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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bov51 Tue May 26, 2015 4:03 pm

Complexx wrote:
Growdamnit wrote:I am loosening my scalp. It is mostly loose and my hair isn't regrowing. I'm healthy and am in amazing shape but no hair.

Buddy, just two months ago you were talking about the top middle of your scalp being tight. That is the most crucial part to have loose. Do you honestly think you can regrow all of your hair back even if you loosened it 4 months ago? Please have some common sense, bro.

Middle top being tight is the crucial part? says who? You have absolutely no proof other than talking out of your ass, like always. Everyone that I know with a full head of hair, their middle top part is impossible to pinch. Care to explain to me why they have a full head of hair?


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Wed May 27, 2015 3:30 am

bogv51 wrote:
Complexx wrote:
Growdamnit wrote:I am loosening my scalp. It is mostly loose and my hair isn't regrowing. I'm healthy and am in amazing shape but no hair.

Buddy, just two months ago you were talking about the top middle of your scalp being tight. That is the most crucial part to have loose. Do you honestly think you can regrow all of your hair back even if you loosened it 4 months ago? Please have some common sense, bro.

Middle top being tight is the crucial part? says who? You have absolutely no proof other than talking out of your ass, like always. Everyone that I know with a full head of hair, their middle top part is impossible to pinch. Care to explain to me why they have a full head of hair?

Haha yea? Show your proof then please. That's right, you can't. The main arteries are in the middle of the scalp you imbecile, that's your proof lol. Amateur.

Also, check around this same DT post. You will notice the people who are getting results are the ones with results and vice versa. People have noticed drastic scalp health changes even at their temples after opposing the top up. They can chime in.

Another one? The Botox/Galea study with an 100% success rate which had more than a dozen test subjects. I believe there was an approx. count of 45 participants.

Just shut up and quit this therapy, I am here agreeing with you and Grow. You both will never regrow your hair. Just shave your head or opt for a transplant.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Wed May 27, 2015 3:39 am

Btw, if a man (NOT A WOMAN, BUT IF A WOMAN HAS A TIGHT SCALP THEY WILL EITHER LOS SOME OF THEIR HAIR OR THIN OUT A BIT DEPENDING ON THEIR DHT LEVELS) has a tight scalp, especially on top, they will eventually bald. There is no way your hair loss can be halted by looking the Galea if it's not cause by it.

By again, you're the only person on here with a fabolous amount of common sense. You also seem to be the person, the only one indulging this therapy, that for some reason doesn't know of any build up under the scalp like the rest of us do. Xenon was the othw one, but he's just a troll.

But nah, that's not weird.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  SonofOdin Wed May 27, 2015 4:23 am

Scalp tightness up top may play a role for some people but, the very top of my scalp was so loose that it felt pointless to pinch even on my first day of the therapy. Everywhere else on the other hand, temples, frontal region and even sides of head were super tight. I've never had to worry about vertex loss, and at my worst became a NW4 purely out of extreme, aggressive recession versus any loss up top.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Sage 1 Wed May 27, 2015 5:01 am

Growdamnit wrote:You know, Complexx, if you didn't articulate yourself like a third grader I might take you seriously. I have NO regrowth from this therapy. Nothing.

That is the issue on this forum, to articulate correctly and especially using medical terms.
I managed to stop and regrow hair, with a natural non supplemental solution, but it doesn't fit in any hair loss forums because it´s not a medical drug or a synthetic vitamin, mineral for calculation purpose.

Sage 1

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Hole Wed May 27, 2015 5:51 am

Sometimes I visit this forum thinking, hey let's do an update. Then you read the constant trashing, the constant trolling, the constant naming... and one thinks, why caring? I feel much more relaxed enjoying my own process, without external judgement. Why would I feel encouraged to upload more pictures? To be called a fake? To have my photos over analysed? Whatever...

