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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 36 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  sizzlinghairs Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:17 pm

Thanks for clarifying.

Lol well, I guess I can get easily concerned, but at the end of the day I just wanna be able to do DT in peace without having to worry about possible negative bodily consequences. Large peramanrnt wrinkles seemed to fit that description..


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 36 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  chubbfrank Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:06 pm

hairyshowers wrote:

Scalp relaxed:

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Wow, that's really interesting. Thanks for point that out HS.


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Post  johndoe1225 Fri Jun 12, 2015 7:22 am

Hey guys

I was just wondering, could I get some opinions about my boar bristle "smashing" method?

Basically, I take my boar bristle brush, place it on my temples/top/wherever on my scalp, keep it stationary, and with my other hand press down on top of it until the bristles crumble.  I find that this gives me an almost IMMEDIATE release of dead skin/dandruff, and a lot of it.  I also "tap" with my boar bristle brush, but the smashing method seems to knock loose much more crap.

Sometimes after I do that, I'll spray my ACV on it (1 part ACV to 1 part water).  It really stings.

Does anyone think this is bad?  Except of course the possibility of wearing out the brush faster.

Maybe I'll post a picture on Monday if I remember after I shower, so you can see the scalp perfectly clean, then within a few seconds, it's covered in dead skin after I do this. You can definitely see that the scalp is red/inflamed in the areas that I did this in, and it stings a little bit too, but not much at all.


EDIT:  Just saw hairy's relaxed scalp pics.  If that's not proof that it worked, I don't know what to tell you, awesome work.  Please keep us updated cheers


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Post  Denied Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:30 am

3 months in.
Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 36 All-four_3_months

This is going to be a quick and short update. Been doing DT for three months. Looking at photos of last month and this month I can't tell any difference. Not seeing any growth and not expecting any for another few months. What has changed between now and when I started is the amount of white flakes/dandruff that I get after every session - it has been reduced dramatically, it is now 1/2 or 1/3 the amount that I got when I first started out. The amount of hair that I lost after every session has been going down as well. Before I would loose about 30 hairs each time now I loose around 20 after my morning session and less than 5 after my evening session.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 36 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Columbo Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:54 pm

nice documentation, denied.

don't see any growth, but then don't see any loss... so hair looking nice and stable. be interesting to see how it's looking month 9 or 12

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 36 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  gorilla_power Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:12 pm

Duketronix wrote:Just poppin through.  Beena a while and not gonna read all the stuff I missed since it seems to  be mostly more of the same old same old....

At any rate I'm convinced that the crunching is a vital part of the process.  I originally had no crunching and then eventually (6-7months?) started getting the crunching sound at my temples.  Now it has slowly spread so that I get the crunching on almost my entire head.  It's been interesting watching it slowly spread.  I would swear my head is flatter now too...  But maybe I'm imagining that.... don't know.  

At any rate I started DT for the first like 4 month son just my right temple and and then added the left in once I looked like it was showing promise.  The difference between the two is quite large now but the left is very clearly going through the same process as the right did.  Over the past few months I have been quite consistently shedding though.  I've had some overall thinning but I've jsut stuck to it and now in the past few weeks when I comb me hair back there's a ton of new hairs coming in and popping through the long hairs.

I didn't give up because I had a couple solo hairs that have been in the same spot below my hairline since years ago when I was on pharma stuff.  THose hairs have been largely swallowed up on the right and on the left there's a good 10 terminal hairs and whole whack of other promising guys who don't have pigment yet filling in the area.

I don't know that this works for everybody but it sure as hell works for me.  I'd love to know exactly why.  I'd LOVE to know what that crunching is too.  I've showed friends the sound to make sure it isn't only audible to me and they can all hear it.  I also have noticed that since my scalp has gotten looser when the crunching happens I can kind of feel stuff compressing in my scalp almost like little bubbles popping or beads rubbing against each-other but super small.  I can't "feel" them specifically but intuitively that's what my brain feels like is happening.

anyway not coming here and sticking to DT seems to do the trick for me so I won't be back for a while.  My phone contract is up in late fall so maybe I'll get one with decent camera and then I'll upload some pics.

Good luck!

