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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  a<r Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:20 am

I've been living off of Whey Isolate (with full spectrum Amino's), raw eggs, raw cocao, Beef and Fish, Plain Yogurt, and Almond milk for a few weeks now.

Results? Putting on muscle with very little effort, major increase in sexual dexterity, energy, fat loss, hair feels great EVERYDAY and has slowed shedding even more, it's amazing, and my immune system seems to be thanking me as well, as a lot of my firbo/arthritis/SLE blended symptoms have gone down according to immune reactions like I had when chelating.

I recommend the above diet to try for anybody.

"Mass paranoia is a mode, not a melody" - Greg Graffin

"When you're going through hell, keep going!" - Winstone Churchill

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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  jackorama Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:42 am

aI've been living off of Whey Isolate (with full spectrum Amino's), raw eggs, raw cocao, Beef and Fish, Plain Yogurt, and Almond milk for a few weeks now.

Results? Putting on muscle with very little effort, major increase in sexual dexterity, energy, fat loss, hair feels great EVERYDAY and has slowed shedding even more, it's amazing, and my immune system seems to be thanking me as well, as a lot of my firbo/arthritis/SLE blended symptoms have gone down according to immune reactions like I had when chelating.

I recommend the above diet to try for anybody.

good news. i will be starting whey concentrate and exercise soon also. its nice to hear your status. what does raw cacao do and is your almond milk raw or pasteurized? thanks.


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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  Whip Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:35 am

Glad to hear it a < r, which brand of why isolate?


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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  a<r Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:38 pm

Pasteurized I believe, it's not the super expensive stuff, let me check ... yes, it is, but it's never ever given me any problems.

Raw Cocoa is just generally full of good minerals and antioxidants, provided, I do take IP-6 with it to cut down on its high iron content.

Brand is constantly changing.

"Mass paranoia is a mode, not a melody" - Greg Graffin

"When you're going through hell, keep going!" - Winstone Churchill

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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  Yanks Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:29 am

AR, no veggies? I rely a lot on veggies. Possibly too much though. I stick to low carb veggies, meat, coconut oil and olive oil mostly

Besides that there are some other things like palm oil which i eat occasionally. I cooled it with eggs. butter, dairy for a while bc i don't think i was reacting well to these.

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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  a<r Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:14 am

Me and carbs just can't seem to get along no matter what I do!

"Mass paranoia is a mode, not a melody" - Greg Graffin

"When you're going through hell, keep going!" - Winstone Churchill

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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  Lambaugh Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:29 am

aI've been living off of Whey Isolate (with full spectrum Amino's), raw eggs, raw cocao, Beef and Fish, Plain Yogurt, and Almond milk for a few weeks now.

Results? Putting on muscle with very little effort, major increase in sexual dexterity, energy, fat loss, hair feels great EVERYDAY and has slowed shedding even more, it's amazing, and my immune system seems to be thanking me as well, as a lot of my firbo/arthritis/SLE blended symptoms have gone down according to immune reactions like I had when chelating.

I recommend the above diet to try for anybody.

How about saturated fat? What is the reason for cutting that out?


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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  a<r Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:34 am

I wasn't aware that I cut that out?

"Mass paranoia is a mode, not a melody" - Greg Graffin

"When you're going through hell, keep going!" - Winstone Churchill

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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  abc123 Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:31 am

a<r wrote:Me and carbs just can't seem to get along no matter what I do!

Whats your salt/sodium intake like?


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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  a<r Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:40 am

Highly increased, has taken care of most of my low blood pressure / adrenal symptoms but still not my problem with carbs. Such a pain in the ass, but still just thankful that I'm making such huge strides with these limitations.

"Mass paranoia is a mode, not a melody" - Greg Graffin

"When you're going through hell, keep going!" - Winstone Churchill

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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  tooyoung Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:35 am

abc - Is it better to exercise on an empty stomach? Whats the best things to eat post and pre workout? Thanks.


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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  CausticSymmetry Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:49 am

Nice to hear a > r.

In case anyone is confused about salt, I will state that salt is to everyone's benefit.

It should not be limited at all.

25-years of research proves that restricting salt does absolutely nothing good. And, the only reason doctors once (and still do) think it is bad is because of a seriously flawed study that was misinterpreted and subsequently headlined across major newspapers decades ago.

More info here:

Regarding saturated fat, a > r eats plenty of it.

Saturated fat helps mobilize toxins out of the body.

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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  abc123 Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:02 pm

tooyoung wrote:abc - Is it better to exercise on an empty stomach? Whats the best things to eat post and pre workout? Thanks.

