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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Fri Dec 26, 2014 5:58 am

tooyoungforthis wrote:I know it all seems to quick to draw conlusions.. but it really doesn't take that much imagination..
OMICS is a fraud.. go look it up on the net.. i'm 150% confident you'll find all the cases in which this company has done shady stuff.
-admits completely flawed/bogus papers which were done on purpose to test their peer reviews.. they accepted the papers in a blink even though they were fake.. and simply demanded the usual pay..
-They employ real scientists names to promote their conferences all over the world without the consent of these people.. they have been warned about doing this illegal thing but they keep doing it..
- People who have attended their conferences where completely shocked by the extreme unprepaired/unprofessional  "amateurish" nature of these. and the fact that a very reduced number of people showed up compared to the people who where listed in the promotion as appearing.. remember this is touted as a world class scientific journal.
- The study..(need I say more concerning how fake the study looks?) indeed Keano, you mentioned many other articles that show similar and even exact principles of the therapy working.. but that doesn't alter the actual incompetent nature of the paper..(photos/ writing/scientific analysis method).
If this is working in 100% of patients .. i mean.. i would expect a rigourous paper to convince scientists...

All of these points can also be pointed towards BIG PHARMA trying to supress a cure so the makers of the paper had to resort o a pay-to-post scientific journal( doesn't change the reports on OMICS being extremely money-oriented)

At the end of the day no one knows if someone is trying to supress this shit.. but I think Xenonn's thinking comes form the fact that.. as much as the cure would want to be supressed... a possible scam would also want to be promoted.. and people who have been reporting negative progress have indeed been compeltely dismissed..COMPLETELY DISMISSED! a just plain old wrong execution of the therapy.

- In this fraudulent world. it really isn't that much of a stretch to consider someone invested 3k in submitting a paper into a scientifi journal in order to promote his possible scam.. IMO people have invested WHAAAY more i scams.. because scams really do give alot of revenue.

-The product mentioned in this thread a good while back (STIMULAX01) which is sold in Spain completely reproduces the detumescence study and says it cures hair loss by the same means by which we do it..
Yet I confronted the owner of the product as to why he trusted such a dodgy journal.. OMICS. and he simply got angry at me for doubting him and has never responed to my following questions, mind you. Before I brought up the subject of the fraudulent OMICS, he would respond to all my questions in less than 3 hours..( coincidentally when he still thought I was a potential customer and was interested in paying 145 eruos for his device.) I see that as extremely suspicious behaviour.

I am doing the therapy.. so I will wait and report back with complete and utter transparency and honesty...

I don't think it takes much imagination to believe xenon or any other sceptic given the circumstances... but atthe end of this special day.. we don't know shit!!

Merry christmas.! and don't disregard the sudden influx of research from all over the world, relating to immflamation and hair loss... this decade could be special for MPB

There are more than two studies with info that correlates with the info given on OMICS paper. it works, no matter what you think. Loosening the scalp will halt your hair loss and  inducing acute inflammation for a certain period of time will help kick start the follicles' anagen phase/normal hair cycles. That's it, stop trying to get around it. There were no products sold for the Botox study and the doctor who conducted the study I believe has retired.

PRP injections are also a proven way to stop hair loss, thicken hair, turn vellus into terminals and even regrow hair. That deals with drawing your own blood & injecting your own fucking blood back into your scalp which will also create new vasuclarity (thanks to the physical damage being done by the needling) The dermaroller study, Cotsarellis, etc. all legit and there is nothing really different about the concept/idea behind why/what you're doing to your scalp, just different methods. I would assume the same with few LLLT studies that are not totally flawed (aka tested for under a year, because we know hair loss is a slow process and it can take up to 6 months or more, based on the individual, to see any noticeable results)

These are just a few example, there are more as well. Also, notice how I did not mention any of the ancedotal evidence on these hair loss forums... i left that out especially for the crazies in here who are  in favor of anything that relates to DT/manuals being bad/useless & skeptical about anything positive abut DT...

