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China is at it again

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China is at it again Empty China is at it again

Post  shaftless Tue May 07, 2024 2:05 am

They are playing around with so-called viruses and adding proteins to them to mimic the effects of the ebola virus on hamsters. Sure we know that certain biological substances like  enzymes and alkaloids can affect tissue and snake venom or eating toadstool mushrooms. But if they are injecting relatively harmless proteins in very small amounts into hamsters and slowly they show signs of organ failure and die then it looks like maybe there was some replication going on. So much replication that the body wasn't able to properly detox.

Which makes me wonder....what do these highly-paid virologists really do in their high-tech labs if they are unintentionally fooling themselves in their belief of viruses? What other natural biological processes that easily explains their results make it hard for them to detect?



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China is at it again Empty Re: China is at it again

Post  CausticSymmetry Tue May 07, 2024 4:07 am

shaftless wrote:They are playing around with so-called viruses and adding proteins to them to mimic the effects of the ebola virus on hamsters. Sure we know that certain biological substances like  enzymes and alkaloids can affect tissue and snake venom or eating toadstool mushrooms. But if they are injecting relatively harmless proteins in very small amounts into hamsters and slowly they show signs of organ failure and die then it looks like maybe there was some replication going on. So much replication that the body wasn't able to properly detox.

Which makes me wonder....what do these highly-paid virologists really do in their high-tech labs if they are unintentionally fooling themselves in their belief of viruses? What other natural biological processes that easily explains their results make it hard for them to detect?


A quote from Saeed Qureshi, Ph.D. (he deals with the mathematical validation studies)

"If I may add, the public, including experts, does not realize that viruses/virology/vaccines/PCR are secondary to the main problem/lie, which is the promotion or forcing of fake or fraudulent science by those who have not studied actual science. Fix the lie, i.e., there is something as medical/pharmaceutical science, and the secondary issues will be resolved—and quickly."

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