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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:29 am

Slimnuts wrote:Ok so far it looks like we have 1 true success (Keanoseg) and a moderate success that produced a bit of terminal but then completely reversed (Drexx) and some others producing a few terminals here and there. None of these look like the guy in the study which went from a greasy nearly bald scalp to a beautiful glorious NW0 18 year old hairline with perfect shiny hair in 10 months. (that is probably fake I would guess at this point)..

No. No he didn't completely reverse. He said ge lost 50% ground and us regaining resuktsvafterbstarting up with the method again. You skeptics just see what you wanna see man, I swear. Oh abd for the record, take a look at every person who reports lack of regrowth except for Boog. They all did this therapy wrong. If you loosen your scalp, you will not loae hair. Pressing does not loosen the scalp, pinching does. The Maliniak Method does.

PS: Stop focusing on rhe 10 month timeframe for God's sakes. It could take you 10 months to even notice results.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:33 am

tooyoungforthis wrote:I think we should make a poll/survey... and have the results on this thread...

time doing the therapy
regrowth etcc...

Oh and why do people just look at regrowth? for me(and for everybody) the real concern is stopping hair loss to a full stop..
regrowing hair is hard as it is.. but if this therapy completely halts hair loss if done regularly to maintain scalp health..
I consider it is the most important thing because.. that would mean that even transplants are permanent...
So from now on anyone who updates on their progress. could you please mention where yor hair loss is at? has it stabilized?

good luck

Good post.  I will participate!

Yes, that would mean that transplants will actually stay put and not eventually fall off like they do for people who decide to not take fin and minox. All about the environment bro.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  rofl Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:12 pm

pinching, and pulling and kneading etc is the absolute last thing you want to do after a transplant, even a year later.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty To rofl

Post  tooyoungforthis Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:51 pm

rofl wrote:pinching, and pulling and kneading etc is the absolute last thing you want to do after a transplant, even a year later.

Are you gonna keep posting one sentence-posts with out elaborating on anything? whats your problem man?


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Growdamnit Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:57 pm

I am continually losing hair at my hairline. My temples continue to recede and my minor bald spot in the middle is now growing more noticeably as time passes. On the other hand, my scalp feels like it is getting flatter by the month. Will keep updating.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  rofl Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:32 pm

'Are you gonna keep posting one sentence-posts with out elaborating on anything? whats your problem man?'

the fact that certain people cant even decide if the cause is a tight scalp, or some mystery tissue or calcification, or grease.  how can a tight scalp, also be thicker with extra tissue?  shoudn't it be thinner, because its stretched tightly?

that aside, i dont like this being reccomended to people with transplants.  im not going to be responsible for people ripping them out through pinching, pulling whatever else.

There, u happy now? u got more than one line.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Mon Jan 19, 2015 12:00 am

rofl wrote:'Are you gonna keep posting one sentence-posts with out elaborating on anything? whats your problem man?'

the fact that certain people cant even decide if the cause is a tight scalp, or some mystery tissue or calcification, or grease.  how can a tight scalp, also be thicker with extra tissue?  shoudn't it be thinner, because its stretched tightly?

that aside, i dont like this being reccomended to people with transplants.  im not going to be responsible for people ripping them out through pinching, pulling whatever else.

There, u happy now? u got more than one line.  

our scalps are tight because of this "mystery tissue". as it builds up underneath the scalp, the scalp becomes thicker, and swollen. that's all there is to it. i'm not sure why people like you are having such a hard time understanding this.

you care a lot about hair transplant patients, you in the biz?

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Hole Mon Jan 19, 2015 4:58 am

dzeris wrote:
I started as per study twice a day roughly 40min a day. In a first few months I started noticing huge skin peels (like dandruff) coming off (once-twice a month) every time after that it felt that hair feels thicker. So after trying quite few ‘styles’ to create as much ‘skin peels’ as possible I mainly now knead and pinch using nails and tip of my fingers pretty much as hard as I can without moving my fingers from scalp (trying not to cause traction alopecia)  
I massage (if the word is correct) all frontal area not just temples once a day for around15-40min (depending on how fast it starts to be painful) if the scalp feels overworked I usually skip the next day. I get around 2 ‘skin peels’ a week now.
I also added back nizorall shampoo to my regime though previously it made no difference now it feels like it helps me to clean scalp much better (more skin shedding/peels when im using it 3xweek).
Result wise it did make slight cosmetic difference to my hairline it also grew loads of vellus hair but that’s about it! Don’t feel any progress anymore hence trying to invent new regime now Smile so after lots and lots of reading im thinking to add chloride dioxide and maybe dermaroling to my regime.
Almost forget to mention im on Minox for around 7 years and 3 years on propecia though being just on those 2 I was still slowly losing my hairline. 
Sorry for long post and bad English Wink  its not my native language

