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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  fghjfghj Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:08 am

cloud201 wrote:Hey guys

Hey cloud
- Everybody was pinching from the very begining except drexx and an other guy. I mean... really... Everybody got the idea. The whole discussion since one year was just about pinching, kneading etc. No one, except this two guys was talking about only pressing. I mean - it is so obvious and this technique isn't new (swelling, lymphodema, massage of scars etc)
- I wouldn't overinterpretate the study. To be honest. I think, this study is a real sh***. They use unscientific descriptions (grease) and now you try to derive a very concrete technique (with months) from totaly unprecise words written in very poor english.

As this study is (in my opinion) untrustworthy, it was discussed here, that we don't have anything else except listening to our bodies, and observing changes. When is a hard massage too much? How does your scalp feel? Is it swollen? Perhaps my ideas about a lymph-massage will help you... But to be honset. In my opinion the massage itself is no scientific high tech. And my aproach is exactly the opposite to yours: Go hard at the beginning until the scalp is kneatable. Light massage later for maintining... But well - except a healthier, flexible scalp (which is great and worth this massage) I didn't achieve hair regrowth except (probably) more vellus... Only time will tell if this helps with cosmetically visiblle regrowth.

drex1999 wrote:I had great success with this over the course of an entire year

Hi Drexx. Nice to have you back. Even although you claim to have lost ground.
I'd love to see some pics. You are the only one who has posted really Hi-res pics of his scalp. You even marked long terminal hairs for orientation. So I'm sure everyone here is curious about your case... I mean - maintaining would be for many also a "cure". So come on. I'll count on your pics Smile


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  cloud201 Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:52 am

@ fghjfghj Thanks for the reply.

Looking back at this thread, it doesn't seem like everybody got the idea, in fact, a lot of DT'ers experiencing shedding were asking repeatedly for other users to explain the technique.

What I meant to say is that a lot of advice given deviates from the few details provided by the study. From my observation, after Keane and Rob explained how they did the "pinching" of the scalp a lot of users started reporting improved results (like I said in the previous post I could be wrong, that is why I asked for other posters to confirm or dismiss my analysis from their own experience).

I completely agree that the study is untrustworthy. In fact, I tried to look for an original chinese study by the same author (couldn't really find one but keep in mind I cannot read chinese and did improvised searching) and also researched some literature on chinese traditional medicine to see if I could find any references for this kind of therapy.

Still, the paper is the only technical basis we have for the therapy and it "accurately" described some of the phenomena reported by those practicing it (the "grease" secretion, scalp loosening and thinning). That is why I do not think some details should be ignored (once again, assuming the study is solid, even though it might not be) by those practicing this therapy.

I guess my point was to analyze if there is any distinction between those claiming great results and those complaining of further hair shedding to better understand the therapy. I proposed an explanation for this division, but once again, it is only speculation since I do not have enough knowledge to back up my hypothesis.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Wed Jan 14, 2015 1:29 pm

Slimnuts wrote:
Growdamnit wrote:My hair continues to get worse and worse. What's the deal?

More factors involved then just a tight scalp!

Lol. Kind of hard to accept when there is a shit load of even that backs this up now. Maybe the participants from the botox study (over a dozen and 100% success rate) want to scam us as well. It makes total sense now.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:37 pm

boogv510 wrote:
drex1999 wrote:Listen up. I have pertinent information that I think you need to make this work. First, I better explain some things.

I have not read this board in a very long time and I'm not starting tonight either. If you don't know who I am, I had great success with this over the course of an entire year. When I left, I had promised to return with final pictures. I had also found myself at that time defending myself over and over from jackasses who wanted nothing to do with this but still wanted to show up and disrupt everything over and over again, even though I had constantly showed the progress I had made. Not long after my last post, I decided that I did not want to do anything that would convince these tools to give this a try. In my opinion, I had laid enough groundwork that those that really wanted would continue to carry the ball and I never came back. Didn't miss it one bit.

So I continued to have my hair fill in for months afterward and I thought I had it. And then, without realizing it, I began to slack off and I actually dropped part of my routine and even forgot I did it. I continued to pinch a bit and move the skin back and forth with my fingers. I didn't even realize I was starting to go backwards for some time, even though I was seeing it. I can't explain my ignorance at that time. I only see it in hindsight. During that time I would brush my hair out at night and the sink would display all kinds of hairs each day but only the 3" ones and not the very long hairs that I have. I don't even know how long this went on for before it was apparent in the mirror I was losing what I had gained. I started to pinch more and move my skin more and for another month I continued to lose. I'm going to say I had lost about 50% of all gains until one day I realized I had dropped a certain thing without realizing all that time ago.

