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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  BelieveInIt Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:55 pm

hairderp wrote:After the scalp's skin is flattened enough the regrow should be faster and faster.

What about the density. Is it better than 7 months before??

all over the top of the scalp is new hair, they are hard to see because they still are thin and a lot lighter than the old hair. so yes, overall density is much better.  the area beyond the line i painted in at the temples was absolutely slick bald 7 months ago.  i expect close to full density in about another 6 -10 months.

in the second pic you can see straight down on the scalp because the hair is combed up directly to the camera.

Last edited by BelieveInIt on Wed Aug 13, 2014 11:03 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  BelieveInIt Wed Aug 13, 2014 11:02 pm

egghead wrote:Congratulations BelevieveInIt !  I have 2 questions about DT:

1) during the treatment what supposed to happen with the existing hair, it may improve his quality,? because I see new vellus all over my temple´s hairline but i´m afraid the existing hair is thinner than 3 month ago when i started dt, could it be a shedd?

2) What do you recommend about washing? i have to do it every day?

1) it will improve existing hair quality, but you can expect that within the first months or even longer, weak hairs get ripped out by the massage, especially in the period when you still have to work really hard to make you scalp loose.

2) i wash my hair every day but don't use any product at all, no shampoos or anything and i don't recommend it.
you can use lemon juice or apple cider vinegar once in a while to clean your scalp without destroying the flora with chemicals.

Last edited by BelieveInIt on Wed Aug 13, 2014 11:07 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  BelieveInIt Wed Aug 13, 2014 11:07 pm

schpiloch123 wrote:If that blue line that you have drawn is correct then you have done well. I think this goes to show what i previously stated before to be correct: 10 months is not a realistic time frame in which Manuals can obtain full regrowth, you are going to need double that at least.

it really speeds up when you manage to get the whole scalp loose (especially the tightest top part) but i guess the 10 months period in the study counts in the forming of vellus hair.

and yes i think so too,  1 1/2 - 2 years for medium or even longer for more severe cases of baldness is to be expected for full colored TERMINAL regrowth. but i don't know how fast it would be if an expert would teach a noob the best technique, the most important goals to achieve and how incredibly rough you should be right from the start (cause naturally everyone starts out too gentle not wanting to harm their remaining hair.)


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  CaptainGiggles Wed Aug 13, 2014 11:48 pm

Yo, Believeinit, you have made some very assuring progress! Thank you for sharing your pictures.
I have a question : I'm almost 5 months onto it and going hard everyday. My head has been properly lose for a while. Thing is, I've lost a shit ton of my density in this period. I'm a diffuse thinner and I went from a NW3 to a solid NW4.5. A few thin terminals have popped up along my temples along with two small patches of peach fuzz, other than this I haven't made any other progress. Did you lose any density at all? And is my condition normal?

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Growdamnit Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:47 am

CaptainGiggles wrote:Yo, Believeinit, you have made some very assuring progress! Thank you for sharing your pictures.
I have a question : I'm almost 5 months onto it and going hard everyday. My head has been properly lose for a while. Thing is, I've lost a shit ton of my density in this period. I'm a diffuse thinner and I went from a NW3 to a solid NW4.5. A few thin terminals have popped up along my temples along with two small patches of peach fuzz, other than this I haven't made any other progress. Did you lose any density at all? And is my condition normal?
I think your condition is normal. I have shed a lot more on my hairline, but I actually feel peach fuzz on my temples. So who knows?