Hierarchy of Importance

When speaking of nutrition for improving body composition or training performance, it's crucial to realize there's an underlying hierarchy of importance. At the top of the hierarchy is total amount of the macronutrients by the end of the day. Distantly below that is the precise timing of those nutrients. With very few exceptions, athletes and active individuals eat multiple times per day. Thus, the majority of their day is spent in the postprandial (fed) rather than a post-absorptive (fasted) state. The vast majority of nutrient timing studies have been done on overnight-fasted subjects put through glycogen depletion protocols, which obviously limits the applicability of the outcomes. Pre-exercise (and/or during-exercise) nutrient intake often has a lingering carry-over effect into the post-exercise period. Throughout the day, there's a constant overlap of meal digestion & nutrient absorption. For this reason, the effectiveness of nutrient timing does not require a high degree of precision.

The Primary Laws of Nutrient Timing

* The First Law of Nutrient Timing is: hitting your daily macronutrient targets is FAR more important than nutrient timing.
* The Second Law of Nutrient Timing is: hitting your daily macronutrient targets is FAR more important than nutrient timing.

Okay.. I would rather teach folks how to fish than hand them a fish, so here we go. A word about specific foods - I firmly believe that food subtypes people should consume is a highly personal thing, and what's optimal for one guy isn't always optimal for another. I can't stand the idea of someone telling me I need to eat this type of grape or that type of potato, this type of rice or that type of bean. I'm gonna eat the wholefood subtype that tastes best to me, and so should everyone else. The food-mood connection is initiated by taste reception, which if highly favorable, can have an opioid effect, alter brain chemistry, and actually influence ergogenesis. I'll even take this a step further & emphasize whole foods & hitting net macro targets over taking an absolutist stance about specific food subtypes. Fudging over one fruit versus another, one type of nut over another, etc, etc is counterproductive. Variety within and across food groups can maximize micronutrition. What one subspecies lacks in micronutrition, another compensates [1]. Nitpicking over glycemic index truthfully amounts to jack shit's worth of a difference in terms of body composition [2,3]. You can easily override any glycemic index health caution by making sure whole & minimally refined foods predominate your diet. Just do your best to maximize variety within the range of foods YOU like personally.

What I'm gonna list is only a tiny fraction of many possibilities. DO NOT get hung up on them, make up your own, according to your personal preferences & tolerances - not to mention results of trial and error. Individual response is king. I was VERY reluctant to post anything beyond the formulas [4], because I'm not a fan of sample diets or even sample meals. It's way too personal, and what clicks with one guy might not for another. On a more universal note, heres a target bodyweight formula, that might be useful for some of the readers:

Calculating Target Bodyweight (TBW):
1) Get your BF% measured, & realize that this is an educated guess at best. Get your your 1st thing in the morning.weight.
2) Calculate your fat mass (BF% divided by 100, multiply by total weight).
3) Subtract fat mass from total weight, this is your lean body mass (LBM).
4) Decide how much lbs of muscle you wanna gain or lose (hah), then add this to your LBM. If you wanna maintain, then don't mess with this number.
5) Multiply your target LBM by 100.
6) Divide the answer of step 5 by the following calculation: 100 minus whatever BF% you're shooting for. This gives you your target bodyweight (TBW) at your goal body comp.

If you just wanna skip the calculations & base everything on a weight you think you can realistically hit within the duration of the cut, bulk, or maintenance cycle you're currently in, then just call that figure your TBW. I encourage you to run some numbers through the TBW formula, it's a good tool.

Let me state the obvious that workout nutrition is secondary to total nutrition. 'Nother words, your pre/during/post-workout nutrition is of secondary importance to getting your total macro targets hit by the end of the day over a high frequency of meals composed of a variety of quality food sources. Note that all the following are based on someone with a goal of 215 lbs at the end of his current cycle [5]. Keep in mind that I ballparked everything regarding the macros, but I've been doing this long enough to know that they're pretty damn close if you were to double check the values using software. Here are the formulas I've developed. Let me reiterate that the examples have my personal preferences inevitably ingrained within them, so feel free to get some ideas, but ultimately, assemble your own.

60-90 minutes preworkout, have a solid, balanced meal

Protein = 0.25g/lb TBW = 54g
Carbs = 0.35g/lb TBW = 75g
Adding fat at this point is fine, use your discretion as long as it fits into your macro goals.

