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The Dental Health Risk

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The Dental Health Risk Empty The Dental Health Risk

Post  kijumn Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:24 am




Dr. Meinig brings a most curious perspective to an expose of latent dangers of root canal therapy - fifty years ago he was one of the founders of the American Association of Endodontists (root canal specialists)! So he's filled his share of root canals. And when he wasn't filling canals himself, he was teaching the technique to dentists across the country at weekend seminars and clinics. About two years ago, having recently retired, he decided to read all 1174 pages of the detailed research of Dr. Weston Price, (D.D.S). Dr. Meinig was startled and shocked. Here was valid documentation of systemic illnesses resulting from latent infections lingering in filled roots. He has since written a book, "Root Canal Cover-Up EXPOSED - Many Illnesses Result", and is devoting himself to radio, TV, and personal appearances before groups in an attempt to blow the whistle and alert the public.

MJ Please explain what the problem is with root canal therapy.

GM First, let me note that my book is based on Dr. Weston Price's twenty-five years of careful, impeccable research. He led a 60-man team of researchers whose findings - suppressed until now rank right up there with the greatest medical discoveries of all time. This is not the usual medical story of a prolonged search for the difficult-to-find causative agent of some devastating disease. Rather, it's the story of how a "cast of millions" (of bacteria) become entrenched inside the structure of teeth and end up causing the largest number of diseases ever traced to a single source.

MJ What diseases? Can you give us some examples?

GM Yes, a high percentage of chronic degenerative diseases can originate from root filled teeth. The most frequent were heart and circulatory diseases and he found 16 different causative agents for these. The next most common diseases were those of the joints, arthritis and rheumatism. In third place - but almost tied for second - were diseases of the brain and nervous system. After that, any disease you can name might (and in some cases has) come from root filled teeth.

Let me tell you about the research itself. Dr. Price undertook his investigations in 1900. He continued until 1925, and published his work in two volumes in 1923. In 1915 the National Dental Association (which changed its name a few years later to The American Dental Association) was so impressed with his work that they appointed Dr. Price their first Research Director. His Advisory Board read like a Who's Who in medicine and dentistry for that era. They represented the fields of bacteriology, pathology, rheumatology, surgery, chemistry, and cardiology.

At one point in his writings Dr. Price made this observation: "Dr. Frank Billings (M.D.), probably more than any other American internist, is due credit for the early recognition of the importance of streptococcal focal infections in systemic involvements."

What's really unfortunate here is that very valuable information was covered up and totally buried some 70 years ago by a minority group of autocratic doctors who just didn't believe or couldn't grasp - the focal infection theory.

MJ What is the "focal infection" theory?

GM This states that germs from a central focal infection - such as teeth, teeth roots, inflamed gum tissues, or maybe tonsils - metastasize to hearts, eyes, lungs, kidneys, or other organs, glands and tissues, establishing new areas of the same infection. Hardly theory any more, this has been proven and demonstrated many times over. It's 100% accepted today. But it was revolutionary thinking during World War I days, and the early 1920's!

Today, both patients and physicians have been "brain washed" to think that infections are less serious because we now have antibiotics. Well, yes and no. In the case of root-filled teeth, the no longer-living tooth lacks a blood supply to its interior. So circulating antibiotics don't faze the bacteria living there because they can't get at them.

MJ You're assuming that ALL root-filled teeth harbor bacteria and/or other infective agents?

GM Yes. No matter what material or technique is used - and this is just as true today - the root filling shrinks minutely, perhaps microscopically. Further and this is key - the bulk of solid appearing teeth, called the dentin, actually consists of miles of tiny tubules. Microscopic organisms lurking in the maze of tubules simply migrate into the interior of the tooth and set up housekeeping. A filled root seems to be a favorite spot to start a new colony.

One of the things that makes this difficult to understand is that large, relatively harmless bacteria common to the mouth, change and adapt to new conditions. They shrink in size to fit the cramped quarters and even learn how to exist (and thrive!) on very little food. Those that need oxygen mutate and become able to get along without it. In the process of adaptation these formerly friendly "normal" organisms become pathogenic (capable of producing disease) and more virulent (stronger) and they produce much more potent toxins.

Today's bacteriologists are confirming the discoveries of the Price team of bacteriologists. Both isolated in root canals the same strains of streptococcus, staphylococcus and spirochetes.

MJ Is everyone who has ever had a root canal filled made ill by it?

GM No. We believe now that every root canal filling does leak and bacteria do invade the structure. But the variable factor is the strength of the person's immune system. Some healthy people are able to control the germs that escape from their teeth into other areas of the body. We think this happens because their immune system lymphocytes (white blood cells) and other disease fighters aren't constantly compromised by other ailments. In other words, they are able to prevent those new colonies from taking hold in other tissues throughout the body. But over time, most people with root filled teeth do seem to develop some kinds of systemic symptoms they didn't have before.

MJ It's really difficult to grasp that bacteria are imbedded deep in the structure of seemingly-hard, solid looking teeth.

GM I know. Physicians and dentists have that same problem, too. You really have to visualize the tooth structure - all of those microscopic tubules running through the dentin. In a healthy tooth, those tubules transport a fluid that carries nourishment to the inside. For perspective, if the tubules of a front single-root tooth, were stretched out on the ground they'd stretch for three miles!

A root filled tooth no longer has any fluid circulating through it, but the maze of tubules remains. The anaerobic bacteria that live there seem remarkably safe from antibiotics. The bacteria can migrate out into surrounding tissue where they can "hitch hike" to other locations in the body via the bloodstream. The new location can be any organ or gland or tissue, and the new colony will be the next focus of infection in a body plagued by recurrent or chronic infections.

All of the "building up" done to try to enhance the patient's ability to fight infections - to strengthen their immune system - is only a holding action. Many patients won't be well until the source of infection - the root canal tooth - is removed.

MJ I don't doubt what you're saying, but can you tell us more about how Dr. Price could be sure that arthritis or other systemic conditions and illnesses really originated in the teeth - or in a single tooth?

GM Yes. Many investigations start with the researcher just being curious about something - and then being scientifically careful enough to discover an answer, and then prove it's so, many times over. Dr. Price's first case is very well documented. He removed an infected tooth from a woman who suffered from severe arthritis. As soon as he finished with the patient, he implanted the tooth beneath the skin of a healthy rabbit. Within 48 hours the rabbit was crippled with arthritis!

Further, once the tooth was removed the patient's arthritis improved dramatically. This clearly suggested that the presence of the infected tooth was a causative agent for both that patient's and the rabbit's - arthritis.

[Editor's Note - Here's the story of that first patient from Dr. Meinig's book: "(Dr. Price) had a sense that, even when (root canal therapy) appeared successful, teeth containing root fillings remained infected. That thought kept prying on his mind, haunting him each time a patient consulted him for relief from some severe debilitating disease for which the medical profession could find no answer. Then one day while treating a woman who had been confined to a wheelchair for six years from severe arthritis, he recalled how bacterial cultures were taken from patients who were ill and then inoculated into animals in an effort to reproduce the disease and test the effectiveness of drugs on the disease.

