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I have vellus hair on bald spot. what now

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I have vellus hair on bald spot. what now  Empty I have vellus hair on bald spot. what now

Post  iuyyighghghgkh Sun May 11, 2014 9:05 am

How can I turn them into real hair, or at least make them stronger ?


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I have vellus hair on bald spot. what now  Empty Re: I have vellus hair on bald spot. what now

Post  sanderson Sun May 11, 2014 10:25 am

the million dollar question.. following.

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I have vellus hair on bald spot. what now  Empty Re: I have vellus hair on bald spot. what now

Post  Hairy Potter Sun May 11, 2014 9:06 pm

iuyyighghghgkh wrote:How can I turn them into real hair, or at least make them stronger ?

To me, DT seems like the best for this at the moment. I've seen what were vellus hairs of about 1mm -1.5mm in length turn into terminals. But the process is helluva slow. The pattern seems to be that the vellus closest to the existing healthy hair gets stronger first. The people who catch the lost hair quickly are going to see the fastest results IMO.

Hairy Potter

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Join date : 2013-06-21

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I have vellus hair on bald spot. what now  Empty Re: I have vellus hair on bald spot. what now

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