Example A (have one choice from each bullet point):
● 1.5 scoop whey + 2 tbsp your choice of nutbutter (or) 1/4 cup unsalted nuts, all types
● 3/4 cup old fashioned oats, dry measurement
● 1 cup milk (or) 6oz yogurt
● 1 tbsp brown sugar (or) 1 tbsp honey (or) 1 tbsp maple syrup


Example B (have one choice per bullet point):
● 3 whole eggs [6] + 1/2 cup salsa, Santa Barbara Deli Style from Costco RULES (or) for those afraid of yolks, 6 egg whites + 1/4 cup unsalted nuts, all types
● 2oz turkey bacon or turkey sausage
● 2 slices whole or multigrain bread + 2 tbsp jam (or) 1 midsize baked potato, appx 6oz, all types (or) 2 buckwheat pancakes, appx 4" diameter
● 1 cup milk (or) 6oz yogurt
● 1 mid-size fruit, any type (or) 2 small fruits such as plum, apricot, fig (or) 1 cup fresh or frozen fruit, any type (or) 1/4 cup dried fruit, any type

20-0 minutes preworkout - (and/or sipped throughout the workout), have a liquid or easily digested meal [7]:

Protein = 0.25g/lb TBW = 54g
Carbs = 0.25g/lb TBW = 54g
Fat should be minimized here. Guidelines aren't hard & fast, but I personally wouldn't exceed 10-15% if the cals of this meal, in other words, keep the fats here incidental, not added.

Example A (have one choice from each bullet point):
● 1/2 cup oats, unground measurement
● 1 tbsp dextrose (appx 20g)
● 2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa
● 2 scoops whey
● Water


Example B (have one choice from each bullet point):
● 1.5 scoops whey
● 1 mid-size fruit, any type such as banana, apple, orange, etc (or) 2 small fruits such as plum, apricot, fig (or) 1 cup fresh or frozen fruit, any type
● 6oz yogurt (or) 8oz milk

Sooner the better postworkout - within 30 minutes, but optimally ASAP [8], have either a liquid or solid meal:

Protein = 0.25g/lb TBW = 54g
Carbs = 0.5g/lb TBW = 108g
Fats here should be kept minimal to moderate.

Example A, solid meal (have one choice from each bullet point):
● 6oz flesh of your choice (ie, beef, fish, poultry, Asian girls, etc). If possible, have at least 2 types through the course of the day, 3 types through the course of a week. .
● 2.5 cups rice, any/all types (or) 2 midsize potatoes, any/all types, appx 6oz ea (or) 4 slices whole grain bread
● 1 mid-size fruit, any type (or) 2 small fruits such as plum, apricot, fig (or) 1 cup fresh or frozen fruit, any type
● Optional: 1 or more cups raw or cooked fibrous veggies


Example B, shake [9], have one choice from each bullet point:
● 1 cup old fashioned oats (unground measurement) [10]
● 1.5 scoops whey
● 12oz milk [11]
● 2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa [12]
● 1 tablespoon dextrose, appx 20g
● 1 mid-size fruit, any type (or) 2 small fruits such as plum, apricot, fig (or) 1 cup fresh or frozen fruit, any type [13]

Within 2-3 hours post-postworkout

No need to get all cute here. The post-postworkout meal is simply your next scheduled meal, and it should preferably be a solid balanced wholefood meal.

Footnotes & stuff worth reading

1) Assumptions about the superiority of one food subtype vs another are counterproductive. What one lacks, another packs. An example of this is here.

2) I elucidate the conclusion of a recent review of literature in this post here.

3) Extensive reading on the questionable applicability of GI can be found right here and here.

4) Formulas are merely a means to determine starting points to adjust according to individual response. If you run your numbers through a formula & the answers don't sit right with you, adjust it as necessary. Realize that formulas are designed to get you in the ballpark; they are by no means the gospel or the bottom line. Feel free to fudge the numbers up/down to suit your sensibilities. By the way, these are original formulas I've concocted. Their prior postings can be found in the nutrition forum, these are their latest incarnations, which haven't changed much at all through the years.

5) Egg yolks have been a victim of bodybuilding dogma for a good part of the last couple decades. However, recent research is validating what the old-old school bodybuilders did with them, which is eat them instead of chucking them. If you like whole eggs & can fit them into your fat gram target for the day, have at it. Check this out.

6) I don't believe that you MUST consume a during-training shake, especially if an immediate pre-workout shake was consumed. You'll be in the absorptive phase of it for the entire workout, as long as it's as constructed as I suggest. There's a limit to the amount of substrate the body can absorb in any given unit of time (appx 200-350 kcals/hr depending on solution osmolarity). Of important note for 1st-thing-in-the-morning trainees who have a very narrow time window between waking & training, skip the pre-preworkout meal & just use this one.

