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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  CaptainGiggles Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:38 pm

My scalp has become extremely flakey off late. I'm a little over 3 months into it and the areas on my crown where I go the hardest have become flakey, Everytime I massage bits of dead skin rain from my head. What can I male of this?

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:58 pm

BelieveInIt wrote:
bananasinpajamas wrote:i posted about guasha

in my opinion, based on the information we know, this is basically what dutamescence is doing. squeezing blood out of semi permeable capillaries into surrounding tissue, i.e. extravasation, resulting in a slew of growth factors being produced. some think this is actually the mode of action of minoxidil as well.

using a guasha scraper is quicker.

dudebro wrote:Hello friends. I have been super busy and still am, so I have only been lurking for the past months. (very quick history of me: detumescence 15min a day (maybe for 8 months now), brushing once a day, lasercomb 4x week, and rogaine 2x daily. You would think that being on all this crap, I would have stellar hair, but not really. I never really have been able to gain back my NW2 I had 1.5 years ago, right now im a NW5 ever since I stopped rogaine.. despite getting back on)

ANYWAYS.. Detumescence has been really hard for me to get myself to do because of the work that needs to go into doing it. Sometime this week someone posted something about gua sha. I looked into it and tried it out today. I REALLY felt the scalp invigoration when I did this for about 10min. All I did was take a porcelain tiger claw I had lying around and stroked my scalp all over. It turned pretty red and I saw arteries pumping across my temples that I never saw before, more than after a good cardio session haha. So I kept doing it every hour or so. I dont know how to explain the sensation but it feels like shits actually flowing on the top of my head. So I was wondering if you guys could try incorporating this for 5-10 minutes if you can to see if maybe it helps more? I mean it makes sense... rubbing a part of your skin with a smooth object naturally illicit blood to the area, bringing tons of micronutrients and crap. ALSO the circulatory system might actually have to perform angiogenesis (form new capillary pathways) to actually get the blood to this area that is experiencing the stimulus. I dont know..... more insight needed.

Thanks to the poster who posted it originally.
EDIT. sorry for the bad grammar and confusing sentence structure, im just really busy but i hope you guys get my point.

lots of misinformation on here lately. how is this what DT is doing when it's only scraping your scalp? how could scraping the surface of your scalp have a breaking or loosening effect to stiff tissue more than 0.3mm below the surface?
don't get me wrong it might be beneficial in addition but it's NOT what DT is. i don't have a problem with attempts to improve DT but with people trying to replace it with something useless and then complaining that DT doesn't work the next day.

So are you implying that DT does NOT have the ability to break up scar tissue? Because if you are I beg to differ..... The pinching, massaging, and kneading can have a profound effect on breaking up scar tissue bro..

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bananasinpajamas Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:00 pm

well, you are assuming that you are breaking down tissue and loosening it and that is what is beneficial. im not so sure.

again, ive said many times and you can check the actual study. the whole basis of calcification is the "ivory dome" study. and in that study it states that the skull bone gets calcified. it says nothing about the tissue.

also, DT involves putting pressure on the scalp. whether you are pressing, rubbing or pinching. the guasha board is like using the thick wood toothed comb or ur knuckles to push down and slide along ur scalp. so in that essence its very similar.

BelieveInIt wrote:
bananasinpajamas wrote:i posted about guasha

in my opinion, based on the information we know, this is basically what dutamescence is doing. squeezing blood out of semi permeable capillaries into surrounding tissue, i.e. extravasation, resulting in a slew of growth factors being produced. some think this is actually the mode of action of minoxidil as well.

using a guasha scraper is quicker.

dudebro wrote:Hello friends. I have been super busy and still am, so I have only been lurking for the past months. (very quick history of me: detumescence 15min a day (maybe for 8 months now), brushing once a day, lasercomb 4x week, and rogaine 2x daily. You would think that being on all this crap, I would have stellar hair, but not really. I never really have been able to gain back my NW2 I had 1.5 years ago, right now im a NW5 ever since I stopped rogaine.. despite getting back on)

