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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bananasinpajamas Sat Aug 30, 2014 1:31 pm

Yes it does. You can google about it or ask your dermatologist

If you have keloid or hypertrophic scars they will flatten with a hydrocrtisone or kenalog i injection

I have firsthand experience with this

JDawg wrote:
bananasinpajamas wrote:Cortisone injections melt away scar tissue

no it does not.

Where do you get this information?

Scar tissue is not "melted away" by cortisone. Cortisone is an anti-inflammitory, anti-pain injection. It reduces inflammation, which can reduce scar tissue by not allowing it to form, but it doesn't "melt" it away or destroy scar tissue.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Xenon Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:26 pm

xenon how much protein and from what sources do you take in?

Without taking the thread OT, yesterday I suffered severe scalp inflammation (the entire galea area);  the only things which seem to cause this in me is gluten or prolonged caloric restriction. As mentioned I have been reducing my calorie intake to around 700 per day, which also consists of very little carbs (next to none in fact). So I ate a sugary snack and what happened? The inflammation went away. No doubt my blood pH has lowered because of fat burning, and the scalp has taken a beating. Again, the fact that only the scalp has inflamed must suggest that follicles are acutely sensitive to inflammation whenever any stressor triggers an immune response. I think that peat and roddy are correct about the benefits of sugar, except I don't think that it is a good thing to eat too much of it.

*perhaps*... just perhaps, the scalp is acutely sensitive to inflammation because it acts as the body's flashing siren or alarm system to alert us to shit going down in the body before things get worse lol maybe not, but an interesting thought nevertheless.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Xenon Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:33 pm

BTW guys, is fibrotic scar tissue really an issue here? I'm not saying you're wrong, it's just that I thought I'd mention something. First of all we have folks who suffer alopecia areata... their follicles come under auto-immune attack, yet they are known to regrow their hair - even after decades. Second, Deadly Device said that estrogen replacement therapy can cause complete regrowth. Third, to my knowledge, only the matrix cells of the follicle suffer inflammation, yet they are continually renewed through the various hair cycles. You will also note that the sebaceous and sweat glands continue to function normally, and the papilla continues to produce micro-vellus hairs, so this may suggest that capillaries remain in tact and perhaps are not the target of inflammation.

P.S. I don't know if the hair bulge suffers inflammation, but, as far as I know, the hair bulge produces progenitors which cause mitosis within the sebacuous and sweat glands, so I don't know if there is an issue here. It would seem that only the matrix cells are destroyed, but under certain circumstances, they regenerate.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  DeadlyDevice Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:17 am

Slight correction Xenon: estrogen alone (as 17a-estradiol) gave quite mixed results. Some studies noted significant regrowth and others not so much. But when combined with cyproterone acetate it works quite well.

EDIT: The stuff in Diane35 is ETHINYL-estradiol.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Slimnuts Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:56 am

Well hopefully Drex posts pics today or tomorrow but I'm not counting on it. I think he was going off on vacation after that. Maybe he's already gone. But how exciting can the results be if he hasn't even posted yet.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Keanoseg Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:17 am

Xenon wrote:BTW guys, is fibrotic scar tissue really an issue here? I'm not saying you're wrong, it's just that I thought I'd mention something. First of all we have folks who suffer alopecia areata... their follicles come under auto-immune attack, yet they are known to regrow their hair - even after decades. Second, Deadly Device said that estrogen replacement therapy can cause complete regrowth. Third, to my knowledge, only the matrix cells of the follicle suffer inflammation, yet they are continually renewed through the various hair cycles. You will also note that the sebaceous and sweat glands continue to function normally, and the papilla continues to produce micro-vellus hairs, so this may suggest that capillaries remain in tact and perhaps are not the target of inflammation.

P.S. I don't know if the hair bulge suffers inflammation, but, as far as I know, the hair bulge produces progenitors which cause mitosis within the sebacuous and sweat glands, so I don't know if there is an issue here. It would seem that only the matrix cells are destroyed, but under certain circumstances, they regenerate.

Guys these kind of posts need to stop in this topic, because they are repeating itself thousands and millions of times every few pages. And everytime they get answered or neutralized someone else steps in to say the same thing once again xD. No offense to anyone but it's becoming tiring and kind of unfullfiling to follow this thread. The truth is, Xenon, if we want to know exactly how this works, as I said previously numerous times, we need to get a group of free agent scientists , preferably dermatologists, who are under noone. Meaning they are not influenced by mainstream medicine and their med pushing garbage techniques. They need to have enough instruments to measure the micro enviroment in the scalp and they need to know absolutely everything there is to know about skin and hair. Then we can completely once and for all scientifically test the DT method. If anyone knows someone who's into science and has access to some micro instruments I encourage you to ask if he wants to help because this could be groundbreaking. In other news, there is scalp fibrosis in pretty much 100% mpb suffereres and there's no high levels of DHT in the scalp unless it's calcified or if there is fibrosis. If there is inflammation = there is fibrosis. It goes hand in hand because the fibrosis is trying to fix the inflammation, sounds weird but that's how it is. Search few pages back where I linked the hairloss or whatever forum thread where there's an entire page of just pictures, studies and references to fibrosis and calcification in scalp regarding hair loss. There's enough science to read there even if you are Dr. Oz.

*perhaps*... just perhaps, the scalp is acutely sensitive to inflammation because it acts as the body's flashing siren or alarm system to alert us to shit going down in the body before things get worse lol maybe not, but an interesting thought nevertheless.

It's what you'd naturally think because there is no other reason for losing hair in the exact same pattern on majority of males. However it just doesn't seem and feel right. For example, why sick women all the way under the age of 40 have flawless hair? Also why some very sick men have flawless hair? I think there's a much deeper connection for the real hair loss evolutionary reason than just something being wrong with some of the people's bodies because this is just too much of a stupid random selection. It does seem stupid that nature whould choose such a dumb and unreliable and possibly anti-evolutionary system against itself.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Xenon Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:16 am

Keano, without sounding like an over opinionated asshole, I'm just curious as to why alopecia areata sufferers are able - in some cases - to regrow their hair after follicles have been subject to continuous auto-immune attack. The amount of inflammation their follicles undergo should therefore equal significant amounts of scar tissue, yet the follicles have been known - in a number of cases - to regenerate. This is why I can't help but bring this theory into question where MPB mediated inflammation is concerned also.

Now I do actually have some scar tissue on the left side of my head which I sustained from an accident when I was a kid. Consequently, hair has never regrown here... likely because the follicles have been completely replaced by scar tissue. I completely get that, but where MPB is concerned, it appears that only the extra-cellular matrix suffers from inflammation, which seems to be triggered by androgens.

However... it may be true that too much brushing / combing (and other external stressors) could induce friction to tissue which extends beyond the follicle (friction alopecia), therefore possibly leading to wider spread fibrosis. It is interesting that I noticed my hair receding when I was obsessed with brushing and combing it, and the process was more accelerated on the side which I combed the most.

This may be part of the reason why minox / fin are sometimes virtually useless in regrowing hair in some areas (namely the hair line) because friction has caused too much damage and too much internal scar tissue.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Xenon Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:56 am

Also, I don't even know if scar tissue is an issue (where my last statement is concerned) simply because I can see every single hair of my hairline under a certain angle of light, it's just that they are now vellus.

