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Estimate from an IAOMT listed dentist

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Estimate from an IAOMT listed dentist Empty Estimate from an IAOMT listed dentist

Post  gregslater Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:38 pm

Well I went in today... and got an estimate. Unlike my regular dentist, they want you to pay them all the bill, and they will will fill out the insurance forms and the insurance will reimburse me. While this is often how some doctors do it, I imagine the big reason here is that the insurance company will likely not go for most of what they want to do, And there is a cap in yearly payout... which this would blow away by nearly 3 times over.

I have 6 amalgams (actually 8 but 2 are not even in this 'mandatory', needed now plan) and 2 root canals.


I couldn't find a local 'alliance' dentist completely following Dr. Huggins protocols. As the docs using that protocol pay for training and certification, plus a $500/year membership plus they must have a nd use least the rita meter and negative ion generator. There is one listed a state over... but no way I can do $5500 as it stands now. so I can't see it getting any cheaper.


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Age : 55
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Estimate from an IAOMT listed dentist Empty Re: Estimate from an IAOMT listed dentist

Post  big mike Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:58 am

Its definitely expensive. I just had 2 amalgams replaced. I talked to two different doctors and the prices seemed to be somewhat consistent, between $400-$500 per filling. If your quote was anything more than that, you can find cheaper (unless you want porcelain replacements, those are more expensive). Don't let them pressure you into doing everything all at once. Start off with what you are comfortable with. I would think taking a couple out is better than none.

big mike

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Estimate from an IAOMT listed dentist Empty Feel like just pulling them all out :-)

Post  gregslater Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:32 am

Most all of my dad's side of the family has lost their teeth. My dad had false teeth by 20. My oldest sister by 18. Dad's mom... not sure the age but I remember dad saying she was young. And both her parents (my great grand parents) wore false teeth as well. Actually my GGM would not wear hers and I recall the blender running while over there a bunch as she would drink most of her meals in smoothie form... or just gum stuff I guess.

Despite being toothless these folks lived/are living long lives. Dad is 71 and smokes 3 packs a dad... yeah he is a NW6 though. My GGPs lived into their 90s. Oldest sister has no apparent health issues (so far) and smokes 1-2 packs a day.

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Join date : 2008-10-04
Age : 55
Location : TN

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Estimate from an IAOMT listed dentist Empty Re: Estimate from an IAOMT listed dentist

Post  gregslater Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:24 am

Here is the dentist's optional supplement program... for an extra $450!

1. Oxidative Stress Relief – OSR is a dietary supplement with a daily dose of 100MG. OSR raised glutathione levels, the primary antioxidant that remove mercury and other toxins from the body. Thyroid disease, hypotension, and diabetes are associated with low glutathione levels so these conditions should be monitored closely when taking this supplement.

2. Intestinal metal detoxification program. The following products, are designed to be used in combination, to improve the body’s natural detoxification pathways. They work by preventing the absorption and re-absorption of heavy metals in the gut and opening the natural elimination pathways through the liver and gut.

A. Intestinal Metal Detox – IMD is a highly, purified silica with covalently attached metal-binding groups. It is insoluble in the gut and prevents both absorption or heavy metals and free radical generation caused by heavy metals. It directly neutralizes free radicals in the gut and may place a role in damping gastrointestinal inflammation. I like to use it during the week when silver/mercury fillings are removed as an extra safeguard to protect guests from exposure to mercury.

B. Alka C – A buffered Vitamin C. Mix it with IMD and water. It protect the IMD form the acids in the stomach.

C. Liposomal Glutathione – This form is 100 times more potent than plain glutathione in replenishing intracellular glutathione.

D. Probiotic-Plus – The IMD will remove any bacteria that have absorbed mercury in the gut, both good and bad. Probiotics replace the good bacteria.

E. ClearWay Co-Factors Blend – The bodily detoxification system needs to be supported during the cleansing cycles. The blend is designed to give your body the supplements needed to support detoxification.

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Age : 55
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Estimate from an IAOMT listed dentist Empty Re: Estimate from an IAOMT listed dentist

Post  gregslater Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:51 am

Well I just got 3 of them done this morning. Two molars got the amalgams removed, and porcelain crowns put on.

But now that the numbness is wearing off I have an extreme tooth ache!!!!! I called and they said take 4-200mg ibuprofen, as it was likely from the trauma.

How long should I give this before I smack someone? Evil or Very Mad

Good thing I am off the rest of the day. No way I could work with this.

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Join date : 2008-10-04
Age : 55
Location : TN

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