ANYWAYS.. Detumescence has been really hard for me to get myself to do because of the work that needs to go into doing it. Sometime this week someone posted something about gua sha. I looked into it and tried it out today. I REALLY felt the scalp invigoration when I did this for about 10min. All I did was take a porcelain tiger claw I had lying around and stroked my scalp all over. It turned pretty red and I saw arteries pumping across my temples that I never saw before, more than after a good cardio session haha. So I kept doing it every hour or so. I dont know how to explain the sensation but it feels like shits actually flowing on the top of my head. So I was wondering if you guys could try incorporating this for 5-10 minutes if you can to see if maybe it helps more? I mean it makes sense... rubbing a part of your skin with a smooth object naturally illicit blood to the area, bringing tons of micronutrients and crap. ALSO the circulatory system might actually have to perform angiogenesis (form new capillary pathways) to actually get the blood to this area that is experiencing the stimulus. I dont know..... more insight needed.

Thanks to the poster who posted it originally.
EDIT. sorry for the bad grammar and confusing sentence structure, im just really busy but i hope you guys get my point.

lots of misinformation on here lately. how is this what DT is doing when it's only scraping your scalp? how could scraping the surface of your scalp have a breaking or loosening effect to stiff tissue more than 0.3mm below the surface?
don't get me wrong it might be beneficial in addition but it's NOT what DT is. i don't have a problem with attempts to improve DT but with people trying to replace it with something useless and then complaining that DT doesn't work the next day.


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Join date : 2014-03-01

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:11 pm

CaptainGiggles wrote:My scalp has become extremely flakey off late. I'm a little over 3 months into it and the areas on my crown where I go the hardest have become flakey, Everytime I massage bits of dead skin rain from my head. What can I male of this?

Keratinization.. Very good sign.

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Join date : 2013-07-07

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:18 pm

bananasinpajamas wrote:well, you are assuming that you are breaking down tissue and loosening it and that is what is beneficial. im not so sure.

again, ive said many times and you can check the actual study. the whole basis of calcification is the "ivory dome" study. and in that study it states that the skull bone gets calcified. it says nothing about the tissue.

also, DT involves putting pressure on the scalp. whether you are pressing, rubbing or pinching. the guasha board is like using the thick wood toothed comb or ur knuckles to push down and slide along ur scalp. so in that essence its very similar.

BelieveInIt wrote:
bananasinpajamas wrote:i posted about guasha

in my opinion, based on the information we know, this is basically what dutamescence is doing. squeezing blood out of semi permeable capillaries into surrounding tissue, i.e. extravasation, resulting in a slew of growth factors being produced. some think this is actually the mode of action of minoxidil as well.

using a guasha scraper is quicker.

dudebro wrote:Hello friends. I have been super busy and still am, so I have only been lurking for the past months. (very quick history of me: detumescence 15min a day (maybe for 8 months now), brushing once a day, lasercomb 4x week, and rogaine 2x daily. You would think that being on all this crap, I would have stellar hair, but not really. I never really have been able to gain back my NW2 I had 1.5 years ago, right now im a NW5 ever since I stopped rogaine.. despite getting back on)

ANYWAYS.. Detumescence has been really hard for me to get myself to do because of the work that needs to go into doing it. Sometime this week someone posted something about gua sha. I looked into it and tried it out today. I REALLY felt the scalp invigoration when I did this for about 10min. All I did was take a porcelain tiger claw I had lying around and stroked my scalp all over. It turned pretty red and I saw arteries pumping across my temples that I never saw before, more than after a good cardio session haha. So I kept doing it every hour or so. I dont know how to explain the sensation but it feels like shits actually flowing on the top of my head. So I was wondering if you guys could try incorporating this for 5-10 minutes if you can to see if maybe it helps more? I mean it makes sense... rubbing a part of your skin with a smooth object naturally illicit blood to the area, bringing tons of micronutrients and crap. ALSO the circulatory system might actually have to perform angiogenesis (form new capillary pathways) to actually get the blood to this area that is experiencing the stimulus. I dont know..... more insight needed.

Thanks to the poster who posted it originally.
EDIT. sorry for the bad grammar and confusing sentence structure, im just really busy but i hope you guys get my point.

lots of misinformation on here lately. how is this what DT is doing when it's only scraping your scalp? how could scraping the surface of your scalp have a breaking or loosening effect to stiff tissue more than 0.3mm below the surface?
don't get me wrong it might be beneficial in addition but it's NOT what DT is. i don't have a problem with attempts to improve DT but with people trying to replace it with something useless and then complaining that DT doesn't work the next day.