Anyway, sorry for boring your socks off, it was just something I thought that was worth mentioning.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Keanoseg Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:17 am

I know but all of this is too random I think to draw any parallel-pixel-input precision. For example I know people who have been brushing for years and they have an amazing head of healthy hair. Also I know people both my age (early 20s) and older (30-60) who take the worst care of themselves. They don't do any harder physical activities, they drink, they smoke, they eat white bread and pasta everyday they are probably deficient in half of vitamins and minerals in the body. Yet they don't experience any balding whatsoever. To me, it's stupid to think that some people's genetics respond to these conditions with scalp inflammation and some don't. What in the world is the evolutionary/physiological reason and purpose for this? I don't think it exists in the realm of logic/reason, I think it's just a random modification for God knows what. We will probably never find an answer to these questions above. If we can't even solve it yet and pinpoint the exact reasons for "why always the same goddamn pattern of loss" I don't see how we'll ever find the purpose towards all of this is happening.
I also find it retarded that the follicles in the hairline and on the top would respond to this inflammation and androgens and everywhere else it wouldn't. WHY? It's the same god damn type of follicle and everything else is the same. There is so much un answered basic questions to all this. More importantly, I don't think anyone even cares in the scientific world for this. Yes, there are billions of studies but come on for fuck sake. Can't they just take few people who are at different balding stages and examine the difference inside they're skin in the scalp throughout it? For sure there would be something in the balding parts, and if it's not fibrosis/calcification/trapped dandruff,sebum and therefore DHT as well I have no god damn idea what is it and nobody does or that information simply isn't public because it's easier to make money like this and induce stupid social fears. It's all about control up there so why would they give a shit. You can't get friction alopecia or induce any negative damage to the scalp with DT if you do it correctly, I can guarantee you that. Also this is by far the best chance anyone has at regrowing and maintaining their hair for life without turning into a girl or poisoning themselves with minoxidil which contains god knows what maybe the almighty piss of Ctulhu.

As far as different alopecias go as you mentioned, I really don't know. I think it's wrong to look at them as different "alopecias" because it's something that people just invented names for because they can't explain it. If you're temples are receding you don't have areata and moreover maybe 1% of males losing they're hair have this areata shit. Everything else is "mpb". Also what in the world does "mpb" signal from the body. Also why women don't lose their hair in they're 20s with that stupidly idiotic pattern. Androgens? REALLY? Why the pattern then? It just makes no sense whatsoever. Also 99% of the women have really tight scalps which are heaven for DHT hypoxic production and the maximum they will experience is some hair thinning and they will go crazy over nothing -.-. Nothing is still answered man, and us discussing here forever even isn't gonna make anything more clear until we obviously get ALL the answers from the Holy Heavens.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Keanoseg Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:45 am

Also want to make a point here which I think is REALLY important because everyone reading this thread lost track of reality at some point. It's frustrating that so far we don't have a single before/after picture of the DT results that shows BIG progress except that 1 picture in the study itself which is not nearly enough for something as common as "mpb". And the stupidest thing out of all, is sitting here waiting for those pictures. Because that is how human psyche works. If someone chimes in tomorrow and posts 10 pictures from different angles where he got from NW4 to NW1 with only DT everyone and their grandmas would start doing DT religiously without a single question ever again. But that's not how it works folks. YOU have to be the one who is going to provide that to the rest don't you see that? For anyone following this thread for months and not actually doing DT and also maybe posting here is like..... the most unreasonable thing ever. If there is going to be any pictures of progress, ANYWHERE in the world from this DT method, it's going to be here. Therefore , dozen or hundred people who are watching this topic are going to have to be the ones who are going to do DT and post CLEAR pictures if/when they get results. Just wanted to make that clear because people expect pictures from Ninja Jesus everyday here without realising they are the ones themselves among only maybe 50 more people who are actively looking at this topic. Maybe even less than 50 honestly.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:16 pm

Keanoseg wrote:I know but all of this is too random I think to draw any parallel-pixel-input precision. For example I know people who have been brushing for years and they have an amazing head of healthy hair. Also I know people both my age (early 20s) and older (30-60) who take the worst care of themselves. They don't do any harder physical activities, they drink, they smoke, they eat white bread and pasta everyday they are probably deficient in half of vitamins and minerals in the body. Yet they don't experience any balding whatsoever. To me, it's stupid to think that some people's genetics respond to these conditions with scalp inflammation and some don't. What in the world is the evolutionary/physiological reason and purpose for this? I don't think it exists in the realm of logic/reason, I think it's just a random modification for God knows what. We will probably never find an answer to these questions above. If we can't even solve it yet and pinpoint the exact reasons for "why always the same goddamn pattern of loss" I don't see how we'll ever find the purpose towards all of this is happening.
I also find it retarded that the follicles in the hairline and on the top would respond to this inflammation and androgens and everywhere else it wouldn't. WHY? It's the same god damn type of follicle and everything else is the same. There is so much un answered basic questions to all this. More importantly, I don't think anyone even cares in the scientific world for this. Yes, there are billions of studies but come on for fuck sake. Can't they just take few people who are at different balding stages and examine the difference inside they're skin in the scalp throughout it? For sure there would be something in the balding parts, and if it's not fibrosis/calcification/trapped dandruff,sebum and therefore DHT as well I have no god damn idea what is it and nobody does or that information simply isn't public because it's easier to make money like this and induce stupid social fears. It's all about control up there so why would they give a shit. You can't get friction alopecia or induce any negative damage to the scalp with DT if you do it correctly, I can guarantee you that. Also this is by far the best chance anyone has at regrowing and maintaining their hair for life without turning into a girl or poisoning themselves with minoxidil which contains god knows what maybe the almighty piss of Ctulhu.

As far as different alopecias go as you mentioned, I really don't know. I think it's wrong to look at them as different "alopecias" because it's something that people just invented names for because they can't explain it. If you're temples are receding you don't have areata and moreover maybe 1% of males losing they're hair have this areata shit. Everything else is "mpb". Also what in the world does "mpb" signal from the body. Also why women don't lose their hair in they're 20s with that stupidly idiotic pattern. Androgens? REALLY? Why the pattern then? It just makes no sense whatsoever. Also 99% of the women have really tight scalps which are heaven for DHT hypoxic production and the maximum they will experience is some hair thinning and they will go crazy over nothing -.-. Nothing is still answered man, and us discussing here forever even isn't gonna make anything more clear until we obviously get ALL the answers from the Holy Heavens.

Actually< some of your questions are pretty simple to answer.

First of all, you CANNOT say that 99% of all females have tight scalps.. This is pure speculation. But I do  see where you're getting at though.

Second of all, FPB is a lot a lot less common compared to MPB simply because they have much less DHT than estradiol & I strongly believe this is probably why most women with tight scalps only experience diffuse thinning most times. However, some women with really tight scalps DO loose hair during pregnancy or going through menopause. The Botox study states that the GALEA gets tight=> Lack of blood flow which leads to hypoxia=>DHT is overproduced in the scalp=>DHT-Estradiol ratio is out of whack with DHT being the much more "present" hormone around he Galea section of the scalp. Once they loosened the scalp, all of that was corrected & every single test subject experienced a complete HALT in hair loss and a good portion of men regrew hair. This is why I say the whole "gene stuff" is ALL bullshit simply because you can stop hair loss completely by loosening the scalp. Drexx did it.. I did it.. many of you guys have done it.. many of other guys on other forums have done it...and studies prove it. The gene stuff can be thrown in the garbage now. Also, it wouldn't even make sense for a "mpb gene" to be present in our bodies at some point our lives simply because we need hair for PROTECTION. Our bodies are smart as fuck, do you really think it's going to give up something that is NECESSARY FOR PROTECTION for no apparent reason? And this only happens for a good portion of one Male ender and barely people from the Female gender? Lol come on man.. Or how about how how most, if not all men with MPB don't lose hair at all from the sides and back of their heads?