To answer our questions,this works by breaking the hard lymph that has trapped acids that caused inflammation.
By removing this obstruction in the flow of energy and by keeping a alkaline enviroment(thats why diet is everything-regeneration doesnt happen in an acidic medium) the body can regenerate tissues.
The crunching sound is hard lymph being beaking and turning again into liquid and hopefully once again into the the circulation of the lymph vessels.Finally it should get out by kidneys and peed in the toiled cause kidnes filter the 2/3 of the lymph fluids.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 36 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Wed Jun 17, 2015 7:11 am

gorilla_power wrote:
Duketronix wrote:Just poppin through.  Beena a while and not gonna read all the stuff I missed since it seems to  be mostly more of the same old same old....

At any rate I'm convinced that the crunching is a vital part of the process.  I originally had no crunching and then eventually (6-7months?) started getting the crunching sound at my temples.  Now it has slowly spread so that I get the crunching on almost my entire head.  It's been interesting watching it slowly spread.  I would swear my head is flatter now too...  But maybe I'm imagining that.... don't know.  

At any rate I started DT for the first like 4 month son just my right temple and and then added the left in once I looked like it was showing promise.  The difference between the two is quite large now but the left is very clearly going through the same process as the right did.  Over the past few months I have been quite consistently shedding though.  I've had some overall thinning but I've jsut stuck to it and now in the past few weeks when I comb me hair back there's a ton of new hairs coming in and popping through the long hairs.

I didn't give up because I had a couple solo hairs that have been in the same spot below my hairline since years ago when I was on pharma stuff.  THose hairs have been largely swallowed up on the right and on the left there's a good 10 terminal hairs and whole whack of other promising guys who don't have pigment yet filling in the area.

I don't know that this works for everybody but it sure as hell works for me.  I'd love to know exactly why.  I'd LOVE to know what that crunching is too.  I've showed friends the sound to make sure it isn't only audible to me and they can all hear it.  I also have noticed that since my scalp has gotten looser when the crunching happens I can kind of feel stuff compressing in my scalp almost like little bubbles popping or beads rubbing against each-other but super small.  I can't "feel" them specifically but intuitively that's what my brain feels like is happening.

anyway not coming here and sticking to DT seems to do the trick for me so I won't be back for a while.  My phone contract is up in late fall so maybe I'll get one with decent camera and then I'll upload some pics.

Good luck!

To answer our questions,this works by breaking the hard lymph that has trapped acids that caused inflammation.
By removing this obstruction in the flow of energy and by  keeping a alkaline enviroment(thats why diet is everything-regeneration doesnt happen in an acidic medium) the body can regenerate tissues.
The crunching sound is hard lymph being beaking and  turning again into liquid and hopefully once again into the  the circulation of the lymph vessels.Finally it should get out by kidneys and peed in the toiled cause kidnes filter the 2/3 of the lymph fluids.

I think you'll dig this. I dunno if you've ever heard him talk about hair loss before! It's the lymph fluid guys, guaranteed.

Go to 39:50 to hear him speak about it for a second.

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Post  tooyoungforthis Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:36 am

Hey man, good to see you post again. any update on your progress? any pics which you mentioned months ago?
so if it's the lymph system, hagerty's exercises must be a welcome addition to do during the day at any moment?


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Post  hiilikeyourbeard Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:27 pm

tooyoungforthis wrote:Hey man, good to see you post again. any update on your progress? any pics which you mentioned months ago?
so if it's the lymph system, hagerty's exercises must be a welcome addition to do during the day at any moment?

It's definitely the lymphatic fluid, that's why you see the hard swelling where there's hair loss. I recommend everyone get on a raw food diet, that's why we're in this mess in the first place. Acidosis. No question in my mind. I'm moving over to a raw food diet hopefully that will speed things up even more. I'm slowly approaching NW2 and my density is almost filled in. I was extremely diffuse all over in such random gross spots, those are all filling in. I had the island in front, which is slowly fanning back out into my hairline that keeps dropping and getting thicker and thicker. My hair is getting darker too. Once my crown fills in, I'll post pictures. My crown was a baseball sized bald spot with maybe 10% density and now it's filled in all the way with dense hair, just has to thicken and pigment more a bit. I'm probably at about 65% regrowth for the crown which is absolutely incredible. The rest of the density is to about 75% where it had thinned to maybe 20% density in random spots. So it was bad and patchy and a large bald spot. When first starting this treatment I was between NW3v and NW4 with bad diffuse and now I'm heading towards full density by the end of the year so hopefully I can drop the hairline down to NW2 by then, that's my goal. Anyway, I'll post a pic soon. I'm finally letting my hair grow out again Smile. Hope all is well with everyone here. The only reason anyone is losing their hair is because of this lymph fluid under your scalp. I'd bet my life on it. DT and a Raw food diet to clear out your lymphatic system and bye bye hair loss. Best of luck all. I will be NW1 or 0 in a few years. Talk soon guys!