It's been a while since I even read anything about that study, I forgot all about the details. Does rhe study suggests that men with MPB are prone to calcification of the SKULL only around the ivory dome in small amounts? Anywhere else on the skull?

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  BelieveInIt Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:11 pm

Complexx wrote:
BelieveInIt wrote:
bananasinpajamas wrote:i posted about guasha

in my opinion, based on the information we know, this is basically what dutamescence is doing. squeezing blood out of semi permeable capillaries into surrounding tissue, i.e. extravasation, resulting in a slew of growth factors being produced. some think this is actually the mode of action of minoxidil as well.

using a guasha scraper is quicker.

dudebro wrote:Hello friends. I have been super busy and still am, so I have only been lurking for the past months. (very quick history of me: detumescence 15min a day (maybe for 8 months now), brushing once a day, lasercomb 4x week, and rogaine 2x daily. You would think that being on all this crap, I would have stellar hair, but not really. I never really have been able to gain back my NW2 I had 1.5 years ago, right now im a NW5 ever since I stopped rogaine.. despite getting back on)

ANYWAYS.. Detumescence has been really hard for me to get myself to do because of the work that needs to go into doing it. Sometime this week someone posted something about gua sha. I looked into it and tried it out today. I REALLY felt the scalp invigoration when I did this for about 10min. All I did was take a porcelain tiger claw I had lying around and stroked my scalp all over. It turned pretty red and I saw arteries pumping across my temples that I never saw before, more than after a good cardio session haha. So I kept doing it every hour or so. I dont know how to explain the sensation but it feels like shits actually flowing on the top of my head. So I was wondering if you guys could try incorporating this for 5-10 minutes if you can to see if maybe it helps more? I mean it makes sense... rubbing a part of your skin with a smooth object naturally illicit blood to the area, bringing tons of micronutrients and crap. ALSO the circulatory system might actually have to perform angiogenesis (form new capillary pathways) to actually get the blood to this area that is experiencing the stimulus. I dont know..... more insight needed.

Thanks to the poster who posted it originally.
EDIT. sorry for the bad grammar and confusing sentence structure, im just really busy but i hope you guys get my point.

lots of misinformation on here lately. how is this what DT is doing when it's only scraping your scalp? how could scraping the surface of your scalp have a breaking or loosening effect to stiff tissue more than 0.3mm below the surface?
don't get me wrong it might be beneficial in addition but it's NOT what DT is. i don't have a problem with attempts to improve DT but with people trying to replace it with something useless and then complaining that DT doesn't work the next day.

So are you implying that DT does NOT have the ability to break up scar tissue? Because if you are I beg to differ..... The pinching, massaging, and kneading can have a profound effect on breaking up scar tissue bro..

complexx i think you got me wrong was exactly my point that DT does all that in comparison to only scraping your scalp as what bananas suggested.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  BelieveInIt Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:15 pm

bananas i'm not sure if the issue here is calcification, fibrotic tissue, grease, intergalactic plasma or whatever and honestly i don't care as long as making my scalp loose, well circulated, feeling sensitive and alive again gives me back my hair.
gua sha might help with blood flow but of course will not enhance the flexibility of the scalp as DT does, that's my point. so it's NOT the same.
folding the skin lifts it from the bone, that's what actually makes it loose again, that's simply not possible by only pressing down and sliding over the skin which is gua sha.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  CaptainGiggles Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:44 pm

Complexx wrote:
CaptainGiggles wrote:My scalp has become extremely flakey off late. I'm a little over 3 months into it and the areas on my crown where I go the hardest have become flakey, Everytime I massage bits of dead skin rain from my head. What can I male of this?

Keratinization.. Very good sign.
You sure about that? Because I'm also losing a shit ton of hair lately. My crown is the only area thats flakey as of now, even that peach fuzz i had mentioned earlier still hasn't grown much in length since.

Posts : 71
Join date : 2013-10-30

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Duketronix Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:10 am

I got the peeling too for a while. I found it can come back if I eat a lot of bread or sugars.

I cut those out as much as possible (zero bread but obviously still get some sugar) and my progress sped up and became more steady.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  CaptainGiggles Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:15 am

Duketronix wrote:I got the peeling too for a while.  I found it can come back if I eat a lot of bread or sugars.