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  TNT Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:39 am

Today i shaved my head and i saw two huge wrinkles at my norwood area...if i lose all my hair in the future and my head has wrinkles on it, it will be one more bad thing

...I'm starting to thinking again the whole thing... pale 


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  BelieveInIt Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:31 am

CaptainGiggles wrote:Yo, Believeinit, you have made some very assuring progress! Thank you for sharing your pictures.
I have a question : I'm almost 5 months onto it and going hard everyday. My head has been properly lose for a while. Thing is, I've lost a shit ton of my density in this period. I'm a diffuse thinner and I went from a NW3 to a solid NW4.5. A few thin terminals have popped up along my temples along with two small patches of peach fuzz, other than this I haven't made any other progress. Did you lose any density at all? And is my condition normal?

as i said before it's only logical that applying this kind of rough mechanical force daily to your scalp will rip out pretty much ALL of the weaker hairs you have, so you have to expect losing density in the first months. then after 5-6 months you should see vellus regrowth all across your scalp, these hair are going to become terminal within a short time, also your existing hair will become thicker and will stand stronger.

once your scalp is loose of course you don't have to apply as much force as in the beginning, so you won't rip out as much hair as before. IMO you also don't have to keep up the full 2x20mins routine, it's enough to do just as much maintenance work across the day to make sure there are NO tight spots all across your scalp.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:01 am

schpiloch123 wrote:If that blue line that you have drawn is correct then you have done well. I think this goes to show what i previously stated before to be correct: 10 months is not a realistic time frame in which Manuals can obtain full regrowth, you are going to need double that at least.

Cool thing is, with enough time and patience. Full regrowth is definitely possible!

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:05 am

BelieveInIt wrote:
CaptainGiggles wrote:Yo, Believeinit, you have made some very assuring progress! Thank you for sharing your pictures.
I have a question : I'm almost 5 months onto it and going hard everyday. My head has been properly lose for a while. Thing is, I've lost a shit ton of my density in this period. I'm a diffuse thinner and I went from a NW3 to a solid NW4.5. A few thin terminals have popped up along my temples along with two small patches of peach fuzz, other than this I haven't made any other progress. Did you lose any density at all? And is my condition normal?

as i said before it's only logical that applying this kind of rough mechanical force daily to your scalp will rip out pretty much ALL of the weaker hairs you have, so you have to expect losing density in the first months. then after 5-6 months you should see vellus regrowth all across your scalp, these hair are going to become terminal within a short time, also your existing hair will become thicker and will stand stronger.

once your scalp is loose of course you don't have to apply as much force as in the beginning, so you won't rip out as much hair as before. IMO you also don't have to keep up the full 2x20mins routine, it's enough to do just as much maintenance work across the day to make sure there are NO tight spots all across your scalp.

Agree with this 100%

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:08 am

I can't say this enough you guys... EXPECT A SHED AT THE BEGINNING OF MANUALS. just like starting rogaine you will shed your weak pathetic hairs and after a few healthy cycles they will be replaced with new velus hairs that go terminal. So don't get too worried if you lose ground at the beginning. It comes back tenfold

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Brabus Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:22 am

I have a question that bothers me. Do you guys with several months trying this therapy, still have grease that comes out of your scalp or a scalp itch?


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  deleteme Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:01 am

My skin has just literally burst with grease against the mirror from DT. I used a tool I usually do but pressed even harder. I noticed my skin going dry and flaky as i did It. The skin then got moist after. It was like a blister in appearance. I continued to press and my pores were literally dripping. II'm not talking about anything minor. My forehead was wet from it. I think some people may be going to easy on the actual method after experiencing this. I think I've done more in that one 10 minute work on that area than I have the whole time....why?..... because I've just instantly shrank the lump on my hairline. It's gone and I'm not surprised. If anyone saw what just happened to me they would understand. I can only compare it to squeezing a lemon. I urge everyone to use some thing that can focus the pressure on a small area. The swelling is definitely grease. I dont know what kind but after my experience I feel very enlightened and i wish to share it with you and hope you take things up a notch if you haven't already. I do believe using tools are best. You canuse two and once. I use two now that could be compared to a ruler but made of  stone I use them both together to pinch and squeeze small areas at a time. Takes longer but more effective although having said that I just did the method for 10 minutesand have just made the biggest Impact than all my other sessions put together for sure. If that grease stays there nothing will regrow