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Post  Growdamnit Fri Jun 19, 2015 1:23 am

DT still has yet to work for me, but I do believe it is the lymphatic system as well.


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Post  thisainteasy Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:15 am

I've currently been doing this DT for a little over a month. My hair is thinning more (less density) and the scalp has a lot of pimples/acnes and dandruff. It's also very itchy. Is this normal / part of the process or am I doing it wrong?

Press the skin, pinch. press the skin, pinch. Wash, rinse repeat. Twice a day, 20 minutes each. Everyday.

The harder part to work on is the front crown. It's hard as rock. Is this normal / part of the process?


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 36 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  johndoe1225 Fri Jun 26, 2015 3:02 am

thisainteasy wrote:I've currently been doing this DT for a little over a month. My hair is thinning more (less density) and the scalp has a lot of pimples/acnes and dandruff. It's also very itchy. Is this normal / part of the process or am I doing it wrong?

Press the skin, pinch. press the skin, pinch. Wash, rinse repeat. Twice a day, 20 minutes each. Everyday.

The harder part to work on is the front crown. It's hard as rock. Is this normal / part of the process?

Hey easy

FWIW dandruff is a great sign in my opinion. I experienced much more shedding immediately within the first two weeks of starting DT properly. Some areas feel really hard for me too. Most notable is above my left temple. It feels like when I pinch it, I'm just pinching two ends of a piece of wood/something immobile. I work around this by trying to use two hands to pinch and bunch up the skin in this area, and to pay special attention to it with the massage/rubbing motions part of DT.

Also, I was wondering about Tom Hagerty's scalp exercises. What is a good amount of time to do them? I was just wondering because I don't want to end up gaining too much muscle on my head and unintentionally make DT harder. I used to do them a lot but cut back.

I'm sure the technique is important, does anyone else do Hagerty's scalp exercises? I raise my eyebrows (contracting my frontalis muscles in a kind of surprised look) for not even a second, then pull my ears back (contracting the occipital muscles) and sometimes hold them there for a few seconds, or just release them quickly to move my scalp more quickly than holding it, which would make the exercise basically look like I was flirting with someone in a creepy way (needless to say, I do the exercises in private Very Happy )


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 36 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bov51 Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:33 am

Its been 2 months since I stopped doing dt, the vellus hairs that I thought came from Dt are still here. Im guessing those vellus was always there even before DT.


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Post  johndoe1225 Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:54 am

There's really an incredible amount of dead skin or whatever it is trapped in my scalp, and if it wasn't for DT I never would have noticed. I get the best release by pressing a boar bristle brush onto my scalp. It can look perfectly clean, and after as little as 5 seconds, it looks like I spilled powdered sugar on my scalp


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Post  Growdamnit Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:56 am

It doesn't work.


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Post  johndoe1225 Wed Jul 01, 2015 5:16 am

Growdamnit wrote:It doesn't work.

I am still in the early stages of DT but I can assure you it works for dead skin release as I mentioned, for me at least.


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Post  thisainteasy Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:04 am

hiilikeyourbeard seems to have the best result out of DT. If he can share his "techniques" to us that'd be great. We need all help we can get.

I'd rather do this therapy the right way immediately. I don't want to be in this for 9 months only to realize I'm doing it all wrong. That'd be a waste of time, waste of effort, waste of investment and not to mention waste of emotional ups and downs.


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Post  Brabus Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:43 pm

What is the conclusion of this therapy? Is this working or was it just another bs in the list of the hair loss treatments? Im not sure if its a good sign that no one is posting progress anymore. Maybe they moved on with their life after experiencing regrowth (I wish)......