Late November I remembered and started back doing it and maybe just maybe this is a key move because this weekend I was able to see and feel with my fingertips new hairs coming back once again. I had stopped pressing down with my fingers and pushing the skin into itself. Pressing into the skin and pushing it up toward the top of your head until it bunched into itself, folding itself up. Kneading I guess. It seems to be key. You can feel even by doing it that it is the bigger weapon. As soon as I remembered to do it, I had an idea it might be what sent me backward and now the results have begun to return.

Good news: At least for myself in my own opinion, I believe I have found what might make this work. Torquing the skin to force blood in and DHT/waste out.
Bad news: Lifetime commitment of maintenance to keep what you gain or it leaves and shockingly fast, in my case, over a few months.

Finding this thread still active and near the top was good to see. Hopefully some other successes in there. What I just posted I believe to be of importance. Do with it what you will.

so you don't have a full head of hair and back to square one? Great.....

You basically reworded everything he said and tried to pount out the negatives and leave out the positives (ie: Results are starting again and h SLACKED OFF) as much as possible. And im sure if he came back with positive results, you would try your best to refute it and doubt it, like always. This is why I think you're an idiot. That and the mere fact that you tried to high ball my offer as much as possible so it woukd look like I was giving out on you since you knew (anyone would) I wouldn't take it.

$200 a day lol. What a good "hardballer" I must admit, your counter was very tempting!

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Join date : 2013-07-07

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bov51 Wed Jan 14, 2015 3:26 pm

Complexx wrote:
boogv510 wrote:
drex1999 wrote:Listen up. I have pertinent information that I think you need to make this work. First, I better explain some things.

I have not read this board in a very long time and I'm not starting tonight either. If you don't know who I am, I had great success with this over the course of an entire year. When I left, I had promised to return with final pictures. I had also found myself at that time defending myself over and over from jackasses who wanted nothing to do with this but still wanted to show up and disrupt everything over and over again, even though I had constantly showed the progress I had made. Not long after my last post, I decided that I did not want to do anything that would convince these tools to give this a try. In my opinion, I had laid enough groundwork that those that really wanted would continue to carry the ball and I never came back. Didn't miss it one bit.

So I continued to have my hair fill in for months afterward and I thought I had it. And then, without realizing it, I began to slack off and I actually dropped part of my routine and even forgot I did it. I continued to pinch a bit and move the skin back and forth with my fingers. I didn't even realize I was starting to go backwards for some time, even though I was seeing it. I can't explain my ignorance at that time. I only see it in hindsight. During that time I would brush my hair out at night and the sink would display all kinds of hairs each day but only the 3" ones and not the very long hairs that I have. I don't even know how long this went on for before it was apparent in the mirror I was losing what I had gained. I started to pinch more and move my skin more and for another month I continued to lose. I'm going to say I had lost about 50% of all gains until one day I realized I had dropped a certain thing without realizing all that time ago.

Late November I remembered and started back doing it and maybe just maybe this is a key move because this weekend I was able to see and feel with my fingertips new hairs coming back once again. I had stopped pressing down with my fingers and pushing the skin into itself. Pressing into the skin and pushing it up toward the top of your head until it bunched into itself, folding itself up. Kneading I guess. It seems to be key. You can feel even by doing it that it is the bigger weapon. As soon as I remembered to do it, I had an idea it might be what sent me backward and now the results have begun to return.

Good news: At least for myself in my own opinion, I believe I have found what might make this work. Torquing the skin to force blood in and DHT/waste out.
Bad news: Lifetime commitment of maintenance to keep what you gain or it leaves and shockingly fast, in my case, over a few months.

Finding this thread still active and near the top was good to see. Hopefully some other successes in there. What I just posted I believe to be of importance. Do with it what you will.

so you don't have a full head of hair and back to square one? Great.....

You basically reworded everything he said and tried to pount out the negatives and leave out the positives (ie: Results are starting again and h SLACKED OFF) as much as possible. And im sure if he came back with positive results, you would try your best to refute it and doubt it, like always. This is why I think you're an idiot. That and the mere fact that you tried to high ball my offer as much as possible so it woukd look like I was giving out on you since you knew (anyone would) I wouldn't take it.

$200 a day lol. What a good "hardballer" I must admit, your counter was very tempting!

I said 100 not 200, I didn't highball sht, you said 5 dollars for me to record myself everyday? are you fking stupid?  I barely have time to do dt for 20 mins let alone record myself, you sound stupid as fk.  Like I said, put out 100$ per video and ill do it, if not stfu and stop mentioning my name. I like how to ignored my other comments about you, way to dodge it. Iono what you are up to, but I know for a fact you have an agenda.

Drexx, why don't you post a picture of your results right now, so we all can compare it to your picture before dt.

As for as this press down crap, ive been pinching since I started dt, I thought drexx was doing the same thing. I could have swear when we all started dt, we were all talking about kneadling, which is pinching. Don't believe me, go back and read the  beginning of the dt thread.

ps. Complexx, why don't you post up your amazing results?