Hi. Basically I share the same experience. I only started to see any results from DT when I learned how to do it right (about 2 months ago now, for about 6 months doing it randomly bad in total). Now I peel dead skin (dandruff) and sebum everyday. I think this is a sign that you are doing the process right.

Yet, although I have got a bunch of new terminal hairs, tons of blonde hair (larger than vellus), and in general stronger hair everywhere, DT may take much more time than people is expecting.

On my own personal experiment (started the 5th of January), I have also changed my diet to non-gluten, quit smoking, started doing a more regular sport program combined with yoga for relaxation. I have also started to derma roll (1,5mm) once every two weeks. I already did DR before and was great (I stopped it basically because of bad advise and unfounded fears from other hair forums).

I post this picture as a reference of dead skin. I do no promise I will keep a log, check here often or even to do more post. The best advise I can give is, spend more time researching by yourself and less time fighting in forums or looking yourself at the mirror all day on distress.

Good luck.

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Unname11


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  gorilla_power Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:22 pm

If dt is working,only experience will tell.It is healthy to have doubts.

Doubt is destroyed by experiencing,though.

The very action of experiencing is individualistic.It cannot come as a collective feeling
in a forum community.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Slimnuts Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:01 am

Hole wrote:
dzeris wrote:
I started as per study twice a day roughly 40min a day. In a first few months I started noticing huge skin peels (like dandruff) coming off (once-twice a month) every time after that it felt that hair feels thicker. So after trying quite few ‘styles’ to create as much ‘skin peels’ as possible I mainly now knead and pinch using nails and tip of my fingers pretty much as hard as I can without moving my fingers from scalp (trying not to cause traction alopecia)  
I massage (if the word is correct) all frontal area not just temples once a day for around15-40min (depending on how fast it starts to be painful) if the scalp feels overworked I usually skip the next day. I get around 2 ‘skin peels’ a week now.
I also added back nizorall shampoo to my regime though previously it made no difference now it feels like it helps me to clean scalp much better (more skin shedding/peels when im using it 3xweek).
Result wise it did make slight cosmetic difference to my hairline it also grew loads of vellus hair but that’s about it! Don’t feel any progress anymore hence trying to invent new regime now Smile so after lots and lots of reading im thinking to add chloride dioxide and maybe dermaroling to my regime.
Almost forget to mention im on Minox for around 7 years and 3 years on propecia though being just on those 2 I was still slowly losing my hairline. 
Sorry for long post and bad English Wink  its not my native language

Hi. Basically I share the same experience. I only started to see any results from DT when I learned how to do it right (about 2 months ago now, for about 6 months doing it randomly bad in total). Now I peel dead skin (dandruff) and sebum everyday. I think this is a sign that you are doing the process right.

Yet, although I have got a bunch of new terminal hairs, tons of blonde hair (larger than vellus), and in general stronger hair everywhere, DT may take much more time than people is expecting.

On my own personal experiment (started the 5th of January), I have also changed my diet to non-gluten, quit smoking, started doing a more regular sport program combined with yoga for relaxation. I have also started to derma roll (1,5mm) once every two weeks. I already did DR before and was great (I stopped it basically because of bad advise and unfounded fears from other hair forums).

I post this picture as a reference of dead skin. I do no promise I will keep a log, check here often or even to do more post. The best advise I can give is, spend more time researching by yourself and less time fighting in forums or looking yourself at the mirror all day on distress.

Good luck.