Last edited by Complexx on Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:08 am; edited 1 time in total

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:04 am

Keanoseg wrote:Xenon the problem is not people, it is how you label people. For example, I am really confident in this and 100% sure I won't be bald ever. But this doesn't mean much to you, it's easy for you, because you just redirect it to something else. For example, I arleady offered you to skype with me, to at least try to talk with you so you can declare if I'm here for the money a bit better, rather than through post text, people see whatever they want to see in the messages and patterns, and it's just a fact of picking sides and being influenced.

It's weird because, it seems like the label you gave me, I have the "responsibility" to come here weekly and talk about useless shit, while I could be somewhere way away and not be bothered by useless problems anymore. It is pretty stupid, because you created this persona, FOR ME, and people think and take it as that I HOLD THAT RESPONSIBILITY to come here and debate with you. When others said that I don't owe anyone anything, that is really the truth, but I am still coming back and trying to be part of this thread, even though I really see no point in that anymore. For example, both me, Complexx, and others could leave this thread and never ever read a single post, and you would declare it as "YOUR VICTORY" and succesful debunking of a really complex scam, well congratulations to you, you deserve it. But the reason I come back, and probably Complexx, is because honestly, from where we stand, or at least I, what you write and promote is extremely paranoid and funny to me, I still somehow can't comprehend it. I also have this notion, that I have to for some reason clear something from my name, while nobody even knows who I am nor I owe anyone anything. It's just a problem of collective ego really. But you analyse and judge things without trying them, you called me someone else for the shear thing of me writing similar paragraphs to someone else. Wow, I mean, it's an internet board, what the fuck do you expect, but congratulations again. Anyway, I have no interest in being part of this thread anymore, because I have sold over 10 000 stimula devices and I'm a very rich guy now, I can buy a hooker and go live in Playboy mansion with blonde super-whores. No, not really, it's just useless and draining. I'm not going to see any scientific posts here anymore nor anything usefuly creative so it's a waste of every second. Again, you created your little universe, so that you can't absolutely be wrong. Your posts are always superior and you are always right. Well ok then, we'll shake hands here, since there is no point in me trying to talk with you in any way. You have super enveloped mindset so any kind of conversation is pretty pointless. Happy holidays to you regardless.

100% agreed, bro. as always. You hit the nail on the head with this one.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Xenon Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:06 am

"LOL This guy likes to talk. Stfu and message me so we can get this going. Boog has been exposed and I will expose you too. No problem. We will do DT together on Skype for 6-8 months, twice daily. Pay me and we can get this going as soon as tomorrow. "

^^LOL come on now old man -- I believe in fair trade here. I have nothing to hide and don't want any money in return, and all I ask is you do the same. BUT you insist on scamming money out of me and keeping your identity a secret because you're an old bastard, and... we all know who you are Smile

"Nobody is hiding, I just refuse to show my face to you.."

^^ Nobody is hiding, yet you refuse to reveal who you are? make sense old man... your dementia kicking in again? lol

"That's it. I can guarantee I live a way better lifestyle than you just by the way you carry yourself."

^^Well, you're an old fool, so you can't have much of a better lifestyle constantly having to change your incontinence pants, not to mention taking a shitload of dementia pills lol but if you means in terms of money, then yes... the amount of money you've scammed over your entire prehistoric lifetime would mean this is true. But, I'm not obsessed with money or scamming it out of people, so that is certainly debatable.

"Plus, you're gay. No offense, but I don't like gay men skyping with me.."

Darling, whatever would make you think such a thing? lol

"The way I know you're gay? Well, you made a comment about your guy partner licking/sucking your cock one day on this very forum."