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:04 am

massager wrote:My skin has just literally burst with grease against the mirror from DT. I used a tool I usually do but pressed even harder. I noticed my skin going dry and flaky as i did It. The skin then got moist after. It was like a blister in appearance. I continued to press and my pores were literally dripping. II'm not talking about anything minor. My forehead was wet from it. I think some people may be going to easy on the actual method after experiencing this. I think I've done more in that one 10 minute work on that area than I have the whole time....why?..... because I've just instantly shrank the lump on my hairline. It's gone and I'm not surprised. If anyone saw what just happened to me they would understand. I can only compare it to squeezing a lemon. I urge everyone to use some thing that can focus the pressure on a small area. The swelling is definitely grease. I dont know what kind but after my experience I feel very enlightened and i wish to share it with you and hope you take things up a notch if you haven't already. I do believe using tools are best. You canuse two and once. I use two now that could be compared to a ruler but made of  stone I use them both together to pinch and squeeze small areas at a time. Takes longer but more effective although having said that I just did the method for 10 minutesand have just made the biggest Impact than all my other sessions put together for sure. If that grease stays there nothing will regrow

Alright this is kind of huge. Can you explain more how you do it, and what tool(s)? Cause i do mine pretty hard as it is and I'll ramp it up even more if it will speed things up. This is pretty wild news!

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  deleteme Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:24 am

hiilikeyourbeard wrote:
massager wrote:My skin has just literally burst with grease against the mirror from DT. I used a tool I usually do but pressed even harder. I noticed my skin going dry and flaky as i did It. The skin then got moist after. It was like a blister in appearance. I continued to press and my pores were literally dripping. II'm not talking about anything minor. My forehead was wet from it. I think some people may be going to easy on the actual method after experiencing this. I think I've done more in that one 10 minute work on that area than I have the whole time....why?..... because I've just instantly shrank the lump on my hairline. It's gone and I'm not surprised. If anyone saw what just happened to me they would understand. I can only compare it to squeezing a lemon. I urge everyone to use some thing that can focus the pressure on a small area. The swelling is definitely grease. I dont know what kind but after my experience I feel very enlightened and i wish to share it with you and hope you take things up a notch if you haven't already. I do believe using tools are best. You canuse two and once. I use two now that could be compared to a ruler but made of  stone I use them both together to pinch and squeeze small areas at a time. Takes longer but more effective although having said that I just did the method for 10 minutesand have just made the biggestht than all my other sessions put together for sure. If that grease stays there nothing will regrow

Alright this is kind of huge. Can you explain more how you do it, and what tool(s)? Cause i do mine pretty hard as it is and I'll ramp it up even more if it will speed things up. This is pretty wild news!
I can't believe it myself! I thought I was going really hard on that area. I got it red every time and lost skin. What I did this time after rubbing I pressed my tool into the top of my problem area very firmly and dragged it down with as much pressure as i could....Moved slighty along same area started at the top again worked down then POP!!!!! I could have got rid of this grease ages ago!!!!!!!! On a side note though I lost a few random hairs doing it. I saw them attached. After the big bang my problem area was red all over but was pale in the middle. This part was hard so from differ directions I pressed firmly and dragged it over the pale area. Grease was running from my forehead. This is definitely the enemy!!! Don't hold back. Think of each 2 cm by 2 cm of your scalp as a spot. Squeeze squeeze squeeze. I think even a hard press isn't going to work unless you do it super super hard. That grease needs to come out. I remember when I shaved my head and I noticed the lump at the front i never new why I had it. That's where my hair was going also. I can also feel the join between my skull. It dips down alot.  i use two of these and do almost any technique you can think of on the head with them. Pinching stretching twisting jabbing poking grinding scrunching . Everything and anything that will manipulate the scalp until it feels like your handling tissue paper . Apparently copy and paste link isn't working. The objects use are 2 Bian stones. Large flat ones the with a point on the end. They can be found on ebay.