That said, if you choose to sip a shake during training, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, and it may even improve workout performance - not by physiological means per se, but rather by psychosomatic & central means (food-mood). So have at it, no complaints from me. The benefit of preworkout prot + carbs on both protein synthesis & nutrient partitioning has been summed up here. On a side note, 1.5 scoops of WPI has equal the BCAA content of an Xtend serving. On another side note, as much as I endorse the use of BCAA-rich food like milk & supps like whey, going hog-wild on BCAA supplementation might not be necessary. Here's a well written skeptical look at BCAA supp'ing in the published scientific literature, enjoy.

Now is a good time to reiterate that many folks have it misconstrued that during-training consumption of carbs inhibits fat oxidation, and therefore should be avoided. Talk about missing the facts. I've discovered that it's not always enough to use the all-too-obvious marathoner versus sprinter illustration, so I move on to citing objective research, and just cross my fingers that some of the readers with actually get it. Read this very carefully, then read it again. Once again, I'll pose the question, is it best to absorb carbs when your metabolic engine is revving in its highest gear, or when it's significantly down-shifted? To put things technically, peak insulin sensitivity + peak blood flow = optimal time to absorb carbs + aminos for muscle protein synthesis and inhibition of protein breakdown, and thus optimal nutrient partitioning, recovery, and growth. This is merely fact as demonstrated by science, its not some opinion or baseless trend.

7) Alas, we come to a critical point of contention. One of the biggest misconceptions is that bodybuilding training is not glycogen-depleting. Okay, sounds convenient, but let's look at the research. Roy & Tarnopolsky studied the effects of resistance training on healthy young men and observed an average muscle glycogen decrease of 36% [J Appl Physiol. 1998 Mar;84(3):890-6]. The striking aspects here are this was after 9 total sets of 10 reps, and taking sets to failure was not specifically prescribed. Perhaps most importantly, the subjects were NOT fasted leading into the trial. In fact, they each consumed 3 mixed meals approximately 3 hrs apart leading into the trial, which was 3 hours after the last meal. The subjects' daily intake was just over 3000 kcals, so they were far from starving.

Taking the above data into account, the following scenarios stand a good chance of significantly depleting glycogen: Many bodybuilders do much more volume per muscle than what was done in that trial (9 sets total for quads), and in some cases follow up the training bout with cardio. Many bodybuilders train first thing in the morning, and neglect pre, during, and/or post-training carb intake for a variety of unfounded reasons. Many bodybuilders will group up bodyparts in such a way that pushing muscles & pulling muscles are trained together on separate days, increasing the overlap of muscular work especially in the bi's & tri's. Often times lower-extremity cardio (cycling, walking, jogging, stair stepping, etc, etc) will be done in close proximity if not back to back with leg training, and overlap occurs there as well. The magnitude of overlap only increases in pre-contest training where cardio volume and general rep volume tends to increase, all this during a reduction of carb intake.

Now, one can always play devil's advocate and say that their plan has absolutely no overlap of muscles within any given 24-48hr period, and thus glycogen can be replenished by the time the next training bout hits. Well, think of it this way - those who replenish muscle (& liver) glycogen to capacity quicker will spend greater durations with fully hydrated/swollen cells. Thus, they will remain anabolic for longer periods before the next training bout than those who barely approach local glycogen replenishment by the time the next workout arrives. Just some food for thought to chew on.

Cool I'm not adamant about a shake-only policy postworkout, especially if you properly dialed in your pre &/or during-workout nutrition. Let me take this opportunity to mention that this shake may be combined with the immediate pre-workout shake (Example B), and utilized as a monsterous catchall pre/during/post-workout shake if you have the inclination to use it as such. This simplifies prep, and in the long run, simplicity is a good thing.

9) Grinding oats for a shake is best done like this: Grind the oats up in a blender dry by themselves first, then add whatever else. It makes the grinds more fine & palatable, less like chunks of particle board.

10) I'm a proponent of milk, not only because I can digest it like a champ, but science is in support of casein for purposes that we as bodybuilders give a damn about. For further reading, go here, here, and here. If you have lactose intolerance, then you may bash milk all you want from a strictly personal perspective - but not a general one.