So guys, keep in mind that it's not the "fibrosis", "calcification", or "hard debris/gunk" (or whatever the fuck that shit is in our scalps) that is making your scalp tight... it's your Frontalis, Temporalis, and Occipatilis muscles that are pulling on your Galea and causing everything else to happen. Now, the reason why DT is so awesome, is because because not only does it loosen the scalp better than the Maliniak Method Massage (doing both works even better), it also breaks up all the bullshit in the scalp (highly doubt the violet ray can do this (or at least it will take much longer and more dedication than DT) since Maliniak recommends people applying an "essential oil" on his clients scalps to clear their pores of all "hard "debris"

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Keanoseg Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:50 pm

Complexx wrote:
Keanoseg wrote:I know but all of this is too random I think to draw any parallel-pixel-input precision. For example I know people who have been brushing for years and they have an amazing head of healthy hair. Also I know people both my age (early 20s) and older (30-60) who take the worst care of themselves. They don't do any harder physical activities, they drink, they smoke, they eat white bread and pasta everyday they are probably deficient in half of vitamins and minerals in the body. Yet they don't experience any balding whatsoever. To me, it's stupid to think that some people's genetics respond to these conditions with scalp inflammation and some don't. What in the world is the evolutionary/physiological reason and purpose for this? I don't think it exists in the realm of logic/reason, I think it's just a random modification for God knows what. We will probably never find an answer to these questions above. If we can't even solve it yet and pinpoint the exact reasons for "why always the same goddamn pattern of loss" I don't see how we'll ever find the purpose towards all of this is happening.
I also find it retarded that the follicles in the hairline and on the top would respond to this inflammation and androgens and everywhere else it wouldn't. WHY? It's the same god damn type of follicle and everything else is the same. There is so much un answered basic questions to all this. More importantly, I don't think anyone even cares in the scientific world for this. Yes, there are billions of studies but come on for fuck sake. Can't they just take few people who are at different balding stages and examine the difference inside they're skin in the scalp throughout it? For sure there would be something in the balding parts, and if it's not fibrosis/calcification/trapped dandruff,sebum and therefore DHT as well I have no god damn idea what is it and nobody does or that information simply isn't public because it's easier to make money like this and induce stupid social fears. It's all about control up there so why would they give a shit. You can't get friction alopecia or induce any negative damage to the scalp with DT if you do it correctly, I can guarantee you that. Also this is by far the best chance anyone has at regrowing and maintaining their hair for life without turning into a girl or poisoning themselves with minoxidil which contains god knows what maybe the almighty piss of Ctulhu.

As far as different alopecias go as you mentioned, I really don't know. I think it's wrong to look at them as different "alopecias" because it's something that people just invented names for because they can't explain it. If you're temples are receding you don't have areata and moreover maybe 1% of males losing they're hair have this areata shit. Everything else is "mpb". Also what in the world does "mpb" signal from the body. Also why women don't lose their hair in they're 20s with that stupidly idiotic pattern. Androgens? REALLY? Why the pattern then? It just makes no sense whatsoever. Also 99% of the women have really tight scalps which are heaven for DHT hypoxic production and the maximum they will experience is some hair thinning and they will go crazy over nothing -.-. Nothing is still answered man, and us discussing here forever even isn't gonna make anything more clear until we obviously get ALL the answers from the Holy Heavens.

Actually< some of your questions are pretty simple to answer.

First of all, you CANNOT say that 99% of all females have tight scalps.. This is pure speculation. But I do  see where you're getting at though.

Second of all, FPB is a lot a lot less common compared to MPB simply because they have much less DHT than estradiol & I strongly believe this is probably why most women with tight scalps only experience diffuse thinning most times. However, some women with really tight scalps DO loose hair during pregnancy or going through menopause. The Botox study states that the GALEA gets tight=> Lack of blood flow which leads to hypoxia=>DHT is overproduced in the scalp=>DHT-Estradiol ratio is out of whack with DHT being the much more "present" hormone around he Galea section of the scalp. Once they loosened the scalp, all of that was corrected & every single test subject experienced a complete HALT in hair loss and a good portion of men regrew hair. This is why I say the whole "gene stuff" is ALL bullshit simply because you can stop hair loss completely by loosening the scalp. Drexx did it.. I did it.. many of you guys have done it.. many of other guys on other forums have done it...and studies prove it. The gene stuff can be thrown in the garbage now. Also, it wouldn't even make sense for a "mpb gene" to be present in our bodies at some point our lives simply because we need hair for PROTECTION. Our bodies are smart as fuck, do you really think it's going to give up something that is NECESSARY FOR PROTECTION for no apparent reason? And this only happens for a good portion of one Male ender and barely people from the Female gender? Lol come on man.. Or how about how how most, if not all men with MPB don't lose hair at all from the sides and back of their heads?

So guys, keep in mind that it's not the "fibrosis", "calcification", or "hard debris/gunk" (or whatever the fuck that shit is in our scalps) that is making your scalp tight... it's your Frontalis, Temporalis, and Occipatilis muscles that are pulling on your Galea and causing everything else to happen. Now, the reason why DT is so awesome, is because because not only does it loosen the scalp better than the Maliniak Method Massage (doing both works even better), it also breaks up all the bullshit in the scalp (highly doubt the violet ray can do this (or at least it will take much longer and more dedication than DT) since Maliniak recommends people applying an "essential oil" on his clients scalps to clear their pores of all "hard "debris"

LOL the questions ARE NOT simple and no, you didn't asnwer them in any way.

It's basically what I said , except the fact that I don't agree with you. First of all, when I came to this forum and saw the manual threads the first thing I did is I checked how loose my scalp is. And guess what, it was elastic as fuck. There's my post from 4,5 months back on the old DT thread where I asked why am I than losing my hair in the pattern shape while my entire scalp is flexible as heck and my muscles don't pull anything. This is where I believe more in inflammation-->calcification and fibrosis as results to why the scalp gets tight instead of just muscles pulling the scalp. Also the genetic think you said, it might be just a modification of a sort as I said. We don't need hair anymore honestly. Throughout evolution if we started as ape looking mofos we lost hair on our whole bodies because we were more and more indoors and protected. We kept it only on the head because of brain/skull protection maybe from impacts/temperature but we don't even need that anymore. Keep in mind that the human genome takes thousands of years to make small adjustments so it might be the answer to why it's taking so long. I don't believe in that honestly though. Except that there's no explanation whatsoever for balding. Not a tiny bit. Anywhere. So back to the tightness, for me making the scalp more loose didn't do shit because it was already as loose as it gets. This is where I thought that all of this is stupid because for me it didn't apply. Galea being pulled because of muscles might have an impact but I think it's just maybe one additional reason why the inflammation starts or gets increased. So I think that if muscle tension does anything it's that increases effects of inflammation and hypoxia, but there's 0% and not even a tiny bit more chance that this is the root or the only reason I can guarantee you that. Also about women's scalp being tight. I tried it on about 10 women irl so far. Might sound funny but check it on any girl/woman you know and you'll see that it's 9/10 times the case so it's not speculation. Also you didn't really answer any of my questions you just rephrased them in your own way although you said it's simple. I don't blame you, you can't. Noone can. Right now at least. For me personally, muscles pulling the galea is the furthest of answers to my state it will ever get. As I said when I started I had a REALLLLLLY loose scalp and after 3 months of DT it gained a bit more of elasticity but I don't even think it can get more loose than this. I never had a problem with that.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Keanoseg Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:17 pm

Anyway, no matter what anyone says it's not gonna be the right answer right now. The purpose of balding is a mystery and will remain that way, unless if it's what I said in the previous post. Nothing else can explain it. NOTHING. It would seem idiotic that you need to put so much effort to retain what your body NEEDS for PROTECTION. That is stupid. Stupid. Stupid. If the body was so smart as you say we all would have NW1's forever and not a single case of balding would ever be recorded on the face of the planet. Unless what I said in the previous post isn't happening right now and this is just a looooong ass genetic modification. Which also makes no sense. So nothing does. You simply can't argue or counter my points because they are inarguable. Noone knows the answers to them and therefore they are not SIMPLE in any way lol. Why this is happening? Noone knows. Can we counter it? Yes. Is it the same for everyone? Apparently yes and no. There's always the same fucking goddamn pattern of recession but it's different for all the people. For example the elasticity plays an absolute ZERO of a role in my case. So if my scalp isnt tight, why does DT work for me? For me it must be the calcification,fibrosis part of story along with anything else that comes with it. It's still so unclear though.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:32 pm

For those of us who have broken up this tissue under the scalp and can really feel it... WHAT IS THIS STUFF? Do we have any concrete proof of what this MASSIVE hard buildup is? Grease, calcium, scar tissue? what?!

