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The Rife FAQs Thread

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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  ubraj Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:27 am

Another quote from Dr. Lloyd's yahoo forum that may help someone here and may help someone here with hair loss. What I mean is that when people are talking about increasing circulation to combat hair loss, etc., this would be a good frequency to cover or maybe to fuzz/sweep around those frequencies.

> I did live blood analysis for years with dark field and phase contrast
> microscopy. When the red blood cells stick together, the clumps get
> stuck in small blood vessels so the core heat of the body cannot get to
> the surface.
> The medical people call this a high sedimentation rate and it is a sign
> of inflammation.
> I tried lots of things to prevent blood from sludging. Sometimes
> enzymes would do it. Sometimes it was a hydration issue. If they drank
> a quart of water the blood would look great in 20 minutes.
> Treatment with the F-Scan would always broke up the stickiness. There
> are before and after pictures at
...The F-Scan often found frequencies at 62000
> and 63000
that became known as the "sticky blood frequencies." You can
> divide those by 2 over and over until they will work on whatever
> equipment you might have.
> I think that infection is the most common issue.


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  whodathunkit Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:20 am

Thanks as always, rdk, for all this stellar info. Smile

BTW: It's here! It's here! cheers


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  bh2o Mon Apr 02, 2012 5:30 am

Not sure if this is a FAQ but i'll put it here anyways.

Where besides here:

can I find more information on the SG-1 scalar device? That link above does not provide much info on it, just mentions it briefly, and google turns up nothing else. Is it a matter of contacting Dale Fawcett?

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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  whodathunkit Mon Apr 02, 2012 5:54 am

bh20 said:
Is it a matter of contacting Dale Fawcett?

That's what I did.

Call on US Pacific time, IME that's the best way to get hold of him.

I'm still on a pretty steep learning curve, wish I could be of more help.


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  Mastery Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:38 am

jdp - thanks again for all of this. I have moved back from my island avatar (where the WI FI Towers were) and have now pretty firmly stabilzed from that disaster (zero loss at night and almost zero loss in shower), now time to regrow it all over again. Agggh - have to start again!!!

The positive lesson of the WI FI disaster is, as you suggested, in it revealing the high pathogenic load I am carrying. I was very aware of chelating already, but this multi factorial pathogenic load certainly must cause organ dysfunction. And as you say, through bio film, or other things they hide.

So, I have moved to a place that offers by donation rife treatments, foot baths and many other things such as MOPA and Beam Ray. I will do the saliva test with Dr. Lloyd to establish a baseline.

The downside is this means I will be around positive ions for quite a part of the time (suburb in a city), if I go back to my other island hideaway further North it is utterly pristine and filled with negative ions (regrowth!) - so another good option - but no free RIFE, although would still likely have access to RIFE twice a week - but with no foot bath. So I am in two minds...

May I ask, do you agree with Dr. Lloyd that footbaths do significantly help reduce the pathogenic load?

Thanks again for all your posts....


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  bh2o Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:07 am

whodathunkit wrote:bh20 said:
Is it a matter of contacting Dale Fawcett?

That's what I did.

Call on US Pacific time, IME that's the best way to get hold of him.

I'm still on a pretty steep learning curve, wish I could be of more help.

Thanks. I guess I will just contact him for some info. Did you buy the 125 or 165?

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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  whodathunkit Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:26 am I hate to keep bugging you, but for clarification:

...a DMI board is NOT necessary for the SG-1 to be effective for "remote use", correct?

bh20: I got the F165.


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  ubraj Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:43 pm

Mastery wrote:
May I ask, do you agree with Dr. Lloyd that footbaths do significantly help reduce the pathogenic load?

It's more for detoxing and for reducing mold toxin levels. You can build one yourself very cheap through these instructions.

And remember, in general, mold is probably a bigger deal than pathogens. And that when one is ill, many times one will have very high mold toxins. Reducing or eliminating mold issues takes a lot of the mystery out of many complicated health issues.


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  ubraj Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:47 pm

whodathunkit wrote:
...a DMI board is NOT necessary for the SG-1 to be effective for "remote use", correct?