^^Yes, it's called joking, and I'm comfortable in my heterosexuality to be able to make jokes like that. If I was actually gay, then who gives a fuck? lol And IF I was gay, why the fuck would I want to Skype some old scammer to get down n dirty with him? You wish haha Nice get-out-of-jail card ass clown lol And remember; those who accuse others of being gay... lady protesteth too much n all that. Don't worry about it, Complexx dahling, if your gay, then I'm not judging you -- even if you have waited your entire ancient life to come out. ...never too late to drop your incontinence pants in the Blue Oyster bar, old timer lolol

"Not joking either, you guys are free to look at his 1083 posts if you think I'm lying. I'm not gonna spend 40 minutes a day looking & talking to a mental gay person who talks about pillow cases being one of the the main contributors to developing/ MPB lol...."

^^LOL I wonder what the genuinely gay people on this forum would make of your homophobic comments, but then, we don't need their thoughts on the matter... you are so far in the closet that your having tea with Mr Tumnus hahaha

"Message me crazy man, you're alone in your apartment with nothing better to do. lol"

^^Oooh message you? What was all that 'gay not being your thing' stuff? Now having fantasies about me being all alone in my apartment and wanting to send you sweet lil messages? haha tea with Mr Tumnus is over, the closet door is now open!

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:15 am

Xenon wrote:"LOL This guy likes to talk. Stfu and message me so we can get this going. Boog has been exposed and I will expose you too. No problem. We will do DT together on Skype for 6-8 months, twice daily. Pay me and we can get this going as soon as tomorrow. "

^^LOL come on now old man -- I believe in fair trade here. I have nothing to hide and don't want any money in return, and all I ask is you do the same. BUT you insist on scamming money out of me and keeping your identity a secret because you're an old bastard, and... we all know who you are Smile

"Nobody is hiding, I just refuse to show my face to you.."

^^ Nobody is hiding, yet you refuse to reveal who you are? make sense old man... your dementia kicking in again? lol

"That's it. I can guarantee I live a way better lifestyle than you just by the way you carry yourself."

^^Well, you're an old fool, so you can't have much of a better lifestyle constantly having to change your incontinence pants, not to mention taking a shitload of dementia pills lol but if you means in terms of money, then yes... the amount of money you've scammed over your entire prehistoric lifetime would mean this is true. But, I'm not obsessed with money or scamming it out of people, so that is certainly debatable.

"Plus, you're gay. No offense, but I don't like gay men skyping with me.."

Darling, whatever would make you think such a thing? lol

"The way I know you're gay? Well, you made a comment about your guy partner licking/sucking your cock one day on this very forum."

^^Yes, it's called joking, and I'm comfortable in my heterosexuality to be able to make jokes like that. If I was actually gay, then who gives a fuck? lol And IF I was gay, why the fuck would I want to Skype some old scammer to get down n dirty with him? You wish haha  Nice get-out-of-jail card ass clown lol And remember; those who accuse others of being gay... lady protesteth too much n all that. Don't worry about it, Complexx dahling, if your gay, then I'm not judging you -- even if you have waited your entire ancient life to come out. ...never too late to drop your incontinence pants in the Blue Oyster bar, old timer lolol

"Not joking either, you guys are free to look at his 1083 posts if you think I'm lying. I'm not gonna spend 40 minutes a day looking & talking to a mental gay person who talks about pillow cases being one of the the main contributors to developing/ MPB lol...."

^^LOL I wonder what the genuinely gay people on this forum would make of your homophobic comments, but then, we don't need their thoughts on the matter... you are so far in the closet that your having tea with Mr Tumnus hahaha

"Message me crazy man, you're alone in your apartment with nothing better to do. lol"

^^Oooh message you? What was all that 'gay not being your thing' stuff? Now having fantasies about me being all alone in my apartment and wanting to send you sweet lil messages? haha tea with Mr Tumnus is over, the closet door is now open!

Flipping shit others tell you back onto them.. Never fails lol. Enough said. You're a complete joke. & if you were joking about that, am I the sick one here?

