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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:58 am

Keanoseg wrote:
boogv510 wrote:Ill answer it for you, yes, me. Im pretty close to the 6 months mark and frankly my hairline look a lot worst than it was 5 months ago. Dt will pretty much shed all the thinning hairs that you have., goodbye to all your miniaturization hairs.

This is the reason the study is really weird and the parameters suck or don't even exist. In theory, any type of stimulation that promotes better circulation and makes your scalp healthier and more vascular and less fibrotic or calcified should make your hair thicker, stronger, healthier and stop the loss and promote regrowth. On another part, there's always that question: "Can that study really be 100% true"?. The thing that sheds some disbelief for me personally, is the quality of such a groundbreaking study lol, because if it's 100% true then that doctor would've been really famous by now and everyone on earth would grow hair. On another note though, it doesn't seem fake because honestly a lot of work has been put into it. I mean who would write all that theory, measure all that crap, present those pictures and do such a long term study except the crazy Chinese people xD. Also check the reference studies at the bottom, there's a whole bunch of them. Also what about Margo and Papilla and Maliniak and just pure brushing, people have witnessed regrowth by just promoting circulation and doing something with some pressure to make the scalp looser and softer. So all in all I believe in the study and it's results. Here it gets messy though. You said you are at 6 month mark. I think the study is true and it does a lot to regrow hair back , I just think that 10 months reference is bullshit. I think that they took 100 people, and those who had hair but lost some, lets say NW 2.5 , started the therapy and regrew their hair in xyz amount of time. Those who were bald or really high norwoods though, took maybe 3 times the time it took for low deviation ones(as referred in the study) to achieve the same scalp environment. So I think that 10 months in the study is the average time it took to restore the scalp to its operational condition. From NW 2.5 to NW 1 it maybe took 6 months of daily manuals but for those who were NW 4 or 5 it maybe took 6 months just to stop the loss and make the hair thicker and to stabilize it. No matter how much you make your scalp healthy your hair still grows in phases and to get from NW 5 to NW 1 in 10 months is a bit too optimistic imo but you should certainly be able to do it in twice as much as that if there's no other problems.

Things like these methods never get mainstream attention.. As I mentioned before, they cut Brian J Freunds funds... Big Pharma don't give a fuck about what can't make them money for the long term. Why should they promote something that works well and costs 0 dollars when hair loss is a multimillion/billion dollar industry in itself?

But I agree with you 100% man. Good post

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty easy ways to massge without cost or using fingers

Post  proscar3 Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:02 am

why arent people more creative? all i hear is my 'hands and fingers hurt' i 'cant get any pressure or a grip' etc or 'where can i get a brush or how can i get this device?' or its too expensive

my answer is this: - use another method maybe? or think one up? or use something already made in another way?

i visualised these two approaches and then googled them to test whether they hold water, and guess what they do!!!!

1 diy massage for feet a sock with a hundred marbles. flatten and massage scalp -

cant post link so i,ll post Google search term - marble+sock+masage

( harsher alternative, prob better for our purposes- pebbles as in pebbledash in sock!)

2 pebble mat

google search term - pebble+mat+massage

do a handstand on the pebble mat (that's normally used for feet) with a towel over it and rub against the mat for five minutes and your whole head is done. * of course im assuming your physically fit!!! not rocket science.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Complexx Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:03 am

boogv510 wrote:
hiilikeyourbeard wrote:
rofl wrote:Hilikeabeard, not that i give a crap what u think of me since u resort to name calling, when our opinions differ (calling me a bitch)  i only have so much hair left, and i dont want to risk doing something that may well make it fall out(as some others have reported) before i know that it will grow back.  
kind regards.

do you see ANYONE who this is making their hair worse who's done it for more than 6 months? oh screw it i'll answer for you, no... no you don't.

Ill answer it for you, yes, me. Im pretty close to the 6 months mark and frankly my hairline look a lot worst than it was 5 months ago. Dt will pretty much shed all the thinning hairs that you have., goodbye to all your miniaturization hairs. When I first started doing Dt, man I was sheddding so much hair from it, I still lose a couple hair when doing but not like before. I still believe in this method, but I don't go around claiming this is this is a cure when im not even 100% certain it is unlike complexx.  Rolling Eyes 

Fair enough.