I am def getting results with DT, but I can not say if it is only because of it, most probably the dietary changes (no gluten, limited dairy...) and other lifestyle changes (like quitting smoking, doing yoga regularly...) are also involved and accelerating the process.

I am not only slowly re-growing my hair, also the acne break-outs (that became permanent thanks to Propecia) is fading away. About hair re-growth I said once, and I will repeat, it goes baby style. First I got very tiny blonde hairs, then I had a shedding and went away, now they are regrowing again, some started being blonde in the tip and are becoming thicker, others are still blonde but not vellus anymore. I understand subsequent sheddings will happen, and for every new cycle stronger hair will come.

Hairloss is definitively your body telling you something is not working good with your hormones and healing system.

My 2 cents.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Sage 1 Wed May 27, 2015 6:33 am

Hole, off topic but still.

Did you have the same funny looking regrowth in the beginning?

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Sage 1

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  johndoe1225 Wed May 27, 2015 8:46 am

Hey guys, just a quick update:

I've begun "tapping" with my boar bristle brush (well, it's more like smashing, I apply some force to feel it).  I just keep the brush still and press down onto my scalp, and I am completely amazed at the amount of dandruff/dead skin/whatever it knocked loose!  I applied a few sprays of my Apple Cider Vinegar spray right after and it stung a bit, then just left it in simply because I don't plan on showering today.    

I'm wondering, is it safe to use my nails to pinch my scalp?  I am currently pinching mostly with two hands so I don't have to use nails, or with a sideways thumb and index finger.  I'm worried using nails will eventually damage the hair follicle or something?  I'm always worried about doing the technique right, I think I got the general massage portion down (I spend about 5 minutes with a very strong pressing/circular motion all over my scalp, being careful to press very hard to assist in flattening my head, and to make sure I don't create friction between my fingers and my scalp since that can break the hair and doesn't do anything).  I then pinch all over my scalp for about 15 or so minutes, then finish the massage with a few minutes of another hard pressing massage like at the beginning.

I think one of my issues is that I'm far too gentle with my scalp

Thanks all, good luck


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bov51 Wed May 27, 2015 2:49 pm

Hole wrote:Sometimes I visit this forum thinking, hey let's do an update. Then you read the constant trashing, the constant trolling, the constant naming... and one thinks, why caring? I feel much more relaxed enjoying my own process, without external judgement. Why would I feel encouraged to upload more pictures? To be called a fake? To have my photos over analysed? Whatever...

I am def getting results with DT, but I can not say if it is only because of it, most probably the dietary changes (no gluten, limited dairy...) and other lifestyle changes (like quitting smoking, doing yoga regularly...) are also involved and accelerating the process.

I am not only slowly re-growing my hair, also the acne break-outs (that became permanent thanks to Propecia) is fading away. About hair re-growth I said once, and I will repeat, it goes baby style. First I got very tiny blonde hairs, then I had a shedding and went away, now they are regrowing again, some started being blonde in the tip and are becoming thicker, others are still blonde but not vellus anymore. I understand subsequent sheddings will happen, and for every new cycle stronger hair will come.

Hairloss is definitively your body telling you something is not working good with your hormones and healing system.

My 2 cents.

o really, how long have you been doing DT? im guessing about 3 months?

Honestly, I can pretty much come up with a bs method and show bunch of fake picture, people will eat it all up like candy. There's a reason why every month we have a thread with newcomer and veteran on how they're seeing regrowth with their new method but it never goes anywhere.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Hole Wed May 27, 2015 7:46 pm

Sage 1 wrote:Hole, off topic but still.
Did you have the same funny looking regrowth in the beginning?

Hi Sage, no problem.
Yes, and indeed it is still happening.

I think many people expect this process to be as fast as an eye blink. I don't remember the timings in the original study exactly, but you will not really start seeing tangible and solid results till the end of moth 4, from there it can go from 12 months to as many years as you need to get full regrowth. I guess that depends on the severity of your hair loss, but also on the structure of your own hair.