Back to what i was doing. will be back some other time. Meanwhile, I am enjoying my time, making money and regrowing my hair. What are you doing with your time besides trying to bash a therapy THAT YOU DON'T EVEN PERFORM ON YOURSELF (aka Bashing a therapy for no reason........ orrrrr because you're a maniac....orrr because you're paid to do this?)

I still have the money for you or Boog. i will extend the period of which the offer will still be relevant. I will pay only one of you's some good, decent money, too. Nothing half assed. We can negotiate a price through PM because I do not wish to CLOG thiis thread with more bullshit than you have clogged it with.. simple.. So there is no excuse of me "scamming" you here, you weirdo.

Last edited by Complexx on Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:20 am; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2013-07-07

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Xenon Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:16 am

Keanoseg wrote:Xenon the problem is not people, it is how you label people. For example, I am really confident in this and 100% sure I won't be bald ever. But this doesn't mean much to you, it's easy for you, because you just redirect it to something else. For example, I arleady offered you to skype with me, to at least try to talk with you so you can declare if I'm here for the money a bit better, rather than through post text, people see whatever they want to see in the messages and patterns, and it's just a fact of picking sides and being influenced.

It's weird because, it seems like the label you gave me, I have the "responsibility" to come here weekly and talk about useless shit, while I could be somewhere way away and not be bothered by useless problems anymore. It is pretty stupid, because you created this persona, FOR ME, and people think and take it as that I HOLD THAT RESPONSIBILITY to come here and debate with you. When others said that I don't owe anyone anything, that is really the truth, but I am still coming back and trying to be part of this thread, even though I really see no point in that anymore. For example, both me, Complexx, and others could leave this thread and never ever read a single post, and you would declare it as "YOUR VICTORY" and succesful debunking of a really complex scam, well congratulations to you, you deserve it. But the reason I come back, and probably Complexx, is because honestly, from where we stand, or at least I, what you write and promote is extremely paranoid and funny to me, I still somehow can't comprehend it. I also have this notion, that I have to for some reason clear something from my name, while nobody even knows who I am nor I owe anyone anything. It's just a problem of collective ego really. But you analyse and judge things without trying them, you called me someone else for the shear thing of me writing similar paragraphs to someone else. Wow, I mean, it's an internet board, what the fuck do you expect, but congratulations again. Anyway, I have no interest in being part of this thread anymore, because I have sold over 10 000 stimula devices and I'm a very rich guy now, I can buy a hooker and go live in Playboy mansion with blonde super-whores. No, not really, it's just useless and draining. I'm not going to see any scientific posts here anymore nor anything usefuly creative so it's a waste of every second. Again, you created your little universe, so that you can't absolutely be wrong. Your posts are always superior and you are always right. Well ok then, we'll shake hands here, since there is no point in me trying to talk with you in any way. You have super enveloped mindset so any kind of conversation is pretty pointless. Happy holidays to you regardless.

What nonsense are are you waffling on about now? I simply asked you to explain to me how you attained miraculous regrowth within two months, yet you present me with this fucking toilet? i've asked, on a number of occasions, how your horseshoe hairline disappeared in lieu of really thick hair growth within just two months, and you ignored this time and again.

Oh yeh, and I'm paranoid to think that scam syndicates operate on hair loss forums, when there's no money to be made, right? ...When I've pointed out so much shady shit regarding Complexx, yourself and others, right? LOL

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Xenon Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:21 am

Enough said. You're a complete joke. & if you were joking about that, am I the sick one here?

Well, you did label dying cancer victims "Negative Nancys", so, erm, might wanna consider some new dementia pills... stop you coming out with such nasty sick shit n all lol

Now run along... the wind has just blown one of your dollar bills into the oncoming traffic.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Keanoseg Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:24 am

Xenon wrote:What nonsense are are you waffling on about now? I simply asked you to explain to me how you attained miraculous regrowth within two months, yet you present me with this fucking toilet? i've asked, on a number of occasions, how your horseshoe hairline disappeared in lieu of really thick hair growth within just two months, and you ignored this time and again.