No problem.

Yes, that's correct. No need to buy a DMI board. All that is is Dr. Sutherland found that it is a lot more effective but it's not needed. He also recommends a Harmony United chip which I personally own but not the DMI and I've noticed it helps but again, not needed.

Those on the curezone Rife forum will put their name and birthday on a piece of paper placed on top. I've been taught in another area (Pranic Healing) that you can request those frequencies to be sent to you for the next 24 hours. Dr. Lloyd puts some saliva/spit on a paper towel and placed on top and he has posted before and after results of that method. I've also used hair from a dog and that works. I also personally sleep right next to it and that's how I recommend it as it definitely works best when it's very close to you IME. Although, some frequencies may keep you awake so have to keep that in mind.


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  whodathunkit Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:21 pm

rdkml said
I've also used hair from a dog and that works

LOL I imagine my animal's hair will end up on the SG-1 and they will get rifed whether I intend it or not. There's so much fur around my house. :-/

Thanks, rdk!


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  OverMachoGrande Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:09 am

I have some thoughts that I think a lot of people might be thinking, and I'd love it if someone can either clarify my questions/points or agree with me.

Aside from the cost and time considerations, the main reason I haven't purchased a Rife unit is because I've been [perhaps wrongly] anticipating that technology will catch up here.

If I'm not mistaken, a Rife consists of a sound element as well as electrical pulses -and some have the optional strobing light set to the same frequencies, correct? Obviously, you can set multiple frequencies, sweeps, wave shapes, etc.

So, it seems to me that software -like an iPad app, maybe even an iPHONE app- could control all of this, and you would only need bare bones equipment to do the rest -such as a small electrical generator, speaker/amp, and light system.

I know there is software out there, but I'm assuming it's currently inferior right now and/or has lame hardware or we'd already be talking about it.

So, wouldn't it be possible to totally eliminate the brunt of the cost with developing a simple software program and then the hardware? It could be possible to make the "base unit" or (Power/Pulse/Sound Station) properly receive and interpret the data from the software program, too -I don't think that'd be much of an issue.

Would it be this "easy" or is there something I'm missing? [By "easy", I mean once the tons of money is spent developing the software and hardware!] I can't help but think that in an era where the average smartphone has more software in it than the Space Shuttle, that something is wrong for these machines to be somewhat "inert" and still cost so much, and not be controlled by a software app.

Anyway, excuse my ignorance about it if I'm completely wrong -and I don't want to discourage anyone from buying them (and I probably WILL by one at some point). Much like I wanted to bring a $40,000 laser therapy device into the more average person's price range, when it comes to Rife I'd rather be thinking of a way we can do this better and cheaper.

I think the way to revolutionize the medical/health word would be that everyone had greater access to these -I'm a real believer in the technology. This, however, can only be done by a much lower cost and take away the "inertness" of a stand alone machine (I can't put my finger on the term that I want to use there, but I suppose "inertness" kind of paints the picture).


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  ubraj Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:41 pm

OverMachoGrande wrote:I think the way to revolutionize the medical/health word would be that everyone had greater access to these

Hey OMG,

I always get a kick out of watching this, lol...


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  OverMachoGrande Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:35 am

rdkml wrote:
OverMachoGrande wrote:I think the way to revolutionize the medical/health word would be that everyone had greater access to these

Hey OMG,

I always get a kick out of watching this, lol...

Zzomg! That's certainly a new one!

I CRINGED in that video when they said that scientists/doctors were warning that this could be fatal (not meaning run over by a train, but just by laying on the tracks). Were is the evidence of THAT? I didn't hear in that report that there are any reports of people dying. I hate it when "scientists" think as if we are all country rubes.

Reminds me of this -true story here: I have absolute proof that some spplements I'm taking have radically lowered my blood glucose levels, and my Endocrine Specialist on Thursday flat out closed my log book in front of me and said "It's a placebo". Wtf, man. No, it's not.

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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  CausticSymmetry Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:25 am

There is a "new" device based on very old technology (think Tesla), which relies on 440 volts of AC current, with extremely low amperage. Railway therapy works on the same principle and here's how it works...