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Keanoseg Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:39 pm

hiilikeyourbeard wrote:For those of us who have broken up this tissue under the scalp and can really feel it... WHAT IS THIS STUFF? Do we have any concrete proof of what this MASSIVE hard buildup is? Grease, calcium, scar tissue? what?!

Soft, spunge-like calcification/fibrosis/dandruff/sebum/toxic buildup. I guess you could refer to all of that as "grease" because the word for all that doesn't exist so we might as well make something Anyway, if it's not that what I just said noone pretty much knows what it is. So it either has to be that or it's some ghostly supstance that is made from antimatter so noone can detect it on any instruments -.- *cough* sacrasm *cough*


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty DHT is overproduced everyone ton the scalp but the blood flow washed it away and that can't be possible if you have very tight facial muscles?

Post  Complexx Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:42 pm

Keanoseg wrote:
Complexx wrote:
Keanoseg wrote:I know but all of this is too random I think to draw any parallel-pixel-input precision. For example I know people who have been brushing for years and they have an amazing head of healthy hair. Also I know people both my age (early 20s) and older (30-60) who take the worst care of themselves. They don't do any harder physical activities, they drink, they smoke, they eat white bread and pasta everyday they are probably deficient in half of vitamins and minerals in the body. Yet they don't experience any balding whatsoever. To me, it's stupid to think that some people's genetics respond to these conditions with scalp inflammation and some don't. What in the world is the evolutionary/physiological reason and purpose for this? I don't think it exists in the realm of logic/reason, I think it's just a random modification for God knows what. We will probably never find an answer to these questions above. If we can't even solve it yet and pinpoint the exact reasons for "why always the same goddamn pattern of loss" I don't see how we'll ever find the purpose towards all of this is happening.
I also find it retarded that the follicles in the hairline and on the top would respond to this inflammation and androgens and everywhere else it wouldn't. WHY? It's the same god damn type of follicle and everything else is the same. There is so much un answered basic questions to all this. More importantly, I don't think anyone even cares in the scientific world for this. Yes, there are billions of studies but come on for fuck sake. Can't they just take few people who are at different balding stages and examine the difference inside they're skin in the scalp throughout it? For sure there would be something in the balding parts, and if it's not fibrosis/calcification/trapped dandruff,sebum and therefore DHT as well I have no god damn idea what is it and nobody does or that information simply isn't public because it's easier to make money like this and induce stupid social fears. It's all about control up there so why would they give a shit. You can't get friction alopecia or induce any negative damage to the scalp with DT if you do it correctly, I can guarantee you that. Also this is by far the best chance anyone has at regrowing and maintaining their hair for life without turning into a girl or poisoning themselves with minoxidil which contains god knows what maybe the almighty piss of Ctulhu.

As far as different alopecias go as you mentioned, I really don't know. I think it's wrong to look at them as different "alopecias" because it's something that people just invented names for because they can't explain it. If you're temples are receding you don't have areata and moreover maybe 1% of males losing they're hair have this areata shit. Everything else is "mpb". Also what in the world does "mpb" signal from the body. Also why women don't lose their hair in they're 20s with that stupidly idiotic pattern. Androgens? REALLY? Why the pattern then? It just makes no sense whatsoever. Also 99% of the women have really tight scalps which are heaven for DHT hypoxic production and the maximum they will experience is some hair thinning and they will go crazy over nothing -.-. Nothing is still answered man, and us discussing here forever even isn't gonna make anything more clear until we obviously get ALL the answers from the Holy Heavens.

Actually< some of your questions are pretty simple to answer.

First of all, you CANNOT say that 99% of all females have tight scalps.. This is pure speculation. But I do  see where you're getting at though.

Second of all, FPB is a lot a lot less common compared to MPB simply because they have much less DHT than estradiol & I strongly believe this is probably why most women with tight scalps only experience diffuse thinning most times. However, some women with really tight scalps DO loose hair during pregnancy or going through menopause. The Botox study states that the GALEA gets tight=> Lack of blood flow which leads to hypoxia=>DHT is overproduced in the scalp=>DHT-Estradiol ratio is out of whack with DHT being the much more "present" hormone around he Galea section of the scalp. Once they loosened the scalp, all of that was corrected & every single test subject experienced a complete HALT in hair loss and a good portion of men regrew hair. This is why I say the whole "gene stuff" is ALL bullshit simply because you can stop hair loss completely by loosening the scalp. Drexx did it.. I did it.. many of you guys have done it.. many of other guys on other forums have done it...and studies prove it. The gene stuff can be thrown in the garbage now. Also, it wouldn't even make sense for a "mpb gene" to be present in our bodies at some point our lives simply because we need hair for PROTECTION. Our bodies are smart as fuck, do you really think it's going to give up something that is NECESSARY FOR PROTECTION for no apparent reason? And this only happens for a good portion of one Male ender and barely people from the Female gender? Lol come on man.. Or how about how how most, if not all men with MPB don't lose hair at all from the sides and back of their heads?

So guys, keep in mind that it's not the "fibrosis", "calcification", or "hard debris/gunk" (or whatever the fuck that shit is in our scalps) that is making your scalp tight... it's your Frontalis, Temporalis, and Occipatilis muscles that are pulling on your Galea and causing everything else to happen. Now, the reason why DT is so awesome, is because because not only does it loosen the scalp better than the Maliniak Method Massage (doing both works even better), it also breaks up all the bullshit in the scalp (highly doubt the violet ray can do this (or at least it will take much longer and more dedication than DT) since Maliniak recommends people applying an "essential oil" on his clients scalps to clear their pores of all "hard "debris"

LOL the questions ARE NOT simple and no, you didn't asnwer them in any way.

It's basically what I said , except the fact that I don't agree with you. First of all, when I came to this forum and saw the manual threads the first thing I did is I checked how loose my scalp is. And guess what, it was elastic as fuck. There's my post from 4,5 months back on the old DT thread where I asked why am I than losing my hair in the pattern shape while my entire scalp is flexible as heck and my muscles don't pull anything. This is where I believe more in inflammation-->calcification and fibrosis as results to why the scalp gets tight instead of just muscles pulling the scalp. Also the genetic think you said, it might be just a modification of a sort as I said. We don't need hair anymore honestly. Throughout evolution if we started as ape looking mofos we lost hair on our whole bodies because we were more and more indoors and protected. We kept it only on the head because of brain/skull protection maybe from impacts/temperature but we don't even need that anymore. Keep in mind that the human genome takes thousands of years to make small adjustments so it might be the answer to why it's taking so long. I don't believe in that honestly though. Except that there's no explanation whatsoever for balding. Not a tiny bit. Anywhere. So back to the tightness, for me making the scalp more loose didn't do shit because it was already as loose as it gets. This is where I thought that all of this is stupid because for me it didn't apply. Galea being pulled because of muscles might have an impact but I think it's just maybe one additional reason why the inflammation starts or gets increased. So I think that if muscle tension does anything it's that increases effects of inflammation and hypoxia, but there's 0% and not even a tiny bit more chance that this is the root or the only reason I can guarantee you that. Also about women's scalp being tight. I tried it on about 10 women irl so far. Might sound funny but check it on any girl/woman you know and you'll see that it's 9/10 times the case so it's not speculation. Also you didn't really answer any of my questions you just rephrased them in your own way although you said it's simple. I don't blame you, you can't. Noone can. Right now at least. For me personally, muscles pulling the galea is the furthest of answers to my state it will ever get. As I said when I started I had a REALLLLLLY loose scalp and after 3 months of DT it gained a bit more of elasticity but I don't even think it can get more loose than this. I never had a problem with that.