With this thought in mind, although her (root filled) tooth looked fine, he advised this arthritic patient, to have it extracted. He told her he was going to find out what it was about this root filled tooth that was responsible for her suffering. "All dentists know that sometimes arthritis and other illnesses clear up if bad teeth are extracted. However, in this case, all of her teeth appeared in satisfactory condition and the one containing this rootcanal filling showed no evidence or symptoms of infection. Besides, it looked normal on x-ray pictures.

"Immediately after Dr. Price extracted the tooth he dismissed the patient and embedded her tooth under the skin of a rabbit. In two days the rabbit developed the same kind of crippling arthritis as the patient - and in ten days it died.

"..The patient made a successful recovery after the tooth's removal! She could then walk without a cane and could even do fine needlework again. That success led Dr. Price to advise other patients, afflicted with a wide variety of treatment defying illnesses, to have any root filled teeth out."]

In the years that followed, he repeated this procedure many hundreds of times. He later implanted only a portion of the tooth to see if that produced the same results. It did. He then dried the tooth, ground it into powder and injected a tiny bit into several rabbits. Same results, this time producing the same symptoms in multiple animals.

Dr. Price eventually grew cultures of the bacteria and injected them into the animals. Then he went a step further. He put the solution containing the bacteria through a filter small enough to catch the bacteria. So when he injected the resulting liquid it was free of any infecting bacteria. Did the test animals develop the illness? Yes. The only explanation was that the liquid had to contain toxins from the bacteria, and the toxins were also capable of causing disease.

Dr. Price became curious about which was the more potent infective agent, the bacteria or the toxin. He repeated that last experiment, injecting half the animals with the toxin-containing liquid and half of them with the bacteria from the filter. Both groups became ill, but the group injected with the toxins got sicker and died sooner than the bacteria injected animals.

MJ That's amazing. Did the rabbits always develop the same disease the patient had?

GM Mostly, yes. If the patient had heart disease the rabbit got heart disease. If the patient had kidney disease the rabbit got kidney disease, and so on. Only occasionally did a rabbit develop a different disease - and then the pathology would be quite similar, in a different location.

MJ If extraction proves necessary for anyone reading this, do you want to summarize what's special about the extraction technique?

GM Just pulling the tooth is not enough when removal proves necessary. Dr. Price found bacteria in the tissues and bone just adjacent to the tooth's root. So we now recommend slow-speed drilling with a burr, to remove one millimeter of the entire bony socket. The purpose is to remove the periodontal ligament (which is always infected with toxins produced by streptococcus bacteria living in the dentin tubules) and the first millimeter of bone that lines the socket (which is usually infected).

There's a whole protocol involved, including irrigating with sterile saline to assure removal of the contaminated bone chips, and treating the socket to stimulate and encourage infection-free healing. I describe the procedure in detail, step by step, in my book [pages 185 and 186].

MJ Perhaps we should back up and talk about oral health - to PREVENT needing an extraction. Caries or inflamed gums seem much more common than root canals. Do they pose any threat?

GM Yes, they absolutely do. But let me point out that we can't talk about oral health apart from total health. The problem is that patients and dentists alike haven't come around to seeing that dental caries reflect systemic - meaning "whole body" - illness. Dentists have learned to restore teeth so expertly that both they and their patients have come to regard tooth decay as a trivial matter. It isn't.

Small cavities too often become big cavities. Big cavities too often lead to further destruction and the eventual need for root canal treatment.

MJ Then talk to us about prevention.

GM The only scientific way to prevent tooth decay is through diet and nutrition. Dr. Ralph Steinman did some outstanding, landmark research at Loma Linda University. He injected a glucose solution into mice - into their bodies, so the glucose didn't even touch their teeth. Then he observed the teeth for any changes. What he found was truly astonishing. The glucose reversed the normal flow of fluid in the dentin tubules, resulting in all of the test animals developing severe tooth decay! Dr. Steinman demonstrated dramatically what I said a minute ago: Dental caries reflect systemic illness.

Let's take a closer look to see how this might happen. Once a tooth gets infected and the cavity gets into the nerve and blood vessels, bacteria find their way into those tiny tubules of the dentin. Then no matter what we do by way of treatment, we're never going to completely eradicate the bacteria hiding in the miles of tubules. In time the bacteria can migrate through lateral canals into the surrounding bony socket that supports the tooth. Now the host not only has a cavity in a tooth, plus an underlying infection of supporting tissue to deal with, but the bacteria also exude potent systemic toxins. These toxins circulate throughout the body triggering activity by the immune system - and probably causing the host to feel less well. This host response can vary from just dragging around and feeling less energetic, to overt illness - of almost any kind. Certainly, such a person will be more vulnerable to whatever "bugs" are going around, because his/her body is already under constant challenge and the immune system continues to be "turned on" by either the infective agent or its toxins - or both.

MJ What a fascinating concept. Can you tell us more about the protective nutrition you mentioned?

GM Yes. Dr. Price traveled all over the world doing his research on primitive peoples who still lived in their native ways. He found fourteen cultural pockets scattered all over the globe where the natives had no access to "civilization" - and ate no refined foods.

Dr. Price studied their diets carefully. He found they varied greatly, but the one thing they had in common was that they ate whole, unrefined foods. With absolutely no access to tooth brushes, floss, fluoridated water or tooth paste, the primitive peoples studied were almost 100% free of tooth decay. Further - and not unrelated - they were also almost 100% free of all the degenerative diseases we suffer - problems with the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, joints, skin (allergies), and the whole gamut of illnesses that plague Mankind. No one food proved to be magic as a preventive food. I believe we can thrive best by eating a wide variety of whole foods.

MJ Amazing. So by "diet and nutrition" for oral (and total) health you meant eating a pretty basic diet of whole foods?

GM Exactly. And no sugar or white flour. These are (and always have been) the first culprits. Tragically, when the primitives were introduced to sugar and white flour their superior level of health deteriorated rapidly. This has been demonstrated time and again. During the last sixty or more years we have added in increasing amounts, highly refined and fabricated cereals and boxed mixes of all kinds, soft drinks, refined vegetable oils and a whole host of other foodless "foods". It is also during those same years that we as a nation have installed more and more root canal fillings - and degenerative diseases have become rampant. I believe - and Dr. Price certainly proved to my satisfaction - that these simultaneous factors are NOT coincidences.

MJ I certainly understand what you are saying. But I'm still a little shocked to talk with a dentist who doesn't stress oral hygiene.