Last edited by massager on Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:28 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added)


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:33 am

massager wrote:
hiilikeyourbeard wrote:
massager wrote:My skin has just literally burst with grease against the mirror from DT. I used a tool I usually do but pressed even harder. I noticed my skin going dry and flaky as i did It. The skin then got moist after. It was like a blister in appearance. I continued to press and my pores were literally dripping. II'm not talking about anything minor. My forehead was wet from it. I think some people may be going to easy on the actual method after experiencing this. I think I've done more in that one 10 minute work on that area than I have the whole time....why?..... because I've just instantly shrank the lump on my hairline. It's gone and I'm not surprised. If anyone saw what just happened to me they would understand. I can only compare it to squeezing a lemon. I urge everyone to use some thing that can focus the pressure on a small area. The swelling is definitely grease. I dont know what kind but after my experience I feel very enlightened and i wish to share it with you and hope you take things up a notch if you haven't already. I do believe using tools are best. You canuse two and once. I use two now that could be compared to a ruler but made of  stone I use them both together to pinch and squeeze small areas at a time. Takes longer but more effective although having said that I just did the method for 10 minutesand have just made the biggestht than all my other sessions put together for sure. If that grease stays there nothing will regrow

Alright this is kind of huge. Can you explain more how you do it, and what tool(s)? Cause i do mine pretty hard as it is and I'll ramp it up even more if it will speed things up. This is pretty wild news!
I can't believe it myself! I thought I was going really hard on that area. I got it red every time and lost skin. What I did this time after rubbing I pressed my tool into the top of my problem area very firmly and dragged it down with as much pressure as i could....Moved slighty along same area started at the top again worked down then POP!!!!! I could have got rid of this grease ages ago!!!!!!!! On a side note though I lost a few random hairs doing it. I saw them attached. After the big bang my problem area was red all over but was pale in the middle. This part was hard so from differ directions I pressed firmly and dragged it over the pale area. Grease was running from my forehead. This is definitely the enemy!!! Don't hold back. Think of each 2 cm by 2 cm of your scalp as a spot. Squeeze squeeze squeeze. I think even a hard press isn't going to work unless you do it super super hard. That grease needs to come out. I remember when I shaved my head and I noticed the lump at the front i never new why I had it. That's where my hair was going also. I can also feel the join between my skull. It dips down alot.  i use two of these and do almost any technique you can think of on the head with them. Pinching stretching twisting jabbing poking grinding scrunching . Everything and anything that will manipulate the scalp until it feels like your handling tissue paper . Apparently copy and paste link isn't working. The objects use are 2 Bian stones. Large flat ones the with a point on the end. They can be found on ebay.

This pumps me up man! This also lets me know you're definitely on par with what's causing hairloss. I almost want to inject a needle and see if I can either pop it or extract...

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  deleteme Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:58 am

hiilikeyourbeard wrote:
massager wrote:
hiilikeyourbeard wrote:
massager wrote:My skin has just literally burst with grease against the mirror from DT. I used a tool I usually do but pressed even harder. I noticed my skin going dry and flaky as i did It. The skin then got moist after. It was like a blister in appearance. I continued to press and my pores were literally dripping. II'm not talking about anything minor. My forehead was wet from it. I think some people may be going to easy on the actual method after experiencing this. I think I've done more in that one 10 minute work on that area than I have the whole time....why?..... because I've just instantly shrank the lump on my hairline. It's gone and I'm not surprised. If anyone saw what just happened to me they would understand. I can only compare it to squeezing a lemon. I urge everyone to use some thing that can focus the pressure on a small area. The swelling is definitely grease. I dont know what kind but after my experience I feel very enlightened and i wish to share it with you and hope you take things up a notch if you haven't already. I do believe using tools are best. You canuse two and once. I use two now that could be compared to a ruler but made of  stone I use them both together to pinch and squeeze small areas at a time. Takes longer but more effective although having said that I just did the method for 10 minutesand have just made the biggestht than all my other sessions put together for sure. If that grease stays there nothing will regrow

