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Hormones and insulin resistance

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Hormones and insulin resistance Empty Hormones and insulin resistance

Post  whodathunkit Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:03 am

My gyn started me on high-dose bio-identical progesterone about four days ago. We're trying to shrink some fibroids.

Interestingly, my blood glucose has dropped like a ROCK. I simply can't believe the difference. After literally years of having first morning fasting sugars between 110-120 (post prandial always okay, but waking sugar always high), my sugar has been in the 80's the last three mornings. I have a monitor that I bought on my own so I check anytime I wanted, as I figured out a long time ago I was insulin resistant. Previous attempts to get BG under control have only been moderately successful. Even the R-ALA/biotin combo with a change in diet wasn't doing as much as I would have liked. It's been a struggle since I began monitoring. I figured I was pretty heavily insulin resistant because of decades of crappy diet and toxins, and it was just going to take a bunch of time to get my sugar consistently down.

Apparently, not so. It only took 3 days.

Downside is I kinda feel like shit. Laughing I read somewhere that when diabetics first get their sugar down via medication they typically feel crappy for several days afterwards, until their bodies adjust to the decreased serum glucose. Possibly that's what's happening to me. However, I feel better today than I have all week. Maybe it's passing.

I'm also doing a liver cleanse and it may be that my liver is working more efficiently metabolizing hormones, too.

The visit to the doctor was precipitated because after about a month of doing CS's "top six" plus a few of his other recommendations, I began experiencing extreme polyuria, to the point where I couldn't sleep for a couple of weeks. Felt great, though, until the lack of sleep caught up with me.

I originally thought it was minerals irritating my bladder, but my doctor thought it was hormones. I now think what happened was the regimen started "revving up" all my hormones,and especially estrogen, which acted on the fibroids, which then pressed on my bladder causing the polyuria. Gotta love a women's insides. Not saying CS's regimen creates estrogen, only that it revs up hormones. The estrogen is what happened in my case. I apparently just needed a bit more balance than my bod could give me at the moment, since women my age don't kick out progesterone like we do when we're younger.

Point to this is not to over-share, but only to bring to light an anecdote that might be interesting to some. One of the main things I've taken away from reading this board is the importance of decreasing insulin resistance when dealing with hairloss, and the progesterone has apparently decreased my insulin resistance at an incredible rate. We're also all concerned about the role estrogen and estrogen dominance can play in hair loss, or the loss of any other hormone, no matter what our sex. Finding the right hormone balance is apparently one key to insulin resistance.

If anyone else has any ideas/theories as to what's going on, I'm interested. The whole process has been kind of fascinating to me.

I will also update if all of this has any positive effect on my hair. Much too soon to tell about that yet, but I have hope now that I didn't have before, even with my laser helmet. Never have I seen such a beneficial change in my body so quickly. And that includes the changes wrought by the supplements, without which my body probably wouldn't have benefited from the progesterone.


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Join date : 2011-07-16

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Hormones and insulin resistance Empty Re: Hormones and insulin resistance

Post  sublime9 Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:53 am

You hit the nail on the head. If your hormones are regulated you won't have insulin issues. One of the things I try to impress upon individuals who read this forum is how important it is to have your hormones checked and verified they are at the correct levels.

Here is a great excerpt by Dr Yu.


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Join date : 2008-07-16

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Hormones and insulin resistance Empty Re: Hormones and insulin resistance

Post  pancacke Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:01 am

sublime9 wrote:You hit the nail on the head. If your hormones are regulated you won't have insulin issues.
Insuline is a hormone....
I agree though, remove metals(and therby fix endocrine system) and insulin is no problem.....although parasites can also mess with it.


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Hormones and insulin resistance Empty Re: Hormones and insulin resistance

Post  CausticSymmetry Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:44 am

Have you tried iodine for Uterine fibroids? Iodine helps curtail estrogen. Bio-identical progesterone is also a good measure for that. Glad you're on the right track.

Overall, getting there is all about balance. So on that note, do you take magnesium? This is a must have for blood sugar regulation. When lipoic acid fails to measure up, it is in my observation typically a bacterial problem. Berberine is helpful for this scenario.

My regimen

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Hormones and insulin resistance Empty Re: Hormones and insulin resistance

Post  whodathunkit Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:26 am

Well, I kind of went "whole hog" on your top 6 (plus iodine), CS, and that's what seemed to tip all this off. Laughing

I cut back on the minerals (cut iodine completely) and that helped. I was 3x/day on Decalcify and getting a bit of cloudy urine here and there. So I thought perhaps the Decalcify decalcified a bit more than my poor ol' bod could handle at the moment.

I stopped lypospheric C right away yet kept on peeing, so that apparently wasn't a factor.

I want to emphasize, however, that while I was doing the top 6 I felt GREAT for the first couple of weeks. Lot's o' vigor. It just got to where I couldn't get any sleep for the peeing. Shocked Laughing

I started back on magnesium citrate (seems to be more gentle in its action than orotate) and the chelate of tri-boron I'd been taking. So I am getting those minerals plus D3 and zinc.

After I'm done with this liver cleanse my doctor advised I'm going to add back in Decalcify gradually, plus cycle nascnet iodine until I can tolerate continuous iodine usage. Also add back in the ecklonia cava, which I stopped in case I was having some kind of reaction to that. I never stopped the krill oil or the curcumin.

I've already worked my way back up to 3x/day ALA and acetyl-l-carnitine and am tolerating that well.

Also in the near future I plan to look try some chelation, but I need to study on that a bit more before I attempt it. I'm definitely more cautious now than I was. Middle-aged bodies can't tolerate what mid-20/early-30 bodies can. In my mind's eye I'm still 25, which is part of the problem. Razz

Also look into parasites and bacterial infection, although it's going to be a long process.

I think I may have put my endocrine system into overdrive and the rest of my bod couldn't handle it. That can happen, can't it? Or maybe I simply put it back into balance and it was so out of balance that it couldnt' handle *that*. I had a bunch of bloodwork done the day I went to the doctor (was still taking everything except iodine, which I'd only stopped a few days before) and my TSH was 0.59. Yet I've suffered from symptoms of hypothyroid my entire adult life. T4 was 6.4, free T4 was .92, total T3 1.16, and free T3 2.8. I don't think those are the greatest values (don't know enough to say), but from what little I do know I think my TSH would have been higher if my thyroid wasn't doing something right. Wouldn't it? I mean I think the iodine was truly benefitting me before i had to stop it.

I'm just going to go at this much more gradually from here on out and find my way through trial and error. Between the good info on this board and my excellent doctors (holistically-oriented MD's), for the first time in years I definitley feel I am on the right track. It's a good feeling.


Posts : 874
Join date : 2011-07-16

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