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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 31 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Organism Sun May 10, 2015 9:10 am

Over stimulating the skin causes callosity (hardening) ..

Ex. barefoot walking, finger tips with guitar playing.

Which is why aspirin or salicylic acid is recommended as a topical since it's keratolytic.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 31 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  sizzlinghairs Sun May 10, 2015 10:15 am

Has anyone noticed a hardening of scalp skin because of DT?


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Post  Growdamnit Sun May 10, 2015 1:36 pm

The complete opposite.


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Post  Denied Tue May 12, 2015 7:44 am

May 11, 2015
Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 31 2_month_mark

What happened last month:

1. Consistently doing DT 2x daily 20 min sessions.
2. Ditched the baking soda shampoo as it was doing more damage to the hair. Now just washing hair with diluted apple cider vinegar.
3. Scaled back on the olive oil to 1x a week because 2x a week was making my hair too greasy. Also added tea tree oil to the mix.
4. Got a hair analysis done.
5. Got a mini trampoline.

Photos clearly show that the hair loss is progressing. Under normal light it's not as noticeable as in the photos. At this rate I probably have 3 - 4 months before I'll have to shave my head. Not really surprised seeing as I loose around 30 hairs with each DT sessions (and yes I count! LOL. Gotta keep myself entertained for 20 minutes while I do DT). I haven't experienced any crazy sheds like other people have reported, instead the hair loss has been steady. So obviously I haven't seen any visible results from DT (not expecting any until at least month 5) but I will say that my scalp feels better and is definitely more loose then when I started 2 months ago.

I got a hair analysis done by Analytical Research Labs. Test showed a slightly overactive thyroid and an exhausted adrenal gland. I'm also very low on sodium, iron, copper, manganese, and selenium. What's even more troubling is my ratio of sodium to potassium which is .86 while the norm should be 2.5. According to the report my ratio means that my body is in a state of "chronic physical degeneration". Great. This is what the report said specifically about hair loss - "sodium-to-potassium ratio on a tissue mineral test below 2.5:1 is indicative of protein breakdown. Potassium is released from cells, causing the potassium level to rise relative to sodium. Since hair is a protein structure, excessive protein breakdown can cause hair loss." And then there was a blurb about copper - "Copper imbalance often leads to lackluster hair and hair loss." I'm not a scientist so I don't know if all of the above is true but I definitely have to work on balancing my mineral levels.

I put the bit about the trampoline because I see some people mention the lymphatic system on this board. I got the trampoline because it is more effective then running not because I thought it may help with the hair loss. Still I wanted to mention it just in case.

That's all I got for now.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 31 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  SonofOdin Tue May 12, 2015 8:29 am

Thanks for keeping us updated, Denied. I don't know much about about blood tests and hair analyses but as far as DT goes try wetting your scalp with warm-hot water to loosen things up prior to massaging. This should reduce hair-pull to a minimum.

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Post  Denied Tue May 12, 2015 9:18 am

I'll try using hot water and see if it helps.

One thing I forgot to mention is that if I look real close at the front of my head I can see a bunch of tiny, almost clear hair, that cover all of the bald spots. I'm sure the top of my head is like that too but I can't confirm. It would be awesome if these hairs started growing.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 31 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Growdamnit Wed May 13, 2015 1:39 am

We all have those tiny vellus hairs. The problem is getting them to grow. I'm pretty far along into DT and am starting to think it is a bunch of bullshit in my case.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 31 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Growdamnit Tue May 19, 2015 2:45 pm

I don't believe this is the cure in my case. Have been at it for a while now and my hairline is at an all time low.


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Post  bov51 Wed May 20, 2015 10:27 am

Growdamnit wrote:I don't believe this is the cure in my case. Have been at it for a while now and my hairline is at an all time low.

Ill give it another month, end up june. If there's no results to show, I'm pretty much done with dt. Hopefully, follicept is my savior.


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Post  Growdamnit Wed May 20, 2015 12:25 pm

Follicept? I got a weird PM about that shit.


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Post  sizzlinghairs Thu May 21, 2015 9:26 am

Growdamnit: how long have you been doing the pinching style DT again? I think you should give bian stones a shot before you throw in the towel. Although I'm not seeing results yet, the deepness of the pinch vs hands is night and day imo.