I cut those out as much as possible (zero bread but obviously still get some sugar) and my progress sped up and became more steady.
What can come back? I didn't get you. I'm currently following a strict ketogenic diet, I keep my carbs between 20-35 gms a day. That means no bread, refined sugar, fruit and grain.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  BelieveInIt Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:41 am

Duketronix wrote:I got the peeling too for a while.  I found it can come back if I eat a lot of bread or sugars.

I cut those out as much as possible (zero bread but obviously still get some sugar) and my progress sped up and became more steady.

rough and chunky carbs bread pasta pizza chips etc dry out the skin incredibly. i had a cold recently but was on a raw vegetable diet, my nose was running all the time but still the skin above my upper lip and the bottom of my nose were not inflamed or red. then one evening of lots of junk food and the next morning the skin was flaky hot and inflamed.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bananasinpajamas Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:58 am

BelieveInIt wrote:bananas i'm not sure if the issue here is calcification, fibrotic tissue, grease, intergalactic plasma or whatever and honestly i don't care as long as making my scalp loose, well circulated, feeling sensitive and alive again gives me back my hair.
gua sha might help with blood flow but of course will not enhance the flexibility of the scalp as DT does, that's my point. so it's NOT the same.
folding the skin lifts it from the bone, that's what actually makes it loose again, that's simply not possible by only pressing down and sliding over the skin which is gua sha.

true. they are not the same. i dont believe i said they were the same but i said the mode of action was the same. to me the mode of action is nothing to do with fibrosis or calcification or a loose scalp. but thats just my opinion and i know there are people here who disagree.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Growdamnit Thu Jul 03, 2014 1:03 pm

My problem areas are now significantly and noticeably flatter. They feel "normal" in a sense. I really hope this is it.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Duketronix Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:00 pm

CaptainGiggles wrote:
Duketronix wrote:I got the peeling too for a while.  I found it can come back if I eat a lot of bread or sugars.

I cut those out as much as possible (zero bread but obviously still get some sugar) and my progress sped up and became more steady.
What can come back? I didn't get you. I'm currently following a strict ketogenic diet, I keep my carbs between 20-35 gms a day. That means no bread, refined sugar, fruit and grain.

The peeling skin. Or it may have just been another phase for me, hard to say. But I have had various forms of flaking during this. The first round involved yellowish thick almost scab like layers peeling in some areas. Since then periodic white flaking. Every time it has happened since it coincides with eating breads and such. I stick to basically the same diet as you these days and no flaking/peeling as a result. I suspect the original layers built up over time since I didn't do anything to get rid of them. I even remember my mom telling me not to touch my head if it itched because it would make it worse.

As an aside, I seriously shed so much hair this past few weeks it is insane. Still have good coverage since I'd regained a lot, plus regrowth happening so I'm %100 its a good shed.

It actually has me excited! I wasn't shedding at all really for a bit but recently my scalp has once again transformed. Managed to get even looser . For a few days I could literally just roll my fingertips hard around my scalp and was getting this crinkling sound like stuff popping in my scalp. It felt kind of like those rubber stress balls with the putty/sand inside. Anyway head feels great and I'm stoked for the next few months.

I Also wen tot a BBQ for Canada day and a friend had some old photos from highschool (14-15 years ago) This confirmed to me that the widows peak area I am currently regrowing has been bald for a LOOONG time. My widow's peak appeared in like Gr 10 and I didn't notice really because I was young and it looked kind of cool I though. Figured it was just my mature hairline.

DT is madness. Drexx is lucky that he can eat garbage and get results! I may get results doing the same but my scalp wouldn't feel as good and I kind of think it would slow it down. For me the diet is key.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  CaptainGiggles Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:05 pm

Duketronix wrote:
CaptainGiggles wrote:
Duketronix wrote:I got the peeling too for a while.  I found it can come back if I eat a lot of bread or sugars.

I cut those out as much as possible (zero bread but obviously still get some sugar) and my progress sped up and became more steady.
What can come back? I didn't get you. I'm currently following a strict ketogenic diet, I keep my carbs between 20-35 gms a day. That means no bread, refined sugar, fruit and grain.