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Unname11

My scalp peels like that all day every day due to seb derm. Looks pretty much just like that. I definitely am not growing tons of new hairs (or any) because of that.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  dzeris Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:25 pm

Slimnuts wrote:
Hole wrote:
dzeris wrote:
I started as per study twice a day roughly 40min a day. In a first few months I started noticing huge skin peels (like dandruff) coming off (once-twice a month) every time after that it felt that hair feels thicker. So after trying quite few ‘styles’ to create as much ‘skin peels’ as possible I mainly now knead and pinch using nails and tip of my fingers pretty much as hard as I can without moving my fingers from scalp (trying not to cause traction alopecia)  
I massage (if the word is correct) all frontal area not just temples once a day for around15-40min (depending on how fast it starts to be painful) if the scalp feels overworked I usually skip the next day. I get around 2 ‘skin peels’ a week now.
I also added back nizorall shampoo to my regime though previously it made no difference now it feels like it helps me to clean scalp much better (more skin shedding/peels when im using it 3xweek).
Result wise it did make slight cosmetic difference to my hairline it also grew loads of vellus hair but that’s about it! Don’t feel any progress anymore hence trying to invent new regime now Smile so after lots and lots of reading im thinking to add chloride dioxide and maybe dermaroling to my regime.
Almost forget to mention im on Minox for around 7 years and 3 years on propecia though being just on those 2 I was still slowly losing my hairline. 
Sorry for long post and bad English Wink  its not my native language

Hi. Basically I share the same experience. I only started to see any results from DT when I learned how to do it right (about 2 months ago now, for about 6 months doing it randomly bad in total). Now I peel dead skin (dandruff) and sebum everyday. I think this is a sign that you are doing the process right.

Yet, although I have got a bunch of new terminal hairs, tons of blonde hair (larger than vellus), and in general stronger hair everywhere, DT may take much more time than people is expecting.

On my own personal experiment (started the 5th of January), I have also changed my diet to non-gluten, quit smoking, started doing a more regular sport program combined with yoga for relaxation. I have also started to derma roll (1,5mm) once every two weeks. I already did DR before and was great (I stopped it basically because of bad advise and unfounded fears from other hair forums).

I post this picture as a reference of dead skin. I do no promise I will keep a log, check here often or even to do more post. The best advise I can give is, spend more time researching by yourself and less time fighting in forums or looking yourself at the mirror all day on distress.

Good luck.

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Unname11

My scalp peels like that all day every day due to seb derm. Looks pretty much just like that. I definitely am not growing tons of new hairs (or any) because of that.
well mine skin peels are results of DT or i should say wounding, hence old/damaged skin peels (my guess) nothing to do with seb dermatitis. Plus im not saying that if skin peels you will get the results! its just like side affect on which i adjust my DT regime.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:30 pm

Growdamnit wrote:I am continually losing hair at my hairline. My temples continue to recede and my minor bald spot in the middle is now growing more noticeably as time passes. On the other hand, my scalp feels like it is getting flatter by the month. Will keep updating.

Lol damn man. Sounds like you're screwed.

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Join date : 2013-07-07

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:35 pm

rofl wrote:pinching, and pulling and kneading etc is the absolute last thing you want to do after a transplant, even a year later.

Transplanted follicles eventually miniaturize if exposed to a bad scalp environment for too long. Just saying. Maybe pinching isn't the best idea, but sometning like e Maliniak massage Is. At least for the first year or so.

Last edited by Complexx on Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  dzeris Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:38 pm

Hole wrote:
dzeris wrote:
I started as per study twice a day roughly 40min a day. In a first few months I started noticing huge skin peels (like dandruff) coming off (once-twice a month) every time after that it felt that hair feels thicker. So after trying quite few ‘styles’ to create as much ‘skin peels’ as possible I mainly now knead and pinch using nails and tip of my fingers pretty much as hard as I can without moving my fingers from scalp (trying not to cause traction alopecia)  
I massage (if the word is correct) all frontal area not just temples once a day for around15-40min (depending on how fast it starts to be painful) if the scalp feels overworked I usually skip the next day. I get around 2 ‘skin peels’ a week now.
I also added back nizorall shampoo to my regime though previously it made no difference now it feels like it helps me to clean scalp much better (more skin shedding/peels when im using it 3xweek).
Result wise it did make slight cosmetic difference to my hairline it also grew loads of vellus hair but that’s about it! Don’t feel any progress anymore hence trying to invent new regime now Smile so after lots and lots of reading im thinking to add chloride dioxide and maybe dermaroling to my regime.
Almost forget to mention im on Minox for around 7 years and 3 years on propecia though being just on those 2 I was still slowly losing my hairline. 
Sorry for long post and bad English Wink  its not my native language

Hi. Basically I share the same experience. I only started to see any results from DT when I learned how to do it right (about 2 months ago now, for about 6 months doing it randomly bad in total). Now I peel dead skin (dandruff) and sebum everyday. I think this is a sign that you are doing the process right.