11) Cocoa is a wonderfully paradoxical food. It raises insulin acutely (great for anabolic/anticatabolic purposes surrounding training), but it also increases insulin sensitivity on a chronic basis (great for general health & improvement of fuel disposal). Not only that, but it has a greater antioxidant effect than red wine, green tea, or black tea (abstract here). FYI, the body of research on the benefits of dark chocolate is like a bottomless pit. Man, I love my cocoa. I get the unsweetened cocoa powder by Nestle, & mix it right into my shakes.

12) If you don't think a small amount of fructose is beneficial - if not OPTIMAL for training recovery nutrition, then read this, and get back to me. On the subject of recovery, antioxidation is a priority surrounding training (and in general). However, some negative stuff has been witnessed regarding antiox supps surrounding training, at least in inflammatory conditions via eccentric resistance. Childs et al [Free Radic Biol Med. 2001 Sep 15;31(6):745-53] actually saw a temporary pro-oxidative effect of vitamin C (12.5 mg/kg body weight) and NAC (10 mg/kg body weight). Some of the typical antiox supps might have the potential to backfire. Use antioxidant whole foods as much as possible (as opposed to supplementing isolated micronutrients), and this possibility is close to zip.


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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  a<r Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:23 am

Update - I only need about three hours of sleep a night, just woke up after only getting one after adding five grams a day of vitamin C back into my regimen and I'm ready to roll, hair is simply not falling and looks fantastic. My drive is incredible as well, feel like I can take on the world, and similar symptoms to my chelation continue, big detox.

"Mass paranoia is a mode, not a melody" - Greg Graffin

"When you're going through hell, keep going!" - Winstone Churchill

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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  pancacke Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:37 am

Good to hear A>R Smile
Do you do cutler at the moment? I remember reading Whey isolate absorbing bile and therefore lyme-biotoxins as well as the metals that come with bile.......I think the biotoxins you are taking care of makes you feel so great!


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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  a<r Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:08 am

It's definitely a lot of things! also, for anybody looking to lose weight, try the above diet, I'm dropping pounds so damn fast I have to intervene with more fruits and rice than I like to eat.

I'm not doing cutler now, not doing much of anything as I'm just scraping by financially and physically, my body is going on a major rollercoaster in terms of changing and intense symptoms, but I've controlled it to the point where I can work as much as I like and be very upwardly mobile so I'm happy.

Once things even out with money expect to hear much, much more from me.

"Mass paranoia is a mode, not a melody" - Greg Graffin

"When you're going through hell, keep going!" - Winstone Churchill

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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  mphatesmpb Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:49 am

Does raw cocoa provide a significant advantage over regular (pasteurized?) cocoa?

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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  tooyoung Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:52 am

ar - Did you get any benefits from cutler chelation? I just took my first dose about 20 minutes ago.


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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  j87x Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:20 am

What brand of whey do you take?


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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  a<r Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:21 am

I don't think I did the cutler protocol correctly at all, I can't comment on it.

I don't think the cocao matters a whole lot, personally right now I'm just getting the cocao through pasteurized almond milk (unsweetened).

"Mass paranoia is a mode, not a melody" - Greg Graffin

"When you're going through hell, keep going!" - Winstone Churchill

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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  a<r Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:23 am

Constantly rotating it to see what works best for me.

For now generic brands really, currently I'm using kaizen 100% isolate, decedant chocolate. I don't like the flavouring, or the stevia sucralose sweetening, but I got a five pounder for $37 because the tub was dented during shipping and beggers can't be choosers. All I can say about this one is that its not as good as the unsweetened one I used before but the benefits are still massive for me.

"Mass paranoia is a mode, not a melody" - Greg Graffin

"When you're going through hell, keep going!" - Winstone Churchill

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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  tooyoung Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:23 am

How did you do it?


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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  a<r Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:42 am

Oh God, I forget, I was so out of it back then during the early chelation period that I really don't remember ... I just remember missing a lot of important components and probably ended up doing a little damage in the process, just follow the direction and experience of others and take it slow Tooyoung and you'll be fine.

"Mass paranoia is a mode, not a melody" - Greg Graffin

"When you're going through hell, keep going!" - Winstone Churchill

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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  pancacke Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:00 am

Start with DMSA only, 12,5mg every 3-4 hours(no longer pauses)........once you forget to take it once, stop immmediatly and wait for as long as you took it before(if you took it for 3 days, wait 3 days)

Also when splitting the capsules(to get 12,5 mg), use a paper buisness plastic or metal should come in contact with DMSA. YOu need empty capsules to fill in after splitting otherwise it tastes horrible.......


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Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen Empty Re: Whey Isolate - Major new part of my regimen

Post  tooyoung Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:49 am

pancake, I used a metal knife, should I discard the doses i've already measured out?


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