Alright this is kind of huge. Can you explain more how you do it, and what tool(s)? Cause i do mine pretty hard as it is and I'll ramp it up even more if it will speed things up. This is pretty wild news!
I can't believe it myself! I thought I was going really hard on that area. I got it red every time and lost skin. What I did this time after rubbing I pressed my tool into the top of my problem area very firmly and dragged it down with as much pressure as i could....Moved slighty along same area started at the top again worked down then POP!!!!! I could have got rid of this grease ages ago!!!!!!!! On a side note though I lost a few random hairs doing it. I saw them attached. After the big bang my problem area was red all over but was pale in the middle. This part was hard so from differ directions I pressed firmly and dragged it over the pale area. Grease was running from my forehead. This is definitely the enemy!!! Don't hold back. Think of each 2 cm by 2 cm of your scalp as a spot. Squeeze squeeze squeeze. I think even a hard press isn't going to work unless you do it super super hard. That grease needs to come out. I remember when I shaved my head and I noticed the lump at the front i never new why I had it. That's where my hair was going also. I can also feel the join between my skull. It dips down alot.  i use two of these and do almost any technique you can think of on the head with them. Pinching stretching twisting jabbing poking grinding scrunching . Everything and anything that will manipulate the scalp until it feels like your handling tissue paper . Apparently copy and paste link isn't working. The objects use are 2 Bian stones. Large flat ones the with a point on the end. They can be found on ebay.

This pumps me up man! This also lets me know you're definitely on par with what's causing hairloss. I almost want to inject a needle and see if I can either pop it or extract...
Same here mate! I'm going tell my brother when i see him. I dont intend on keep any of my success to myself. I wonder if that's why derma needling may work to an extent. I did just lose alot of skin doing is as I've just looked back in the minor and it looks very red but all the layers that came away were greasy. I can't imagine depending on everyone's approach if them are working the areas well the grease should eventually become less and less. Grinding the skin into the bone seems to be the way to go. I reckon doing DT Iin a warm shower could be even better. Make the skin more soft. I know people opt for cold water therapy etc for their hair but for the purposes of expelling the grease and getting the skin pliable i would suggest warm. On a last note before bed i think using the hands for the method is a bad idea  and isn't as effective. I could never have achieved the progress i did tonight with my fingers! Absolutely no chance!!!! I'm not saying hands won't work but I think i think it will take longer to see results. Night folks


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Slimnuts Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:51 pm

Brabus wrote:I have a question that bothers me. Do you guys with several months trying this therapy, still have grease that comes out of your scalp or a scalp itch?

Yeah I'm still getting a ton of grease. Skin still producing copious amounts of grease to replace whatever I push out. Also I just recently got some inflammation on my left temple and it receded about a centimeter after that. Really sucks. Doesn't feel like its because of DT, feels like it just got inflamed again for some reason and shed all the hairs.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Growdamnit Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:16 pm

I have read the study multiple times, yet I can't find the part where it explains why MPB happens in that pattern. Can someone please direct me to it or explain? Why is it always a receding hairline or a crown thinning to start?


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bov51 Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:19 pm

Ive been doing dt for 7 months now and never had any grease coming out of my scalp, my scalp has always been really dry


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bananasinpajamas Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:24 pm

this is the guasha tool i was talking about before. use a lubricant on ur scalp u will rip out less hairs

hiilikeyourbeard wrote:
massager wrote:
hiilikeyourbeard wrote:
massager wrote:My skin has just literally burst with grease against the mirror from DT. I used a tool I usually do but pressed even harder. I noticed my skin going dry and flaky as i did It. The skin then got moist after. It was like a blister in appearance. I continued to press and my pores were literally dripping. II'm not talking about anything minor. My forehead was wet from it. I think some people may be going to easy on the actual method after experiencing this. I think I've done more in that one 10 minute work on that area than I have the whole time....why?..... because I've just instantly shrank the lump on my hairline. It's gone and I'm not surprised. If anyone saw what just happened to me they would understand. I can only compare it to squeezing a lemon. I urge everyone to use some thing that can focus the pressure on a small area. The swelling is definitely grease. I dont know what kind but after my experience I feel very enlightened and i wish to share it with you and hope you take things up a notch if you haven't already. I do believe using tools are best. You canuse two and once. I use two now that could be compared to a ruler but made of  stone I use them both together to pinch and squeeze small areas at a time. Takes longer but more effective although having said that I just did the method for 10 minutesand have just made the biggestht than all my other sessions put together for sure. If that grease stays there nothing will regrow