People should keep in kind though that a shed is nothing to be scared of... If you're consistent with this you will most likely shed and then regrow light vellus/intermediate vellus/and terminal hair. We have to stick with it and enjoy our lives. I'm glad that you are experiencing results and I hope everything goes fine for you, bud.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Keanoseg Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:10 am

Complexx wrote:Things like these methods never get mainstream attention.. As I mentioned before, they cut Brian J Freunds funds... Big Pharma don't give a fuck about what can't make them money for the long term. Why should they promote something that works well and costs 0 dollars when hair loss is a multimillion/billion dollar industry in itself?

But I agree with you 100% man. Good post

Yeah this is very true however it's just retarded because baldness is a major trigger in so much people that commit suicide. There was actually a research somewhere and a whole bunch of people commit it cuz of baldness being the trigger. Also it can't really cause anything positive mostly, all baldness does is it promotes mass depression over entire world lol. Maybe the pharmaceutical industry is under NWO aka illuminati but still then how would such a study (DT) even get on the internet and not be taken down with all the similar studies as well. I mean yeah that particular study is on such a random location on the internet whoever found it and spread it around is the best detective ever.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:59 am

massager wrote:
ANewHope wrote:I noticed some people think it's about 20 min. of therapy/day. I remember we are talking here about 40 min. divided in two 20 min. sessions daily, am I right ?

That's right mate, although I do it pretty much whoever I can. Once the fibrosis is gone and the skins back to normal your hair is free to grow. So I'm going all out!

dude alllllllll out. i think i could complete this therapy within 6 months no joke with how much i do it. but i'm gonna do it probably for 2 years

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Duketronix Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:16 am

Man all the sceptics are really lucky to have someone like Drexx to hold your hand through this. I personally am feeling kind of "over" the whole debating.

If you actually stick to this there's a very good chance it will work.
If you can't be bothered to put that little bit of work in? Well IMO you can go jump off a cliff as they say. It costs nothing, is obviously beneficial to the scalp.... why would you not be trying to already?

I think that's why Complex gets upset when people keep asking for photos etc... NOBODY OWES YOU ANY PROOF. Being skeptical is fine and even smart in a lot of situations. IMO here it is a stupid thing to let their disbelief get in the way of helping yourself. If nothing else it improves the condition of the scalp.... So..? what are you being skeptical for? Can't bear the idea of spending a few minutes running your head while you watch a TV show?
Skepticism is fine when there's no way to verify results but you have the opportunity to experience those results at virtually NO cost to yourself. If there is an easy way to improve your condition is life and you don't capitalize on the opportunity simply because it offends your egoic ideas about how you perceive the universe works and what your willing to believe is possible... well....
Like I said... Lucky Drexx is here to hold your hand and give you some proof.

It's interesting that people even spend any time to prove that things work. Ever since things started getting really good for my hair I just have no interest in proving anything. Don't need the validation. Don't care if people believe it or not. none of that matters.

Anyway... Not here much these days but keep working the DT! it works.

As for the Russian study : I mentioned a bunch of times that I use a large toothed wooden comb to do this but people never seemed to listen. It definitely helps spare the fingers.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:32 am

Complexx wrote:
Keanoseg wrote:
boogv510 wrote:Ill answer it for you, yes, me. Im pretty close to the 6 months mark and frankly my hairline look a lot worst than it was 5 months ago. Dt will pretty much shed all the thinning hairs that you have., goodbye to all your miniaturization hairs.