GM Well, I'm not against oral hygiene. Of course, hygiene practices are preventive, and help minimize the destructive effect of our "civilized", refined diet. But the real issue is still diet. The natives Dr. Price tracked down and studied weren't free of cavities, inflamed gums, and degenerative diseases because they had better tooth brushes!

It's so easy to lose sight of the significance of what Dr. Price discovered. We tend to sweep it under the rug - we'd actually prefer to hear that if we would just brush better, longer, or more often, we too could be free of dental problems.

Certainly, part of the purpose of my book is to stimulate dental research into finding a way to sterilize dentin tubules. Only then can dentists really learn to save teeth for a lifetime. But the bottom line remains: A primitive diet of whole unrefined foods is the only thing that has been found to actually prevent both tooth decay and degenerative diseases.

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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  kijumn Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:24 am

Dr Huggins, D.D.S:

"More than 75% of the crowns placed today are nickel, and that is present in braces. Here we call it stainless steel. It is like silver fillings, it doesn't have much silver in it, and you would pay for silver and gold what you wouldn't pay for mercury. So it kind of boils down to a matter of salesmanship, and stainless steel sound pretty prestigious, so they put that in children, and what happens? You see teenage behaviour that may not have been there a few days before the braces were put on.

At the University of Colorado when I was nearly 50 years old I went back to take a degree in immunology because I could see I was affecting the immune system. The first case we studied, we took a woman and put braces on her, and I am kind of sensitive to immunology, I studied it for 4 years, and about 2 weeks after that I only knew about 2% of what was going on in immunology, it is a field that is expanding very rapidly, but a term I hear many people saying is - you know this product it boosts your immune system. How does it do that? What does it do to the T4's and the T 8's?-.when you can study the cells of the immune system with the sophisticated equipment we have, and we can find that in this case I put the braces in. We did all the sophisticated testing, we put the braces in, and then the patients ends up with big bruises on her thigh. How did they get there? Well, a little sloppy dentistry, but these are huge bruises, no trauma involved there. Emotional things, a lot of change. Sleeping patterns, the first thing to change in an immunological challenge? Yes, big changes there. Things begin to look a little uncomfortable by day 3 so we took the conventional blood test, and what did I find? Nothing I could identify at that time, but this was 10 years ago. Today I could identify it, then I couldn't, but things were still getting worse, and that afternoon we did the T subsets over again and what did we find? Immune system shutdown. I mean the T4's were zero, the T8's were zero, T11's were zero. All of these things may not have a lot of meaning, but I can tell you zero is not where they should be. Within a few hours of death. We decided maybe we better take the braces off. The patients was for it, the faculty was for it, I was for it, I mean this was my wife we are talking about so it is not a real scientific case. So we took the braces off and the immune system came back-in 3 moths we were almost half way back where we were 3 days before. It does not recover overnight.

And I have other records on my desk where they did not take the braces off on the fourth day, and the reports show the same changes in the white blood cells, the same changes in the red blood cells, the same changes in the body temperature, everything is identical except when we get to day 4 and the braces were not removed, that was the last date that was entered on the autopsy reports, because these kids died, as they can with what is called the chrome crowns. That is a cutesy little term, chrome crowns, but these kids, I see them in the airport all the time - and I see little kids with tri-focals on, glasses about that thick. When did you have your chrome crown placed? I see people pushing along in a wheelchair. I wonder when did you have your root canal done? Because root canals so far have turned out to be one of the most vile things that I have ever run into, and my life for the last 20 years has been with a lot of vile essense

In California we found a woman who had some nickel crowns placed, she ended up with a specific type of breast tumour and she went through the lumpectomy, she went to the support group afterwards, and she said to me you know my husband was talking to this guy out in Colorado about nickel being carcinogenic.

What does that mean?

That mean it produces cancer.

Do you suppose there is any relationship between my crowns and my breast tumour?

Another woman in the group said - well I went to Dr So and So dentist down the street here.

He put nickel crowns in my mouth and a couple of years later I came down with this same tumour you have got.

She said - that is the same dentist I went to.

And then we found a third woman who had the same crown, the same tumour, the same dentist. Same day we found a fourth woman with the same crown, the same tumour, the same dentist.

Then we found a fifth, then a sixth.

Is this suggestive of the need for further investigation? Or should we cover it up?

Are there really 100,000 women in the state of California growing breast tumours as a result of their nickel crowns right now as we are sitting here today? Is that a possibility? And you know what? They paid for that. They paid to have that done

Now, is there anything in the scientific literature on this?


Dr Moss was mentioning someone talking about 1000's of articles.

Yes, there are 1000's of articles on nickel being a carcinogen.

There are not thousands, but maybe hundreds of articles showing that nickel does something else. After nickel gets the cancer going how do you keep it under control?

You keep it under control with one of the white blood cells called a natural killer cell, the NK cell. What does it do?

It goes out and it kills off the cancer cells. Now all the rest of the immune system has to ask somebody. The B's have to ask the T lymphocytes, and so on, everything is a committee in the immune system, except the NK cells.

There is cancer---bang. They don't ask anybody. These are nice guys to have around. What does nickel do? It suppresses your NK cells. So nickel starts the tumour, then takes away your defences system. Is that nice? No, that is not nice. That is not nice to put on children aged two with their chrome crowns. That is not nice to put in our teenagers, or adults, with braces. It is not nice to use as crowns and bridges just because you save ten bucks. Is it worth ten bucks to go through breast surgery? If you feel that way have it but be informed ---if you want mercury in your mouth, if you want nickel, OK, but how many people in this room have nickel crowns in their mouth?

How many people have nickel crowns put in their mouth when they paid for gold crowns?

It is estimated that 50% of the dentists put in nickel crowns and charge the insurance companies, or charge you for gold. Nickel does not cost the same as gold. Nickel is not as safe as gold.

Root canals

Then we get into the root canal business, and that is the most tragic of all.

Isn't there something you can put in the centre of the canal that is safe?

Yeah, there probably is, but that is not where the problem is. The problem with a root canal is that it is dead. Lets equate that. Lets say you have got a ruptured appendix, so you go to the phone book, and who do you look up? Lets see, we have a surgeon and a taxidermist, who do you call?

You going to get it bronzed?

That is all we do to a dead tooth. We put a gold crown on it, looks like it has been bronzed. It doesn't really matter what you embalm the dead tooth with, it is still dead, and within that dead tooth we have bacteria, and these bacteria are in the absence of oxygen.

In the absence of oxygen most things die except bacteria. They undergo something called a pleomorphic change------like a mutation .. they learn to live in the absence of oxygen-now produce thioethers, some of the strongest poisons on the planet that are not radioactive.

These get out into the body and you may notice in the medical literature of 1900 they mentioned a few heart attacks, so it wasn't a big deal in 1900, but by 1910 2% of the US population, which is a lot of folks had had heart attacks.