You may have thought your muscles weren't tight... but they were and you just proved it to me after saying this "I started I had a REALLLLLLY loose scalp and after 3 months of DT it gained a bit more of elasticity"

There is a study where all participants (about 45 I think) experienced a complete HALT in hair loss (this disproves what you just said about a loose scalp only being an aggressor and not the CAUSE to this MPB situation) and a great amount of people on this forum alone are noticing the same. Also, I DID answer your questions. You basically asked why women don't go bald like men do and I simply answered BECAUSE THEY DON'T PRODUCE HIGH ENOUGH AMOUNTS OF DHT... and SOME DO WHEN THEY GO THROUGH PREGNANCY AND MENOPAUSE BECAUSE OF INCREASED DHT.. When the scalp becomes tight, DHT then becomes overproduced and basically overpowers estradiol..but when the scalp is loosened, dht is decreased (only in the scalp), estradiol is able to ooonce "flourish" through the scalp, and hair loss stops and hair is then able to regrow (many follicles may need to be stimulated, though.) In some hair loss study that SlowMoe mentioned, it stated something about placebo regrowing hair and DHT levels lowering ONLY IN THE SCALP while serum levels stayed in check..

My point is, that nearly EVERYTHING the helps with hair loss has too do with lowering DHT or enhancing blood flow. For all you know, you may have a weak vascular system.

Anyways, theirs no reason to argue dude... you're getting results from doing something that increases blood flow lol. What NW are you BTW?

Last edited by Complexx on Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:52 pm

Keanoseg wrote:Anyway, no matter what anyone says it's not gonna be the right answer right now. The purpose of balding is a mystery and will remain that way, unless if it's what I said in the previous post. Nothing else can explain it. NOTHING. It would seem idiotic that you need to put so much effort to retain what your body NEEDS for PROTECTION. That is stupid. Stupid. Stupid. If the body was so smart as you say we all would have NW1's forever and not a single case of balding would ever be recorded on the face of the planet. Unless what I said in the previous post isn't happening right now and this is just a looooong ass genetic modification. Which also makes no sense. So nothing does. You simply can't argue or counter my points because they are inarguable. Noone knows the answers to them and therefore they are not SIMPLE in any way lol. Why this is happening? Noone knows. Can we counter it? Yes. Is it the same for everyone? Apparently yes and no. There's always the same fucking goddamn pattern of recession but it's different for all the people. For example the elasticity plays an absolute ZERO of a role in my case. So if my scalp isnt tight, why does DT work for me? For me it must be the calcification,fibrosis part of story along with anything else that comes with it. It's still so unclear though.

Someone get this guy on high doses of Niacinamide+Kratom. MPB IS ALREADY CURABLE IF YOU LOOSEN THE SCALP.. DHT INDUCES INFLAMMATION, AND THE CRAPPY BLOOD FLOW TO THE SCALP MAKES IT SO THAT EVERYTHING ELSE THAT YOUR BODY IS DEALING WITH AFFECTS YOUR SCALP AS WELL (bad diet, inflamed gums, etc.) IF YOU RESTORE BLOOD FLOW TO THE SCALP, THEN YOU WILL NOT LOOSE HAIR. Lack of blood flow/oxygen can actually be a problem for pretty much any fucking aliment because Regrowth is pretty much solved in my opinion but it takes time. We've had cases of full regrowth already and hair follicles don't die. Be patient and stop worrying about all of this stuff and how it works. You're getting result man, many guys are.. chillax. Very Happy

Btw Please, if you don't mind, may you state your starting condition and your results thus far since indulging in this therapy?

Last edited by Complexx on Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:00 pm

hiilikeyourbeard wrote:Also, I can't prove this. But I have a feeling MPB is directly related to the inflammation caused from facial tension

Not sure about it being directly related, but this DEFINITELY plays a factor. This and posture (well, they both have to do wit the same shit haha)

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Keanoseg Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:05 pm

Complexx wrote:
Keanoseg wrote:
Complexx wrote:
Keanoseg wrote:I know but all of this is too random I think to draw any parallel-pixel-input precision. For example I know people who have been brushing for years and they have an amazing head of healthy hair. Also I know people both my age (early 20s) and older (30-60) who take the worst care of themselves. They don't do any harder physical activities, they drink, they smoke, they eat white bread and pasta everyday they are probably deficient in half of vitamins and minerals in the body. Yet they don't experience any balding whatsoever. To me, it's stupid to think that some people's genetics respond to these conditions with scalp inflammation and some don't. What in the world is the evolutionary/physiological reason and purpose for this? I don't think it exists in the realm of logic/reason, I think it's just a random modification for God knows what. We will probably never find an answer to these questions above. If we can't even solve it yet and pinpoint the exact reasons for "why always the same goddamn pattern of loss" I don't see how we'll ever find the purpose towards all of this is happening.
I also find it retarded that the follicles in the hairline and on the top would respond to this inflammation and androgens and everywhere else it wouldn't. WHY? It's the same god damn type of follicle and everything else is the same. There is so much un answered basic questions to all this. More importantly, I don't think anyone even cares in the scientific world for this. Yes, there are billions of studies but come on for fuck sake. Can't they just take few people who are at different balding stages and examine the difference inside they're skin in the scalp throughout it? For sure there would be something in the balding parts, and if it's not fibrosis/calcification/trapped dandruff,sebum and therefore DHT as well I have no god damn idea what is it and nobody does or that information simply isn't public because it's easier to make money like this and induce stupid social fears. It's all about control up there so why would they give a shit. You can't get friction alopecia or induce any negative damage to the scalp with DT if you do it correctly, I can guarantee you that. Also this is by far the best chance anyone has at regrowing and maintaining their hair for life without turning into a girl or poisoning themselves with minoxidil which contains god knows what maybe the almighty piss of Ctulhu.

As far as different alopecias go as you mentioned, I really don't know. I think it's wrong to look at them as different "alopecias" because it's something that people just invented names for because they can't explain it. If you're temples are receding you don't have areata and moreover maybe 1% of males losing they're hair have this areata shit. Everything else is "mpb". Also what in the world does "mpb" signal from the body. Also why women don't lose their hair in they're 20s with that stupidly idiotic pattern. Androgens? REALLY? Why the pattern then? It just makes no sense whatsoever. Also 99% of the women have really tight scalps which are heaven for DHT hypoxic production and the maximum they will experience is some hair thinning and they will go crazy over nothing -.-. Nothing is still answered man, and us discussing here forever even isn't gonna make anything more clear until we obviously get ALL the answers from the Holy Heavens.

Actually< some of your questions are pretty simple to answer.

First of all, you CANNOT say that 99% of all females have tight scalps.. This is pure speculation. But I do  see where you're getting at though.

Second of all, FPB is a lot a lot less common compared to MPB simply because they have much less DHT than estradiol & I strongly believe this is probably why most women with tight scalps only experience diffuse thinning most times. However, some women with really tight scalps DO loose hair during pregnancy or going through menopause. The Botox study states that the GALEA gets tight=> Lack of blood flow which leads to hypoxia=>DHT is overproduced in the scalp=>DHT-Estradiol ratio is out of whack with DHT being the much more "present" hormone around he Galea section of the scalp. Once they loosened the scalp, all of that was corrected & every single test subject experienced a complete HALT in hair loss and a good portion of men regrew hair. This is why I say the whole "gene stuff" is ALL bullshit simply because you can stop hair loss completely by loosening the scalp. Drexx did it.. I did it.. many of you guys have done it.. many of other guys on other forums have done it...and studies prove it. The gene stuff can be thrown in the garbage now. Also, it wouldn't even make sense for a "mpb gene" to be present in our bodies at some point our lives simply because we need hair for PROTECTION. Our bodies are smart as fuck, do you really think it's going to give up something that is NECESSARY FOR PROTECTION for no apparent reason? And this only happens for a good portion of one Male ender and barely people from the Female gender? Lol come on man.. Or how about how how most, if not all men with MPB don't lose hair at all from the sides and back of their heads?

So guys, keep in mind that it's not the "fibrosis", "calcification", or "hard debris/gunk" (or whatever the fuck that shit is in our scalps) that is making your scalp tight... it's your Frontalis, Temporalis, and Occipatilis muscles that are pulling on your Galea and causing everything else to happen. Now, the reason why DT is so awesome, is because because not only does it loosen the scalp better than the Maliniak Method Massage (doing both works even better), it also breaks up all the bullshit in the scalp (highly doubt the violet ray can do this (or at least it will take much longer and more dedication than DT) since Maliniak recommends people applying an "essential oil" on his clients scalps to clear their pores of all "hard "debris"

LOL the questions ARE NOT simple and no, you didn't asnwer them in any way.

