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derma rolling or stinging bald spot with nettles

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derma rolling or stinging bald spot with nettles Empty derma rolling or stinging bald spot with nettles

Post  iuyyighghghgkh Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:51 am

would that do the same thing


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derma rolling or stinging bald spot with nettles Empty Re: derma rolling or stinging bald spot with nettles

Post  Smurfy Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:56 am

Interesting thought. I've been using the derma roller but it doesn't give me an itching sensation, just a dull pain. However it's said nettle stings do itch, meaning probable histamine/immune response. The question is... is the itching creating a more powerful skin response?

I've been finding things such as squaric acid- things that draw the infiltrate response from the follicle up to the surface by creating a topical "allergic" reaction, with people seeing results. Could nettle stings be a way of forcing a full immune response, as opposed to derma roll which only creates holes?

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derma rolling or stinging bald spot with nettles Empty Re: derma rolling or stinging bald spot with nettles

Post  iuyyighghghgkh Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:22 am

fresh nettles would make more sense

derma roll is just...holes.

I'm not sure.

surely they do a similar thing, but I think nettles would be better


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derma rolling or stinging bald spot with nettles Empty Re: derma rolling or stinging bald spot with nettles

Post  4039 Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:38 am

And what does nettles possess in higher than avg concentrations? Silica and sulfur. Just sayin'.


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derma rolling or stinging bald spot with nettles Empty Re: derma rolling or stinging bald spot with nettles

Post  iuyyighghghgkh Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:39 am

I doubt you absorb it through nettle stings though


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derma rolling or stinging bald spot with nettles Empty Re: derma rolling or stinging bald spot with nettles

Post  iuyyighghghgkh Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:47 am

I mean, I doubt you absorb any silica and sulfur from stinging yourself with them.



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derma rolling or stinging bald spot with nettles Empty Re: derma rolling or stinging bald spot with nettles

Post  Smurfy Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:14 pm

iuyyighghghgkh wrote:I mean, I doubt you absorb any silica and sulfur from stinging yourself with them.


Right. It's about the contact immune response.

Taken from with regards to AA:

Topical Immunotherapy: Another method of treating extensive alopecia areata or alopecia areata totalis/universalis is known as topical immunotherapy and it involves producing and allergic rash or allergic contact dermatitis. Chemicals such as diphencyprone (DPCP), dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB), or squaric acid dibutyl ester (SADBE) are applied to the scalp to produce an allergic rash which resembles poison oak or ivy. Approximately 40% of patients treated with topical immunotherapy will regrow scalp hair after about six months of treatment. Those who do successfully regrow scalp hair still need to continue the treatment to maintain the hair regrowth, at least until the condition turns itself off.

It's definitely worth a try, especially if immunity is involved in your specific situation... different from how dermarolling works.

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