By 1920---10% of the population had had heart attacks, and we are up to about 25% about 10 years ago, and everywhere you go you see joggers running around. Menus in the restaurant have this little heart over it because we are on low cholesterol diets what has it done. It has dropped the 25% down to around 43% .

We are going in the wrong direction and root canals are going up. In 1990 we did 17 million of them. This last year we did 23 million, and the ADA hopes by the year 2000 we reach 30 million a year.

Weston Price knew this back in 1920 - he would take a person who had had a heart attack, take out the tooth with the root canal, take a little segment of it, put it under the skin of a rabbit.

We have done this with guinea pigs, and in about 10 days that rabbit would die of a heart attack. And you could take it out and put it under the skin of another rabbit, and in 10 days he would die of a heart attack--he would do this to 30 rabbits and every one of them in 97% of the cases would die of heart disease.

What if they didn't have heart disease? If they had something else, the rabbit picks up the something else, but all of them that we have tested in this way have ended up with an auto immune disease in the kidney, and if you look at the work of Joseph Issels in Germany who for 40 years treated terminal cancer cases. He started on them when they had already had their chemo, surgery, radiation, then they came to him.

That is having 3 strikes against you and a fast ball down the tube there before you get up to the plate. He turned around 24% of 16,000 patients over a period of 40 years. What is the first thing he did? Have a dentist take out the root canal teeth.

OK, so I have this shirt tail relative down there about 24 years old, and she has brain cancer, so what do they do? They take out half her brain. Then it comes back so they take out the other half of her brain. Then it comes back a third time, and there is not much left to take out. Now they probably didn't take out half, I may have stretched the point there a bit, but she was still fully functional, but it was right smack full in the middle of the brain.

Three tumours growing, three root canals, and she is pregnant, and it is hard to overcome the stress to the body that pregnancy does, much less trying to overcome cancer, much less trying to overcome the root canals.

So we took out those 3 root canals when she had 3-6 months to live. And that was 6 years ago, and she is still alive today, and MRI can't find the tumour anymore. It went away.

So there are a lot of things, and this is just a tip of this giant chunk of ice under the water that has been making us think we are normal when we have all of these things going on in our body that we caught at the dental is time you were informed.

Don't rush out and have your fillings removed because we get 20 phone calls a day from people who say they rushed out and had there fillings removed and I am in worse shape than I have ever been in the whole of my life. Get yourself educated first."---Dr Hal Huggins, D.D.S. in a lecture to the Cancer Control Society 1993. Tape 93F014. Cancer Control Society, 2043 N. Berendo St, LA, CA 90027. Ph: 213 663 7801.

"Nickel is rapidly gaining a reputation for its toxicity, too. Most partial dentures are made of nickel. Approximately 80% of crowns use nickel, even "porcelain" crowns. Braces usually are nickel. Stainless steel is usually nickel alloy. Nickel compounds have been unequivocally implicated as human respiratory carcinogens in epidemiological studies of nickel refinery workers, and there appears a relationship between nickel crowns and breast cancer in women."---Thomas Levy, M.D.

"Nickel is used routinely by national cancer centers to induce cancer in laboratory animals to study can-cer. The nickel alloys they are using are very similar to those we are using in patients' mouths. Dentists are causing a major health problem."--- Dr. David Eggleston

Eggleston first measured several important immune system components, the T-lymphocytes, in the patients' blood. The normal range for T-lymphocytes is considered 70-80% of the lymphocyte population. In one 21-year-old woman with amalgam fillings, the T-lymphocytes comprised 47% of her lymphocyte population. When Eggleston removed her amalgam fillings and replaced them with plastic temporary fillings, the T-lymphocytes rose from 47% to 73%-an increase of 55.3%!

Next Eggleston removed the plastic fillings and reinserted amalgam. The T-lymphocytes fell from 73% to 55% (a decrease of 24.7%).

Finally, Eggleston removed the second set of amalgam fillings and inserted gold inlays. After this procedure, the T-lymphocytes bounced back up to 72% (a rise of 30.9%).

Patient No.3 was a 35-year-old white woman, with symptoms of advanced multiple sclerosis. After nine amalgam fillings were removed, her T-lympho-cyte level rose from 60% to 71%; It is not known what other long-term results may have occurred, although obviously such information would be interesting.

Patient No.2 was a healthy 20-year-old white male. when a composite filling was removed and replaced with a nickel-based crown, his T-lympho-cytes dropped from 63% to 56.7%. They rebounded to 73% when the nickel crown was removed and re-placed with gold.

Although the public is not aware of it, this nickel crown experiment is highly suggestive. Many dental crowns are formed on a nickel base. But nickel is a known carcinogen; industrial studies of worker exposure to nickel dust and alloys show that such expo-sure "will markedly increase the incidence of cancer." ( Quicksilver Associates)

"An abnormal T-lymphocyte percent of lymphocytes or a malfunction of T-lymphocytes can increase the risk of cancer, infectious diseases and autoimmune disease." - Dr Eggleston

"Nickel is not nearly as active as mercury, however, it corrodes and is far more carcinogenic. One of the most severe known reactions to nickel toxicity is described by Dr. Eggleston. A patient pre-sented herself to the Long Beach Memorial Hospi-tal with kidney disease. She was diagnosed as having idiopathic glomerulo-nephritis. They called it idiopathic because they did not know what was re-ally the cause of the kidney ailment. After examin-ing the patient, her family physician suggested that she be checked with electro-diagnosis. When this was done it was found that she was highly reactive to nickel. The doctor asked her if she had any den-tal work done within the past seven years. She said that she had three porcelain crowns put in by her dentist. The doctor explained that porcelain crowns have metal jackets (made of a nickel alloy) under-neath the porcelain and suggested that she have these crowns removed immediately. After the removal of the three crowns the patient lost all symptoms of kidney failure. This was one case in a million which was diagnosed properly. Her kidney problem was primarily due to the nickel toxicity. This was poi-soning her system."---John Lubecki, D.C.

"I have been told about a woman who had a breast tumor. Oncologists (cancer specialists) do not like to operate if there are signs of other infection. Her physician asked the woman to have an abscessed tooth taken care of before surgery. Immediately after the dental appointment, while lidocaine was present in her system, the woman had a Thermograpy x-ray that revealed a thin white line extending from her tooth, down her neck, through the tumor in her breast and on down into her stomach. In light of the discovery, her physicians decided not to operate. Four months later the tumor disappeared. That was the first time direct connection to disease following an acupuncture meridian was clinically observed and was an immeasurably important observation for western medicine. Every tooth has a separate acupuncture meridian running though major organs in the body.."---Tom Warren

Dr Huggins:

Dr. Pinto explained that his parents had both been dentists. His father had attended a conference in the 1920s at which a speaker had condemned mercury. The elder Pinto remembered this a while later when he was asked to treat a child dying of leukemia. Her biggest complaint was that her gums hurt. He removed her amalgams qui-etly, and the terminally ill child responded within a few days. "Spontaneous remission!" announced the medical profession. Pinto responded by telling the physician he had removed the amalgams. There was a pecking order at that time, just as there is today, in the health profes-sions. He was academically whiplashed and made to feel inferior and foolish. This was standard procedure. So Pinto quietly replaced an amalgam in the little girl, then told the doctor to watch for a recurrence of the leukemia the next day. There was a recurrence. He removed it, of course, and the child recovered again.