Yet, although I have got a bunch of new terminal hairs, tons of blonde hair (larger than vellus), and in general stronger hair everywhere, DT may take much more time than people is expecting.

On my own personal experiment (started the 5th of January), I have also changed my diet to non-gluten, quit smoking, started doing a more regular sport program combined with yoga for relaxation. I have also started to derma roll (1,5mm) once every two weeks. I already did DR before and was great (I stopped it basically because of bad advise and unfounded fears from other hair forums).

I post this picture as a reference of dead skin. I do no promise I will keep a log, check here often or even to do more post. The best advise I can give is, spend more time researching by yourself and less time fighting in forums or looking yourself at the mirror all day on distress.

Good luck.

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Unname11
mine falls in much bigger chunks, like 3-5mm big but yea looks pretty much like that.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:39 pm

Complexx wrote:
Slimnuts wrote:Ok so far it looks like we have 1 true success (Keanoseg) and a moderate success that produced a bit of terminal but then completely reversed (Drexx) and some others producing a few terminals here and there. None of these look like the guy in the study which went from a greasy nearly bald scalp to a beautiful glorious NW0 18 year old hairline with perfect shiny hair in 10 months. (that is probably fake I would guess at this point)..

No. No he didn't completely reverse. He said ge lost 50% ground and is regaining results after startingup with the method again. You skeptics just see what you wanna see man, I swear. Oh and for the record,  take a look at every person who reports lack of regrowth except for Boog. They all did this therapy wrong. If you loosen your scalp, you will not loae hair. Pressing does not loosen the scalp, pinching does. The Maliniak Method does.

PS: Stop focusing on rhe 10 month timeframe for God's sakes.  It could take you 10 months to even notice results.

Fucking spelling errors....

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:21 pm

dzeris wrote:
sizzlinghairs wrote:Thanks for posting pics! Looks like solid progress to me.

Couple questions:

1)Could you explain how you do your DT? Time, style, etc

2) when did you add additional treatments? What are they? How much do you attribute your results to them?


I started as per study twice a day roughly 40min a day. In a first few months I started noticing huge skin peels (like dandruff) coming off (once-twice a month) every time after that it felt that hair feels thicker. So after trying quite few ‘styles’ to create as much ‘skin peels’ as possible I mainly now knead and pinch using nails and tip of my fingers pretty much as hard as I can without moving my fingers from scalp (trying not to cause traction alopecia)  
I massage (if the word is correct) all frontal area not just temples once a day for around15-40min (depending on how fast it starts to be painful) if the scalp feels overworked I usually skip the next day. I get around 2 ‘skin peels’ a week now.
I also added back nizorall shampoo to my regime though previously it made no difference now it feels like it helps me to clean scalp much better (more skin shedding/peels when im using it 3xweek).
Result wise it did make slight cosmetic difference to my hairline it also grew loads of vellus hair but that’s about it! Don’t feel any progress anymore hence trying to invent new regime now Smile so after lots and lots of reading im thinking to add chloride dioxide and maybe dermaroling to my regime.
Almost forget to mention im on Minox for around 7 years and 3 years on propecia though being just on those 2 I was still slowly losing my hairline.
Sorry for long post and bad English Wink  its not my native language

Why are you going to change what had been working for you? You're onky a few months in, dude. Thus is exactly how people lose progress. Give it 5 more months at least before you even change anything and theb slowly start incorporating other stuff.

Btw, we should all probanly start Dermaolling at one point.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Hole Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:13 am

Slimnuts wrote:
My scalp peels like that all day every day due to seb derm. Looks pretty much just like that. I definitely am not growing tons of new hairs (or any) because of that.

I do not have, never had seborrheic dermatitis. The scaling from seborrheic dermatitis looks similar to dandruff, but it's not caused by the same factors. For the record, I do have low level of acne in my face & back, which is now known to be related with hair loss as a hormonal imbalance disease.

From my personal point of view, while I do think hair loss as a genetic process follows the same process on every individual, the factors that may initiate this genetic chain reaction may be different for each individual. That's why same treatments don't work the same on every individual. You must find the root of your problem, what initiated your genetic hair loss wake up signal.

