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Pulling out all my teeth!!!

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Pulling out all my teeth!!! Empty Pulling out all my teeth!!!

Post  gregslater Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:01 pm

OK it may sound extreme but I'm starting to consider it. bom

I spent US $1500 this past week on 3 teeth. Trying to get rid of mercury amalgams. Two of these teeth (back molars on the left side) had old cracked fillings and the teeth themselves were cracking. Had to go with porcelain there.

Since then even room temp water causes a shot of pain like when you have temp sensitive teeth.

And starting Thursday evening I have some infection in the gum around the porcelain crown, especially behind the back one. And of course the Dentist is always off on Fridays and this week will be off Monday as well. A call to their on call gets no return call. A call to their emergency number to a backup dentist gets no call back.

I've been swishing with salt water, taking Advil and rubbing on Orajel... which kills the pain for a while, but seriously this is a lot of pain. And to think I paid $1500 to get it too!

Anyway my youngest sister and myself have tried to hold on to our teeth, but are always in bad health despite exercising, decent diet, etc. Meanwhile my oldest sister and dad both got their teeth pulled and fitted for dentures in their late teens and early 20s respectfully, and seem to enjoy near perfect health. Despite smoking 3 packs a day, eating worse than SAD, and absolutely no exercise.

Yes correlation doesn't equal causation, and there could be other genetic, or environmental, etc. reasons. But as I'm up late at night typing this as I have tooth pain, I can't help but focus on this one striking point. Razz

And here is the things... once you get a filling... no matter the material... How do you know for sure there is not still some decay... now just covered up. When in doubt pull it out. Fire up them blenders on puree!

Posts : 119
Join date : 2008-10-04
Age : 55
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Pulling out all my teeth!!! Empty Re: Pulling out all my teeth!!!

Post  JosephineMarie Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:14 am

gregslater wrote:OK it may sound extreme but I'm starting to consider it. bom

I spent US $1500 this past week on 3 teeth. Trying to get rid of mercury amalgams. Two of these teeth (back molars on the left side) had old cracked fillings and the teeth themselves were cracking. Had to go with porcelain there.

Since then even room temp water causes a shot of pain like when you have temp sensitive teeth.

And starting Thursday evening I have some infection in the gum around the porcelain crown, especially behind the back one. And of course the Dentist is always off on Fridays and this week will be off Monday as well. A call to their on call gets no return call. A call to their emergency number to a backup dentist gets no call back.

I've been swishing with salt water, taking Advil and rubbing on Orajel... which kills the pain for a while, but seriously this is a lot of pain. And to think I paid $1500 to get it too!

Anyway my youngest sister and myself have tried to hold on to our teeth, but are always in bad health despite exercising, decent diet, etc. Meanwhile my oldest sister and dad both got their teeth pulled and fitted for dentures in their late teens and early 20s respectfully, and seem to enjoy near perfect health. Despite smoking 3 packs a day, eating worse than SAD, and absolutely no exercise.

Yes correlation doesn't equal causation, and there could be other genetic, or environmental, etc. reasons. But as I'm up late at night typing this as I have tooth pain, I can't help but focus on this one striking point. Razz

And here is the things... once you get a filling... no matter the material... How do you know for sure there is not still some decay... now just covered up. When in doubt pull it out. Fire up them blenders on puree!

God, I'm so sorry--that sounds so painful. Hang in there though and really, don't do anything drastic. Dentures really don't sound like a good option, and I hope you aren't serious about that. I had a porcelain crown put in last year on the bottom back molar and it too has been sensitive to temperature since then--nothing that will put me through the roof, but it does throb at times. Strangely, I have found that it stops hurting when I use a toothpick and massage the gum between it and the next tooth with the toothpick (wedging it between the teeth and pressing on the gum). I don't know what exactly about bringing circulation to the area stops the pain, but it does. Another thing is is that if you are a clencher when you sleep, that can aggrivate the hell out of your new dentistry--do you have a night guard?

Posts : 353
Join date : 2010-05-11

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Pulling out all my teeth!!! Empty Re: Pulling out all my teeth!!!

Post  Hoppipolla Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:36 am

Maybe you could try remineralizing? Do you think the problem is more your teeth or your gums?

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Join date : 2010-02-26
Location : Kent, UK

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