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How to overcome Hemophobia?

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How to overcome Hemophobia? Empty How to overcome Hemophobia?

Post  MikeGore Thu Feb 22, 2024 9:37 am

Little bit unusual post title I know, I'm not official diagnosed, but I tend to have a lot of issues are blood, syringes and needles. And that sucks because it's necessary at times.

Like the last time I had my blood drawn, even though mentally I tried so hard not to be bother, I still got dizzy and faint and had to lie down on a bed until the numbness in my hands and face went back to normal.

I know this is a long shot, but could there be physiological reason for feeling faint? Really need something to calm my nerves. Also, could it be that my blood sugar is low and I get faint so easily? I've experienced this terrible dizziness and nausea almost blacking out feeling when exercising too intensely at the gym too.

It's the most horrible feeling, you feel like you are going to faint but it doesn't happen immediately, and then I got limp to do point can't stand straight or walk. Wish I knew if this was a condition and what to call it.


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How to overcome Hemophobia? Empty Re: How to overcome Hemophobia?

Post  CausticSymmetry Thu Feb 22, 2024 1:36 pm

MikeGore wrote:Little bit unusual post title I know, I'm not official diagnosed, but I tend to have a lot of issues are blood, syringes and needles. And that sucks because it's necessary at times.

Like the last time I had my blood drawn, even though mentally I tried so hard not to be bother, I still got dizzy and faint and had to lie down on a bed until the numbness in my hands and face went back to normal.

I know this is a long shot, but could there be physiological reason for feeling faint? Really need something to calm my nerves. Also, could it be that my blood sugar is low and I get faint so easily? I've experienced this terrible dizziness and nausea almost blacking out feeling when exercising too intensely at the gym too.

It's the most horrible feeling, you feel like you are going to faint but it doesn't happen immediately, and then I got limp to do point can't stand straight or walk. Wish I knew if this was a condition and what to call it.

Total guesses here, orthostatic hypotension, if so a change in diet could help or vasovagal syncope, similar solution and other modifications.

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How to overcome Hemophobia? Empty Re: How to overcome Hemophobia?

Post  shaftless Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:12 am

I once had a similar feeling of faintness when drawing blood. They couldn't find a vein and started swinging that needle around looking for one. Freaked me right out. I broke into a cold sweat and almost fainted. Something about that needle penetrating the lower tissues gives such a weird feeling...especially if they start moving it around. Doesn't bother me if they find the vein quickly though.


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