It's basically what I said , except the fact that I don't agree with you. First of all, when I came to this forum and saw the manual threads the first thing I did is I checked how loose my scalp is. And guess what, it was elastic as fuck. There's my post from 4,5 months back on the old DT thread where I asked why am I than losing my hair in the pattern shape while my entire scalp is flexible as heck and my muscles don't pull anything. This is where I believe more in inflammation-->calcification and fibrosis as results to why the scalp gets tight instead of just muscles pulling the scalp. Also the genetic think you said, it might be just a modification of a sort as I said. We don't need hair anymore honestly. Throughout evolution if we started as ape looking mofos we lost hair on our whole bodies because we were more and more indoors and protected. We kept it only on the head because of brain/skull protection maybe from impacts/temperature but we don't even need that anymore. Keep in mind that the human genome takes thousands of years to make small adjustments so it might be the answer to why it's taking so long. I don't believe in that honestly though. Except that there's no explanation whatsoever for balding. Not a tiny bit. Anywhere. So back to the tightness, for me making the scalp more loose didn't do shit because it was already as loose as it gets. This is where I thought that all of this is stupid because for me it didn't apply. Galea being pulled because of muscles might have an impact but I think it's just maybe one additional reason why the inflammation starts or gets increased. So I think that if muscle tension does anything it's that increases effects of inflammation and hypoxia, but there's 0% and not even a tiny bit more chance that this is the root or the only reason I can guarantee you that. Also about women's scalp being tight. I tried it on about 10 women irl so far. Might sound funny but check it on any girl/woman you know and you'll see that it's 9/10 times the case so it's not speculation. Also you didn't really answer any of my questions you just rephrased them in your own way although you said it's simple. I don't blame you, you can't. Noone can. Right now at least. For me personally, muscles pulling the galea is the furthest of answers to my state it will ever get. As I said when I started I had a REALLLLLLY loose scalp and after 3 months of DT it gained a bit more of elasticity but I don't even think it can get more loose than this. I never had a problem with that.

You may have thought your muscles weren't tight... but they were and you just proved it to me after saying this "I started I had a REALLLLLLY loose scalp and after 3 months of DT it gained a bit more of elasticity"

There is a study where all participants (about 45 I think) experienced a complete HALT in hair loss (this disproves what you just said about a loose scalp only being an aggressor and not the CAUSE to this MPB situation) and a great amount of people on this forum alone are noticing the same. Also, I DID answer your questions. You basically asked why women don't go bald like men do and I simply answered BECAUSE THEY DON'T PRODUCE HIGH ENOUGH AMOUNTS OF DHT... and SOME DO WHEN THEY GO THROUGH PREGNANCY AND MENOPAUSE BECAUSE OF INCREASED DHT.. When the scalp becomes tight, DHT then becomes overproduced and basically overpowers estradiol..but when the scalp is loosened, dht is decreased (only in the scalp), estradiol is able to ooonce "flourish" through the scalp, and hair loss stops and hair is then able to regrow (many follicles may need to be stimulated, though.) In some hair loss study that SlowMoe mentioned, it stated something about placebo regrowing hair and DHT levels lowering ONLY IN THE SCALP while serum levels stayed in check..

My point is, that nearly EVERYTHING the helps with hair loss has too do with lowering DHT or enhancing blood flow. For all you know, you may have a weak vascular system.

Anyways, theirs no reason to argue dude... you're getting results with something that increases blood flow lol. What NW are you?

I asked why is anyone balding in the first place. And no, not looking for the answer "because of DHT" but WHY IS ANYONE BALDING IN THE FIRST PLACE. You have to see the difference. I'm talking existencial question here, not quasi scientific momentary explanation for our modern world. Also lets give some numbers to this. I will invent a new unit called "LOL". So when I started I could move my scalp 1 LOL unit in any direction. After 3 months of DT I can now move it 1.05 LOL units in any direction and when I do it already looks scary because it moves ALOT and I don't even know if I want to make it more elastic. Seems counterproductive at this point. That is what I mean when I say "a bit" of elasticity gain. I don't have a weak vascular system because I have crazy thick hair. TBH I almost never met anyone with hair as thick as mine. I went to a dermatologist because of sebborheic dermatitis 6 months ago and he aimed that dermatologic microscope at my head while watching it on a TV screen, and from 1 follicle 3,4 strands of hair come out, never less than 3. So it is thick and the vascular system isn't weak. 1. the muscles pulling the galea isn't the root of hair loss. When you tackle it from this way it might seem so but it isn't, it's just a symptom, not the root cause dude. Also for women going through menopause you can't know that for sure. For all we may know, they have periods for all they're lives and then suddenly not. They stop secreting iron monthly and we know that iron is a big inflammatory specialist right here. BIG ONE. I was with you and Slowmoe few months ago when all of this made sense. It still does, it's just that that I found something that makes more sense/has more proofs/seems more reasonable. To me at least. No point arguing as you said anyone can believe in what they want.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Keanoseg Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:11 pm

I already did that a couple of times throughout this thread. I started 3 months ago , doing only DT, the way. Which is the best possible manual technique imo. My diet was always good and it's still good, I'm an athlete for all my life so I don't slack there. So far my hair has thickened out even more and it is really strong, I can pull with all my force but the hairs won't come out. Not even 1 most of the times. But then again I could do this even before I started DT anywhere on my scalp and I was still somehow receding.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:16 pm

Keanoseg wrote:
Complexx wrote:
Keanoseg wrote:
Complexx wrote:
Keanoseg wrote:I know but all of this is too random I think to draw any parallel-pixel-input precision. For example I know people who have been brushing for years and they have an amazing head of healthy hair. Also I know people both my age (early 20s) and older (30-60) who take the worst care of themselves. They don't do any harder physical activities, they drink, they smoke, they eat white bread and pasta everyday they are probably deficient in half of vitamins and minerals in the body. Yet they don't experience any balding whatsoever. To me, it's stupid to think that some people's genetics respond to these conditions with scalp inflammation and some don't. What in the world is the evolutionary/physiological reason and purpose for this? I don't think it exists in the realm of logic/reason, I think it's just a random modification for God knows what. We will probably never find an answer to these questions above. If we can't even solve it yet and pinpoint the exact reasons for "why always the same goddamn pattern of loss" I don't see how we'll ever find the purpose towards all of this is happening.
I also find it retarded that the follicles in the hairline and on the top would respond to this inflammation and androgens and everywhere else it wouldn't. WHY? It's the same god damn type of follicle and everything else is the same. There is so much un answered basic questions to all this. More importantly, I don't think anyone even cares in the scientific world for this. Yes, there are billions of studies but come on for fuck sake. Can't they just take few people who are at different balding stages and examine the difference inside they're skin in the scalp throughout it? For sure there would be something in the balding parts, and if it's not fibrosis/calcification/trapped dandruff,sebum and therefore DHT as well I have no god damn idea what is it and nobody does or that information simply isn't public because it's easier to make money like this and induce stupid social fears. It's all about control up there so why would they give a shit. You can't get friction alopecia or induce any negative damage to the scalp with DT if you do it correctly, I can guarantee you that. Also this is by far the best chance anyone has at regrowing and maintaining their hair for life without turning into a girl or poisoning themselves with minoxidil which contains god knows what maybe the almighty piss of Ctulhu.

As far as different alopecias go as you mentioned, I really don't know. I think it's wrong to look at them as different "alopecias" because it's something that people just invented names for because they can't explain it. If you're temples are receding you don't have areata and moreover maybe 1% of males losing they're hair have this areata shit. Everything else is "mpb". Also what in the world does "mpb" signal from the body. Also why women don't lose their hair in they're 20s with that stupidly idiotic pattern. Androgens? REALLY? Why the pattern then? It just makes no sense whatsoever. Also 99% of the women have really tight scalps which are heaven for DHT hypoxic production and the maximum they will experience is some hair thinning and they will go crazy over nothing -.-. Nothing is still answered man, and us discussing here forever even isn't gonna make anything more clear until we obviously get ALL the answers from the Holy Heavens.