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Join date : 2012-01-28

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bov51 Wed Jan 14, 2015 3:44 pm

Pinching has always been the focus of dt, here's all the post around when dt first came out, september, 2013

bocor on Thu Sep 26, 2013 2:10 pm
bocor wrote:have done for a few days now just pinching the scalp all over not even 10 min a day and scalp is really sore with little red bumps now so this is alot more intense than any massage

RisingFist on Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:25 pm
RisingFist wrote:
retrohair wrote:I need a bit more info to get clarity on this technique. I have been doing maliniak method as well as "ferox" or brushing and I'm not sure how to implement this one.
Also, reshape the scalp?
Do you mean reshape the fleshy hair part covering the top of the skull( not bone ).
Cause I'm curious if the shape of the head is based that much on inflammation at all and more based on skull shape.

Either way does from my understanding of the test, this method entails pinching the scalp and pressing down on the scalp in areas where balding is occurring.
Let me know if i got this correct.
I think a lot of people with mpb have that swelling head shape in common. It might be partly bone from calcification and also the skin (which what the study discusses) which is due to grease/inflammation, etc. There is probably more studies that compare bald men's head to non bald men.

so yes, you are basically pinching and pressing down on the scalp so the skin eventually becomes thinner and closer to the bone. I think it might be good to do that all over the top of the scalp rather then just the bald parts, at least that makes more sense to me. Don't forget 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night like the study says. It's important to follow it in order to replicate the results. I'm sure it will only help to add manliak massage and brushing on top of it.

Then you got dumb ass complexxx posting about how it works, dude was arguing with people back then too lol You're a fraud dude, Are you papilla power? I think you are lol
Complexx on Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:24 pm
Complexx wrote:Either way, it works. Anything that promotes blood flow works.... PERIOD. No matter how much the Big PHARMA companies hate on it. Very Happy 


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Join date : 2012-01-28

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:34 am

boogv510 wrote:
Complexx wrote:
boogv510 wrote:
drex1999 wrote:Listen up. I have pertinent information that I think you need to make this work. First, I better explain some things.

I have not read this board in a very long time and I'm not starting tonight either. If you don't know who I am, I had great success with this over the course of an entire year. When I left, I had promised to return with final pictures. I had also found myself at that time defending myself over and over from jackasses who wanted nothing to do with this but still wanted to show up and disrupt everything over and over again, even though I had constantly showed the progress I had made. Not long after my last post, I decided that I did not want to do anything that would convince these tools to give this a try. In my opinion, I had laid enough groundwork that those that really wanted would continue to carry the ball and I never came back. Didn't miss it one bit.

So I continued to have my hair fill in for months afterward and I thought I had it. And then, without realizing it, I began to slack off and I actually dropped part of my routine and even forgot I did it. I continued to pinch a bit and move the skin back and forth with my fingers. I didn't even realize I was starting to go backwards for some time, even though I was seeing it. I can't explain my ignorance at that time. I only see it in hindsight. During that time I would brush my hair out at night and the sink would display all kinds of hairs each day but only the 3" ones and not the very long hairs that I have. I don't even know how long this went on for before it was apparent in the mirror I was losing what I had gained. I started to pinch more and move my skin more and for another month I continued to lose. I'm going to say I had lost about 50% of all gains until one day I realized I had dropped a certain thing without realizing all that time ago.

Late November I remembered and started back doing it and maybe just maybe this is a key move because this weekend I was able to see and feel with my fingertips new hairs coming back once again. I had stopped pressing down with my fingers and pushing the skin into itself. Pressing into the skin and pushing it up toward the top of your head until it bunched into itself, folding itself up. Kneading I guess. It seems to be key. You can feel even by doing it that it is the bigger weapon. As soon as I remembered to do it, I had an idea it might be what sent me backward and now the results have begun to return.

Good news: At least for myself in my own opinion, I believe I have found what might make this work. Torquing the skin to force blood in and DHT/waste out.
Bad news: Lifetime commitment of maintenance to keep what you gain or it leaves and shockingly fast, in my case, over a few months.

Finding this thread still active and near the top was good to see. Hopefully some other successes in there. What I just posted I believe to be of importance. Do with it what you will.

so you don't have a full head of hair and back to square one? Great.....

You basically reworded everything he said and tried to pount out the negatives and leave out the positives (ie: Results are starting again and h SLACKED OFF) as much as possible. And im sure if he came back with positive results, you would try your best to refute it and doubt it, like always. This is why I think you're an idiot. That and the mere fact that you tried to high ball my offer as much as possible so it woukd look like I was giving out on you since you knew (anyone would) I wouldn't take it.

$200 a day lol. What a good "hardballer" I must admit, your counter was very tempting!