Oh yeh, and I'm paranoid to think that scam syndicates operate on hair loss forums, when there's no money to be made, right? ...When I've pointed out so much shady shit regarding Complexx, yourself and others, right? LOL

Because I am doing this for about close to 9 months, and it kicked in at about 6 month mark? What about no seb. derm and thickening as well. What else do you want me to say? Are you an idiot? You think you are making any points? Holy mother of god. I ignored it? What should I say, I don't get it. My post was exactly right about stating your problem. Yes, your problem. You want to add me on skype to check the status and track my status periodically? Fucking do that, but stop clogging this thread with your horse shit. That's about all, I really have no more words.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:25 am

Are you ladies still arguing about the authenticity of this study? Everyone arguing in here should honestly just STFU. IF ANYTHING... what we should be arguing about is what causes this tissue to build up under our scalps Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Louis10 Why is no one REALLY addressing that? It is 1000% completely fucking obvious that this is what causes our hair loss. Look at bald men, the swelling is there, always. Every time. Even slight temple recession you can see it. Just look around, honestly this gotten so ridiculous when it's just so obvious. It's also obvious that DT addresses and breaks down this hard swelling. It's pretty goddamn obvious hair can't grow through that!!!

So. Let's go in another direction here! The trolls can kindly piss off as well! This therapy is 100% the cure for MPB. If it's not working for you, I'd like to see your head. Guarantee you have the swelling underneath that you have not broken down enough. I observe every one I see... and it's 100% consistent. Even women. It's just apparent DHT really speeds this up for some reason. That's why it's only in the MPB zone. Because the swelling for a lot of us goes all over the head. My swelling is thickest EXACTLY where my hair loss is, and yours is too. There is no disputing this. CHRIST!!!!!!!

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Swelling

Post  tooyoungforthis Fri Dec 26, 2014 7:02 am

On another note from all the conspiracy talk..

On thing is certain.. what highilikeyourbeard mentions. Since I've been looking at the scalps of bald men recently at my new job... dayum is that swelling present in at least 99% of the men. Literally. I might have seen one or two guys without those pronounced lines on the sides and the overall lump. on the other hand.. my father(barely any hair on top) has a perfect round skull with no obtrusions.. so i'm guessing some people simply don't develop a physically obvious lump.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Slimnuts Fri Dec 26, 2014 7:47 am

hiilikeyourbeard wrote:Are you ladies still arguing about the authenticity of this study? Everyone arguing in here should honestly just STFU. IF ANYTHING... what we should be arguing about is what causes this tissue to build up under our scalps Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Louis10 Why is no one REALLY addressing that? It is 1000% completely fucking obvious that this is what causes our hair loss. Look at bald men, the swelling is there, always. Every time. Even slight temple recession you can see it. Just look around, honestly this gotten so ridiculous when it's just so obvious. It's also obvious that DT addresses and breaks down this hard swelling. It's pretty goddamn obvious hair can't grow through that!!!

So. Let's go in another direction here! The trolls can kindly piss off as well! This therapy is 100% the cure for MPB. If it's not working for you, I'd like to see your head. Guarantee you have the swelling underneath that you have not broken down enough. I observe every one I see... and it's 100% consistent. Even women. It's just apparent DHT really speeds this up for some reason. That's why it's only in the MPB zone. Because the swelling for a lot of us goes all over the head. My swelling is thickest EXACTLY where my hair loss is, and yours is too. There is no disputing this. CHRIST!!!!!!!