Actually< some of your questions are pretty simple to answer.

First of all, you CANNOT say that 99% of all females have tight scalps.. This is pure speculation. But I do  see where you're getting at though.

Second of all, FPB is a lot a lot less common compared to MPB simply because they have much less DHT than estradiol & I strongly believe this is probably why most women with tight scalps only experience diffuse thinning most times. However, some women with really tight scalps DO loose hair during pregnancy or going through menopause. The Botox study states that the GALEA gets tight=> Lack of blood flow which leads to hypoxia=>DHT is overproduced in the scalp=>DHT-Estradiol ratio is out of whack with DHT being the much more "present" hormone around he Galea section of the scalp. Once they loosened the scalp, all of that was corrected & every single test subject experienced a complete HALT in hair loss and a good portion of men regrew hair. This is why I say the whole "gene stuff" is ALL bullshit simply because you can stop hair loss completely by loosening the scalp. Drexx did it.. I did it.. many of you guys have done it.. many of other guys on other forums have done it...and studies prove it. The gene stuff can be thrown in the garbage now. Also, it wouldn't even make sense for a "mpb gene" to be present in our bodies at some point our lives simply because we need hair for PROTECTION. Our bodies are smart as fuck, do you really think it's going to give up something that is NECESSARY FOR PROTECTION for no apparent reason? And this only happens for a good portion of one Male ender and barely people from the Female gender? Lol come on man.. Or how about how how most, if not all men with MPB don't lose hair at all from the sides and back of their heads?

So guys, keep in mind that it's not the "fibrosis", "calcification", or "hard debris/gunk" (or whatever the fuck that shit is in our scalps) that is making your scalp tight... it's your Frontalis, Temporalis, and Occipatilis muscles that are pulling on your Galea and causing everything else to happen. Now, the reason why DT is so awesome, is because because not only does it loosen the scalp better than the Maliniak Method Massage (doing both works even better), it also breaks up all the bullshit in the scalp (highly doubt the violet ray can do this (or at least it will take much longer and more dedication than DT) since Maliniak recommends people applying an "essential oil" on his clients scalps to clear their pores of all "hard "debris"

LOL the questions ARE NOT simple and no, you didn't asnwer them in any way.

It's basically what I said , except the fact that I don't agree with you. First of all, when I came to this forum and saw the manual threads the first thing I did is I checked how loose my scalp is. And guess what, it was elastic as fuck. There's my post from 4,5 months back on the old DT thread where I asked why am I than losing my hair in the pattern shape while my entire scalp is flexible as heck and my muscles don't pull anything. This is where I believe more in inflammation-->calcification and fibrosis as results to why the scalp gets tight instead of just muscles pulling the scalp. Also the genetic think you said, it might be just a modification of a sort as I said. We don't need hair anymore honestly. Throughout evolution if we started as ape looking mofos we lost hair on our whole bodies because we were more and more indoors and protected. We kept it only on the head because of brain/skull protection maybe from impacts/temperature but we don't even need that anymore. Keep in mind that the human genome takes thousands of years to make small adjustments so it might be the answer to why it's taking so long. I don't believe in that honestly though. Except that there's no explanation whatsoever for balding. Not a tiny bit. Anywhere. So back to the tightness, for me making the scalp more loose didn't do shit because it was already as loose as it gets. This is where I thought that all of this is stupid because for me it didn't apply. Galea being pulled because of muscles might have an impact but I think it's just maybe one additional reason why the inflammation starts or gets increased. So I think that if muscle tension does anything it's that increases effects of inflammation and hypoxia, but there's 0% and not even a tiny bit more chance that this is the root or the only reason I can guarantee you that. Also about women's scalp being tight. I tried it on about 10 women irl so far. Might sound funny but check it on any girl/woman you know and you'll see that it's 9/10 times the case so it's not speculation. Also you didn't really answer any of my questions you just rephrased them in your own way although you said it's simple. I don't blame you, you can't. Noone can. Right now at least. For me personally, muscles pulling the galea is the furthest of answers to my state it will ever get. As I said when I started I had a REALLLLLLY loose scalp and after 3 months of DT it gained a bit more of elasticity but I don't even think it can get more loose than this. I never had a problem with that.

You may have thought your muscles weren't tight... but they were and you just proved it to me after saying this "I started I had a REALLLLLLY loose scalp and after 3 months of DT it gained a bit more of elasticity"

There is a study where all participants (about 45 I think) experienced a complete HALT in hair loss (this disproves what you just said about a loose scalp only being an aggressor and not the CAUSE to this MPB situation) and a great amount of people on this forum alone are noticing the same. Also, I DID answer your questions. You basically asked why women don't go bald like men do and I simply answered BECAUSE THEY DON'T PRODUCE HIGH ENOUGH AMOUNTS OF DHT... and SOME DO WHEN THEY GO THROUGH PREGNANCY AND MENOPAUSE BECAUSE OF INCREASED DHT.. When the scalp becomes tight, DHT then becomes overproduced and basically overpowers estradiol..but when the scalp is loosened, dht is decreased (only in the scalp), estradiol is able to ooonce "flourish" through the scalp, and hair loss stops and hair is then able to regrow (many follicles may need to be stimulated, though.) In some hair loss study that SlowMoe mentioned, it stated something about placebo regrowing hair and DHT levels lowering ONLY IN THE SCALP while serum levels stayed in check..

My point is, that nearly EVERYTHING the helps with hair loss has too do with lowering DHT or enhancing blood flow. For all you know, you may have a weak vascular system.

Anyways, theirs no reason to argue dude... you're getting results with something that increases blood flow lol. What NW are you?

I asked why is anyone balding in the first place. And no, not looking for the answer "because of DHT" but WHY IS ANYONE BALDING IN THE FIRST PLACE. You have to see the difference. I'm talking existencial question here, not quasi scientific momentary explanation for our modern world. Also lets give some  numbers to this. I will invent a new unit called "LOL". So when I started I could move my scalp 1 LOL unit in any direction. After 3 months of DT I can now move it 1.05 LOL units in any direction and when I do it already looks scary because it moves ALOT and I don't even know if I want to make it more elastic. Seems counterproductive at this point. That is what I mean when I say "a bit" of elasticity gain. I don't have a weak vascular system because I have crazy thick hair. TBH I almost never met anyone with hair as thick as mine. I went to a dermatologist because of sebborheic dermatitis 6 months ago and he aimed that dermatologic microscope at my head while watching it on a TV screen, and from 1 follicle 3,4 strands of hair come out, never less than 3. So it is thick and the vascular system isn't weak. 1. the muscles pulling the galea isn't the root of hair loss. When you tackle it from this way it might seem so but it isn't, it's just a symptom, not the root cause dude. Also for women going through menopause you can't know that for sure. For all we may know, they have periods for all they're lives and then suddenly not. They stop secreting iron monthly and we know that iron is a big inflammatory specialist right here. BIG ONE. I was with you and Slowmoe few months ago when all of this made sense. It still does, it's just that that I found something that makes more sense/has more proofs/seems more reasonable. To me at least. No point arguing as you said anyone can believe in what they want.

Fair enough man. Hey... as long as it's working for us, we shouldn't worry about what the EXACT root cause is. I mean, studies show what loosening the scalp can do, but we don't know why it becomes tight in the first place.