I have very thin and light  brown hair, but a lot in quantity. For you to have an idea, I have been losing hair from both my temples and crown, but my top is still full. Basically I would say I am stuck on a NW3 since 4-5 years ago. I do indeed need to go sharp to the hairdressers every 2 months to shape my sides.

My DT (plus dietary and lifestyle changes) experience can be resumed in:
- 1st month (first 2 weeks) - Not much happening but very oily head after the massage sessions.
- 1st month (last 2 weeks) - Started to peel dead skin. This is still happening today every day, and I think it is important and good sign that you are doing the massages rights. This dead skin are big chunks, not really dandruff.
- 2nd month - A lot of vellus in my temples became larger and more visible. I got pimples in some parts.
- 3rd month - Massive shedding
- 4th month - Not much happened, though my hair stopped falling.
- 5th month - Skin texture changed in some parts of my scalp. Lots of dead skin. Lots of small black hairs, lots of vellus that become terminal.

I would also like to notice that when I pinch I do press hard, and I do listen a "crunch" like sound. I would also like to mention that I had a sebum accumulation (like a hard stone) on the top of my crown that is gone with the massages. Also regrowth seems to happen faster closer to areas where there is already "healthy hair". I guess that, if you are fully bald (non or very little hair) DT will take a very long time.

My 2 cents.

bogv51 wrote:o really, how long have you been doing DT? im guessing about 3 months?

Dear bog,

You could have just click on my profile and see the date of my first post. You could have maybe then got an idea about how long I've been trying this. Instead you just trashed me.

The fact that you have been here longer or posted more stuff doesn't make you a guru or entitled to trash everyone. It just means you have a lot of free time, you are probably over paranoid about your hair, and in general you like confrontation because it makes you feel more powerful. I don't care.

I will start my 6 month aprox. the 10th of July, and I will keep going on with this experiment. This is something I CHOOSE TO DO. It is MY EXPERIMENT, and MY RESULTS.

Honestly I am not earning nothing by sharing my experience, just maybe wasting time. And you... well, you are just a drop of dust in the virtual space of trolls.

My 2 cents.


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Join date : 2015-01-19

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  fghjfghj Wed May 27, 2015 11:47 pm

Sage 1 wrote:Hole, off topic but still.
My DT (plus dietary and lifestyle changes) experience can be resumed in:
- 1st month (first 2 weeks) - Not much happening but very oily head after the massage sessions.
- 1st month (last 2 weeks) - Started to peel dead skin. This is still happening today every day, and I think it is important and good sign that you are doing the massages rights. This dead skin are big chunks, not really dandruff.
- 2nd month - A lot of vellus in my temples became larger and more visible. I got pimples in some parts.
- 3rd month - Massive shedding
- 4th month - Not much happened, though my hair stopped falling.
- 5th month - Skin texture changed in some parts of my scalp. Lots of dead skin. Lots of small black hairs, lots of vellus that become terminal.

I would also like to notice that when I pinch I do press hard, and I do listen a "crunch" like sound. I would also like to mention that I had a sebum accumulation (like a hard stone) on the top of my crown that is gone with the massages. Also regrowth seems to happen faster closer to areas where there is already "healthy hair". I guess that, if you are fully bald (non or very little hair) DT will take a very long time.

Thank you Hole for sharing your experience!

My experience is simillar, BUT it took my much more time (about 1 year) and I am not convinced if I really see more vellus, or if the vellus hairs are becoming terminal, or not. This is a long process... I'm 32 and a NW1-2. My hairloss is slow (since I am about 25) but steady. Probably it'll also take more time to recover... But I have a better skin condition, less grease etc.

But most importantly: Thank you and all the others here for sharing your experience! There are many guys here, who read your posts, but don't answer immediately. So don't get annoyed by those who only criticise!

Thanks again & all the best.