I said 100 not 200, I didn't highball sht, you said 5 dollars for me to record myself everyday? are you fking stupid?  I barely have time to do dt for 20 mins let alone record myself, you sound stupid as fk.  Like I said, put out 100$ per video and ill do it, if not stfu and stop mentioning my name. I like how to ignored my other comments about you, way to dodge it. Iono what you are up to, but I know for a fact you have an agenda.

Drexx, why don't you post a picture of your results right now, so we all can compare it to your picture before dt.

As for as this press down crap, ive been pinching since I started dt, I thought drexx was doing the same thing. I could have swear when we all started dt, we were all talking about kneadling, which is pinching. Don't believe me, go back and read the  beginning of the dt thread.

ps. Complexx, why don't you post up your amazing results?

Lol yiu are a waste of time to talk to. Like a wall. Just look at yiur last post alonge towards Drexx.

There you go, ladies and gentlemen. The guy apparently "bareky abstinent do it 20 minutes a day (don't know how if he's broke) and couldn't figure out that $100*2 videis (you do DT twice a day, you prick) equates to z $200 per day. Even $100 or day is retarded. Stop playing yourself.

So you are still an idiot that

A ( doesn't know how to count

B ( Doesn't even do DT like he's supposed to.

Lol this gets better and better every time I decide to get on here.

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Join date : 2013-07-07

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:40 am

boogv510 wrote:Pinching has always been the focus of dt, here's all the post around when dt first came out, september, 2013

bocor on Thu Sep 26, 2013 2:10 pm
bocor wrote:have done for a few days now just pinching the scalp all over not even 10 min a day and scalp is really sore with little red bumps now so this is alot more intense than any massage

RisingFist on Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:25 pm
RisingFist wrote:
retrohair wrote:I need a bit more info to get clarity on this technique. I have been doing maliniak method as well as "ferox" or brushing and I'm not sure how to implement this one.
Also, reshape the scalp?
Do you mean reshape the fleshy hair part covering the top of the skull( not bone ).
Cause I'm curious if the shape of the head is based that much on inflammation at all and more based on skull shape.

Either way does from my understanding of the test, this method entails pinching the scalp and pressing down on the scalp in areas where balding is occurring.
Let me know if i got this correct.
I think a lot of people with mpb have that swelling head shape in common. It might be partly bone from calcification and also the skin (which what the study discusses) which is due to grease/inflammation, etc. There is probably more studies that compare bald men's head to non bald men.

so yes, you are basically pinching and pressing down on the scalp so the skin eventually becomes thinner and closer to the bone. I think it might be good to do that all over the top of the scalp rather then just the bald parts, at least that makes more sense to me. Don't forget 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night like the study says. It's important to follow it in order to replicate the results. I'm sure it will only help to add manliak massage and brushing on top of it.

Then you got dumb ass complexxx posting about how it works, dude was arguing with people back then too lol You're a fraud dude, Are you papilla power? I think you are lol
Complexx on Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:24 pm
Complexx wrote:Either way, it works. Anything that promotes blood flow works.... PERIOD. No matter how much the Big PHARMA companies hate on it. Very Happy 

Yea until Drexx started t ok talk about those littke hard spots on his head that he got to after kneading it for a while. He was pinching, too... With a lose scalp. Peooke then started to focus on obsessing and just recently find out they were doing this wrong. Just take look at the wgole thread.

Its also interesting hiw you're still trying to bash the therapy each and every way possible and you posted an extract from something I saud such a long tine ago that doesn't even fit in with whatever pointn you're trying to make (which is still not very clear to me) It looks like you're getting desperate or something lol

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:48 am

boogv510 wrote:
Complexx wrote:
boogv510 wrote:
drex1999 wrote:Listen up. I have pertinent information that I think you need to make this work. First, I better explain some things.

I have not read this board in a very long time and I'm not starting tonight either. If you don't know who I am, I had great success with this over the course of an entire year. When I left, I had promised to return with final pictures. I had also found myself at that time defending myself over and over from jackasses who wanted nothing to do with this but still wanted to show up and disrupt everything over and over again, even though I had constantly showed the progress I had made. Not long after my last post, I decided that I did not want to do anything that would convince these tools to give this a try. In my opinion, I had laid enough groundwork that those that really wanted would continue to carry the ball and I never came back. Didn't miss it one bit.

So I continued to have my hair fill in for months afterward and I thought I had it. And then, without realizing it, I began to slack off and I actually dropped part of my routine and even forgot I did it. I continued to pinch a bit and move the skin back and forth with my fingers. I didn't even realize I was starting to go backwards for some time, even though I was seeing it. I can't explain my ignorance at that time. I only see it in hindsight. During that time I would brush my hair out at night and the sink would display all kinds of hairs each day but only the 3" ones and not the very long hairs that I have. I don't even know how long this went on for before it was apparent in the mirror I was losing what I had gained. I started to pinch more and move my skin more and for another month I continued to lose. I'm going to say I had lost about 50% of all gains until one day I realized I had dropped a certain thing without realizing all that time ago.