Boog: keep forgetting, are you using stones or?

At the end of the day I do think DT works, but I think there is a large margin between doing it right and doing it wrong unfortunately. And then getting the specific style tailored to an individual's scalp. From my own experience I feel like when I'm doing DT sessions sometimes I'm like "am I really accomplishing anything right now??" Whereas other times I really feel like I've gotten a good session in.

So one can be doing 20 min 2 x/day but if it is not an effective 20 min no progress will be made.

Or I could be wrong and DT might just not work for some..


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Post  johndoe1225 Fri May 22, 2015 2:43 am

Hey guys!

I am male, just turned 24, and I have been suffering from MPB for...Perhaps 3-3.5 years? (temples receding and slight thinning on top/middle of head, island forming on widow's peak but the back and crown of my head seems fine, weird).  I've gone totally gluten free (and grain free with the exception of occasional brown rice), and sugar free.  If I look really close in the mirror I can pretty much see all of my hair there (although mostly very small/microscopic, and obviously vellus).

I've started doing DT maybe a week or so ago, and I must say it's unlike anything I've ever done for my scalp before.  The second day of doing it properly (I did it for about a week or two the wrong way, basically just a really hard standard massage), I got some small brown spots/dried blood or whatever oozing out of my temple, which is a great sign.  Also two days ago I felt a strange kind of grease or glue or whatever being squeezed from my scalp, a little bit above my temple.  It was sticky to the touch, and it makes me wonder what other crap is stuck under there!

I'm really enthusiastic about this therapy now, I've never gotten any sort of bodily feedback like that from anything I've done for my hair before.

But I still have to use two hands to pinch my scalp (I CAN pinch my right temple with one hand, but even that is not convenient or even strong).  I'm surprised my scalp is not more loose, since I've been doing Tom Hagerty's scalp exercises for about a year.  I can move my scalp with Tom's exercise really far in the mirror, but if I go to pinch it with one hand I really can't do that too well, strange.

Is it acceptable to use both hands to pinch all over?  I actually do a minimum of 60 minutes a day, in either three 20 minutes sessions, or something like that.  I mostly do this because I'm not able to pinch perfectly, so I just use both hands and pinch while pressing down (and it doesn't really hurt, seems almost numb).  Another reason I don't use one hand to pinch is that I'm worried about digging my nails into my scalp and further damaging the hair/skin, should I not worry about this?  It would definitely be more painful but I couldn't care less about the pain.  

Before I start pinching I spend at least five minutes doing a really forceful rubbing/circular motion all over my scalp.  I do another minute or so after I finish pinching.  I make sure to pay special attention and make sure it's very powerful on my temples and Mohawk Ridge.  I can certainly feel all kinds of bumps and weird stuff all over my scalp, like the fibrotic tissue they mention.  I'm going to start supplementing with a high dose (a safe high dose of course) of Taurine, I think it would be the perfect compliment to DT therapy since it works to counter fibrosis in the body.

Oh, I also filled a spray bottle with slightly diluted Apple Cider Vinegar (but still pretty strong, maybe 25% ACV mixture) and spritz my hair with it throughout the day, focusing on my problem areas.  I love the smell but apparently other people don't, so... Very Happy I actually alternate weekly between spritzing with ACV and pretty strong Rosemary Tea brewed from dried Rosemary leaves.

Good luck everyone!


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Post  focuspoint Fri May 22, 2015 2:50 am

Here is a quote from Tom Hagerty:

Tightness of the scalp is a complex concept. The medical term for this is scalp laxity. But laxity has two components. The first component is what you see when you do the scalp exercise correctly. That is the ability of the scalp to slide on the underlying tissue. That underlying tissue is called the pericranium. This pericranium is under the galea. This first component of laxity has nothing to do with the strectching of the scalp skin; it is just the mechanical movement of the scalp on the pericranium.

The second component of scalp laxity is what's called extensibility. This is the ability of the skin of the scalp to stretch - for example, when you pinch your scalp and are able to feel some skin between your fingers. Extensibility is completely independent of the sliding movement of the scalp.