"Then there was the case of Hodgkin's disease," Dr. Pinto continued.

"Hodgkin's?" I retorted. "Wait a minute. You're talk-ing about heavies. Medical diseases! Real diseases! Not allergic reactions."

Dr. Pinto quietly proceeded with diseases and dates. "This type of lymphoma was not noted until 1832, a short time after amalgam was introduced in the area where the disease was discovered. The first amalgam to be placed in an African-American was in 1904. Sickle-cell anemia was noted to move out of the rare in 1906."

"But pathologists weren't very smart then," I challenged. Later I found that some of the most brilliant pathologists the world has ever known were alive then. I also learned that sickle cells are not difficult to identify.

I argued that these could be spontaneous coincidences, that there were no double-blind studies, that.. .. I spluttered while he continued to deluge me with anecdotes. Then he began quoting scientific literature.

"Where did you come up with that information?" I finally asked.

"I was taking a master's degree at Georgetown Univer-sity. Mercury toxicity was my topic. I compiled the largest bibliography on mercury toxicity that probably existed on the planet at that time," he answered.

"When was your thesis published?" I asked.

"It never was. The National Institute of Dental Research-part of the National Institutes of Health-found out about my project and forced the university to have me stopped. I had a choice of returning to Brazil or changing my topic. I had no choice, but I still have the materials."

"I have had a number of patients with breast cancer, all of whom had root canals on the tooth related to the breast area on the associated energy meridian." John Diamond, M.D.

John Diamond, M.D., Triad Medical Centre, 4600 Kietzke Lane, M-242, Reno, NV 89502. Tel: 702 829 2277. Fax----2365

"Dr. Issels innovated the surgical removal of focal infections of the jaw and Waldeyer's tonsillar ring for rapid improvement in the immune status of many patients. He published his observations a number of times in the umpired medical journal of Germany. He was careful to send all extracted dead teeth, root canals, and tonsils to outside pathology labs where they were almost to the last sample documented with multiple infections, atrophy, hyperplasia, etc."

----Gar Hildenbrand, Chief of Clinical Epidemiology ISSELS/CHIPSA/GRO

Case history (diabetes): Sylvia Blank had a root canal tooth removed. She was diagnosed with diabetes 8 years ago and was crippled with joint aches, with violent intermittent shooting pains in her face and head, wheezing, recurring bronchitis and extreme fatigue. On extraction the head pains went more or less immediately. Her diabetic symptoms, stopped completely after a few weeks.

Case history: It was 1977. Just after I had a large filling done (amalgam), I started to salivate heavily, heard voices, and became quite disturbed. I went to a dentist to see about having the amalgams removed. Well, the dentist called my mother (I was 17 at the time), insisting that I have a psychological evaluation. The police put me in hand-cuffs and leg restraints (chains), and I was hauled off to an institution.

I was there for two weeks. I was heavily drugged, so badly that I could not stand or walk. I stayed on the medications for about a solid year. Immediately upon my stopping the medications, I went to a different dentist, insisting on removal. You are not going to believe this, but the dentist drilled about half of the amalgom out, and then capped the teeth with white porcelain or ceramic. On my last visit, I just happened to bring a mirror with me, which is how I discovered this. Well, I did not want another episode with mental personnel, so I decided to remove it myself.

I removed two at a time, and went to a third dentist, who filled them with those miracle-mix fillings, which emit flouride. Needless to say, my psychosis was relieved, for the most part, but not until I started taking heavy doses of vitamin B12, Bcomplex, and multivitamins. I was also taking zinc and iron suppliments.

I still suspect that I might have mercury or heavy metal problems, as my short-term memory is not up to par. I also have problems with attentiveness. My mind wanders. I am rather uncomfortable with medical personnel, at this point, as you might imagine. A female friend of mine had the same experience as mine, all starting in the dentist's chair.

Case history: She was shy, timid, spoke like a child, and was a diagnosed schizophrenic. Se-vere chest pain made her writhe in agony. She had tried to tear out her heart and she thought she was going to die.

She was bloated and had a poor com-plexion. She'd hyperventilate to the ex-tent that half her body sometimes turned red. There were problems with the thy-roid, liver gall bladder menses and, es-pecially, the nervous system.

The third day after her mercury-contain-ing dental fillings were removed, she laughed and said, "It's not going to get me. It's not going to be bad."

With time, everything improved. Her complexion cleared, the bloating de-creased, and she felt connected to her body again. Her thyroid became normal, she no longer felt pain on menstruation, her heart didn't hurt, and the schizophrenia was gone.

In the 1950's, German physician Dr. Josef Issels heard a lecture by Dr. Gerson, and subsequently successfully used alternative treatments in helping many cancer patients. Dr. Issels himself spent some time at the CHIPSA hospital, and, while there, pointed out the severe damage caused by root canal fillings. He said that he refused to treat any cancer patient who did not allow all "devitalized" (dead) teeth to be removed, as he found that he could not obtain good

results without this procedure.

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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  kijumn Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:25 am

Dentists have the highest suicide and divorce rates among professional. Female dental personnel have a higher spontaneous abortion rate, a raised incidence of premature labour, and an elevated perinatal mortality.

Research has demonstrated that 100% of all root canals result in residual infection due to the imperfect seal that allows bacteria to penetrate. The toxins given off by these bacteria are more toxic than mercury. These toxins can cause systemic diseases of the heart, kidney, uterus, and nervous and endocrine systems.

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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  kijumn Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:25 am

Research has demonstrated that 100% of all root canals result in residual infection due to the imperfect seal that allows bacteria to penetrate. The toxins given off by these bacteria are more toxic than mercury. These toxins can cause systemic diseases of the heart, kidney, uterus, and nervous and endocrine systems. There are 1000's of articles on nickel being a carcinogen."
Heart attack
Root Canal Cover Up

HOME - CANCER Page -Disclaimer

Weston Price would take a person who had had a heart attack, take out the tooth with the root canal, take a little segment of it, put it under the skin of a rabbit. In about 10 days that rabbit would die of a heart attack.

Dr. George Meinig --- "Root Canal Cover-Up"


Root Canals Pose Health Threat - An Interview with George Meinig, D.D.S.
"Dr. Price undertook his investigations in 1900. He continued until 1925, and published his work in two volumes in 1923. In 1915 the National Dental Association (which changed its name a few years later to The American Dental Association) was so impressed with his work that they appointed Dr. Price their first Research Director. His Advisory Board read like a Who's Who in medicine and dentistry for that era. They represented the fields of bacteriology, pathology, rheumatology, surgery, chemistry, and cardiology.

