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trans-vaccenic acid or TVA

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trans-vaccenic acid or TVA Empty trans-vaccenic acid or TVA

Post  shaftless Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:12 am

I may have been a victim of "click-bait" but hey you never know. It sounds innocent enuff. It's a molecule found in everyday food like meat and dairy products and now new research is saying that it fights off cancer. It doesn't suggest that we pig out on burgers and cheese but we may find it in supplement form maybe.


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trans-vaccenic acid or TVA Empty Re: trans-vaccenic acid or TVA

Post  CausticSymmetry Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:00 am

shaftless wrote:I may have been a victim of "click-bait" but hey you never know. It sounds innocent enuff. It's a molecule found in everyday food like meat and dairy products and now new research is saying that it fights off cancer. It doesn't suggest that we pig out on burgers and cheese but we may find it in supplement form maybe.

Indulging in hamburgers and cheese (unless one is allergic to dairy) is probably a good idea. Sources I have read a few times suggested that minced meat (ground-round) is the ultimate super food.

Trans-vaccenic acid (TVA) is a type of trans fatty acid that is naturally found in beef, lamb, and dairy products. Unlike artificial trans fats, which are harmful to health, TVA has besides the tumor suppressing quality are lowering triglyceride levels, inflammation and oxidative stress, and glucose metabolism.

That said, articles like these will not even hint what really causes cancer.

Troubled emotions, toxins, dental mischief, \/@ccines, especially the C0NV!D variety (think turbo-cancers).

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