Yeah I have that too man but it's bone. Now the question is did that bone just become apparent due to fat loss in that area or did the bone actually grow later in life and cause the balding. It's definitely bone though.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Xenon Fri Dec 26, 2014 9:17 am

Complexx, here's one especially for you hoo dahling! Enjoy! haha

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Vin-Diesel-G3AR

But, in all seriousness, I see no swelling here, like the other guy. I have seen many bald guys who have "swelling" and many who don't. The swelling might be over grown frontalis muscles and cranial bones. Does it play a role in creating a tight scalp and hairloss? Perhaps. if the botox study was true, then it might have caused the muscles to atrophy, thereby possibly relieving tightness. This is what generally happens with botox injections into muscles. But the fact that I have witnessed many bald guys with small skulls and lack of "swelling" would suggest that there are also other factors impeding growth, such as hormonal influences, etc, etc. I mean, i know you all dismiss DHT as being a factor, but can it really be argued that lowering of the hormone leads to hair growth in many cases? So, just saying, hormonal activity must play a part here.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bov51 Fri Dec 26, 2014 10:38 am

poor complexx, getting expose lol

Slimnut, yes I do have something else Im doing right now.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Growdamnit Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:24 am

Everyone: shut your fucking mouth and pinch your head or don't.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  rofl Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:12 pm

i agree about the 'mystery' swelling/weird tissue being there, or there being a perfectly round shape. your right its there almost 100% of the time.

however it is possible that its a result of having no more hair there. it may not be the cause, it may just be an effect. it may just be scar tissue that accumulates after the hair has miniturized away. if this was the case, then removing it is only part of the solution.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Slimnuts Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:31 pm

I would lean towards loss of adipose tissue in the area making it appear way more prominent than it otherwise would.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:39 pm

Slimnuts wrote:
hiilikeyourbeard wrote:Are you ladies still arguing about the authenticity of this study? Everyone arguing in here should honestly just STFU. IF ANYTHING... what we should be arguing about is what causes this tissue to build up under our scalps Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Louis10 Why is no one REALLY addressing that? It is 1000% completely fucking obvious that this is what causes our hair loss. Look at bald men, the swelling is there, always. Every time. Even slight temple recession you can see it. Just look around, honestly this gotten so ridiculous when it's just so obvious. It's also obvious that DT addresses and breaks down this hard swelling. It's pretty goddamn obvious hair can't grow through that!!!

So. Let's go in another direction here! The trolls can kindly piss off as well! This therapy is 100% the cure for MPB. If it's not working for you, I'd like to see your head. Guarantee you have the swelling underneath that you have not broken down enough. I observe every one I see... and it's 100% consistent. Even women. It's just apparent DHT really speeds this up for some reason. That's why it's only in the MPB zone. Because the swelling for a lot of us goes all over the head. My swelling is thickest EXACTLY where my hair loss is, and yours is too. There is no disputing this. CHRIST!!!!!!!

Yeah I have that too man but it's bone. Now the question is did that bone just become apparent due to fat loss in that area or did the bone actually grow later in life and cause the balding. It's definitely bone though.

Yeah, that ain't bone.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:40 pm

Xenon wrote:Complexx, here's one especially for you hoo dahling! Enjoy! haha

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Vin-Diesel-G3AR

But, in all seriousness, I see no swelling here, like the other guy. I have seen many bald guys who have "swelling" and many who don't. The swelling might be over grown frontalis muscles and cranial bones. Does it play a role in creating a tight scalp and hairloss? Perhaps. if the botox study was true, then it might have caused the muscles to atrophy, thereby possibly relieving tightness. This is what generally happens with botox injections into muscles. But the fact that I have witnessed many bald guys with small skulls and lack of "swelling" would suggest that there are also other factors impeding growth, such as hormonal influences, etc, etc. I mean, i know you all dismiss DHT as being a factor, but can it really be argued that lowering of the hormone leads to hair growth in many cases? So, just saying, hormonal activity must play a part here.

He certainly does have swelling. His head is quite raised. Mainly in the crown, which is where the majority of his loss is.

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Post  hiilikeyourbeard Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:40 pm

rofl wrote:i agree about the 'mystery' swelling/weird tissue being there, or there being a perfectly round shape.  your right its there almost 100% of the time.

however it is possible that its a result of having no more hair there.  it may not be the cause, it may just be an effect.  it may just be scar tissue that accumulates after the hair has miniturized away.  if this was the case, then removing it is only part of the solution.  