This is the reason the study is really weird and the parameters suck or don't even exist. In theory, any type of stimulation that promotes better circulation and makes your scalp healthier and more vascular and less fibrotic or calcified should make your hair thicker, stronger, healthier and stop the loss and promote regrowth. On another part, there's always that question: "Can that study really be 100% true"?. The thing that sheds some disbelief for me personally, is the quality of such a groundbreaking study lol, because if it's 100% true then that doctor would've been really famous by now and everyone on earth would grow hair. On another note though, it doesn't seem fake because honestly a lot of work has been put into it. I mean who would write all that theory, measure all that crap, present those pictures and do such a long term study except the crazy Chinese people xD. Also check the reference studies at the bottom, there's a whole bunch of them. Also what about Margo and Papilla and Maliniak and just pure brushing, people have witnessed regrowth by just promoting circulation and doing something with some pressure to make the scalp looser and softer. So all in all I believe in the study and it's results. Here it gets messy though. You said you are at 6 month mark. I think the study is true and it does a lot to regrow hair back , I just think that 10 months reference is bullshit. I think that they took 100 people, and those who had hair but lost some, lets say NW 2.5 , started the therapy and regrew their hair in xyz amount of time. Those who were bald or really high norwoods though, took maybe 3 times the time it took for low deviation ones(as referred in the study) to achieve the same scalp environment. So I think that 10 months in the study is the average time it took to restore the scalp to its operational condition. From NW 2.5 to NW 1 it maybe took 6 months of daily manuals but for those who were NW 4 or 5 it maybe took 6 months just to stop the loss and make the hair thicker and to stabilize it. No matter how much you make your scalp healthy your hair still grows in phases and to get from NW 5 to NW 1 in 10 months is a bit too optimistic imo but you should certainly be able to do it in twice as much as that if there's no other problems.

Things like these methods never get mainstream attention.. As I mentioned before, they cut Brian J Freunds funds... Big Pharma don't give a fuck about what can't make them money for the long term. Why should they promote something that works well and costs 0 dollars when hair loss is a multimillion/billion dollar industry in itself?

But I agree with you 100% man. Good post

thank you. took the words out of my mouth. there's cures for cancer, hairloss, autoimmune diseases and you NEVER hear of them. and it's because of the all mighty dollar. there is no profit in telling people they can jab their fingers into their heads while they're naked at home and grow their hair back now is there? or that balancing your body PH level through proper nutrition can reverse some cancers. these things are known but they will never see mainstream attention as long as there is a profit motive.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:36 am

Complexx wrote:
boogv510 wrote:
hiilikeyourbeard wrote:
rofl wrote:Hilikeabeard, not that i give a crap what u think of me since u resort to name calling, when our opinions differ (calling me a bitch)  i only have so much hair left, and i dont want to risk doing something that may well make it fall out(as some others have reported) before i know that it will grow back.  
kind regards.

do you see ANYONE who this is making their hair worse who's done it for more than 6 months? oh screw it i'll answer for you, no... no you don't.

Ill answer it for you, yes, me. Im pretty close to the 6 months mark and frankly my hairline look a lot worst than it was 5 months ago. Dt will pretty much shed all the thinning hairs that you have., goodbye to all your miniaturization hairs. When I first started doing Dt, man I was sheddding so much hair from it, I still lose a couple hair when doing but not like before. I still believe in this method, but I don't go around claiming this is this is a cure when im not even 100% certain it is unlike complexx.  Rolling Eyes 

Fair enough.

People should keep in kind though that a shed is nothing to be scared of... If you're consistent with this you will most likely shed and then regrow light vellus/intermediate vellus/and terminal hair. We have to stick with it and enjoy our lives. I'm glad that you are experiencing results and I hope everything goes fine for you, bud.

sheds are normal, people tend to forget that. that's something that i have brought with me from some other crappy forums... knowledge of sheds and the way people tend to lose their hair in cycles and hair count things like that. sheds when beginning treatment are normal. i went from nw3 to nw4 in a few weeks when starting manuals late last year. the weak hairs shed and then are slowly replaced by new blonde hairs then over time they thicken then go terminal. just stick with it.

