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DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  xztop123 Mon Nov 25, 2013 6:54 pm

I am 30 and balding fast and badly

Should I consider Fin? Or attempt to mimic its actions "naturally"


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  JDawg Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:22 pm

no disrespect, but that's not "our" decision, as the forum, to make.

It's your body, your situation, your call.

I will say, that if you're looking to go the natural route, it isn't a fast turnaround. So be prepared for it to get worse before it gets better.


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  BelieveInIt Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:52 am

go the natural way and you won´t be addicted to expensive chemicals that can have devastating influences on other ends of your body.

doing this myself i´m pretty sure that if done right a natural approach is not even slower than taking fin.
also if you follow this steps not only your hair will get better you also will experience some other positive side effects that noticably improve your looks.

youll know if it works after 1-2 weeks when you put your fingertips on your scalp feeling the bases of your existing hair harder and more errect.

-relax and keep your scalp relaxed: alternate between 1. a comical surprised facial expression with eyebrows raised as far as they will go, cheeks hollow and an O shaped mouth..and 2. an extreme teeth-fletching grin. this will stretch and relax your scalp and bring blood to it. also do tom hagertys facial exercises, as i believe a rigid face contributes to baldness. (will also make you look much better within only a few days.

-massage and stretch your scalp manually (móve skin over the bone, don´t rub hair)

-brush your head from back to front, concentrate on balding areas

- finish showering will alternating very hot and cold on your scalp

- hang your head over the edge of the bed for 4 mins a day (you can massage your scalp at the same time)

of course theres much more you can do..

but start with those to motivate yourself when you see tiny vellus hairs after 2 weeks and your existing hair growing stronger.

remember: RELAX your scalp, bring BLOOD to it, thats it.

i also cut down on masturbating (rather ejaculating) but i noticed improvements even when i still did, so go ahead.


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  xztop123 Tue Nov 26, 2013 6:07 am

I took off ejaculating for a month or 2 not too long ago, to try and help with my prostate issue.

The thing is I do want to try and address the obvious DHT issue. I have bad prostate problems( getting up in the mid of the night, dribbling after I sit after urination)... im only 30 so it could be prostatitis.

I guess I should get my hormone levels checked first before I jump to any conclusions, I would like to consider Fin or the natural prostate treatments(i have a feeling that once i fix whatever is causing that and my oily face/scalp then I will have addressed my hairloss)


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  Xenon Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:04 am

I've also developed what I believe to be prostatitis. I'd been wearing loose low slung jeans and they had been hanging down over my bladder / urethra -- causing pressure. Later I started to feel inflammation in the very area where the waist of my jeans had been pressing down upon. I went to urinate and noticed that I'd ejaculated, not to mention feeling a stinging feeling at the tip and testicles. I've since removed anything pressing upon the urethra and bladder -- including not laying with my laptop on my stomach. This has relieved the inflammation, so far.

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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  xztop123 Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:50 am

Xenon im glad thats working for you

But back to the topic, Finesteride seems to ammeliorate MPB due to shutting off DHT.

I don't see any features of the immortalhair protocal that address it specifically.


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  moby Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:39 pm

Most of the top people here believe that low thyroid is responsible for excessive androgens. I do too, low SHBG in young is mostly caused by low thyroid so that's what allows all that DHT. Have you checked your thyroid? Have you tried taking iodine?


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  xztop123 Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:39 pm

Low thyroid is the cause but iodine isn't in the MAIN supps list... circumin and resv and eckko cava

what do you guys think about this regimine?  im trying to cherry pick between the best of the best supps from different success stories i can find,.


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  Biffy Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:52 pm

All I need is a shred of evidence that IODINE alone would work as good as PROPECIA (i really really wish it would). But like anything on this forum is completely unproven - be careful you don't end up like Fred The Belgian - which will be spending probably all his money on FUE, but still will have to shave his head - because he did listen to guys on this forum - tried everything and nothing helped him. This site is good for general health - if you have aggressive balding say goodbye to your hair, cuz you have to realize it's genetics not mold, candida, thyroid, blood flow, heating, diet etc. Though I agree that FDA treatments are not worth your time either.


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  mento Wed Nov 27, 2013 2:57 am

ACTH=34.0; CORTB=210.4 +; ANDR=1.79; DHEAS=3.
SHBG=53.5; FAI=45.86; OHP=2.65 +; TEST=7.07; DHT=2360.0 +

I have also low SHBG and high DHT value, do you think I can lower the SHBG with Inositol ?
"increases SHBG (as much as 92% increase)"


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  xztop123 Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:05 am

Biffy wrote:All I need is a shred of evidence that IODINE alone would work as good as PROPECIA (i really really wish it would). But like anything on this forum is completely unproven - be careful you don't end up like Fred The Belgian - which will be spending probably all his money on FUE, but still will have to shave his head - because he did listen to guys on this forum - tried everything and nothing helped him. This site is good for general health - if you have aggressive balding say goodbye to your hair, cuz you have to realize it's genetics not mold, candida, thyroid, blood flow, heating, diet etc. Though I agree that FDA treatments are not worth your time either.
Fin and minox have a really really good success rate. I just don't want to even consider sacrificing my sex drive


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  Biffy Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:58 am

xztop123 wrote:
Fin and minox have a really really good success rate.  I just don't want to even consider sacrificing my sex drive
You shouldn't - nobody should - having sex on finasteride is ridiculous - weak erections, no feeling etc., but if you want to get results with natural treatments you have to be really dedicated and patient, have money and time to research - if you are not willing to completely change your lifestyle forget about it.


