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My Experience with Humifulvate so far

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My Experience with Humifulvate so far Empty My Experience with Humifulvate so far

Post  br2011 Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:57 pm

Over the last year I have noticed a few symptoms that occur together each time I undergo a form of detox: shedding, acne breakout, a day or two of being completely out of it and brain fog, and fat loss in areas that are the "problem" spots. I started taking Humifulvate a few weeks ago and have been experiencing the most massive, demoralizing shed of my life, along with each of the symptoms I described above. I keep trying to be positive because I usually end up growing back hair and it eventually looks substantially better, but I keep wondering if there is something else I should be doing along with the Humifulvate. I believe I read that fat cells store toxins, so could this be a result of having high level of heavy metals/toxicity? Has anyone else had these experiences?


Posts : 18
Join date : 2011-01-26

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My Experience with Humifulvate so far Empty Re: My Experience with Humifulvate so far

Post  a<r Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:14 pm

Modified Citrus Pectin.

"Mass paranoia is a mode, not a melody" - Greg Graffin

"When you're going through hell, keep going!" - Winstone Churchill

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Age : 33

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My Experience with Humifulvate so far Empty Re: My Experience with Humifulvate so far

Post  br2011 Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:32 pm

aModified Citrus Pectin.

Would you mind elaborating? I did a search and came up with nothing. I respect your advice tremendously, however this stuff is really expensive. Being at school on a tight budget, I can't justify buying things without a really solid reason. Thanks AR!


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Join date : 2011-01-26

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My Experience with Humifulvate so far Empty Re: My Experience with Humifulvate so far

Post  imprisoned-radical Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:44 pm


Sorry for derailing the thread, but did you have any success with the "shoestring regimen" you posted about a while back?


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My Experience with Humifulvate so far Empty Re: My Experience with Humifulvate so far

Post  a<r Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:07 pm

Modified Citrus Pectin via Iherb is very cheap, a twenty for a bottle. It's another chelation agent that also has serious immune boosting effects. Search for the "Chelation Thread" via google to find my posts on it.

"Mass paranoia is a mode, not a melody" - Greg Graffin

"When you're going through hell, keep going!" - Winstone Churchill

Posts : 819
Join date : 2011-05-12
Age : 33

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My Experience with Humifulvate so far Empty Re: My Experience with Humifulvate so far

Post  bh2o Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:33 pm

br2011 wrote:Over the last year I have noticed a few symptoms that occur together each time I undergo a form of detox: shedding, acne breakout, a day or two of being completely out of it and brain fog, and fat loss in areas that are the "problem" spots. I started taking Humifulvate a few weeks ago and have been experiencing the most massive, demoralizing shed of my life, along with each of the symptoms I described above. I keep trying to be positive because I usually end up growing back hair and it eventually looks substantially better, but I keep wondering if there is something else I should be doing along with the Humifulvate. I believe I read that fat cells store toxins, so could this be a result of having high level of heavy metals/toxicity? Has anyone else had these experiences?

Yes from what I have read from at least two other posters, metal detox releases toxins from fat and tissue stores and that can have a negative affect, which is where antioxidants come into play. I tried humi for 30 days and never experienced any shed, on the contrary, when I introduced it was when I finally noticed a definite improvement in my hair and also my mood. When I was on it, I was also on the top6, which I believe prevented me from experiencing any harsh side, that, and humi seemed to be a mild way to detox.

Maybe others with humifulvate experience will chime in. Me personally, I think that it is good stuff.

Here is some good info:

Maybe you have read it....

Dont know if you are taking anything else, but I think that an antioxidant supplement is important when detoxing metal because of those releases in toxins. Ecklonia cava is great stuff IMO, and it even has alginate properties that allow it to detox metal as well, however I am not sure what metal/s exacly nor to what extent (read that from CS).

I've also tried MCP for a month and thought that it helped. Definitely read the chelation thread.

Also, the hair shed might be a sign of good things to come. Good luck.

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Join date : 2011-06-21

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My Experience with Humifulvate so far Empty Re: My Experience with Humifulvate so far

Post  br2011 Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:39 am

imprisoned-radical wrote:br2011,

Sorry for derailing the thread, but did you have any success with the "shoestring regimen" you posted about a while back?

I'm glad you brought that up, I meant to update that for the longest time but it slipped my mind. It worked phenomenally, I experienced thickening and regrowth after a period of intense detox. Seriously my hair looked the best it had in two years. Then it all went to hell over the summer. I had to get mandatory vaccinations for school, I think I moved into a building with mold contamination as well, and over the last few months things have gotten so much worse. I'm trying the chelation route and will start working on parasite removal while continuing with elements of the shoestring regimen.


Posts : 18
Join date : 2011-01-26

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