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bananasinpajamas Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:30 am


the anger reminds me of when religious people try to evangelize towards me, and i ask the simplest question causing them to get flustered and frustrated because i hit a weakness in their argument. they have invested a lot emotionally into it, and their house of cards is crumbling.

practically speaking, these boards are constantly filled with the cure de jour, and if someone were to apply each new topical, ingest each new supplement, and apply each new method it would not only be a waste of time but it would get in the way of things that really do work and thus can be detrimental for your hair.

no one with healthy skepticism on this thread thinks we are owed anything. however, like any reasonable person who hears an extraordinary claim, we are just stating that we would like to see some evidence. currently the series of random area super zoomed up hair pics is not very telling.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bananasinpajamas Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:36 am

One thing to note about the Russian link and the HK study--the HK study is about pinching,pressing the scalp tissue. The Russian study is about pushing and sliding the skin. So this is important to note as you are doing your manuals which method you are using.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  drex1999 Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:10 pm

1st of all, congrats to all who are seeing progress! The good news is the longer into this you go, the more robust gains you see.

Congrats to those who have picked up their cameras. Bet you crapped your pants when you saw what they captured Smile

The rest I've already said many times like a retarded parrot.
I am now seeing sweeping gains that cover all that remains of my problem areas. They are in varying stages of growth that take a good 1 1/2 months to fill in and become visible to the eye. I know this because I have seen it happen over and over during this journey. I see no reason to take zoomed out pictures at this point when everything I just mentioned is currently happening and will be able to be included a short time from now.

Those pictures will come, from every angle and distance and I'll even take one up my butthole so you can see the evidence from the inside out if so desired. May as well wait a little longer and see the whole thing. Until then, you'll have to take me at my word that I can not remember exactly how long it has been since my hair looked the way it does now but it has been a long, long time.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  schpiloch123 Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:36 pm

Just seen this device from a website quoting the detumescence study. Looks quite interesting. What do you guys think?


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  JDawg Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:16 pm

Complexx wrote:

Things like these methods never get mainstream attention.. As I mentioned before, they cut Brian J Freunds funds... Big Pharma don't give a fuck about what can't make them money for the long term. Why should they promote something that works well and costs 0 dollars when hair loss is a multimillion/billion dollar industry in itself?

But I agree with you 100% man. Good post

Botox doesn't cost money? Don't you think that the makers/manufacturers of Botox would love to have another reason to sell it? It's not covered by insurance, it's all out of pocket. So if balding dudes wanted to get injections on their scalp that would be MILLIONS more in the pockets of drug companies.

Just saying, there's no profit-based rationale for cutting off a study like that if it could lead to results. Everyone's all excited for histogen and they are injection-based too.

And Complexx, for the last time, dude, I don't have a problem with the idea of increasing blood flow. I actually do manual work and massage on my scalp and it's loose as f--k. I'm saying no one should be screaming from the the rooftops about how DT is the "cure" for hairloss when it's all based on some poorly designed Chinese study and anecdotal evidence.

It's amazing to me how everyone on this forum loves to troll Maliniak when he posts something but it borders on heresy when we critique DT.

Whatever, call me a dick, call me a skeptic, but I'm just spitting some common sense.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Duketronix Sun Jun 15, 2014 6:53 pm

bananasinpajamas wrote:

the anger reminds me of when religious people try to evangelize towards me, and i ask the simplest question causing them to get flustered and frustrated because i hit a weakness in their argument. they have invested a lot emotionally into it, and their house of cards is crumbling.

practically speaking, these boards are constantly filled with the cure de jour, and if someone were to apply each new topical, ingest each new supplement, and apply each new method it would not only be a waste of time but it would get in the way of things that really do work and thus can be detrimental for your hair.

no one with healthy skepticism on this thread thinks we are owed anything. however, like any reasonable person who hears an extraordinary claim, we are just stating that we would like to see some evidence. currently the series of random area super zoomed up hair pics is not very telling.

Blah blah blah.  Say whatever you want.  There's no evangelism here.  I'm not trying to save anyone or spread anything, as I said I don't care if you try it or not.  I'll leave that to those feeling more generous (or whatever motivates them) than myself.  There's no anger for that matter either.  But create whatever imaginary parallels you want if it makes you feel better.  The caps was just to emphasize, not be angry. Nice try at creating a basic fallacy which holds no water by drawing parallels to some emotional response you had towards my post and the factual result which are on my head.  Yes, yes I'm a religious zealot of DT here to spread the gospel.  My house of cards is crumbling around me because of your laser like critique and the simple questions that have laid bare all my falsehoods!! LOL. Stop projecting ideas on to me and assuming so much. You don't know me or anything about me or what I'm feeling when I'm typing so give it up.

