when the doctor said it is inconclusive and they have to do it again but bigger. It is not a pleasant experience and what if there approach is wrong anyway.

Is there something else to do? Like a genetic test? MRI of the breast instead of mammogram or something.

Genetic tests?  No Genes do not determine cancer risk -- it's fraud that has fooled millions.

But let's say there's an endodontic procedure on the bicuspids, or at least pathology -- there is a 95% plus chance the cancer was manifested from there.

In most cases, things that show up under imaging are false flags.

Treating breast cancer is much easier if the know-how is there.

Unfortunately, we've all been indoctrinated to think it's doom.

There's a few relatively simple things that one could do.

However what does a biospy do? if there is a real malignancy, then the chances of metastasis go up 50%

You could inform this info and it will either be reject or's out of your hands from there.

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Breast Biopsy Empty Re: Breast Biopsy

Post  shaftless Sun Apr 14, 2024 2:23 am

Let your girlfriend decide. Just tell her the two sides of the coin and hope she makes the right decision. That's all you can do.


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