Alright this is kind of huge. Can you explain more how you do it, and what tool(s)? Cause i do mine pretty hard as it is and I'll ramp it up even more if it will speed things up. This is pretty wild news!
I can't believe it myself! I thought I was going really hard on that area. I got it red every time and lost skin. What I did this time after rubbing I pressed my tool into the top of my problem area very firmly and dragged it down with as much pressure as i could....Moved slighty along same area started at the top again worked down then POP!!!!! I could have got rid of this grease ages ago!!!!!!!! On a side note though I lost a few random hairs doing it. I saw them attached. After the big bang my problem area was red all over but was pale in the middle. This part was hard so from differ directions I pressed firmly and dragged it over the pale area. Grease was running from my forehead. This is definitely the enemy!!! Don't hold back. Think of each 2 cm by 2 cm of your scalp as a spot. Squeeze squeeze squeeze. I think even a hard press isn't going to work unless you do it super super hard. That grease needs to come out. I remember when I shaved my head and I noticed the lump at the front i never new why I had it. That's where my hair was going also. I can also feel the join between my skull. It dips down alot.  i use two of these and do almost any technique you can think of on the head with them. Pinching stretching twisting jabbing poking grinding scrunching . Everything and anything that will manipulate the scalp until it feels like your handling tissue paper . Apparently copy and paste link isn't working. The objects use are 2 Bian stones. Large flat ones the with a point on the end. They can be found on ebay.

This pumps me up man! This also lets me know you're definitely on par with what's causing hairloss. I almost want to inject a needle and see if I can either pop it or extract...


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:49 pm

bananasinpajamas wrote:this is the guasha tool i was talking about before. use a lubricant on ur scalp u will rip out less hairs

I dunno what makes a good one. Help me find one on amazon lol

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  SonofOdin Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:05 pm

How can I do DT and still use Spiro as a topical without it going systematic? I'm not willing to drop my most powerful topical because I'm not yet sold on this therapies effectiveness but would like to give it a shot anyway if possible.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  TNT Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:05 pm

massager wrote:My skin has just literally burst with grease against the mirror from DT. I used a tool I usually do but pressed even harder. I noticed my skin going dry and flaky as i did It. The skin then got moist after. It was like a blister in appearance. I continued to press and my pores were literally dripping. II'm not talking about anything minor. My forehead was wet from it. I think some people may be going to easy on the actual method after experiencing this. I think I've done more in that one 10 minute work on that area than I have the whole time....why?..... because I've just instantly shrank the lump on my hairline. It's gone and I'm not surprised. If anyone saw what just happened to me they would understand. I can only compare it to squeezing a lemon. I urge everyone to use some thing that can focus the pressure on a small area. The swelling is definitely grease. I dont know what kind but after my experience I feel very enlightened and i wish to share it with you and hope you take things up a notch if you haven't already. I do believe using tools are best. You canuse two and once. I use two now that could be compared to a ruler but made of  stone I use them both together to pinch and squeeze small areas at a time. Takes longer but more effective although having said that I just did the method for 10 minutesand have just made the biggest Impact than all my other sessions put together for sure. If that grease stays there nothing will regrow

Hey massager,

Something like this ?




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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:36 pm

SonofOdin wrote:How can I do DT and still use Spiro as a topical without it going systematic? I'm not willing to drop my most powerful topical because I'm not yet sold on this therapies effectiveness but would like to give it a shot anyway if possible.

This is the kind of therapy you really have to commit to, dude.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 27 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  2young2retire Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:16 pm

hi guys. i am new here.
i started hardcore massages till my scal skin is purple like when you get punched. redness stays for like 48h and hair is boosted post session like when wounding.

i will stay on it forever whether the study is real or fake we already know that various wounding methods all benefit our hairs.

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