If 'people' don't want proof or feel they deserve it then stop asking for it, or demanding it, as in some cases.  
You would like to see some evidence... er... OTHER evidence since what is there is not up to your expectations and requirements.

Well Drexx has said a few times he will be posting that in the future to satisfy those of you who cannot do for yourselves and need others to lead them. So stop asking in the meantime and wait a few months for the pics he says he's going to post. Otherwise you're just spamming this thread IMO. GO ahead and be skeptical. We know you're waiting before you try this.... great. We don't need to hear about it though.

Last edited by Duketronix on Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:06 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Sun Jun 15, 2014 6:56 pm

this will be all of us soon

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Em10

but really. i think nw0 is possible by the end of this

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Keanoseg Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:14 pm

bananasinpajamas wrote:One thing to note about the Russian link and the HK study--the HK study is about pinching,pressing the scalp tissue. The Russian study is about pushing and sliding the skin. So this is important to note as you are doing your manuals which method you are using.

I think the total scalp skin and scalp tissue is way too thin to not handle everything with one way or another if you do it consistently. Meaning, in the russian article they said :" Massage is performed on segments. That is, the scalp is divided into sections 8-10 and pushing the brush to the skull produced intense energetic movements with short amplitude towards the forehead, back of the head - neck-forehead. The skin thus should move slightly, as if a little slide on the skull. "

"Massage and combing it amounts to the same thing?

No, massage implies a heavy rubbing the skin with its mandatory relatively small shift of the skull. "

Notice it says skin because of the poor translation but they press it hard. So it's all scalp layers, same as DT. The only difference could be that here are fast movements while in the DT it's stationary. But I doubt it. The HK study is poorly translated as well so I think there's movement there as well. Implication of it here :"mentioned above is actually an act of kneading, rubbing and putting pressure on the skin with our fingers and hands" - DT study.
Rubbing meaning fast movements. Notice they also say skin but they really mean the entire scalp and all its layers.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Keanoseg Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:41 pm

Bottomline the Russian study is DT without pinching. This just shows that these names for methods or manuals etc are useless. Doesn't matter if you use that piked comb or your fingers it's the same diameter of pressure. One thing I want to know though, if anyone can shed some light. I haven't read Margo towel method but when you are pressing in your scalp with a towel there and rubbing, is it just rubbing the surface or is the scalp shifting and moving as well. Cuz if it is all of this methods are the same. DT is morrocco method is margo method etc.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Hairy Potter Mon Jun 16, 2014 2:47 am

Keanoseg wrote:Bottomline the Russian study is DT without pinching. This just shows that these names for methods or manuals etc are useless. Doesn't matter if you use that piked comb or your fingers it's the same diameter of pressure. One thing I want to know though, if anyone can shed some light. I haven't read Margo towel method but when you are pressing in your scalp with a towel there and rubbing, is it just rubbing the surface or is the scalp shifting and moving as well. Cuz if it is all of this methods are the same. DT is morrocco method is margo method etc.

Bro, in the Margo Method the scalp is shifting as well, for sure. I personally make fists grabbing the towel and use my knuckles on my scalp, so it's pretty rough. I would agree that they're essentially the same in principle, but DT is much more forceful, and maintained for between 5 and 10 times the duration of MM (obviously depending on how long you towel your head for), and that is why I reckon it gets results quicker. I'm doing both, just because I started with towelling before DT and it's habit now after every shower.

So yes, there is a common thread in Margo / Papilla, the Russian study, DT, and combing - they seem to all be similar in principle but they vary in intensity and duration per application. As far as I can see, DT gets results faster than anything we've seen in the manuals so far, due mainly to its intensity and duration per application.

Hairy Potter

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Hairy Potter Mon Jun 16, 2014 2:54 am

hiilikeyourbeard wrote:this will be all of us soon

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Em10

but really. i think nw0 is possible by the end of this

LOL - that's a negative Norwood :-)

Hairy Potter

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty New hairs appearing

Post  deleteme Mon Jun 16, 2014 3:02 am

How do you upload pictures?