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  xztop123 Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:55 am

Biffy wrote:
xztop123 wrote:
Fin and minox have a really really good success rate.  I just don't want to even consider sacrificing my sex drive
You shouldn't - nobody should - having sex on finasteride is ridiculous - weak erections, no feeling etc., but if you want to get results with natural treatments you have to be really dedicated and patient, have money and time to research - if you are not willing to completely change your lifestyle forget about it.  
I haven't had a soda or a doughnut in 5 years. i've been paleo for about 6 years total. right now im paleo with the addition of small amounts of fruit juice(pom, oj) and rice/potatos...

I really am looking for testimonials, for what worked. It's the old way physicians communicated results of a particular treatment and I still think it's a good way to try stuff out. Theres not much in the way of trials or pubmed experiments on this issue.


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  Biffy Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:29 am

xztop123 wrote:
Biffy wrote:
xztop123 wrote:
Fin and minox have a really really good success rate.  I just don't want to even consider sacrificing my sex drive
You shouldn't - nobody should - having sex on finasteride is ridiculous - weak erections, no feeling etc., but if you want to get results with natural treatments you have to be really dedicated and patient, have money and time to research - if you are not willing to completely change your lifestyle forget about it.  
I haven't had a soda or a doughnut in 5 years.  i've been paleo for about 6 years total.  right now im paleo with the addition of small amounts of fruit juice(pom, oj) and rice/potatos...  

I really am looking for testimonials, for what worked.  It's the old way physicians communicated results of a particular treatment and I still think it's a good way to try stuff out.  Theres not much in the way of trials or pubmed experiments on this issue.  
U eat paleo and bald fast? Damn this is a discouragement. What supplements do you use? Sometimes the genetics are just too powerful.


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  xztop123 Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:36 am

Just fermented cod liver oil/butter oil blend and magnesium. i started taking low dose iodine from sea kelp 3 days ago.


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  Biffy Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:20 am

xztop123 wrote:Just fermented cod liver oil/butter oil blend and magnesium.  i started taking low dose iodine from sea kelp 3 days ago.
As a quick fix I would try some topicals for treating oily scalp like ketoconazole, piroctone olamine, salicylic acid shampoo; Dr. Bronners soap, jojoba oil, ACV, casual soap... For internal DHT/5ar control you have many possibilities. Safe options: Ecklonia Cava, Green Tea Extract, Flax lignans, Quercetin (good for prostatitis), Coconut oil...


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  YAER Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:22 am

I believe the most strongest natural dht inhibitor is peppermint or spearmint tea, the effect is instant, much stronger than betasitoserol...u can have 2 cups a day and then fine tune...


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  moby Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:40 am

>> ACTH=34.0; CORTB=210.4 +; ANDR=1.79; DHEAS=3.
SHBG=53.5; FAI=45.86; OHP=2.65 +; TEST=7.07; DHT=2360.0 +

These numbers are meaningless without reference ranges.


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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  Hoppipolla Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:01 pm

I think the problem is DHT for pretty much every last one of us Smile

I have mild BPH too Sad

Do remember though that it's often just a symptom of other imbalances and illness in the body. For example, my DHT issues only started when I started getting pretty bad IBS (probably Candida or dysbiosis). I think it changes some hormone levels, including (tissue) DHT.

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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  Live forever Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:04 am

I personally don't think DHT is 'the' problem.

It seems to be a trigger.
don't forget something has to pull the trigger.

in amongst all this are loads of different factors as far
as im currently aware.

manuals, heat regulation, metals, electrons, thyroid, metabolism, fibrosis, anti-oxidants... etc.

Elevated 5AR levels seems to be problem.
i've read so many mixed views/opinions on diet
affecting this.

Simplifying it all — I personally believe that long term, listening to your body and researching
yourself, and understanding what may cause certain imbalances is very important.

people say acne isn't affected by diet, which I think is a load of bollocks,
simply because everyone is different.

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DHT seems to be my problem...  MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues Empty Re: DHT seems to be my problem... MPB, oily scalp, acne, and prostate issues

Post  Live forever Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:06 am

what Biffy said is a good place to start investigating.

most foods Ive come across that reduce high 5AR are healthy.
maybe there's a key in that somewhere.

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