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Post  Keanoseg Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:32 pm

Exactly. I just want to know and can't click it off out of my head, I don't think I'm asking for too much since it's something that happens in our bodies so we should know this but apparently it's too early even at this age. Anyway, you said that DHT induces inflammation. That is interesting , but how? Something has to happen or be there to cause poor blood flow. This is exactly why I believe in fibrosis/calcification theory. I think it's more probable that some kind of inflammation happens, which calls fibrosis to heal it. But inflammation also directly invites calcification to the story, there are studies backing all of this up, you can find them few pages back when I linked that forum thread. And from all this, you have the inflammation itself and the fibrosis which is induced collagen hardening due to long standing chronic inflammation. This is what "grease" is. How does DHT induce inflammation if there's good blood flow? What would make DHT get trapped in there? Even if the scalp muscles are tight, there is still nothing INSIDE of it to block the circulation. There just has to be something inside. Why I said that the tension isn't the root cause is because when you manually loosen the scalp and relieve the tension, everything changes from the inside. But the inside is what is the reason for hair loss, not the outside, if you get what I mean. I think people could have "mpb" and not even have tight scalps, like in my case for example, simply because there is inflammation/fibrosis/calcification inside which produce this types of hardened collagen and swelling referred in the study as "grease". And when all of this builds up microscopically after a long period of time that is what causes the DHT to get stuck there. DHT can't simply get stuck in the scalp, it has to be some hard tissue merging with the inside of the scalp skin and biochemistry inside which makes it hard to flush the DHT out. When all that happens, the galea and entire scalp gets tight as well ofc. In most cases.


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Post  Complexx Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:03 pm

Keanoseg wrote:How does DHT induce inflammation if there's good blood flow? It doesn't. It causes inflammation and messes with estradiol levels within the scalp only when the Galea is tight.

What would make DHT get trapped in there? Even if the scalp muscles are tight, there is still nothing INSIDE of it to block the circulation.

The arteries, capillaries, etc. undergo compression from a tight Galea which is induced by overly tight muscles around the scalp. Now the question is, what makes these muscles tight... I believe my case was 1) Pretty severe stress and anxiety and 2) Living a sedentary lifestyle (sitting a lot) which is equivilant to, if not worse than smoking. It ruins your posture as well and that can definitely influence scalp tightness.

There just has to be something inside. Why I said that the tension isn't the root cause is because when you manually loosen the scalp and relieve the tension, everything changes from the inside. But the inside is what is the reason for hair loss, not the outside, if you get what I mean.

I get what you mean.. But if I punch you in the face, you will mostly likely get a black and blue from the inside out, which induce by something that happens from the outside, right? Having a tight Galea and thinking your hair will be in great health is like stepping on the middle of a hose and thinking the water will still come out then end of it 100%

I think people could have "mpb" and not even have tight scalps, like in my case for example, simply because there is inflammation/fibrosis/calcification inside which produce this types of hardened collagen and swelling referred in the study as "grease"

I don't think you have a classic case of MPB then bro. You may have some food allergies or other issues that cause inflammation to the scalp that can cause the same symptoms as MPB, but this doesn't sound like MPB to me. None of the shit you have in your scalp would have happened if you had good, healthy, oxygen filled blood flow up there bro. Some people have a fucked up thyroid+a tight scalp and you may just have something similar to MPB but not exactly the same cause..

And when all of this builds up microscopically after a long period of time that is what causes the DHT to get stuck there. DHT can't simply get stuck in the scalp, it has to be some hard tissue merging with the inside of the scalp skin and biochemistry inside which makes it hard to flush the DHT out. When all that happens, the galea and entire scalp gets tight as well ofc. In most cases.

ABSOLUTELY NOT. First of all, I don't even think DHT even "accumulates" anywhere.. It's just overproduced in the Galea region ONLY because of tightness... and once it's loosened, no more overproduction of DHT, inflammation, or messed up DHT/estradiol levels.

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Post  Keanoseg Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:42 pm

Complexx wrote:
Keanoseg wrote:How does DHT induce inflammation if there's good blood flow? It doesn't. It causes inflammation and messes with estradiol levels within the scalp only when the Galea is tight.

What would make DHT get trapped in there? Even if the scalp muscles are tight, there is still nothing INSIDE of it to block the circulation.

The arteries, capillaries, etc. undergo compression from a tight Galea which is induced by overly tight muscles around the scalp. Now the question is, what makes these muscles tight... I believe my case was 1) Pretty severe stress and anxiety and 2) Living a sedentary lifestyle (sitting a lot) which is equivilant to, if not worse than smoking. It ruins your posture as well and that can definitely influence scalp tightness.

There just has to be something inside. Why I said that the tension isn't the root cause is because when you manually loosen the scalp and relieve the tension, everything changes from the inside. But the inside is what is the reason for hair loss, not the outside, if you get what I mean.

I get what you mean.. But if I punch you in the face, you will mostly likely get a black and blue from the inside out, which induce by something that happens from the outside, right? Having a tight Galea and thinking your hair will be in great health is like stepping on the middle of a hose and thinking the water will still come out then end of it 100%

I think people could have "mpb" and not even have tight scalps, like in my case for example, simply because there is inflammation/fibrosis/calcification inside which produce this types of hardened collagen and swelling referred in the study as "grease"

I don't think you have a classic case of MPB then bro. You may have some food allergies or other issues that cause inflammation to the scalp that can cause the same symptoms as MPB, but this doesn't sound like MPB to me. None of the shit you have in your scalp would have happened if you had good, healthy, oxygen filled blood flow up there bro. Some people have a fucked up thyroid+a tight scalp and you may just have something similar to MPB but not exactly the same cause..

And when all of this builds up microscopically after a long period of time that is what causes the DHT to get stuck there. DHT can't simply get stuck in the scalp, it has to be some hard tissue merging with the inside of the scalp skin and biochemistry inside which makes it hard to flush the DHT out. When all that happens, the galea and entire scalp gets tight as well ofc. In most cases.

ABSOLUTELY NOT. First of all, I don't even think DHT even "accumulates" anywhere.. It's just overproduced in the Galea region ONLY because of tightness... and once it's loosened, no more overproduction of DHT, inflammation, or messed up DHT/estradiol levels.

This is all the same we just have different starting points.

Stress and anxiety themselves are inflammatory. It's like what was first, the chicken or the egg?
The studies suggest that there is soft tissue calcification as well as vascular calcification throughout the system.
Also because of the inflammation the chosen area of the system suffers perifollicular fibrosis.
All of that volume could aid the same amount to scalp tightness as the scalp tightness could aid to hypoxic events. It's just that your muscles aren't "flexed" for the entire night and some part of the day, and that is already a big amount of inactive time for that, while the events happening inside your body are free to happen all the time, anytime, throughout the day, for months, years,decades without any period of inactivity.


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Post  hairyshowers Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:50 pm

Keanoseg wrote:It's frustrating that so far we don't have a single before/after picture of the DT results that shows BIG progress .. the stupidest thing out of all, is sitting here waiting for those pictures

This topic always starts off a big argument. On the red corner guys are saying 'to prove this as a legit treatment, we must see some good before/after photos'. On the blue corner guys are saying 'We didnt take photos because we were too self conscious of our balding heads', 'We dont owe anyone proof, but you should believe us because we have nothing to gain by lying about a free treatment'.
Keanoseg, there is only a few people who have completed the full 10month therapy. Maybe less still are guys who committed to the full 40mins per day. We should get more reports when the mass of the volunteers complete their 10months.

I personally have a few photos I took at roughly the 7month mark (below). I will wait until 12 months before I post my after pics (IMO 10months is not enough for most guys to restore all their hair, with the exception of early NW's). At this point I will try to mimick the length/cut and lighting of the originals, though this will be hard. I wish I had taken photos from the beginning as this was when things were looking pretty grim and it would show a more drastic recovery. Before I started DT my entire top (vertex/crown and mid) was crazy thin, I was lucky to cling onto a little tuft of hair on the front which gave me the island. In my denial stage I used to grow the sides out and do a mini combover to cover my thinning midscalp.

If I was to start this therapy again I would follow the advice from drex and take photos each week to monitor my own progress.
On the other hand I dont care too much - once you realise you have halted your hairloss and are slowly getting regrowth then its just a waiting game.

@7months DT

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Es00gy

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 33 Nmb5fp

Temples (the hairs you see covering the temples used to be short and almost transparent vellus)
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I will post after photos in January 2015 which will mean 12 months after I started DT.

Keep it up geek

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