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Join date : 2014-06-25

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bov51 Thu May 28, 2015 3:29 am

Sage 1 wrote:

Dear bog,

You could have just click on my profile and see the date of my first post. You could have maybe then got an idea about how long I've been trying this. Instead you just trashed me.

The fact that you have been here longer or posted more stuff doesn't make you a guru or entitled to trash everyone. It just means you have a lot of free time, you are probably over paranoid about your hair, and in general you like confrontation because it makes you feel more powerful. I don't care.

I will start my 6 month aprox. the 10th of July, and I will keep going on with this experiment. This is something I CHOOSE TO DO. It is MY EXPERIMENT, and MY RESULTS.

Honestly I am not earning nothing by sharing my experience, just maybe wasting time. And you... well, you are just a drop of dust in the virtual space of trolls.

My 2 cents.

Stop posting false claim. I can bet my life that the regrowth you're seeing are not regrowth. Anyone that think about starting dt, don't, unless you want to start losing more hair.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Thu May 28, 2015 4:30 am

bogv51 wrote:
Hole wrote:
Sage 1 wrote:

Dear bog,

You could have just click on my profile and see the date of my first post. You could have maybe then got an idea about how long I've been trying this. Instead you just trashed me.

The fact that you have been here longer or posted more stuff doesn't make you a guru or entitled to trash everyone. It just means you have a lot of free time, you are probably over paranoid about your hair, and in general you like confrontation because it makes you feel more powerful. I don't care.

I will start my 6 month aprox. the 10th of July, and I will keep going on with this experiment. This is something I CHOOSE TO DO. It is MY EXPERIMENT, and MY RESULTS.

Honestly I am not earning nothing by sharing my experience, just maybe wasting time. And you... well, you are just a drop of dust in the virtual space of trolls.

My 2 cents.

Stop posting false claim. I can bet my life that the regrowth you're seeing are not regrowth. Anyone that think about starting dt, don't, unless you want to start losing more hair.

Sounds like you have an ulterior motive like Xenon does. Why don't you get lost? It didn't "work" for you and you also don't have any "buildup" like the rest of us do.. because, well, you have a "small ass head" like you said before.. so I guess you're special. Oh & Xenon seems to agree with you quite a bit as well.

Lol nice typing btw. Now good luck in life bro. You shouldn't even be on this thread anymore remember? You quit.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Sage 1 Thu May 28, 2015 4:34 am

Complexx wrote:
bogv51 wrote:
Hole wrote:
Sage 1 wrote:

Dear bog,

You could have just click on my profile and see the date of my first post. You could have maybe then got an idea about how long I've been trying this. Instead you just trashed me.

The fact that you have been here longer or posted more stuff doesn't make you a guru or entitled to trash everyone. It just means you have a lot of free time, you are probably over paranoid about your hair, and in general you like confrontation because it makes you feel more powerful. I don't care.

I will start my 6 month aprox. the 10th of July, and I will keep going on with this experiment. This is something I CHOOSE TO DO. It is MY EXPERIMENT, and MY RESULTS.

Honestly I am not earning nothing by sharing my experience, just maybe wasting time. And you... well, you are just a drop of dust in the virtual space of trolls.

My 2 cents.

Stop posting false claim. I can bet my life that the regrowth you're seeing are not regrowth. Anyone that think about starting dt, don't, unless you want to start losing more hair.

Sounds like you have an ulterior motive like Xenon does. Why don't you get lost? It didn't "work" for you and you also don't have any "buildup" like the rest of us do.. because, well, you have a "small ass head" like you aaid before.. so I guess you're special. Oh & Xenon seems to agree with you quite a bit as well.

Lol nice typing btw. Now good luck in life bro. You shouldn't even be on this thread anymore remember? You quit.

Just by curiosity, why does my name appear as a poster that Hole wrote?