The peeling skin.  Or it may have just been another phase for me, hard to say.  But I have had various forms of flaking during this.  The first round involved yellowish thick almost scab like layers peeling in some areas. Since then periodic white flaking.  Every time it has happened since it coincides with eating breads and such.  I stick to basically the same diet as you these days and no flaking/peeling as a result.  I suspect the original layers built up over time since I didn't do anything to get rid of them.  I even remember my mom telling me not to touch my head if it itched because it would make it worse.

As an aside, I seriously shed so much hair this past few weeks it is insane.  Still have good coverage since I'd regained a lot, plus regrowth happening so I'm %100 its a good shed.

It actually has me excited!  I wasn't shedding at all really for a bit but recently my scalp has once again transformed.  Managed to get even looser .  For a few days I could literally just roll my fingertips hard around my scalp and was getting this crinkling sound like stuff popping in my scalp.  It felt kind of like those rubber stress balls with the putty/sand inside.  Anyway head feels great and I'm stoked for the next few months.

I Also wen tot a BBQ for Canada day and a friend had some old photos from highschool (14-15 years ago)  This confirmed to me that the widows peak area I am currently regrowing has been bald for a LOOONG time.  My widow's peak appeared in like Gr 10 and I didn't notice really because I was young and it looked kind of cool I though.  Figured it was just my mature hairline.  

DT is madness.  Drexx is lucky that he can eat garbage and get results!  I may get results doing the same but my scalp wouldn't feel as good and I kind of think it would slow it down.  For me the diet is key.
I think the peeling has more to do with consistent DT rather than a change of diet. The flakiness is spreading over my crown as that's the area where i direct 90% of my massaging to. I'm working on the frontal area and temples to get it to the same laxity as my crown.
How long have you been on this for and what are your target areas?In my opinion flakiness is a precursor to new hair growth.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:18 pm

Duketronix wrote:
CaptainGiggles wrote:
Duketronix wrote:I got the peeling too for a while.  I found it can come back if I eat a lot of bread or sugars.

I cut those out as much as possible (zero bread but obviously still get some sugar) and my progress sped up and became more steady.
What can come back? I didn't get you. I'm currently following a strict ketogenic diet, I keep my carbs between 20-35 gms a day. That means no bread, refined sugar, fruit and grain.

The peeling skin.  Or it may have just been another phase for me, hard to say.  But I have had various forms of flaking during this.  The first round involved yellowish thick almost scab like layers peeling in some areas. Since then periodic white flaking.  Every time it has happened since it coincides with eating breads and such.  I stick to basically the same diet as you these days and no flaking/peeling as a result.  I suspect the original layers built up over time since I didn't do anything to get rid of them.  I even remember my mom telling me not to touch my head if it itched because it would make it worse.

As an aside, I seriously shed so much hair this past few weeks it is insane.  Still have good coverage since I'd regained a lot, plus regrowth happening so I'm %100 its a good shed.

It actually has me excited!  I wasn't shedding at all really for a bit but recently my scalp has once again transformed.  Managed to get even looser .  For a few days I could literally just roll my fingertips hard around my scalp and was getting this crinkling sound like stuff popping in my scalp.  It felt kind of like those rubber stress balls with the putty/sand inside.  Anyway head feels great and I'm stoked for the next few months.

I Also wen tot a BBQ for Canada day and a friend had some old photos from highschool (14-15 years ago)  This confirmed to me that the widows peak area I am currently regrowing has been bald for a LOOONG time.  My widow's peak appeared in like Gr 10 and I didn't notice really because I was young and it looked kind of cool I though.  Figured it was just my mature hairline.  

DT is madness.  Drexx is lucky that he can eat garbage and get results!  I may get results doing the same but my scalp wouldn't feel as good and I kind of think it would slow it down.  For me the diet is key.

Read what that Squeegee guy has to say about shedding skin... I think he nailed it.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bananasinpajamas Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:04 pm

CaptainGiggles wrote:
Complexx wrote:
CaptainGiggles wrote:My scalp has become extremely flakey off late. I'm a little over 3 months into it and the areas on my crown where I go the hardest have become flakey, Everytime I massage bits of dead skin rain from my head. What can I male of this?