So, the scalp exercise improves only the first component. DT definitely improves the second one. However, if all of this really leads to regrowth remains questionable.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 31 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  johndoe1225 Fri May 22, 2015 12:03 pm

focuspoint wrote:Here is a quote from Tom Hagerty:

Tightness of the scalp is a complex concept. The medical term for this is scalp laxity. But laxity has two components. The first component is what you see when you do the scalp exercise correctly. That is the ability of the scalp to slide on the underlying tissue. That underlying tissue is called the pericranium. This pericranium is under the galea. This first component of laxity has nothing to do with the strectching of the scalp skin; it is just the mechanical movement of the scalp on the pericranium.

The second component of scalp laxity is what's called extensibility. This is the ability of the skin of the scalp to stretch - for example, when you pinch your scalp and are able to feel some skin between your fingers. Extensibility is completely independent of the sliding movement of the scalp.

So, the scalp exercise improves only the first component. DT definitely improves the second one. However, if all of this really leads to regrowth remains questionable.

Oh I forgot about that, thanks. It's been awhile since I read his site.


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Post  SonofOdin Fri May 22, 2015 8:02 pm

Hey guys so, 8 months after DT and Fin and my hair is more stable than its ever been since this hell began. Which is why it worries me to do this but, I am quitting the therapy, and have actually already begun the process the past few days.

I need to see how my hair holds up without the therapy, and so at most I'll be massaging once a day, but nothing too serious. If the timeline I've set up for myself works out, I'll have a new hairline transplanted in about 2 months, and there is no way I'll be doing DT with the implants healing. So, this sort of marks the end of me updating progress with DT. My regrowth was small but, I think the biggest win was stopping the loss and I hope now that my scalp is loose, that DT will continue to pay dividends long after the therapy has been performed. When my new hairs grow in from the transplant, I may do some light pinching to maintain, maybe not, I'll be asking my doctor for his opinion.

Anyway best of luck to you all. I do feel this massage did some good for me, and I hope it does for you, too.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 31 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bov51 Mon May 25, 2015 1:23 pm

After 1.5 years of dt, im calling it quit. I don't think Dt works but good luck to all you guys.


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Post  Columbo Mon May 25, 2015 6:37 pm

seems like a very mixed bag of results

my guess  DT and other non health methods (topicals, rolling, inversion etc.), if they do work, are possibly going to have limited effect unless your baseline of health is decent  (low stress, good sleep/exercise, good glucose sensitivity, good levels of T, low inflammation, good gut health, adequate nutrient intake, mineral balance, low toxin load, blood pressure etc. etc.)

that's the theory I'm working with, at least

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 31 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Growdamnit Tue May 26, 2015 2:57 am

I think it's bullshit. I have had no regrowth at all.


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Post  sizzlinghairs Tue May 26, 2015 6:32 am

So you think everyone that's seeing results is hallucinating? And that guy JDmoyer has pics of at least thickening..

I'd say maybe it works for some and not for others.

But to say it's 100% bullshit when you have around 5-6 guys all saying they're getting good results, dunno bout that. They've all gone from the forum mostly too, which is a good thing imo. That guy massager even deleted his account, I think he's done caring about hairloss now and on his way.

But you never can say for sure

I'm very much anticipating hairy showers pics, but definitely
Not holding my breath.

What I'm really hoping for is someone who's gettin results to post a close up 5 minute video of how they do DT. A diagram is one thing, but a video is on a whole other level. Night and day in regards to guidance.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 31 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bov51 Tue May 26, 2015 11:35 am

sizzlinghairs wrote:So you think everyone that's seeing results is hallucinating? And that guy JDmoyer has pics of at least thickening..

I'd say maybe it works for some and not for others.

But to say it's 100% bullshit when you have around 5-6 guys all saying they're getting good results, dunno bout that. They've all gone from the forum mostly too, which is a good thing imo. That guy massager even deleted his account, I think he's done caring about hairloss now and on his way.

But you never can say for sure

I'm very much anticipating hairy showers pics, but definitely
Not holding my breath.

What I'm really hoping for is someone who's gettin results to post a close up 5 minute video of how they do DT. A diagram is one thing, but a video is on a whole other level. Night and day in regards to guidance.

yes, I called bs. Ill come back to this thread in 1-2 years, it'll be the same old sht.  As for as massage guy, he said he was getting regrowth before Dt, he was delusional already. lol That's the problem with the natural route, a lot of guys are straight up delusional.

ps. Any newcomer that does not want to lose any more hair, do not start this!