At one point in his writings Dr. Price made this observation: "Dr. Frank Billings (M.D.), probably more than any other American internist, is due credit for the early recognition of the importance of streptococcal focal infections in systemic involvements."

What's really unfortunate here is that very valuable information was covered up and totally buried some 70 years ago by a minority group of autocratic doctors who just didn't believe or couldn't grasp - the focal infection theory. "


"you have kept dead, infected tissue, buried in the bone, within a couple
of inches from your brain."


But is the dead tissue always INFECTED tissue?

No !

How to sterilize your teeth ?

Use Silver Pulser few times a month !

Those devices may so vell sterilize body, that you may get problems with digestion. (It can kill also good bacterias, good intestinal flora .)

People who get heart attack, have always first destroyed their body with wrong diet and lifestyle and toxins, and than it is very easy for bacteria to cause an infection.
That infection may create toxins that may help causing heart attack.

But, not every person with heart attack have root fillings.
People who don't have root filings also die of heart attack!

But, those who have, have certainly one risk factor more!
There is no doubdt that infected tooth is source of dangerous toxins.

But, not every dead tooth is infected tooth!
But, every dead tooth may easy become infected tooth!

How to kill bacteria.

Electric current, strong magnetic feeld, strong electromagnetic radiation,
These are only some of the possibility to sterilize your teeth from INSIDE.

Different kind of zappers, Bob Becks pulser, Rife machine, Frequency generators, magnet machines ...

I have vitnesed many times tooth infection (with big swallen jaw and cheek) cured within 12 hours with help of zapper, or pulser, or some other kind of frequency generator. WITHOUT ANTIBIOTICS ! Doctors did not believe that that kind of infection kan be so fastly cured with electric current or with frequency.

What they do not know is that electric current is traveling thousand times faster than antibiotics, and can reach areas that antibiotics can't.

I have also experimented with 220V, AC, (Europen standard home AC). You can sterilize whole body in less then 1/20 of a second with this AC.

(WARNING! Do not do it yourself. That AC can kill bacterias and parasites, bu it can also harm you and even Kill YOU !) (Of course, To kill an avererage person you will need to expose it to that current for more than 60 sec, though you may dammage nerv system already after few seconds of exposure. So, do not play with 220V AC or with 110V AC )

Zapper , and Bob Becks pulser is far more safer.

So, my opinion is that infected tooth may be an importan cause of heart attack for some people, but, other people can die of heart attack even without having a root filling !

You can sterilize your teeth ! You do not have to wait for a bed diseases to start improwing your immunity!
Dusan Stojkovic

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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  sqroot Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:13 pm

If you have the teeth with root canals extracted, what are they replaced with?


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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  europe Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:26 pm

thank u.

to be continued and updated.
because we must have answers, even if our best friend here ( when dommage are done) is a strong immune system !

sqroot - i suppose , after a good extraction protocol, let the body heals himself.
And there will be an hole in your life...

so make a bridge with safe material would be an option.

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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  kijumn Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:28 pm


I'm no expert but from what I gather periodically using a good zapper in your mouth would be a good band-aid approach. At the bottom of those articles it talked about that briefly. The Ultimate Zapper is one of the best and very good IME and would be good in this circumstance.

If you have a serious health condition consider having the tooth pulled as europe and the articles mentioned. Alternatively, if the Ultimate Zapper didn't give enough benefits, a frequency generator could also be used.

A frequency generator will set you back $800 minimum.

A good zapper like the Ultimate Zapper will cost $200.

From those articles, gold seemed like a decent metal to work with.

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The Dental Health Risk Empty Where did you get those stats regarding...

Post  Jocko59 Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:37 pm

dentists and other dental workers? I would really be interested in the source for that.


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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  kijumn Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:16 pm

which quote/stats are you wondering about?

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The Dental Health Risk Empty Suicide rates and divorces among dentists...

Post  Jocko59 Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:19 pm



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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  kijumn Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:29 pm

All those articles came from curezone. I posted the link at the bottom of each article/post.

Here's the link to where I got that form

I've also heard this mention many times before regarding suicide and dentists before.

Here is one quote from a random google search

"Dentists' odds of suicide "are 6.64 times greater than the rest of the working age population," writes researcher Steven Stack. "Dentists suffer from relatively low status within the medical profession and have strained relationships with their clients--few people enjoy going to the dentist." One study of Oregon dentists found that they had the highest suicide rate of any group investigated. A California study found that dentists were surpassed only by chemists and pharmacists. Of 22 occupations examined in Washington state, dentists had a suicide rate second only to that of sheepherders and wool workers."

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The Dental Health Risk Empty According to the article...

Post  Jocko59 Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:43 pm

from Straight dope source it was not just dentists that had a higher than average suicide rate but doctors also.


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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  redhead Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:34 pm

Do u think zapper is a good addition for better health.Does it have side effects?
wat are the alternatives of silver amalgam? and also once i will get root canal treated tooth extracted,wat that part will be filled with?
i know i am asking a lot of question but these are the question in my mi9nd from too long and didnt get satisfactory answer so far.


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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  kijumn Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:36 am

Hi redhead,

I just read over at the ultimate zapper site he doesn't recommend using the zapper in or outside the mouth if you have mercury fillings. If you don't have mercury fillings then that seems the way to go for those with root canals as the bacteria that are living in low oxygen conditions are producing toxins more powerful than mercury according to the above article.

The ultimate zapper is really nice. It's also the only one with electroporation. Basically what that does is you get more nutrients out of your supplements so to speak so you can get by with less. I believe this to be true IME.

Regarding side effects, I've never noticed any side effects or degradation of beneficial bacteria/probiotics. Some have noticed a detox reaction in the beginning of using the Ultimate Zapper which is to be expected. I dont' use it often just once in awhile. If I wait 2 months between zapping I'll notice a beneficial difference. if I zap more than once a week I don't notice a difference.

Regarding materials to work with ... from the above articles nickel and composite (contains nickel) is bad. Braces/stainless steel braces are also bad as they contain nickel. Gold appeared to be a good material to work with.

But other than that, I'm definitely no expert regarding teeth. When CS posted some information regarding root canals being bad and toxicity of mercury, etc. I went on a hunt for information why and came across those articles and posted. Other than that, I really don't know.

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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  CausticSymmetry Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:47 am

Great info jdp710 thanks!

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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  diffuse Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:38 am

Bump, great info. Disturbing though. Our natural instinct to fear the dentist as kids is well founded.