Last edited by massager on Mon Jun 16, 2014 3:45 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : yhh)


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Hairy Potter Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:01 am

massager wrote:How do you upload pictures?

Log in; click on the thread you want to upload pics to; click on 'post reply'; click on either 'host an image', or 'insert an image' in the top tool bar; and Bob's your aunty.

Hairy Potter

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  deleteme Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:55 am

Hairy Potter wrote:
massager wrote:How do you upload pictures?

Log in; click on the thread you want to upload pics to; click on 'post reply'; click on either 'host an image', or 'insert an image' in the top tool bar; and Bob's your aunty.
Thanks mate! my pics might be too big. I've tried to upload a few times. They never appear when I click host or reply.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  hiilikeyourbeard Mon Jun 16, 2014 2:17 pm

massager wrote:
Hairy Potter wrote:
massager wrote:How do you upload pictures?

Log in; click on the thread you want to upload pics to; click on 'post reply'; click on either 'host an image', or 'insert an image' in the top tool bar; and Bob's your aunty.
Thanks mate! my pics might be too big. I've tried to upload a few times. They never appear when I click host or reply.

i always manually copy the link and paste it into this space here after clicking "host an image"

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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  bananasinpajamas Mon Jun 16, 2014 3:52 pm

I didn't say no one wanted evidence. I said no one is demanding it. Sorry if being inquisitive and discussing this method is bothering you on a discussion forum. I think you might need to go to the hair loss cheerleader forum instead.

Btw, I just cured hair loss.  All you have to do is 1000 jumping jacks a day. My hairline is filling in BRO!!!!!!! WE FOUND THE CURE! THIS WORKS!!!! IM SURE OF IT!!!

Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 MwEi6BU

want proof? see these small hairs? they are filling in my crown nicely. soon I will be Elvis incarnate

Btw dare ask me any questions, because I DON'T OWE YOU ANYTHING.

Duketronix wrote:
Blah blah blah.  Say whatever you want.  There's no evangelism here.  I'm not trying to save anyone or spread anything, as I said I don't care if you try it or not.  I'll leave that to those feeling more generous (or whatever motivates them) than myself.  There's no anger for that matter either.  But create whatever imaginary parallels you want if it makes you feel better.  The caps was just to emphasize, not be angry. Nice try at creating a basic fallacy which holds no water by drawing parallels to some emotional response you had towards my post and the factual result which are on my head.  Yes, yes I'm a religious zealot of DT here to spread the gospel.  My house of cards is crumbling around me because of your laser like critique and the simple questions that have laid bare all my falsehoods!!  LOL.  Stop projecting ideas on to me and assuming so much.  You don't know me or anything about me or what I'm feeling when I'm typing so give it up.

If 'people' don't want proof or feel they deserve it then stop asking for it, or demanding it, as in some cases.  
You would like to see some evidence... er... OTHER evidence since what is there is not up to your expectations and requirements.  

Well Drexx has said a few times he will be posting that in the future to satisfy those of you who cannot do for yourselves and need others to lead them.  So stop asking in the meantime and wait a few months for the pics he says he's going to post.  Otherwise you're just spamming this thread IMO.  GO ahead and be skeptical.  We know you're waiting before you try this....  great.  We don't need to hear about it though.


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Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted - Page 9 Empty Re: Detumescence Therapy- dedicated volunteers wanted

Post  Hairy Potter Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:27 pm

massager wrote:
Hairy Potter wrote:
massager wrote:How do you upload pictures?

Log in; click on the thread you want to upload pics to; click on 'post reply'; click on either 'host an image', or 'insert an image' in the top tool bar; and Bob's your aunty.
Thanks mate! my pics might be too big. I've tried to upload a few times. They never appear when I click host or reply.

That's strange, how big are your images in MB? I've uploaded images of 3.7MB before and there was no problem. The other thing to bear in mind is that the image takes awhile to load? Also, you should make sure that they are not more than 800px wide for forums. Try taking the size down a bit and see if that helps.

Hairy Potter

Posts : 379
Join date : 2013-06-21

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