Late November I remembered and started back doing it and maybe just maybe this is a key move because this weekend I was able to see and feel with my fingertips new hairs coming back once again. I had stopped pressing down with my fingers and pushing the skin into itself. Pressing into the skin and pushing it up toward the top of your head until it bunched into itself, folding itself up. Kneading I guess. It seems to be key. You can feel even by doing it that it is the bigger weapon. As soon as I remembered to do it, I had an idea it might be what sent me backward and now the results have begun to return.

Good news: At least for myself in my own opinion, I believe I have found what might make this work. Torquing the skin to force blood in and DHT/waste out.
Bad news: Lifetime commitment of maintenance to keep what you gain or it leaves and shockingly fast, in my case, over a few months.

Finding this thread still active and near the top was good to see. Hopefully some other successes in there. What I just posted I believe to be of importance. Do with it what you will.

so you don't have a full head of hair and back to square one? Great.....

You basically reworded everything he said and tried to pount out the negatives and leave out the positives (ie: Results are starting again and h SLACKED OFF) as much as possible. And im sure if he came back with positive results, you would try your best to refute it and doubt it, like always. This is why I think you're an idiot. That and the mere fact that you tried to high ball my offer as much as possible so it woukd look like I was giving out on you since you knew (anyone would) I wouldn't take it.

$200 a day lol. What a good "hardballer" I must admit, your counter was very tempting!

I said 100 not 200, I didn't highball sht, you said 5 dollars for me to record myself everyday? are you fking stupid?  I barely have time to do dt for 20 mins let alone record myself, you sound stupid as fk.  Like I said, put out 100$ per video and ill do it, if not stfu and stop mentioning my name. I like how to ignored my other comments about you, way to dodge it. Iono what you are up to, but I know for a fact you have an agenda.

Drexx, why don't you post a picture of your results right now, so we all can compare it to your picture before dt.

As for as this press down crap, ive been pinching since I started dt, I thought drexx was doing the same thing. I could have swear when we all started dt, we were all talking about kneadling, which is pinching. Don't believe me, go back and read the  beginning of the dt thread.

ps. Complexx, why don't you post up your amazing results?

I can name at least 3-4 people that thought this was just pinching. Read ALL of the DT threads, the first one alone doesn't mean shit. You make no sense. You akso said you were doing thisn theraoy wrong at some point, and you started to count your "progress report months" differently because of that. I smell another lie coming.

Lol and it never fails. You are like a broken record. How can you be so stupid to say yi u were embarrassed of posting pics, yet you keep harrasing people for theirs? You jeep asking to the answered questions over and over desperately just to get an answer and criticize it in a bad way. Am I the only guy that notices what this idiot has been doing/like to do?

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bov51 Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:22 am

Complexx wrote:
boogv510 wrote:
Complexx wrote:
boogv510 wrote:
drex1999 wrote:Listen up. I have pertinent information that I think you need to make this work. First, I better explain some things.

I have not read this board in a very long time and I'm not starting tonight either. If you don't know who I am, I had great success with this over the course of an entire year. When I left, I had promised to return with final pictures. I had also found myself at that time defending myself over and over from jackasses who wanted nothing to do with this but still wanted to show up and disrupt everything over and over again, even though I had constantly showed the progress I had made. Not long after my last post, I decided that I did not want to do anything that would convince these tools to give this a try. In my opinion, I had laid enough groundwork that those that really wanted would continue to carry the ball and I never came back. Didn't miss it one bit.

So I continued to have my hair fill in for months afterward and I thought I had it. And then, without realizing it, I began to slack off and I actually dropped part of my routine and even forgot I did it. I continued to pinch a bit and move the skin back and forth with my fingers. I didn't even realize I was starting to go backwards for some time, even though I was seeing it. I can't explain my ignorance at that time. I only see it in hindsight. During that time I would brush my hair out at night and the sink would display all kinds of hairs each day but only the 3" ones and not the very long hairs that I have. I don't even know how long this went on for before it was apparent in the mirror I was losing what I had gained. I started to pinch more and move my skin more and for another month I continued to lose. I'm going to say I had lost about 50% of all gains until one day I realized I had dropped a certain thing without realizing all that time ago.

Late November I remembered and started back doing it and maybe just maybe this is a key move because this weekend I was able to see and feel with my fingertips new hairs coming back once again. I had stopped pressing down with my fingers and pushing the skin into itself. Pressing into the skin and pushing it up toward the top of your head until it bunched into itself, folding itself up. Kneading I guess. It seems to be key. You can feel even by doing it that it is the bigger weapon. As soon as I remembered to do it, I had an idea it might be what sent me backward and now the results have begun to return.