Sage 1

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Thu May 28, 2015 4:35 am

fghjfghj wrote:
Hole wrote:
Sage 1 wrote:Hole, off topic but still.
My DT (plus dietary and lifestyle changes) experience can be resumed in:
- 1st month (first 2 weeks) - Not much happening but very oily head after the massage sessions.
- 1st month (last 2 weeks) - Started to peel dead skin. This is still happening today every day, and I think it is important and good sign that you are doing the massages rights. This dead skin are big chunks, not really dandruff.
- 2nd month - A lot of vellus in my temples became larger and more visible. I got pimples in some parts.
- 3rd month - Massive shedding
- 4th month - Not much happened, though my hair stopped falling.
- 5th month - Skin texture changed in some parts of my scalp. Lots of dead skin. Lots of small black hairs, lots of vellus that become terminal.

I would also like to notice that when I pinch I do press hard, and I do listen a "crunch" like sound. I would also like to mention that I had a sebum accumulation (like a hard stone) on the top of my crown that is gone with the massages. Also regrowth seems to happen faster closer to areas where there is already "healthy hair". I guess that, if you are fully bald (non or very little hair) DT will take a very long time.

Thank you Hole for sharing your experience!

My experience is simillar, BUT it took my much more time (about 1 year) and I am not convinced if I really see more vellus, or if the vellus hairs are becoming terminal, or not. This is a long process... I'm 32 and a NW1-2. My hairloss is slow (since I am about 25) but steady. Probably it'll also take more time to recover... But I have a better skin condition, less grease etc.

But most importantly: Thank you and all the others here for sharing your experience! There are many guys here, who read your posts, but don't answer immediately. So don't get annoyed by those who only criticise!

Thanks again & all the best.

Can you be a little less vague about your results? What are you seeing exactly? Are you documenting your progress? Thanks.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Xenon Thu May 28, 2015 6:01 am

Deleted by Xenon.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Xenon Thu May 28, 2015 7:11 am

Deleted by Xenon.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  johndoe1225 Thu May 28, 2015 7:57 am

Guys, can we please keep the flames to some other thread, this isn't the place for it. Please, it's been said 500 times, "if you do DT therapy World War 3 will start, the anti-Christ will come and destroy earth, all the trees will come to life and attack people", we get it. Please stop, some people that may have real questions will either have to sift through a bunch of the same flaming crap over and over, or will be forgotten.

So having said that, I'd like to ask my question again, and if a mod sees this can you please delete my original question, it's about 6 or so posts above this one, thanks:

I've begun "tapping" with my boar bristle brush (well, it's more like smashing, I apply some force to feel it). I just keep the brush still and press down onto my scalp, and I am completely amazed at the amount of dandruff/dead skin/whatever it knocked loose! I applied a few sprays of my Apple Cider Vinegar spray right after and it stung a bit, then just left it in simply because I don't plan on showering today. That was very interesting and new for me!

My question is, I'm wondering, is it safe to use my nails to pinch my scalp? I am currently pinching mostly with two hands so I don't have to use nails, or with a sideways thumb and index finger. I'm worried using nails will eventually damage the hair follicle or something or create scar tissue? I'm always worried about doing the technique right, I think I got the general massage portion down (I spend about 5 minutes with a very strong pressing/circular motion all over my scalp, being careful to press very hard to assist in flattening my head, and to make sure I don't create friction between my fingers and my scalp since that can break the hair and doesn't do anything). I then pinch all over my scalp (using the two hand pinch method) for about 15 or so minutes, then finish the massage with a few minutes of another hard pressing massage like at the beginning.

Thanks guys, good luck


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  sizzlinghairs Thu May 28, 2015 8:50 am

Posted this as a thread topic, but thought I would post here as well:

So what Im doing about 3-4 times a day is what people have called scalp scrunching. I do this alongside my normal routine of DT.

What I do with scalp scrunching is take both my hands, create a kind of bridge, and with my palms planted at base on my sides, I pull up my scalp creating a "scrunch". I either do stretch/release pulses or a full hold for 40-60 seconds, doing this at different areas of my scalp to help loosen things up.

