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'Love your liver' - toxicity and deficiency

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'Love your liver' - toxicity and deficiency  Empty 'Love your liver' - toxicity and deficiency

Post  Live forever Wed Feb 21, 2024 4:06 am

Hi all

I am posting this guy who caught my attention as he spoke about what he calls 'toxic bile theory' which is that illnesses are big bile dumps and things like quackccines suppress this... thus longterm making us more sick.
He pretty much nailed Rona as well via sharing that flu is body detox.
It resonates with a lot of what gets shared here and what CS has spoke of in the past. (ultimately the focus is on reducing toxins in and assisting them out whilst also enjoying life)

Love Your Liver Livestream 54: How "vitamin" A DESTROYS Testosterone!!!

Lot of info on twitter threads as well

I never forget CS saying the body will not allow high testosterone if ones body is toxic/overhwelmed by it. (which is the big thing missing from most of the mainstream messages on it - they all just push TRT etc)

He is big on saying vitamin A is toxic and is not a vitamin at all.(he also says vit D3 is toxic and calcifies)
I think some interesting things can be found in his line of thinking.

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'Love your liver' - toxicity and deficiency  Empty Re: 'Love your liver' - toxicity and deficiency

Post  CausticSymmetry Wed Feb 21, 2024 10:31 am

I'll check it out - There was a poster on here before, maybe last year, do not remember who implied it as mainstream science does support the idea that vitamin A can be toxic.

On a personal level, I have never found this to be correct--meaning reasonable levels of it.

Regardless, I'll check out the info.

The toxic bile hypothesis that suggests that some digestive and liver diseases are caused by an excess or leakage of toxic bile, which damages the cells and tissues of the bile ducts and the liver.

If toxic bile is a real thing, then perhaps it can be provoked by various factors, such as bile transporter abnormalities, gut flora imbalances, toxin exposure, or dietary factors.

However, from where I sit, not having adequate bile is usually the issue. Part of the job of bile is to handle toxins (binding for excretion), then the remaining bile is recirculated.

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'Love your liver' - toxicity and deficiency  Empty Re: 'Love your liver' - toxicity and deficiency

Post  CausticSymmetry Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:20 am

Okay, he's not a scientist and I could leave it at that...but why not go further.

These are proper bold claims he makes, which require stronger evidence.

Insulin and vitamin A are both involved in the regulation of Sertoli cells, which are responsible for supporting the development of sperm cells in the testes.

Insulin and vitamin A can increase the synthesis of androgen-binding protein (ABP) by Sertoli cells, which helps transport testosterone and other androgens to the sperm cells.

Vitamin A is also essential for the conversion of retinal to retinoic acid, which is required for the initiation of spermatogenesis.

So far, things are not looking good for this claim...and a side-note, I've been consuming cod liver oil since 2008....(everything still works) and I'm not bald...

Also....for the age of 46, he has significant periorbital rhytides or folds or creases around his eyes.

To be fair, maybe he's late in the game of anti-aging.

So back to Vitamin A. There is simply no conclusive evidence that vitamin A reduces testosterone and in fact,
some research suggests a positive correlation between vitamin A intake and testosterone levels.

His analysis is conjecture and without any evidence.

Consuming a lot of organ meats? I would agree with him on this point....probably not the best idea.

There's so much more muscle meat in the whole carcass, while the organ meats tend to be bitter tasting.
Probably makes little sense to any unless there's a craving for them.

Almost forgot, the "toxic bile" thing....

The proper term for this is cholestasis. This is really a little different...and is more about the flow of bile from the liver
when it is reduced or blocked.

Bile is a fluid that helps digest fats and remove toxins from the body and a sluggish bile flow is fairly common and usually something seen liver related conditions. The solution is to enhance bile flow to help move toxins out.

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'Love your liver' - toxicity and deficiency  Empty Re: 'Love your liver' - toxicity and deficiency

Post  shaftless Wed Feb 21, 2024 1:40 pm

Get rid of your gallbladder and your liver should be fine


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'Love your liver' - toxicity and deficiency  Empty Re: 'Love your liver' - toxicity and deficiency

Post  Live forever Wed Feb 21, 2024 9:50 pm

CausticSymmetry wrote:Okay, he's not a scientist and I could leave it at that...but why not go further.

These are proper bold claims he makes, which require stronger evidence.

Insulin and vitamin A are both involved in the regulation of Sertoli cells, which are responsible for supporting the development of sperm cells in the testes.

Insulin and vitamin A can increase the synthesis of androgen-binding protein (ABP) by Sertoli cells, which helps transport testosterone and other androgens to the sperm cells.