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 36 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  SonofOdin Thu Jul 16, 2015 12:30 am

I think we can safely say this is not a bs treatment as several people have shown some pretty compelling results - especially the pics hiilikeyourbeard i believe, showed of the hair regrowing where the massages would crease his skin. We also have many people who managed to maintain their hair using the method...even though some may not attribute it to the massage. The issue is people were promised a miracle by the study. Maintenance is not a victory in many people's heads because the bar was set so high. But we have had people with regrowth, and almost everyone reports a healthier scalp.

If we are to believe the reports of everyone who has gone in and submitted their results to this thread, this massage has a much higher success rate than most other options such as many supp regimens, topicals, and dietary changes. Worth a shot if you have little hair you need to regain, or just want to maintain what you've got. If you're pretty far gone well, you may need to look at other options.

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Post  bov51 Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:35 am

Its been almost 2 years now, anyone has a fulll head of hair yet?


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Post  egghead Tue Aug 25, 2015 8:54 pm

1 year in DT, things get worse at the begining, a lot of shedding, but now i am recovering all lost ground, its a slow process. Be constant and patient. THE GOAL IS TO SPREAD OUT ALL THAT GREASE TRAPPED UNDER THE SCALP. Try massaging hard in the shower with hot water, you can feel the grease in your fingertips..


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Post  Columbo Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:06 pm

i did it for 6 months solid, probably not enough time to say whether it could've helped, but in that time, did nothing for my hair. did give me a horrible wrinkled scalp though lol. switched to LLLT as a more sustainable long term method for scalp stimulation, in unison with topical scalp peels, polysorbate 80 and clays to unclog the follicles. way less hassle and hair and scalp is in better condition, so far.

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Post  rofl Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:07 am

'pretty compelling results - especially the pics hiilikeyourbeard i believe, showed of the hair regrowing where the massages would crease his skin.'

im sorry , but anyone who believes that hair regrew in the creases is an idiot.  anyonecan push their scalp together and it will go dark in the creases and stay that way for a bit afterwards.  it just forces the hairs to temporarily go on a different angle to the rest making it look darker and thicker.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 36 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  johndoe1225 Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:38 am

SonofOdin wrote:I think we can safely say this is not a bs treatment as several people have shown some pretty compelling results - especially the pics hiilikeyourbeard i believe, showed of the hair regrowing where the massages would crease his skin. We also have many people who managed to maintain their hair using the method...even though some may not attribute it to the massage. The issue is people were promised a miracle by the study. Maintenance is not a victory in many people's heads because the bar was set so high. But we have had people with regrowth, and almost everyone reports a healthier scalp.

If we are to believe the reports of everyone who has gone in and submitted their results to this thread, this massage has a much higher success rate than most other options such as many supp regimens, topicals, and dietary changes. Worth a shot if you have little hair you need to regain, or just want to maintain what you've got. If you're pretty far gone well, you may need to look at other options.

The biggest problem is the technique, we need a video or something.  Also, it's a LOT of work, so I wouldn't be surprised if people cheated.  I'd be surprised if they didn't Very Happy And even if they don't cheat, they might be doing it wrong unfortunately.  I know that I was doing this totally wrong for at least two weeks, and I kept coming back here to check on peoples' progress otherwise I might have still been doing it wrong.

EDIT:  Also, I just noticed those brown scaly spots appearing, someone called it "cradle cap", so something is definitely coming out of my scalp, there's no denying that, and whatever it is, it can't be good stuck in there. Right now there's one on my left temple hairline, and two on my right temple, one on the hairline.


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Post  rofl Wed Aug 26, 2015 1:49 pm

cradle cap is the name for seborraic dermititis when it occurs as a baby. in this circumstance its normal and goes away on its own. when u get it as an adult though it doesnt.

its a fungal infection, caused by most likely malezzia furfur. they think it feeds on the sebum, or something in the sebum. so if dt makes you release most of these oils, then you are more likely to get an fungi overgrowth, which results in thick yellow / brown scales.

so the brown spots are not some magical result of DT, there are an infection which you will now need anti fungals to remove. no doubt the extra amount of skin contact with dirty hands has played a role in spreading it.

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