In my particular case, I suspect very much it is thyroid related. Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am not. I could elaborate much much more on this, but I don't really have the time to do so.

dzeris wrote:
Well mine skin peels are results of DT or i should say wounding, hence old/damaged skin peels (my guess) nothing to do with seb dermatitis. Plus im not saying that if skin peels you will get the results! its just like side affect on which i adjust my DT regime.

dzeris wrote:
Mine falls in much bigger chunks, like 3-5mm big but yea looks pretty much like that...

Maybe it's not clear in the picture, but mostly I get big chunks (3-6 mm) of dead skin.

Also I want to notice 2 things. First, the peeling is a consequence of DT, if I stop doing it it also stops. Second, the peeling is much more evident after 3 days of a DR session.

I do DR once every 15 days. I do not do DT till at least 36h after a DR session to let the scalp heal.

About DR, I use a 1.5 mm derma roller. I do clean my scalp first with a saline/betadine mixture. I disinfect the dermaroller always before & after doing a session.

About DT, I do exactly the same thing as dzeris says: pinch (mostly with my nails), hold it pressing down, then release. Before doing this I massage the whole scalp, including my forehead, sides and face.

I do wash my head in cold water afterwards to calm down the skin. I do ALWAYS clean and disinfect my hands before & after doing DT.

Also, I do not shampoo my hair any longer. I do rinse it with apple cider vinegar every 5 days and warm water. Apple cider vinegar kills any bacteria or fungus.

Maybe all these things will not work at all, maybe they will change my life. It doesn't matter. It's my decision, it's a safe approach, and I believe in it.



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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Growdamnit Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:43 am

Complexx wrote:
Growdamnit wrote:I am continually losing hair at my hairline. My temples continue to recede and my minor bald spot in the middle is now growing more noticeably as time passes. On the other hand, my scalp feels like it is getting flatter by the month. Will keep updating.

Lol damn man. Sounds like you're screwed.
Yeah, probably. Nothing else seems to be working.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Slimnuts Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:00 am

Growdamnit wrote:
Complexx wrote:
Growdamnit wrote:I am continually losing hair at my hairline. My temples continue to recede and my minor bald spot in the middle is now growing more noticeably as time passes. On the other hand, my scalp feels like it is getting flatter by the month. Will keep updating.

Lol damn man. Sounds like you're screwed.
Yeah, probably. Nothing else seems to be working.

At some point all that is left is working on acceptance. It's the non acceptance that causes the real pain. I know that sounds like a bunch of new age fluff but it's really true. Guaranteed that the bald guys that totally accept it and live their lives without hardly thinking about it are doing way better than the lot of us on these boards are.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:08 pm

Growdamnit wrote:
Complexx wrote:
Growdamnit wrote:I am continually losing hair at my hairline. My temples continue to recede and my minor bald spot in the middle is now growing more noticeably as time passes. On the other hand, my scalp feels like it is getting flatter by the month. Will keep updating.

Lol damn man. Sounds like you're screwed.
Yeah, probably. Nothing else seems to be working.

Was juat joking man.... You're still early into this. Hang on!!

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:18 pm

Hole wrote:
dzeris wrote:
I started as per study twice a day roughly 40min a day. In a first few months I started noticing huge skin peels (like dandruff) coming off (once-twice a month) every time after that it felt that hair feels thicker. So after trying quite few ‘styles’ to create as much ‘skin peels’ as possible I mainly now knead and pinch using nails and tip of my fingers pretty much as hard as I can without moving my fingers from scalp (trying not to cause traction alopecia)  
I massage (if the word is correct) all frontal area not just temples once a day for around15-40min (depending on how fast it starts to be painful) if the scalp feels overworked I usually skip the next day. I get around 2 ‘skin peels’ a week now.
I also added back nizorall shampoo to my regime though previously it made no difference now it feels like it helps me to clean scalp much better (more skin shedding/peels when im using it 3xweek).
Result wise it did make slight cosmetic difference to my hairline it also grew loads of vellus hair but that’s about it! Don’t feel any progress anymore hence trying to invent new regime now Smile so after lots and lots of reading im thinking to add chloride dioxide and maybe dermaroling to my regime.
Almost forget to mention im on Minox for around 7 years and 3 years on propecia though being just on those 2 I was still slowly losing my hairline. 
Sorry for long post and bad English Wink  its not my native language

Hi. Basically I share the same experience. I only started to see any results from DT when I learned how to do it right (about 2 months ago now, for about 6 months doing it randomly bad in total). Now I peel dead skin (dandruff) and sebum everyday. I think this is a sign that you are doing the process right.