I have a consultation with an IAOMT holistic dentist soon regarding safe amalgam removal, and I'm wondering whether or not to replace them since all fillings are toxic to some extent. The idea would be to attempt to remineralize/heal them up with a Weston Price diet and good fluoride-free oral hygiene (water pick, salt water, xylitol, zapper if needed?). I've read quite a few accounts of success with this but most of them did not have a filling in the cavities at any point i.e. they successfully prevented needing one. It seems the most natural, least toxic and also cheapest method to deal with the situation but of course I'm just a tiny bit nervous at opening up those old cavities.

The alternative is to get a biocompatibility test and fill them in - this dentist seems to prefer various ceramic compounds as the most biocompatible, or least toxic as we may put it. Or perhaps compromise and just fill in the larger cavities; they're all molar and appear to be small or medium sized. In any case I'd probably want to check back pretty soon to confirm the healing process (bailing out with fillings if necessary). Does anyone have any advice or experience with this sort of thing?


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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  CausticSymmetry Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:15 am

diffuse - I would suggest going through and getting a 2nd opinion.

Also, would focus mostly on presence of infections in the jawbone.

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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  Guest Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:08 pm

The purpose of this training is to provide a concise overview of how to perform an oral examination and conduct an oral health risk assessment and triage for infants and young children.Early childhood dental caries has been reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to be perhaps the most prevalent infectious disease of our nation’s children.


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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  teacup Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:39 am

Here, I am about to purchase a few books on dental health, including Uninformed concent by Huggins and It's all in your head by Huggins.

I came across this other classic book titled "Root Canal Cover Up" by Meining, and here are a couple harsh main-stream reviews. I'd like to hear your opinions on.


Being a dentist, I find this book appalling. (1) The majority of research comes from pre-WWII era. A lot of technology has been developed since then to improve dental care! (2) Weston Price contributes to most of the book. Weston Price is the founder of "holistic dentistry" , a dentist who maintained that sugar causes not only tooth decay but physical, mental, moral, and social decay as well. Price made a whirlwind tour of primitive areas, examined the natives superficially, and jumped to simplistic conclusions. While extolling their health, he ignored their short life expectancy and high rates of infant mortality, endemic diseases, and malnutrition. While praising their diets for not producing cavities, he ignored the fact that malnourished people don't usually get many cavities.
Price also performed poorly designed studies that led him to conclude that teeth treated with root canal therapy leaked bacteria or bacterial toxins into the body, causing arthritis and many other diseases. This "focal infection" theory led to needless extraction of millions of endodontically treated teeth until well-designed studies, conducted during the 1930s, demonstrated that the theory was not valid.
(3) The human body contains many chemicals, ranging from water and simple charged particles (ions) to complex organic molecules. The amounts vary within limits. Some are in solution and others are not. Legitimate medical practitioners may refer to a specific chemical or a balance between a few chemicals that can be measured. But the idea that "body chemistry" goes in and out of balance is a quack concept.
"Holistic" and "biological" dentists use many approaches that are not only unsound but involve procedures and body areas that are outside of the legitimate scope of dentistry. Some practitioners use hair analysis, computerized dietary analysis, a blood chemistry screening test, or muscle-testing, as a basis for recommending supplements to "balance the body chemistry" of their patients. Hair analysis is not a reliable tool for measuring the body's nutritional state. Computer analysis can be useful for determining the composition of a person's diet and can be a legitimate tool for dietary counseling. Dentists receive training in the nutritional aspects of dental health. However, few are qualified to perform general dietary counseling, and computerized "nutrient deficiency tests" are not legitimate. The blood chemistry tests, usually obtained from a reputable laboratory, are legitimate but misinterpreted. Instead of accepting the laboratory's range of "normal" values, "holistic dentists" use a much narrower range and tell patients that anything outside that range means they are out of balance and need treatment. Muscle-testing is a feature of applied kinesiology, a pseudoscientific system of diagnosis and treatment based on the notion every health problem can be related to a weak muscle and nutritional imbalances.
My advice is simple. Steer clear of dentists who practice "holistic dentistry" or "biological dentistry" or who use or even recommend any of the dubious methods described in this book

This book has more false statements than true statements. Not even matter of opinion differences, just plain false. Additionally, the author heavily relies on faulty studies with conjectural conclusions that are 100+ years old. Root canal treatment is often the only way to save a tooth that is infected. So what are the choices? Lose the tooth and try to replace it. Replacements are getting better all the time, but they are not perfect and fail sometimes. Root canals are not 100% perfect either. Much of the data here is based on the failures, not successful ones. Extrsacting a tooth from an arthritis patient and placing it isn the skin of a rabbit that then gets the same arthritis is absolute nonsense. I believe in free speech, but this book should be outlawed because it can do public harm through false statements. Read it if you want to hear the opinion of a fool. Your dentist does NOT want to do anything that will harm you. To even suggest there is a cover up is lunacy.

and this dentists sounds sincere:

Unlike the other reviewers on here, I am a dentist. The fact that anaerobic bacteria exist in teeth is not news, nor is the idea that these bacteria in other parts of the body are unhealthy. Thus, the idea of disinfecting a bad tooth was born, and it is a HUGE leap forward from the old GV Black school of yanking teeth. (Another reviewer mentioned that GV Blacks texts are still used in dental school. He is noted for his original ideas on cavity preparation design for silver fillings and a classification system of different kinds of decay. He is not considered a great researcher or real authority on modern dentistry. He would not recognize dentistry as it is practiced today, and you would not want to go to any office that practices the way he practiced 50 years ago.)
The whole point of having a root canal procedure is to kill the bacteria inside the tooth's roots. We access the canals and literally shave the dentin tubules with small files made for that purpose. We flush out the canals and irrigate them with a dilution of bleach. I even add an extra step of placing a cotton pellet loaded with a fixative for a few weeks to insure that nothing survives. In 7 years of practice, I have never had a problem. Patient's, of course, are welcome to choose the level care they desire, but I hope nobody would base a decision this book.
The public would be hard pressed to find a profession that tries as hard as dentistry to put itself out of business. And anyone who thinks money is a factor in a dentists decision to do a root canal is a fool. It would be far easier and more profitable for me to pull teeth and replace them with implants than go through the heroic steps I do to save natural teeth.

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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  tooyoung Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:13 am

In one of your opening posts you mention stainless steel in braces making teenagers respond unusually after only a few days.

As far as I am aware, my family uses stainless steel pots and pans to cook with, is this a metal risk? What cookware should I use instead?


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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  kijumn Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:17 am

Most stainless steel pots are made with nickel.

An easy way to find out is take a magnet to the pot. If it sticks, it's made with stainless steel. If it doesn't stick, it's made with stainless steel and nickel.

For alternatives, see

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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  empty Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:28 am

teacup wrote:Here, I am about to purchase a few books on dental health, including Uninformed concent by Huggins and It's all in your head by Huggins.

I came across this other classic book titled "Root Canal Cover Up" by Meining, and here are a couple harsh main-stream reviews. I'd like to hear your opinions on.