For every cubic meter of human tissue, the body requires more than 15 million volts. This stuff works, because without sufficient electrical flow, there is stagnation (disease).

Another way to raise voltage is using mineral salts.

My regimen

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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  ubraj Thu Apr 05, 2012 6:56 pm

CausticSymmetry wrote:Another way to raise voltage is using mineral salts.

And focus on the thyroid. Smile


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  Mastery Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:51 am

Fabulous posts - thank you jdp, CS and OMG.

OMG - great to see your pioneering mind at work. Way to go!

If any gentleman on earth can come up with an iphone RIFE app - I'm sure it's going to be you! (and don't let the doctors get you down, they only know so much...)

regards and thanks, M

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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  whodathunkit Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:55 am

Hey rdk, just noticed the little green LED supposed to be on when the SG-1 is broadcasting? I know there's no power source, just a BND connection between the SG-1 and the F165, just wondering.


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  elan164 Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:52 pm

yeah you should see a green light


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  ubraj Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:34 pm

Thanks elan164.

To add to elan164, most frequencies you'll run should be done off of Output II and turned up to max. Output II is the one closest to the adjustable knob. You'll know when it's turned up to max by how bright the LED light on the SG-1 is.

Output I on a couple of newport's scripts works a little faster. Newport's scripts are very accurate and output I will help with the accuracy part and will also help with harmonics as well.

Also, when the SG-1 is not being run there is a bnc connector that gets put in there rather than having the 6 foot long cord. Then when you want to run a script just plug in the 6 foot connector again.

That connector is especially important if you add other people to the SG-1. When they are done, you put in that connector for a few seconds or so to take them off to reset the SG-1 in a manner of speaking.

Personally, mine runs basically 24/7 on me but these days, 90% of the time I use the frequencies close to the Earth's frequencies such as these.

8Hz and below causes vaso-dilation (enlarged blood vessels)

12Hz and above causes vaso-constrictions (narrowing of the arteriolar lumen)

0.87-3 Hz = for tendons and muscles, nerve system in harmony with blood and lymph.

2 Hz = used where there is inflammation or infection.

3-8 Hz = central and peripheral nervous system where distribution is to the skin of the superficial structure of the body which is a branch of C.N.S.

1-4 Hz = counteracts infections. It stimulates phagocytes and the immune system. Phagocytes engulf and digest foreign particles which are harmful to the body.

4-8 Hz = dating effect counteracting muscular spasm.

8 Hz = Is an analgesic tonic and is stabilising (stops pain)

5-13 Hz = the human brain’s electrical activity in the alpha and high theta range. A case can be made that human beings evolved within mimie and are dependent upon the earth’s electro-magnetic phenomenon.

8-16 Hz = analgesic, tonic and stabilising, relieves tension and chronic tension eg. headache or directly to organs.

16 Hz = specific for rheumatic complaints. It responds to a range of frequency; use 16 Hz for a chronic case.

16-32 Hz = generally stimulating. Also has a recuperating effect on patients who are stressed and have low vitality.

32 Hz = stimulating and tonifying.

1-32 Hz = generally for acute pain syndromes or compulsive disorders, eg. obesity, alcoholism and drug addiction.


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  taidan Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:08 am

So what is a good, cost effective rife machine? (I hope the two aren't mutually exclusive...)


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  whodathunkit Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:55 am

taidan, please take the time to do a little searching and reading on the forum. This has been covered already, in another recent thread or two.

Briefly, though, it depends on what you consider cost effective. And any machine you get (even an uber-expensive mack-daddy one) will cause you headaches unless you've done a lot of reading and learning beforehand. Good beginner resources to learn about machines, rifing, and frequency therapy are also listed in other threads. Trust me, I'm a noob to rifing, got started this way, so I know. Wink

elan and rdk: thanks for the responses. I had the generator turned down, which was why the LED wasn't on. I *thought* I had it turned up, but apparently I had it backwards. Rolling Eyes

I've about got everything figured out, but I wish the F100 series came with a bit better documentation...