Yet, although I have got a bunch of new terminal hairs, tons of blonde hair (larger than vellus), and in general stronger hair everywhere, DT may take much more time than people is expecting.

On my own personal experiment (started the 5th of January), I have also changed my diet to non-gluten, quit smoking, started doing a more regular sport program combined with yoga for relaxation. I have also started to derma roll (1,5mm) once every two weeks. I already did DR before and was great (I stopped it basically because of bad advise and unfounded fears from other hair forums).

I post this picture as a reference of dead skin. I do no promise I will keep a log, check here often or even to do more post. The best advise I can give is, spend more time researching by yourself and less time fighting in forums or looking yourself at the mirror all day on distress.

Good luck.

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Unname11

Verrrrrryyyy nice bruv. That's skin keratinizatiom for ya. Good job to you both for doing the therapy correctly, documenting your results correctly, and sticking with the program. Your regimen is very impressive btw.

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Post  dzeris Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:01 pm

Complexx wrote:
dzeris wrote:
sizzlinghairs wrote:Thanks for posting pics! Looks like solid progress to me.

Couple questions:

1)Could you explain how you do your DT? Time, style, etc

2) when did you add additional treatments? What are they? How much do you attribute your results to them?


I started as per study twice a day roughly 40min a day. In a first few months I started noticing huge skin peels (like dandruff) coming off (once-twice a month) every time after that it felt that hair feels thicker. So after trying quite few ‘styles’ to create as much ‘skin peels’ as possible I mainly now knead and pinch using nails and tip of my fingers pretty much as hard as I can without moving my fingers from scalp (trying not to cause traction alopecia)  
I massage (if the word is correct) all frontal area not just temples once a day for around15-40min (depending on how fast it starts to be painful) if the scalp feels overworked I usually skip the next day. I get around 2 ‘skin peels’ a week now.
I also added back nizorall shampoo to my regime though previously it made no difference now it feels like it helps me to clean scalp much better (more skin shedding/peels when im using it 3xweek).
Result wise it did make slight cosmetic difference to my hairline it also grew loads of vellus hair but that’s about it! Don’t feel any progress anymore hence trying to invent new regime now Smile so after lots and lots of reading im thinking to add chloride dioxide and maybe dermaroling to my regime.
Almost forget to mention im on Minox for around 7 years and 3 years on propecia though being just on those 2 I was still slowly losing my hairline.
Sorry for long post and bad English Wink  its not my native language

Why are you going to change what had been working for you?  You're onky a few months in, dude. Thus is exactly how people lose progress. Give it 5 more months at least before you even change anything and theb slowly start incorporating other stuff.

Btw, we should all probanly start Dermaolling at one point.
Good point, but it does feel like i had no progress in recent month or so hence decided to add dermarolling (once every 2weeks) and later chloride dioxide.

Had my first dermaroling (2.5mm)session yesterday.Damn its painful Smile.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Buster121 Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:45 pm

I struggled to do DT over the xmas period so results could have been soooooo much better. I hardly did it Sad I didnt have the time.

Anyway, quick update. This really WORKS.

here is a pic from October

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 IMG_5803

Here is one from Jan 1015

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 IMG_7577_2

I reckon a year and ill be in a solid position in regards to hairline


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Post  rofl Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:54 pm

of course u will, because you already do.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:58 am

Buster121 wrote:I struggled to do DT over the xmas period so results could have been soooooo much better. I hardly did it Sad I didnt have the time.

Anyway, quick update. This really WORKS.

here is a pic from October

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 IMG_5803

Here is one from Jan 1015

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 17 IMG_7577_2

I reckon a year and ill be in a solid position in regards to hairline

Good Regrowth Bus.... Nice job.

I have seen more than enough pics already that I really didn't need to see since these methods are based on common sense. This works, end of story. If it's not working for you, well, you need to check what you're doing and see if you're doing this method correctly. Or maybe you should start some dermarolling up and get on a good diet to speed things up.

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