Good news: At least for myself in my own opinion, I believe I have found what might make this work. Torquing the skin to force blood in and DHT/waste out.
Bad news: Lifetime commitment of maintenance to keep what you gain or it leaves and shockingly fast, in my case, over a few months.

Finding this thread still active and near the top was good to see. Hopefully some other successes in there. What I just posted I believe to be of importance. Do with it what you will.

so you don't have a full head of hair and back to square one? Great.....

You basically reworded everything he said and tried to pount out the negatives and leave out the positives (ie: Results are starting again and h SLACKED OFF) as much as possible. And im sure if he came back with positive results, you would try your best to refute it and doubt it, like always. This is why I think you're an idiot. That and the mere fact that you tried to high ball my offer as much as possible so it woukd look like I was giving out on you since you knew (anyone would) I wouldn't take it.

$200 a day lol. What a good "hardballer" I must admit, your counter was very tempting!

I said 100 not 200, I didn't highball sht, you said 5 dollars for me to record myself everyday? are you fking stupid?  I barely have time to do dt for 20 mins let alone record myself, you sound stupid as fk.  Like I said, put out 100$ per video and ill do it, if not stfu and stop mentioning my name. I like how to ignored my other comments about you, way to dodge it. Iono what you are up to, but I know for a fact you have an agenda.

Drexx, why don't you post a picture of your results right now, so we all can compare it to your picture before dt.

As for as this press down crap, ive been pinching since I started dt, I thought drexx was doing the same thing. I could have swear when we all started dt, we were all talking about kneadling, which is pinching. Don't believe me, go back and read the  beginning of the dt thread.

ps. Complexx, why don't you post up your amazing results?

I can name at least 3-4 people that thought this was just pinching. Read ALL of the DT threads, the first one alone doesn't mean shit. You make no sense. You akso said you were doing thisn theraoy wrong at some point, and you started to count your "progress report months" differently because of that. I smell another lie coming.

Lol and it never fails. You are like a broken record. How can you be so stupid to say yi u were embarrassed of posting pics,  yet you keep harrasing people for theirs? You jeep asking to the answered questions over and over desperately just to get an answer and criticize it in a bad way. Am I the only guy that notices what this idiot has been doing/like to do?

Ill tell you what ill even buy a webcam just to skype with you, what do you say bro? Ill be kinda weird skyping with an old fart but w/e I want to see who you really are. If not, keep your dam mouth shut and stop mentioning my name. Papilla power! lol Im done talking to you, you just love to troll and argue just like on hair loss talk.


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Post  cloud201 Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:30 am

@ boogv510 Let me see if I can make myself clear

When I say "pinching" I mean using the fingers of a single hand to make a pinching motion and grabbing the scalp skin (as illustrated by the figures in the paper).

When I say "pressing" I mean Drexx's method of using fingers of both hands to press down on the scalp skin, effectively raising it (note that this technique has much more potential pressure than the former, since the arms and even shoulders can also contribute to pressing).

Any decent massage therapist can confirm what I am about to say: the results of therapy depend largely on many factors of the massage, such as technique (pinching, kneading, pressing, pushing, grabbing, suppressing, wiping, grasping, etc), pressure, duration and even on individual patient conditions.
Hell, this is especially true of Tui Na chinese massage therapy, some of the treatments even require that specific spots be stimulated in sequence.

My point about "pinching" vs "pressing" is that different patients undergoing the same massage procudere might get completely different results according to their own specific conditions.

Let us assume that everyone practicing DT from the start used "excessive" pressure during the initial stages of DT and let us also group DT'ers into two categories: (A) individuals who practiced manuals prior to DT and (B) individuals who didn't.

Does it make sense that the scalp of those of the A group is relatively more adapted to friction and stress from practicing manuals than those of the B group? Could this factor translate in better results for the A group and unsatisfactory results for the B group?

I am just trying to understand the constrasting results reported.


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Post  Complexx Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:15 am

Complexx wrote:
boogv510 wrote:
Complexx wrote:
boogv510 wrote:
drex1999 wrote:Listen up. I have pertinent information that I think you need to make this work. First, I better explain some things.

I have not read this board in a very long time and I'm not starting tonight either. If you don't know who I am, I had great success with this over the course of an entire year. When I left, I had promised to return with final pictures. I had also found myself at that time defending myself over and over from jackasses who wanted nothing to do with this but still wanted to show up and disrupt everything over and over again, even though I had constantly showed the progress I had made. Not long after my last post, I decided that I did not want to do anything that would convince these tools to give this a try. In my opinion, I had laid enough groundwork yi that those that really wanted would continue to carry the ball and I never came back. Didn't miss it one bit.

