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Acquired Sectoral Heterochromia due to metal chelation?

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Acquired Sectoral Heterochromia due to metal chelation? Empty Acquired Sectoral Heterochromia due to metal chelation?

Post  runnerup Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:34 pm

I recently was talking to someone while standing directly under a fluorescent light and they pointed out that my left eye is two colors. I thought they were referring to the fact my eyes are brown and green but she went on to describe it like a pie chart. I looked in the mirror with a flashlight and what do you know, it's exactly like a pie chart. I looked it up and it's called sectoral heterochromia, more importantly is the fact that you can be born with it and acquire it later. Thing is, not one of my family or friends has any idea what I'm talking about when I ask if they've ever seen it before, even my mother. I looked through all the pictures of myself I have and can't really tell. There's surprisingly little information on it, but one site said that when it's acquired and the abnormal iris is darker, which it is, then it might have something to do with metals pooling in the ocular tissue; and since I have done metal chelation I thought this would be a possibility. Anyway, has anyone had any experience with something like this cause the other causes are blunt trauma and medicated eye drops which I haven't had/used and lastly tumors so I would like to figure this out.

I'll include pictures to give you a better idea of what I'm talking about:

Acquired Sectoral Heterochromia due to metal chelation? 1sds7q

Acquired Sectoral Heterochromia due to metal chelation? 1530cwz


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