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  ubraj Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:52 pm

whodathunkit wrote:I wish the F100 series came with a bit better documentation...

Now you know THE reason why I'm still around talking about Rife! The reason why is I spend an "incredible" amount of time trying to be the instruction manual in a manner of speaking. If they came with better instructions I'd guarantee that I would have been gone 1 1/2 years ago. People would think I'm a broken recording always repeating but it's to help with the instructions. Smile

Otherwise, one would buy a Rife machine and not know what to do with it. How to take full advantage of it. It's the lack of knowledge that makes Rife not work or not work well. It's not that Rife doesn't work. It's just one has to be an independent researcher with a lot of time to read and experiment.

Rife manufacturers don't come with an instruction manuals because of the persecution. I remember OMG asking me months ago why in the world Rife is so cryptic. Well, that's the reason. Just look at what they did with zapper manufacturers a few years ago and you'd understand.

Anyhow, if you wish, one of the first scripts to stop hair loss I'd say is to try Jeff Sutherland's since he was the original person who found the frequencies and then newport expanded on them. Basically with Jeff Sutherland's scripts, you'd run it once, maybe increase the amount of repeats and then run it every day or every other day or once per week or whatever for multiple times until the infection is gone. Then periodically, may need to rerun the script as reinfection is common with some pathogens and I'd say it's common with hair loss considering how common hair loss is.

Why Do People Go Bald?

10 October 2004

Intrigued by comments on hair loss and frequency effects I analyzed many different cases of Alopecia Areata. Recently, my son returned from Baghdad with an itchy scalp and sure enough, he picked up the "bald head virus!" It was a good opportunity to test him carefully and update the frequencies.

In every case of complete hair lost I found a virus with frequency 365466 and in most cases of partial hair loss, I found the bacterial form of the virus predominated with frequency 254466. As you will recall from previous postings with a photo of the SV40 virus attacking a cell, there are four components of a virus that can be seen in the photo. So you need four frequencies.

In testing a few people with little hair loss I found the same organism so the virus is quite widespread. I suspect that the observed genetic predisposal to hair loss is confounded by the fact that familial infections are common.

In any event, the following F100 program wipes out the virus. If you have a plasma device that only operates below 10000hz, then divide the frequencies by 64.

repeat 60

dwell 60

duty 50

pulse 64 75

converge 23 1





end repeat

This is an older script from I believe Sutherland. It was in my notes. Older scripts are not needed to run when a new script has replaced it but I added it in case you want to run it. You can even combine both so that it's one giant script.

#alopecia areata Sutherland 2003
repeat 12
dwell 360
duty 50
program b
vbackfreq a 20.08554 0 50
converge 2.5 0.01
#65634 154446 265366 363766
3267.724445 7689.413561 13211.79518 18110.84271
7666 4545 2524 1546 766 265
end repeat

repeat 60
dwell 60
duty 50
pulse 64 75
converge 17 1
end repeat

IMO/IME try running the above for say a week or a month or whatever so that you know how you respond to the above frequencies. You don't have to of course but it makes things easier to pin what's doing what.

After running the above, this information is also something to try based on information from newport that TB is responsible for hair loss. TB commonly is found in milk products. Also, 30% or whatever of population is infected with low grade TB according to the below link. Also, there is the miasm for TB which tuberculinum should be run as well. It's kinda like how every cancer patient has the syphillis miasm has cancer. Miasms are just past infections from your parents or grandparents or ancestors where one creates the antibodies even though they don't have the active infection in a manner of speaking but the past ancestors did have the active infection is how the theory goes. Info on miasms =

Either way, you'd still want to run TB frequencies anyhow, run these

cafl Tuberculosis including Tuberculinum and especially TB virus IMO

and don't forget to run Streptococcus mitis and Serratia marcescens.


Then the more complicated information and the more advanced information if still having a problem with hair loss and trying the above didn't work well enough would be to chelate Thallium and Phos as well. Info in this thread from newport

But again, focus on the above info first. "Especially" those first two scripts IMO. Then focus on this info below if still having a problem IMO.