My concern: Does anyone think this could somehow negatively effect my facial muscles in anyway, causing a facial drooping over time?


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  johndoe1225 Thu May 28, 2015 9:24 am

sizzlinghairs wrote:Posted this as a thread topic, but thought I would post here as well:

So what Im doing about 3-4 times a day is what people have called scalp scrunching. I do this alongside my normal routine of DT.

What I do with scalp scrunching is take both my hands, create a kind of bridge, and with my palms planted at base on my sides, I pull up my scalp creating a "scrunch". I either do stretch/release pulses or a full hold for 40-60 seconds, doing this at different areas of my scalp to help loosen things up.

My concern: Does anyone think this could somehow negatively effect my facial muscles in anyway, causing a facial drooping over time?

I don't know if your scrunching routine would be bad for your face, but if you are worried you can try Tom Hagerty's scalp exercise (which is actually good for your face too).  Supposedly it's good for hair too but that's not for this thread.  

He has a whole host of specific facial (not hair) exercises on or something like that if you want to try.

About the scrunch exercise, that's interesting. I did it accidentally once, and felt a kind of stinging where I was focusing some of my harder DT massage when my scalp "lifted" up, or scrunched. Maybe I'll try this


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 32 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Hole Thu May 28, 2015 7:38 pm

Sage 1 wrote:
Just by curiosity, why does my name appear as a poster that Hole wrote?

Sorry Sage, seems I mixed up the names when quoting.

johndoe1225 wrote:
My question is, I'm wondering, is it safe to use my nails to pinch my scalp? I am currently pinching mostly with two hands so I don't have to use nails, or with a sideways thumb and index finger. I'm worried using nails will eventually damage the hair follicle or something or create scar tissue? I'm always worried about doing the technique right, I think I got the general massage portion down (I spend about 5 minutes with a very strong pressing/circular motion all over my scalp, being careful to press very hard to assist in flattening my head, and to make sure I don't create friction between my fingers and my scalp since that can break the hair and doesn't do anything).

Hi john,

Personally I pinch using my nails. For you to get an idea, take your arm as a reference, now pinch a bit of skin with your thumb and index finger. Now add pressure, hold it and release. See how flexible is your skin? How easy is to pinch? See how the skin turn red as blood moves to the area? That's basically what we are trying to achieve with DT.

Now keep reading this post please.

I pinch using my nails because it is easier for me to grab a small portion of scalp at a time. Normally I use index and middle finger nails and use the thumb to press. Normally I hold the pinch hard, release, and redo again. I spend 5-6 minutes only in the temples, moving slowly from area to area.

Before I was pitching with my two hands as you do, but I realised this method gave me less control of the pinch. Sometimes the fingers would slide. This creates friction, friction break your hair.

About the scar tissue. There is a lot of miss-information about this. Mostly from people who see witches and warlocks everywhere. Can I ask you a question? Do you have facial hair? Do you shave every day? Every time you shave you are damaging your skin, quite a lot actually, you are making several micro cuts here and there and that's why you use after shave, to calm down, heal and protect from infections. But you don't have scar tissue in your face right? Peelings, exfoliants, hair laser removal... all damage the skin in different levels, none create scar tissue, basically because you are not going so deep as to actually take out a bunch of flesh and skin that requires serious repair from your body... Even traction alopecia requires a lot of time and a kind of continued tension you are not applying in your scalp with DT.

I think the key with these massages is to go hard but slowly. What I mean is concentrate in one small area, and when you feel the blood is already moving in the area, move few inches and repeat.

Ok. Now go back to look at your arm, where you pinched. Maybe it is still a bit red, but, do you see any scar? do you see any hematoma?

DT is not the jewel of the crown. It is slow, and requires attention and dedication. Like quitting smoking basically, you need a lot of willpower and perseverance. Most of the guys around here that scream and complain lack of patience an perseverance to follow a process like DT or any other process that requires long term commitment without an immediate reward.