So I continued to have my hair fill in for months afterward and I thought I had it. And then, without realizing it, I began to slack off and I actually dropped part of my routine and even forgot I did it. I continued to pinch a bit and move the skin back and forth with my fingers. I didn't even realize I was starting to go backwards for some time, even though I was seeing it. I can't explain my ignorance at that time. I only see it in hindsight. During that time I would brush my hair out at night and the sink would display all kinds of hairs each day but only the 3" ones and not the very long hairs that I have. I don't even know how long this went on for before it was apparent in the mirror I was losing what I had gained. I started to pinch more and move my skin more and for another month I continued to lose. I'm going to say I had lost about 50% of all gains until one day I realized I had dropped a certain thing without realizing all that time ago.

Late November I remembered and started back doing it and maybe just maybe this is a key move because this weekend I was able to see and feel with my fingertips new hairs coming back once again. I had stopped pressing down with my fingers and pushing the skin into itself. Pressing into the skin and pushing it up toward the top of your head until it bunched into itself, folding itself up. Kneading I guess. It seems to be key. You can feel even by doing it that it is the bigger weapon. As soon as I remembered to do it, I had an idea it might be what sent me backward and now the results have begun to return.

Good news: At least for myself in my own opinion, I believe I have found what might make this work. Torquing the skin to force blood in and DHT/waste out.
Bad news: Lifetime commitment of maintenance to keep what you gain or it leaves and shockingly fast, in my case, over a few months.

Finding this thread still active and near the top was good to see. Hopefully some other successes in there. What I just posted I believe to be of importance. Do with it what you will.

so you don't have a full head of hair and back to square one? Great.....

You basically reworded everything he said and tried to pount out the negatives and leave out the positives (ie: Results are starting again and h SLACKED OFF) as much as possible. And im sure if he came back with positive results, you would try your best to refute it and doubt it, like always. This is why I think you're an idiot. That and the mere fact that you tried to high ball my offer as much as possible so it woukd look like I was giving out on you since you knew (anyone would) I wouldn't take it.

$200 a day lol. What a good "hardballer" I must admit, your counter was very tempting!

I said 100 not 200, I didn't highball sht, you said 5 dollars for me to record myself everyday? are you fking stupid?  I barely have time to do dt for 20 mins let alone record myself, you sound stupid as fk.  Like I said, put out 100$ per video and ill do it, if not stfu and stop mentioning my name. I like how to ignored my other comments about you, way to dodge it. Iono what you are up to, but I know for a fact you have an agenda.

Drexx, why don't you post a picture of your results right now, so we all can compare it to your picture before dt.

As for as this press down crap, ive been pinching since I started dt, I thought drexx was doing the same thing. I could have swear when we all started dt, we were all talking about kneadling, which is pinching. Don't believe me, go back and read the  beginning of the dt thread.

ps. Complexx, why don't you post up your amazing results?

I can name at least 3-4 people that thought this was just pinching. Read ALL of the DT threads, the first one alone doesn't mean shit. You make no sense. You akso said you were doing thisn theraoy wrong at some point, and you started to count your "progress report months" differently because of that. I smell another lie coming.

Lol and it never fails. You are like a broken record. How can you be so stupid to say yi u were embarrassed of posting pics,  yet you keep harrasing people for theirs? You jeep asking to the answered questions over and over desperately just to get an answer and criticize it in a bad way. Am I the only guy that notices what this idiot has been doing/like to do?

EDIT: I meant to say PRESSING instead of PINCHING at the beginning of this post.

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Post  Slimnuts Thu Jan 15, 2015 11:09 am

Ok so far it looks like we have 1 true success (Keanoseg) and a moderate success that produced a bit of terminal but then completely reversed (Drexx) and some others producing a few terminals here and there. None of these look like the guy in the study which went from a greasy nearly bald scalp to a beautiful glorious NW0 18 year old hairline with perfect shiny hair in 10 months. (that is probably fake I would guess at this point). This thread has been going on for 17 months now and that's really all we have to show for it... Lots of guys still losing and a couple pseudo-successes at best. It's not that I want to be negative but seriously, this is the facts right now.


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Post  Growdamnit Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:04 pm

Thanks for keeping it into perspective, Slim.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  dzeris Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:42 pm

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 <a href=" />Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 <a href=Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Img_5116" />Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Img_5115
Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 <a href=Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Img_5114" />
hi everyone, i though i should share my story too.
ill try to make it short Smile i started DT in mid march, found my own way somewhere around may-june (changed the style time etc.)
My conclusion is that it does work but its far from cure, i believe i gained about two years back on my hair and hoping to go even further, however now im using more 'stuff' not just DT.
I attached my pics (pre DT, september and december) to show what i gained, not trying to prove or disprove anything! just purely thought i should share so maybe it will benefit others.

hope that helps Smile


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  sizzlinghairs Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:15 am

Thanks for posting pics! Looks like solid progress to me.