Thallium is commonly bonded with mercury. Thallium is said to be much much more toxic than mercury too. Chelate thallium through potassium. Instead of taking potassium however or apple cider vinegar or similar ways my vote goes towards a more natural method. Having thyroid issue will cause potassium deficiency as will being low in magnesium, food sensitivities and a few others I can't think of right now.

So in short, make sure one doesn't have food sensitivities will help to make sure potassium levels are normalized and thus will help with thallium. Also, a pulsating magnet (PEMF) will work to normalize potassium levels in the cells. And 5 - 15 Hz with 10 Hz being gives best results to help as well. See for more info on that one.

For Phosphate issues, there was a time when those of us on the Rife forum used this homeopath and put it in the manna (zapped salt water).

Then there are positively charged issues that cause hair loss as well but instead of focusing on each individual positively charged mineral I would more vote for earthing or zapping as well as chelation for this. This forum focuses on antioxidants and chelation however but me personally I vote on earthing and/or zapping with a T2/T3 when sleeping at night.

But again, try running Sutherland's script first. You can even combine those two scripts into one script. Just make sure you remember that you have to rerun the script the next day or a couple days later or the next week several times until you no longer have a problem. This will reduce the pathogen load responsible for hair loss greatly. Then just have to do a maintenance dose due to reinfection from others when needed. I almost never have to personally but only ever say 6 months I'm guessing. And as Sutherland talks a lot about, making sure the immune system is high as the immune system will still have to do a good portion of the work. He uses transfer factor while I personally do 24 hour SCD yogurt as it's cheaper but whatever works for you to get the immune system working well.

hope this helps


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  ubraj Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:35 pm

By the way, I'm always on the fence about posting information as I don't want to overwhelm others and while I've never tried this program and the above info is how to stop hair loss IMO/IME but this is a program that is experimental for those looking to try more. that may or may not help to "Hair Growth Stimulation" from the True Rife frequency files

#1 hour 48 minutes
# Supplement vitamin A and B complex
#Hair Growth Stimulation / Experimental
pulse 4 60
duty 55
fuzz 1 .03125

8778, 5310, 2450,2145,1402, 1175, 898,
888, 880, 878, 848, 846,
808, 776, 732, 717,701
685, 665, 660, 590,
540, 532,440, 424,
duty 35
370, 366, 362,
duty 30
171, 141
duty 55
2950 1552 832 55
1.05 [Hz] Helps hair grow + get its color back [RA]; pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) [HSW]


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  whodathunkit Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:42 pm

rdkml said:
hope this helps

I cracked up when I read that. You have NO IDEA how much your posts help! Laughing I wish there was some way we could thank you besides just gushing in a post occasionally.

It is overwhelming but repetitious reading ad nauseam helps, as does keeping notes. I've begun keeping my own, and it's helping. My main problem is finding time to do all the reading I need to do to straighten it all out.

I'm going to invest in a Sutherland frequency analysis, for kicks. Also in his frequency subscription, as I've seen you advise several times.

Do you have any experience with the Biodisks?


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The Rife FAQs Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rife FAQs Thread

Post  pancacke Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:31 pm

rdkml wrote:Just make sure you remember that you have to rerun the script the next day or a couple days later or the next week several times until you no longer have a problem. This will reduce the pathogen load responsible for hair loss greatly. Then just have to do a maintenance dose due to reinfection from others when needed.
I almost never have to personally but only ever say 6 months I'm guessing. And as Sutherland talks a lot about, making sure the immune system is high as the immune system will still have to do a good portion of the work. He uses transfer factor while I personally do 24 hour SCD yogurt as it's cheaper but whatever works for you to get the immune system working well.

hope this helps
Very important point! Being that S. marcescens is a lyme co-infection you need to run the scripts regulary until lyme is under control.
Thallium pools in the brain, kidney and heart. Potassium choride for kidneys; potassium aspartate for brain and heart; R-la to move it out of your brain with DMSA to catch it once mobilized.

Good scripts and info jdp, I asked you before but can you make your facebook-rife page viewable for non-facebookers, I'd really like to check it out!


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