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 31 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Tue May 26, 2015 12:31 pm

So glad to see this forum/thread be filtered out of idiots.

There are a lot of "skeptics" on here that need mental help, or else they're probably going to have bad life forever. Every single person besides Bog (who I don't think is all up their in the head) has done this therapy wrong. Everyone from Raptor-Grow have reported having a tight top/midldle area of the scalp and that is a huge no no. You can't be doing a therapy correctly and still have a tight scalp, especially in that area. The purpose of doing any manual method is to loosen the Galea, but thanks to the idiots on here, people don't seem to comprehend that fact anymore and that is what I was worried about And yes, it is a fact backed by several scientific studies.

So before take off, I would like to say that I have witnessed at least 10 intellegent people on here stop their hair loss and begin to reverse it both at small large extents (depending on the time they have put into it) & out of those 10, I have seen about 3-4 people show proof pics. Most got questioned and ran down by the "skeptics" on here (even though the pics were genuine and showed great results) and so some of them said "fuck it" & left this forum (I would myself as well)

I have witnessed several people regrow their hair using the Maliniak Method, DT and of course DR. As a matter of fact, someone on here even mentioned a person on a diff forum who regrew nearly/all of their hair with Dermarolling and the person documented everything. You are an idiot if tou don't think MPB caused by a tight Galea and even more retarded if you think not regrowing /regrowing only small amounts of hair within a few months-year is seeing lack of results. Do you really think someone with a receeding hairline, which took years to get to where it is at today, will regrow everything back in 10 months? You've got to be stupid to see subtle results within that timeframe and call quits lol. Even that guy with the blog (he was mentioned on here a few weeks ago or so) didn't oay attention to the 10 month window. He just said he'd keep doing it because he keeps on see in resultsn. That's how the body works, you will see regrowth slow and steady just like you lost it and eventually you will reverse it completely. You just have to have will power. Oh and isn't it funny how he, just like many other members on various different forums, mentioned that he noticed the hairs that went first are the hairs who grew last? That is true, genuine reversal there.

Btw, hey Grow, why don't you call quits on the therapy like Bog did? Let's forget the fact that you've thickened your hair up (even with the tight scalp you've had until recently, or still have)
Maybe you will then notice how much of a girl you once you see ALL of your hair dissapear before your eyes lol.

PS: For the new comers, remember, your scalp environment needs to be PROPERbfor you to regrow hair. This means, Inc loosen your Galea, you have to maintain that looseness for a while and keep inducing angiogenesis to kickstart the regrowth your hair. Then, say goodbye to DT and/or DR and just keep your scalp loose.

Another thing.. last thing actually. Similar to when obtaining and utilizing an LLLT device when you first start balding once you loosen your scalp you WILL stop your hair loss. Period. This is a fact. Anybody who disagress is disagreeing with science at this point, and needs help.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 31 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Growdamnit Tue May 26, 2015 12:59 pm

You know, Complexx, if you didn't articulate yourself like a third grader I might take you seriously. I have NO regrowth from this therapy. Nothing.


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Post  Complexx Tue May 26, 2015 1:48 pm

Growdamnit wrote:You know, Complexx, if you didn't articulate yourself like a third grader I might take you seriously. I have NO regrowth from this therapy. Nothing.

Quit it bro, there's no hope. I have already start why you haven't. You will never seem to understand even if the answer is thrown in your face.

I suggest you start looking into shaving your head. Good luck , bud!

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 31 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Growdamnit Tue May 26, 2015 1:51 pm

I am loosening my scalp. It is mostly loose and my hair isn't regrowing. I'm healthy and am in amazing shape but no hair.


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Post  Complexx Tue May 26, 2015 2:11 pm

Growdamnit wrote:I am loosening my scalp. It is mostly loose and my hair isn't regrowing. I'm healthy and am in amazing shape but no hair.

Buddy, just two months ago you were talking about the top middle of your scalp being tight. That is the most crucial part to have loose. Do you honestly think you can regrow all of your hair back even if you loosened it 4 months ago? Please have some common sense, bro.

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