Couple questions:

1)Could you explain how you do your DT? Time, style, etc

2) when did you add additional treatments? What are they? How much do you attribute your results to them?



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Post  theseeker86 Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:25 am

dzeris wrote:
My conclusion is that it does work but its far from cure, i believe i gained about two years back on my hair and hoping to go even further, however now im using more 'stuff' not just DT.
I attached my pics (pre DT, september and december) to show what i gained, not trying to prove or disprove anything! just purely thought i should share so maybe it will benefit others.

hope that helps Smile

What other stuff are you using?


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Post  bov51 Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:32 am

theseeker86 wrote:
dzeris wrote:
My conclusion is that it does work but its far from cure, i believe i gained about two years back on my hair and hoping to go even further, however now im using more 'stuff' not just DT.
I attached my pics (pre DT, september and december) to show what i gained, not trying to prove or disprove anything! just purely thought i should share so maybe it will benefit others.

hope that helps Smile

What other stuff are you using?

srsly, you need to show us, I would be happy if I can gain 2 years back of my hairline. That is some solid pictures with regrowth


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Post  sizzlinghairs Fri Jan 16, 2015 5:42 am

Also, I feel it is important to keep progress pics with hair always at the same length. While it does seem your regrowth is pretty apparent, one could also argue that somehow your smaller hairs in the first picture always had the ability to grow out.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 16 Empty Poll

Post  tooyoungforthis Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:58 am

I think we should make a poll/survey... and have the results on this thread...

time doing the therapy
regrowth etcc...

Oh and why do people just look at regrowth? for me(and for everybody) the real concern is stopping hair loss to a full stop..
regrowing hair is hard as it is.. but if this therapy completely halts hair loss if done regularly to maintain scalp health..
I consider it is the most important thing because.. that would mean that even transplants are permanent...
So from now on anyone who updates on their progress. could you please mention where yor hair loss is at? has it stabilized?

good luck


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Post  Slimnuts Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:48 am

Definitely seems to be working best on the guys who have great hair other than the receded temples.


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Post  Growdamnit Fri Jan 16, 2015 1:56 pm

Slimnuts wrote:Definitely seems to be working best on the guys who have great hair other than the receded temples.
Which sucks for me because that is the only place I'm losing hair.


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Post  dzeris Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:13 pm

sizzlinghairs wrote:Thanks for posting pics! Looks like solid progress to me.

Couple questions:

1)Could you explain how you do your DT? Time, style, etc

2) when did you add additional treatments? What are they? How much do you attribute your results to them?


I started as per study twice a day roughly 40min a day. In a first few months I started noticing huge skin peels (like dandruff) coming off (once-twice a month) every time after that it felt that hair feels thicker. So after trying quite few ‘styles’ to create as much ‘skin peels’ as possible I mainly now knead and pinch using nails and tip of my fingers pretty much as hard as I can without moving my fingers from scalp (trying not to cause traction alopecia)  
I massage (if the word is correct) all frontal area not just temples once a day for around15-40min (depending on how fast it starts to be painful) if the scalp feels overworked I usually skip the next day. I get around 2 ‘skin peels’ a week now.
I also added back nizorall shampoo to my regime though previously it made no difference now it feels like it helps me to clean scalp much better (more skin shedding/peels when im using it 3xweek).
Result wise it did make slight cosmetic difference to my hairline it also grew loads of vellus hair but that’s about it! Don’t feel any progress anymore hence trying to invent new regime now Smile so after lots and lots of reading im thinking to add chloride dioxide and maybe dermaroling to my regime.
Almost forget to mention im on Minox for around 7 years and 3 years on propecia though being just on those 2 I was still slowly losing my hairline.
Sorry for long post and bad English Wink  its not my native language

Last edited by dzeris on Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post  dzeris Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:15 pm

sizzlinghairs wrote:Also, I feel it is important to keep progress pics with hair always at the same length. While it does seem your regrowth is pretty apparent, one could also argue that somehow your smaller hairs in the first picture always had the ability to grow outi
its same length (ish)  however i had tiny improvement in my temples from dermaroling (before DT)hence few new hair sticking out

Last edited by dzeris on Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:21 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post  dzeris Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:19 pm

boogv510 wrote:
theseeker86 wrote:
dzeris wrote:
My conclusion is that it does work but its far from cure, i believe i gained about two years back on my hair and hoping to go even further, however now im using more 'stuff' not just DT.
I attached my pics (pre DT, september and december) to show what i gained, not trying to prove or disprove anything! just purely thought i should share so maybe it will benefit others.

hope that helps Smile

What other stuff are you using?

srsly, you need to show us, I would be happy if I can gain 2 years back of my hairline.  That is some solid pictures with regrowth
Strong vitamins, (mainly B6 and B12 around 1000% daily dose) to support faster healthier hair growth. though it have side effect Smile i have to cut my nails every three days Smile


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