If you are not willing to commit, then I am the first one that say: don't try, go for the pills or save for surgery.

My 2 cents.


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Post  fghjfghj Thu May 28, 2015 8:41 pm

Complexx wrote:
fghjfghj wrote:
Hole wrote:
My DT (plus dietary and lifestyle changes) experience can be resumed in:
- 1st month (first 2 weeks) - Not much happening but very oily head after the massage sessions.
- 1st month (last 2 weeks) - Started to peel dead skin. This is still happening today every day, and I think it is important and good sign that you are doing the massages rights. This dead skin are big chunks, not really dandruff.
- 2nd month - A lot of vellus in my temples became larger and more visible. I got pimples in some parts.
- 3rd month - Massive shedding
- 4th month - Not much happened, though my hair stopped falling.
- 5th month - Skin texture changed in some parts of my scalp. Lots of dead skin. Lots of small black hairs, lots of vellus that become terminal.

My experience is simillar, BUT it took my much more time (about 1 year) and I am not convinced if I really see more vellus, or if the vellus hairs are becoming terminal, or not.

Can you be a little less vague about your results? What are you seeing exactly? Are you documenting your progress? Thanks.

Hi Complex.
My experience is similiar. That means, that everything happened, what Hole described but in the double timeframe (not 6 months, but 1 year). EXCEPT the vellus/terminal thing. As I wrote: I can not say for sure, that vellus are becoming terminal or the other way round. Although I am 65% sure, that I have more and longer vellus, I am still not convinced enough to state the claim that I really have more vellus hairs, ore thicker vellus / terminal.

In addition to Hole's description, i can say, that the top of my head is finally pinchable with only one hand. After hard work, there are only small parts of the ridge, where I still have problems to pinch. I hopefully will have a fully and easily pinchable ridge by the end of the year.

I have been documenting my progress since ~1,5 years with photos of my temple ~ every 4 days. These are Hi-Res photos with a super close up in the same lighting conditions. I'm photographing about 5cm of my temple with a resolution of 800px/1cm horizontally. I have marked ~7 dots on my skin - so I can position the photos exactly above each other with adjusted perspective in Photoshop to trace the progress. The positioning is so exact, that I also made a timelapse movie to see how my hair is growing. The photos are so close and so Hi-Res that I can count vellus hairs (even if it is sometimes hard) - but I can definitely tell if a vellus hair is becoming terminal.

As I said. I see some results. There are some hairs in this area, that became thicker. But even with this super-close-up picks one should stay to "Observational error" that we know from physics - so you should make claims only if your observation resolution is high enough. If you don't stick to that, you'll only claim stuff like "I feel that my hair is..."


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Post  johndoe1225 Thu May 28, 2015 11:11 pm

Hole wrote:
Sage 1 wrote:
Just by curiosity, why does my name appear as a poster that Hole wrote?

Sorry Sage, seems I mixed up the names when quoting.

johndoe1225 wrote:
My question is, I'm wondering, is it safe to use my nails to pinch my scalp? I am currently pinching mostly with two hands so I don't have to use nails, or with a sideways thumb and index finger. I'm worried using nails will eventually damage the hair follicle or something or create scar tissue? I'm always worried about doing the technique right, I think I got the general massage portion down (I spend about 5 minutes with a very strong pressing/circular motion all over my scalp, being careful to press very hard to assist in flattening my head, and to make sure I don't create friction between my fingers and my scalp since that can break the hair and doesn't do anything).

Hi john,

Personally I pinch using my nails. For you to get an idea, take your arm as a reference, now pinch a bit of skin with your thumb and index finger. Now add pressure, hold it and release. See how flexible is your skin? How easy is to pinch? See how the skin turn red as blood moves to the area? That's basically what we are trying to achieve with DT.

Now keep reading this post please.

