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Dihydrotestosterone-inducible IL-6 inhibits elongation of human hair shafts by suppressing matrix cell proliferation and promotes regression of hair follicles in mice.

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Dihydrotestosterone-inducible IL-6 inhibits elongation of human hair shafts by suppressing matrix cell proliferation and promotes regression of hair follicles in mice. Empty Dihydrotestosterone-inducible IL-6 inhibits elongation of human hair shafts by suppressing matrix cell proliferation and promotes regression of hair follicles in mice.

Post  Xenon Fri Mar 27, 2015 3:51 am

Dihydrotestosterone-inducible IL-6 inhibits elongation of human hair shafts by suppressing matrix cell proliferation and promotes regression of hair follicles in mice.
Kwack MH1, Ahn JS, Kim MK, Kim JC, Sung YK.
Author information
Autocrine and paracrine factors are produced by balding dermal papilla (DP) cells following dihydrotestosterone (DHT)-driven alterations and are believed to be key factors involved in male pattern baldness. Herein we report that the IL-6 is upregulated in balding DP cells compared with non-balding DP cells. IL-6 was upregulated 3  hours after 10-100  nM DHT treatment, and ELISA showed that IL-6 was secreted from balding DP cells in response to DHT. IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) and glycoprotein 130 (gp130) were expressed in follicular keratinocytes, including matrix cells. Recombinant human IL-6 (rhIL-6) inhibited hair shaft elongation and suppressed proliferation of matrix cells in cultured human hair follicles. Moreover, rhIL-6 injection into the hypodermis of mice during anagen caused premature onset of catagen. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that DHT-inducible IL-6 inhibits hair growth as a paracrine mediator from the DP.

^^The IL-6 cytokine is expressed in matrix cells when DHT levels are increased. Therefore, my reckoning is, that this is what is possibly happening from excess fap. The matrix cells suffer an insult from upregulated IL-6, and thus enter into catagen. Additionally, the matrix cells suffer further insult when they are crushed against the skull. The result = accelerated hair loss. YET... the study concludes that only the DP matrix cells suffer from IL-6 induced inflammation. So, what this means is (as I knew anyway), these cells are constantly renewed so long as there are no further insults. Remove the compression + decrease DHT / IL-6 = matrix cell proliferation = terminal hair growth.

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Dihydrotestosterone-inducible IL-6 inhibits elongation of human hair shafts by suppressing matrix cell proliferation and promotes regression of hair follicles in mice. Empty Re: Dihydrotestosterone-inducible IL-6 inhibits elongation of human hair shafts by suppressing matrix cell proliferation and promotes regression of hair follicles in mice.

Post  CF Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:51 am

Good post.  FWIW I recently ordered some berberine thinking it may help reduce IL-6.


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Dihydrotestosterone-inducible IL-6 inhibits elongation of human hair shafts by suppressing matrix cell proliferation and promotes regression of hair follicles in mice. Empty Re: Dihydrotestosterone-inducible IL-6 inhibits elongation of human hair shafts by suppressing matrix cell proliferation and promotes regression of hair follicles in mice.

Post  CausticSymmetry Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:54 am

Covers the IL-6 above.

In addition Curcumin/Resveratrol also inhibits IL-6

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Dihydrotestosterone-inducible IL-6 inhibits elongation of human hair shafts by suppressing matrix cell proliferation and promotes regression of hair follicles in mice. Empty Re: Dihydrotestosterone-inducible IL-6 inhibits elongation of human hair shafts by suppressing matrix cell proliferation and promotes regression of hair follicles in mice.

Post  Xenon Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:31 am

Thanks for the input CF and CS. It's interesting... some studies cite that IL-6 has anti-inflammatory properties, also, but, whatever the truth is in all of this, I just know that there are specific triggers which prompt an immune reaction in certain follicles. So, whatever specific cytokine is released, it is having an adverse effect on the matrix cells. I'm no scientist, of course, but having identified these insults, I just know to avoid them.

Edited, and while I'm on the subject of matrix cells, I also believe that a build up of sebum and waste byproducts in sweat can - to an extent - enter the follicle and inflame these cells at the root. I believe this is the case because I experience inflammation if I go a couple of days without washing my hair. As soon as the scalp has been thoroughly cleansed, then the issue goes away.

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Location : Alpha Draconis

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Dihydrotestosterone-inducible IL-6 inhibits elongation of human hair shafts by suppressing matrix cell proliferation and promotes regression of hair follicles in mice. Empty Re: Dihydrotestosterone-inducible IL-6 inhibits elongation of human hair shafts by suppressing matrix cell proliferation and promotes regression of hair follicles in mice.

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