Keratinization.. Very good sign.
You sure about that? Because I'm also losing a shit ton of hair lately. My crown is the only area thats flakey as of now, even that peach fuzz i had mentioned earlier still hasn't grown much in length since.

i had a huge shed with dermarolling and my skin was flaking like crazy as well. hopefully it will come back!  Shocked 


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Pumbaa Fri Jul 04, 2014 5:05 am

Drexx or Duketronix,

Would one of you guys mind posting a quick video of how you're doing DT? I know that's a lot to ask but so think it would really help us all out. I'm pretty sure a big reason that some people are not seeing results is that everyone is probably doing it differently and most are doing it wrong. I know that personally when i read drexx's first post about this I interpreted it as just squeezing and pinching your scalp up. This is part of it, I know, but I completely missed the pressing and moving aspect. Drexx, I know you gave a fairly detailed description of how to do it ("coloring" your scalp in by pressing and moving back and forth) but seeing it in action will make it completely crystal clear to everyone. It'd be nice if everyone was using the same technique so we could gauge our results. Of course you guys are not expected to go through the trouble of making a video, but I know that a lot of people would really appreciate it. Id be willing to donate some money to Drexx or Duke for providing such an asset.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Duketronix Fri Jul 04, 2014 5:54 am

Complexx wrote:
Duketronix wrote:
CaptainGiggles wrote:
Duketronix wrote:I got the peeling too for a while.  I found it can come back if I eat a lot of bread or sugars.

I cut those out as much as possible (zero bread but obviously still get some sugar) and my progress sped up and became more steady.
What can come back? I didn't get you. I'm currently following a strict ketogenic diet, I keep my carbs between 20-35 gms a day. That means no bread, refined sugar, fruit and grain.

The peeling skin.  Or it may have just been another phase for me, hard to say.  But I have had various forms of flaking during this.  The first round involved yellowish thick almost scab like layers peeling in some areas. Since then periodic white flaking.  Every time it has happened since it coincides with eating breads and such.  I stick to basically the same diet as you these days and no flaking/peeling as a result.  I suspect the original layers built up over time since I didn't do anything to get rid of them.  I even remember my mom telling me not to touch my head if it itched because it would make it worse.

As an aside, I seriously shed so much hair this past few weeks it is insane.  Still have good coverage since I'd regained a lot, plus regrowth happening so I'm %100 its a good shed.

It actually has me excited!  I wasn't shedding at all really for a bit but recently my scalp has once again transformed.  Managed to get even looser .  For a few days I could literally just roll my fingertips hard around my scalp and was getting this crinkling sound like stuff popping in my scalp.  It felt kind of like those rubber stress balls with the putty/sand inside.  Anyway head feels great and I'm stoked for the next few months.

I Also wen tot a BBQ for Canada day and a friend had some old photos from highschool (14-15 years ago)  This confirmed to me that the widows peak area I am currently regrowing has been bald for a LOOONG time.  My widow's peak appeared in like Gr 10 and I didn't notice really because I was young and it looked kind of cool I though.  Figured it was just my mature hairline.  

DT is madness.  Drexx is lucky that he can eat garbage and get results!  I may get results doing the same but my scalp wouldn't feel as good and I kind of think it would slow it down.  For me the diet is key.

Read what that Squeegee guy has to say about shedding skin... I think he nailed it.

Ya I agree with the yellow skin being from that, but trust me the white shedding skin accompanied by scalp itch is from me eating breads. There's no debating it based on my experience.

As for a video? Maybe someday? I really don't think we need to do EXACTLY the same thing all the time because if anything I do a lot of different random things to move, pinch and stimulate the scalp. My fingers get tired, I switch to my knuckles, sometimes break out the fat toothed wooden comb, bend over at the waist to let my arms relax a little, then tugs my hair for a bit to let the blood rush in. I am probably not a good candidate for a video because my technique is really just doing all the things I have come up with over time but ensuring to work the whole scalp. Drexx sounds like he has a specific little thing he does the whole time so it'd probably help clarify where I might just confuse the issue.

Interestingly I'll find different things seem to work better on different days but the general pinch press and wiggle is always a staple.