I pinch using my nails because it is easier for me to grab a small portion of scalp at a time. Normally I use index and middle finger nails and use the thumb to press. Normally I hold the pinch hard, release, and redo again. I spend 5-6 minutes only in the temples, moving slowly from area to area.

Before I was pitching with my two hands as you do, but I realised this method gave me less control of the pinch. Sometimes the fingers would slide. This creates friction, friction break your hair.

About the scar tissue. There is a lot of miss-information about this. Mostly from people who see witches and warlocks everywhere. Can I ask you a question? Do you have facial hair? Do you shave every day? Every time you shave you are damaging your skin, quite a lot actually, you are making several micro cuts here and there and that's why you use after shave, to calm down, heal and protect from infections. But you don't have scar tissue in your face right? Peelings, exfoliants, hair laser removal... all damage the skin in different levels, none create scar tissue, basically because you are not going so deep as to actually take out a bunch of flesh and skin that requires serious repair from your body... Even traction alopecia requires a lot of time and a kind of continued tension you are not applying in your scalp with DT.

I think the key with these massages is to go hard but slowly. What I mean is concentrate in one small area, and when you feel the blood is already moving in the area, move few inches and repeat.

Ok. Now go back to look at your arm, where you pinched. Maybe it is still a bit red, but, do you see any scar? do you see any hematoma?

DT is not the jewel of the crown. It is slow, and requires attention and dedication. Like quitting smoking basically, you need a lot of willpower and perseverance. Most of the guys around here that scream and complain lack of patience an perseverance to follow a process like DT or any other process that requires long term commitment without an immediate reward.

If you are not willing to commit, then I am the first one that say: don't try, go for the pills or save for surgery.

My 2 cents.

Thanks a lot, that's a great description, I think I'm good on the technique now.  I do spend about the same time as you on each area, and I sure can feel it being filled with blood (due to the heat it generates).

That's interesting what you say about scar tissue, I never thought of it like that, I must have been thinking of severe injuries.  And yes I cut myself all the time shaving, if my worries were warranted, I should look like Frankenstein by now  Very Happy

As for the dedication, that's no problem, I do even more than the combined 40 minutes daily. Also, my hair loss isn't "severe", although I never could bring myself to pick a Norwood level for myself, so I'm pretty optimistic for this therapy

Thanks again!


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Post  Hole Thu May 28, 2015 11:16 pm

Hi fghjfghj,

For curiosity, do you still consume gluten and whole grains regularly? I totally removed this from my diet, also candies and processed foods like chips and stuff. I do wonder how important is actually what we eat (or what we don't eat) in all this process.

Basically I follow my grandma recipes book. Fresh veggies, fresh fish, seafood, meat (not only muscle, mostly broths, liver, brains...), eggs, and some dairy, mostly quark, kefir and smelly cheeses... And around 6-8 parts of fruits a day.

This change in diet for example has translated in less and less acne. I do also feel more energetic, happy, relaxed... but this may also be because I quitted smoking and I am not dependant from nicotine anymore.

This is the traditional spanish cuisine (+slow cooking, slow eating, wheat and grains are not really part of our diet, only legumes and rices), but somehow younger generations switched to the american style of fast foods, pre-cooked dishes, loads of cookies, sugary drinks and "healthy" snacks.


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Post  sizzlinghairs Fri May 29, 2015 12:56 am

"I pinch using my nails because it is easier for me to grab a small portion of scalp at a time. Normally I use index and middle finger nails and use the thumb to press. Normally I hold the pinch hard, release, and redo again. I spend 5-6 minutes only in the temples, moving slowly from area to area. "

Hole, are you saying you only focus on your temples or you massage your whole scalp but spend about 5-6 minutes on your temples? Also, when you say you press with your thumb, does that mean you press with your thumb after you pinch with your nails? Or do you use your index and middle finger nails on one hand and the thumb nail on the other to create the pinch?

Just looking for some clarification. Thanks!


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