Then why am I growing all my hair back as I break this down? HM.

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Post  hiilikeyourbeard Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:45 pm

You guys can think all you want. But this swelling is what causes hair loss, not the result. Breaking it down is leading to regrowth everywhere. No debating it. Like the other gentleman were saying, it's 100% consistent. Merry Christmas all

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Post  rofl Fri Dec 26, 2014 4:01 pm

so basically everyone should just shut up and believe hiilikeyourbeard. no debating, no science just listen to him, and stop talking.

what a moronic attitude to have. please forgive me for speaking oh master of the world.

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Post  hiilikeyourbeard Fri Dec 26, 2014 4:46 pm

rofl wrote:so basically everyone should just shut up and believe hiilikeyourbeard.  no debating, no science just listen to him, and stop talking.

what a moronic attitude to have.   please forgive me for speaking oh master of the world.

I don't care if you do this therapy. Lose all your hair, I don't give a fuck. But I know what is working for me and tons of guys on this forum. And I'm tired of the naysayers. If you're not getting regrowth, you're not doing the goddamn therapy right.

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Post  hiilikeyourbeard Fri Dec 26, 2014 5:12 pm

Regardless of anyone's opinion on the legitimacy of this study or therapy... this therapy addresses this swelling, plain and simple. Can we discuss the swelling PLEASE!? For Christ's sake

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Post  Joey Ramone Fri Dec 26, 2014 8:15 pm

Wow, Xenon is full aluminum hat level crazy. Can't believe he's still carrying on.

Nice to see people like hiilikeyourbeard still coming back to report progress in spite of the cess pool of Xenon's crap that this place has become.

Merry Christmas all.

Joey Ramone

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Xenon Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:18 pm

hiilikeyourbeard wrote:
Slimnuts wrote:
hiilikeyourbeard wrote:Are you ladies still arguing about the authenticity of this study? Everyone arguing in here should honestly just STFU. IF ANYTHING... what we should be arguing about is what causes this tissue to build up under our scalps Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Louis10 Why is no one REALLY addressing that? It is 1000% completely fucking obvious that this is what causes our hair loss. Look at bald men, the swelling is there, always. Every time. Even slight temple recession you can see it. Just look around, honestly this gotten so ridiculous when it's just so obvious. It's also obvious that DT addresses and breaks down this hard swelling. It's pretty goddamn obvious hair can't grow through that!!!

So. Let's go in another direction here! The trolls can kindly piss off as well! This therapy is 100% the cure for MPB. If it's not working for you, I'd like to see your head. Guarantee you have the swelling underneath that you have not broken down enough. I observe every one I see... and it's 100% consistent. Even women. It's just apparent DHT really speeds this up for some reason. That's why it's only in the MPB zone. Because the swelling for a lot of us goes all over the head. My swelling is thickest EXACTLY where my hair loss is, and yours is too. There is no disputing this. CHRIST!!!!!!!

Yeah I have that too man but it's bone. Now the question is did that bone just become apparent due to fat loss in that area or did the bone actually grow later in life and cause the balding. It's definitely bone though.

Yeah, that ain't bone.

it's a mix of bone growth and frontalis muscle growth. Some men have overgrown temporalis muscles and they can be seen bulging out from the sides of the head.

Look: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Brow-Muscles

If you look at the guy's head you will see two ridge-like prominences. This is the outer edge of his frontalis muscles (as is evident by the outer ridges displayed in the diagram).

However, I am not seeing this in Diesel's skull.

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Post  sanderson Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:42 pm

honestly the only way to really prove this is for someone to post pictures with the amazing results.. you guys all say you have had results, so where are the pics?? the "study" (which is posted to a website where ANYONE can submit a study) said the treatment lasted 300 days and had a 90% recovery rate in the balding areas. this was first posted last year, in september 2013, so where are the results?

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