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Post  Hairy Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:50 am

Pumbaa wrote:Drexx or Duketronix,

Would one of you guys mind posting a quick video of how you're doing DT? I know that's a lot to ask but so think it would really help us all out. I'm pretty sure a big reason that some people are not seeing results is that everyone is probably doing it differently and most are doing it wrong. I know that personally when i read drexx's first post about this I interpreted it as just squeezing and pinching your scalp up. This is part of it, I know, but I completely missed the pressing and moving aspect. Drexx, I know you gave a fairly detailed description of how to do it ("coloring" your scalp in by pressing and moving back and forth) but seeing it in action will make it completely crystal clear to everyone. It'd be nice if everyone was using the same technique so we could gauge our results. Of course you guys are not expected to go through the trouble of making a video, but I know that a lot of people would really appreciate it.  Id be willing to donate some money to Drexx or Duke for providing such an asset.

I was in a similar situation, I wasn't sure if I was doing it correctly. You may have seen another thread on here about a website called Well I took the plunge and ordered the Ebook and video demonstration. The video gives a step by step guide on how to do DT.

Since I started doing the technique used in the video, I can feel the difference in blood flow and scalp loosening. I wasn't doing currently to begin with because I never had that feeling in the scalp which I'm getting now. If you think a video demonstration would help then this is an option and I would recommend it.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Duketronix Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:51 am

^ kinda fishy for a first post selling something after only joining a week ago.... Just saying...


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Post  Duketronix Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:23 am

That site is funny. I knew it would happen eventually. It's basically all stuff from this forum consolidated and some of the garbage it removed. Basically selling what you can get for free with a little work. I knew someone would do it eventually.

It's probably not a bad place to start for someone who doesn't have the time and hasn't been here while things developed to their current state.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 14 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  rob PHH Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:46 am

Hi guys,

Hairy reached out to me a few days ago for more information on the book. Since nearly all the traffic coming from this site purchased for $1, I offered to give it to him for free. I asked for him to share the information if he thought it was helpful, which is probably why he posted.

His post might look a little fishy, but I think he had good intentions and was just trying to repay the favor. You can have an admin check our IP addresses if you're hesitant.

I changed the price to $0+ after reading this post. I don't want anyone to question the book or video because of a sales tag, so please do what you want. Detumescence Therapy was really effective for me and I hope the video helps others who aren't sure how to implement it.


rob PHH

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Post  rob PHH Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:49 am

Duke, you are welcome to pick up the book and video at no cost. Please read it before drawing conclusions. I hope you find it helpful.

rob PHH

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Post  sizzlinghairs Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:47 am

I appreciate your thoughts duke. I am actually pretty fit, exercise daily, eat pretty well. I try to pay attention to my posture etc etc.

The really strange thing is how the numbness is isolated to the tip of my left middle finger. Its been like this for almost 7 months now (the last time I did DT). I saw my hand specialist today again. He said since my EMG was normal and x ray was normal, it could be some kind of a-typical carpal tunnel. I asked him if he thought it could be actual nerve damage. He doesnt think so as there was no extreme blunt trauma, it was just me doing my massage, albeit pretty vigorously. The next step he said is to try and inject a cortisone shot into the carpal tunnel and see if my symptoms lesson or go away. A "diagnostic injection". I wish I could just figure out what this is.......  Sad I would love to start DT again.[/quote]

Well just doing all of those things doesn't mean that problems can't arise.  Without specific knowledge and attention to mobility and proper movement patterns  all kinds of things can go wrong.  

It's obviously up to you to do what you want and go ahead and let them inject you with stuff but if you haven't explored the reflexology side and releasing triggers points/strengthening and balancing muscles properly then I think it's a mistake.

I say this coming form being in a similar situation to you in my early twenties getting numbness and pain in my hands then sometimes numbness in my left cheek too.  

Doctors had lots of ideas for me, all of which I'm glad I didn't go with.  

No problems for almost a decade now.

I guess its just a difference in personality.  I would rather put the work in, find the source and fix it.  Rather than let people play around in hopes of finding a bandaid patch that I'll be dependent on for life as the problem worsens.  Just like with hair regrowth the journey of learning is a very enlightening one.

Good luck either way though![/quote]

I am definitely a huge supporter of alternative therapies. That's why im on this site. I am also familiar with trigger point therapy, have heard of reflexology, etc. I want to explore all those avenues. This particular shot is just a diagnostic, the purpose to pinpoint the source of the problem. I am not getting it done for relief, but just insight. I think
It could definitely be helpful in this regard. If it does help than at least I know the problem is within my carpal tunnel and I can go from there in working to address it through wholistic means such as the ones you mentioned.

At the end of the day, I just wanna be able to get back into DT.


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