Vitamin A is also essential for the conversion of retinal to retinoic acid, which is required for the initiation of spermatogenesis.

So far, things are not looking good for this claim...and a side-note, I've been consuming cod liver oil since 2008....(everything still works) and I'm not bald...

Also....for the age of 46, he has significant periorbital rhytides or folds or creases around his eyes.

To be fair, maybe he's late in the game of anti-aging.

So back to Vitamin A. There is simply no conclusive evidence that vitamin A reduces testosterone and in fact,
some research suggests a positive correlation between vitamin A intake and testosterone levels.

His analysis is conjecture and without any evidence.

Consuming a lot of organ meats? I would agree with him on this point....probably not the best idea.

There's so much more muscle meat in the whole carcass, while the organ meats tend to be bitter tasting.
Probably makes little sense to any unless there's a craving for them.

Almost forgot, the "toxic bile" thing....

The proper term for this is cholestasis. This is really a little different...and is more about the flow of bile from the liver
when it is reduced or blocked.

Bile is a fluid that helps digest fats and remove toxins from the body and a sluggish bile flow is fairly common and usually something seen liver related conditions. The solution is to enhance bile flow to help move toxins out.

Thanks. Yes I do think he seems quite overly dogmatic in this approach. Interesting what can be learnt though as well.

I think a lot of this he was put onto by someone called Grant Genereux
He has been low vitamin A for nine years and shares updates on this.

Something that has interested me is his promotion of testing both the blood and getting a hair mineral analysis test done.
He is big on heavy metals being a problem (like yourself) - what do you think to this approach?

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'Love your liver' - toxicity and deficiency  Empty Re: 'Love your liver' - toxicity and deficiency

Post  Live forever Wed Feb 21, 2024 9:58 pm

This is interesting as well..

"Out of sheer curiosity I had a look at this gentleman's website to see what prompted him to conclude he was suffering with vitamin A toxicity. His elimination diet coincidentally is also a very low plant-toxin diet, essentially a beef and rice diet. There are too many people to count who have reversed their skin issues and/or autoimmune issues by limiting plant foods, but it's got nothing to do with vitamin A content, and everything to do with cutting out oxalates/salicylates/histamines/phytates/lectins/phenols etc etc. I think for this chap probably solanine in the nightshade family was a big culprit but it could have been a combination. He never even ate liver and caucasian people in particular are very poor carotenoid-converters. If anything, his symptoms sounded like significant nutrient deficiencies including but not limited to zinc and vitamin A, and reducing the metabolic burden of metabolising lots of plant foods has brought him relief, along with reducing copper in the diet. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with vitamin A. This reminds me of when Ancel Keys determined that saturated fat was the devil based off of terrible data and interpretation."

I remember a friend who went vegan for a year back in 2014 and his weight and complexion massively improved, but I always put it down to what he now wasn't eating as a vegan (loads of processed food), rather than veganism itself.
Live forever
Live forever

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'Love your liver' - toxicity and deficiency  Empty Re: 'Love your liver' - toxicity and deficiency

Post  CausticSymmetry Thu Feb 22, 2024 2:58 am

Live forever wrote:This is interesting as well..

"Out of sheer curiosity I had a look at this gentleman's website to see what prompted him to conclude he was suffering with vitamin A toxicity. His elimination diet coincidentally is also a very low plant-toxin diet, essentially a beef and rice diet. There are too many people to count who have reversed their skin issues and/or autoimmune issues by limiting plant foods, but it's got nothing to do with vitamin A content, and everything to do with cutting out oxalates/salicylates/histamines/phytates/lectins/phenols etc etc. I think for this chap probably solanine in the nightshade family was a big culprit but it could have been a combination. He never even ate liver and Caucasian people in particular are very poor carotenoid-converters. If anything, his symptoms sounded like significant nutrient deficiencies including but not limited to zinc and vitamin A, and reducing the metabolic burden of metabolizing lots of plant foods has brought him relief, along with reducing copper in the diet. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with vitamin A. This reminds me of when Ancel Keys determined that saturated fat was the devil based off of terrible data and interpretation."

I remember a friend who went vegan for a year back in 2014 and his weight and complexion massively improved, but I always put it down to what he now wasn't eating as a vegan (loads of processed food), rather than veganism itself.

Beef (great) plus rice (not so good, breaks down to glucose), which provokes the glycerol fatty acid cycle (Randle cycle).

Maybe he's blaming vitamin A toxicity on organ meats? It's very easy to be wrong based on N=1 (self experimentation alone).

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