Being a dentist, I find this book appalling. (1) The majority of research comes from pre-WWII era. A lot of technology has been developed since then to improve dental care! (2) Weston Price contributes to most of the book. Weston Price is the founder of "holistic dentistry" , a dentist who maintained that sugar causes not only tooth decay but physical, mental, moral, and social decay as well. Price made a whirlwind tour of primitive areas, examined the natives superficially, and jumped to simplistic conclusions. While extolling their health, he ignored their short life expectancy and high rates of infant mortality, endemic diseases, and malnutrition. While praising their diets for not producing cavities, he ignored the fact that malnourished people don't usually get many cavities.
Price also performed poorly designed studies that led him to conclude that teeth treated with root canal therapy leaked bacteria or bacterial toxins into the body, causing arthritis and many other diseases. This "focal infection" theory led to needless extraction of millions of endodontically treated teeth until well-designed studies, conducted during the 1930s, demonstrated that the theory was not valid.
(3) The human body contains many chemicals, ranging from water and simple charged particles (ions) to complex organic molecules. The amounts vary within limits. Some are in solution and others are not. Legitimate medical practitioners may refer to a specific chemical or a balance between a few chemicals that can be measured. But the idea that "body chemistry" goes in and out of balance is a quack concept.
"Holistic" and "biological" dentists use many approaches that are not only unsound but involve procedures and body areas that are outside of the legitimate scope of dentistry. Some practitioners use hair analysis, computerized dietary analysis, a blood chemistry screening test, or muscle-testing, as a basis for recommending supplements to "balance the body chemistry" of their patients. Hair analysis is not a reliable tool for measuring the body's nutritional state. Computer analysis can be useful for determining the composition of a person's diet and can be a legitimate tool for dietary counseling. Dentists receive training in the nutritional aspects of dental health. However, few are qualified to perform general dietary counseling, and computerized "nutrient deficiency tests" are not legitimate. The blood chemistry tests, usually obtained from a reputable laboratory, are legitimate but misinterpreted. Instead of accepting the laboratory's range of "normal" values, "holistic dentists" use a much narrower range and tell patients that anything outside that range means they are out of balance and need treatment. Muscle-testing is a feature of applied kinesiology, a pseudoscientific system of diagnosis and treatment based on the notion every health problem can be related to a weak muscle and nutritional imbalances.
My advice is simple. Steer clear of dentists who practice "holistic dentistry" or "biological dentistry" or who use or even recommend any of the dubious methods described in this book

This book has more false statements than true statements. Not even matter of opinion differences, just plain false. Additionally, the author heavily relies on faulty studies with conjectural conclusions that are 100+ years old. Root canal treatment is often the only way to save a tooth that is infected. So what are the choices? Lose the tooth and try to replace it. Replacements are getting better all the time, but they are not perfect and fail sometimes. Root canals are not 100% perfect either. Much of the data here is based on the failures, not successful ones. Extrsacting a tooth from an arthritis patient and placing it isn the skin of a rabbit that then gets the same arthritis is absolute nonsense. I believe in free speech, but this book should be outlawed because it can do public harm through false statements. Read it if you want to hear the opinion of a fool. Your dentist does NOT want to do anything that will harm you. To even suggest there is a cover up is lunacy.

and this dentists sounds sincere:

Unlike the other reviewers on here, I am a dentist. The fact that anaerobic bacteria exist in teeth is not news, nor is the idea that these bacteria in other parts of the body are unhealthy. Thus, the idea of disinfecting a bad tooth was born, and it is a HUGE leap forward from the old GV Black school of yanking teeth. (Another reviewer mentioned that GV Blacks texts are still used in dental school. He is noted for his original ideas on cavity preparation design for silver fillings and a classification system of different kinds of decay. He is not considered a great researcher or real authority on modern dentistry. He would not recognize dentistry as it is practiced today, and you would not want to go to any office that practices the way he practiced 50 years ago.)
The whole point of having a root canal procedure is to kill the bacteria inside the tooth's roots. We access the canals and literally shave the dentin tubules with small files made for that purpose. We flush out the canals and irrigate them with a dilution of bleach. I even add an extra step of placing a cotton pellet loaded with a fixative for a few weeks to insure that nothing survives. In 7 years of practice, I have never had a problem. Patient's, of course, are welcome to choose the level care they desire, but I hope nobody would base a decision this book.
The public would be hard pressed to find a profession that tries as hard as dentistry to put itself out of business. And anyone who thinks money is a factor in a dentists decision to do a root canal is a fool. It would be far easier and more profitable for me to pull teeth and replace them with implants than go through the heroic steps I do to save natural teeth.

Pretty solid arguments there.


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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  randle20 Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:23 pm


If my wisdom teeth are causing slight inflammation to my tonsils as my biological dentist stated (hes been trained by Dr. Huggins), then when I get them removed... Will there be less inflammation in the overall body? Meaning lesser hair fallout?

Also I'm using Non Flourided tooth paste by DentalHerb company. It has green tea extract which is a natural source of flouride.

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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  tooyoung Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:38 pm

jdp - I tried a magnet on all my pans, all of them stuck but some stuck, but with very little force and the magnet could easily have been taken off. The magnet is one of those big ass strong ones from computer hard drives. Would that suggest some of my pots have nickel in?

I heard brushing teeth with sea salt and water is beneficial? How much sea salt do I need, I've been covering the bottom of a cup (probably 1-3 teaspoons) and brushing my teeth with that, my mouth feels extremely dry after that, not sure if its related but I've been a lot more thirsty throughout the day recently.


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The Dental Health Risk Empty Re: The Dental Health Risk

Post  scottyc33 Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:42 pm

jdp710 wrote:Hi redhead,

I just read over at the ultimate zapper site he doesn't recommend using the zapper in or outside the mouth if you have mercury fillings. If you don't have mercury fillings then that seems the way to go for those with root canals as the bacteria that are living in low oxygen conditions are producing toxins more powerful than mercury according to the above article.

The ultimate zapper is really nice. It's also the only one with electroporation. Basically what that does is you get more nutrients out of your supplements so to speak so you can get by with less. I believe this to be true IME.

Regarding side effects, I've never noticed any side effects or degradation of beneficial bacteria/probiotics. Some have noticed a detox reaction in the beginning of using the Ultimate Zapper which is to be expected. I dont' use it often just once in awhile. If I wait 2 months between zapping I'll notice a beneficial difference. if I zap more than once a week I don't notice a difference.

Regarding materials to work with ... from the above articles nickel and composite (contains nickel) is bad. Braces/stainless steel braces are also bad as they contain nickel. Gold appeared to be a good material to work with.

But other than that, I'm definitely no expert regarding teeth. When CS posted some information regarding root canals being bad and toxicity of mercury, etc. I went on a hunt for information why and came across those articles and posted. Other than that, I really don't know.

So if one has mercury fillings and root canals, what are the options for killing off the bacteria in the root canal?

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