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How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month

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How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month Empty How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month

Post  CausticSymmetry Tue Jun 23, 2020 11:52 am

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, June 22, 2020


Commentary by Damien Downing, MBBS, MRSB

(OMNS June 22, 2020) If we act on the data showing that it is highly probable that vitamin D can save lives, we could fix this pandemic in a month, for perhaps $2 per person. There would be no significant adverse effects. If we wait for "evidence" that vitamin D mitigates the impact of COVID-19, thousands more will die. If we could arrange to give everyone vitamin D, and it failed to protect them, so what? The risk from not acting is much greater than the risk from acting. Dosage is important and generally misunderstood.
Two countries have acted on this already: Egypt and Slovenia. Why can't we?
The Orthomolecular Medicine News Service has been publicizing the importance of vitamins D and C, and the minerals zinc and magnesium, in this pandemic since January [1]. I have been writing about Vitamin D and sunlight for over 30 years [2], and it has never been more relevant.
If you caught the COVID19 virus right now, having a good vitamin D status (from already having taken a supplement) would

  • Reduce your risk of the disease becoming severe by 90%

  • Reduce your risk of dying by 96%

This is not "proven" or "evidence-based" until we have done controlled trials comparing it to placebo. Any volunteers for that? But the data, already strong, has been pouring in since the start of the pandemic. Here's the data for the two statements above.
[A Hazard Ratio of 4 means that in one condition, for instance vitamin D deficiency, you are 4 times more likely to suffer the "hazard" than in another condition, say vitamin D adequacy. The graphics are all mine.]

A Philippine study [3]

With a deficient vitamin D status (<50nmol/L) the probability of becoming Severe or Critical with COVID-19 was 72.8% against 7.2% with adequate vitamin D (>75nmol/L). The Hazard Ratio is 10.0.
How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month V16n34-fig1

An Indonesian study [4]

With a deficient vitamin D status (<50nmol/L) the mortality rate from COVID-19 was 98.8% against 4.1% with adequate vitamin D (>75nmol/L). The Hazard Ratio is 24.1.
How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month V16n34-fig2

A review of data on Europe [5]

For countries in Europe, the probability of developing COVID-19, and of dying from it, is negatively correlated with mean population vitamin D status, with both probabilities reaching zero above about 75nmol/L. (The chart also shows the lower vitamin D levels for the elderly in Spain and Italy. [6]) It is also known that other factors such as age, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes are commonly associated with death in COVID-19. [5-8] For example, the elderly population in care facilities often do not get much sunlight exposure nor adequate supplements of essential nutrients including vitamin D, which will increase their risk of serious infections. Further, the 25(OH)D level in northern European countries such as Sweden drops in late winter to ~50 nmol/L or less, which may explain their relatively high death rate from infection. [9]
How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month V16n34-fig3

Dosage is important and generally misunderstood

Recent studies have suggested in discussion that more than 4000 IU per day of vitamin D3 may carry a risk of harm, citing the UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition report of 2016 which set the recommended Upper Level (UL) intakes of 50mcg/2000IU per day. [10] That report says; "Excessive vitamin D intakes have, however, been shown to have toxic effects (Vieth, 2006)". [10] However this is misleading, as the Vieth paper [11] states: "Published reports suggest toxicity may occur with 25(OH)D concentrations beyond 500 nmol/L." This leaves a wide margin of safety.
The 3 papers mentioned above [3-5] show that a vitamin D3 blood level of at least 75 nmol/L (30 ng/ml) is needed for protection against COVID-19. Government recommendations for vitamin D intake - 400 IU/day for the UK and 600 IU/day for the USA (800 IU for >70 years) and the EU - are based primarily on bone health. This is woefully inadequate in the pandemic context. An adult will need to take 4000 IU/day of vitamin D3 for 3 months to reliably achieve a 75 nmol/L level [12]. Persons of color may need twice as much [13]. These doses can reduce the risk of infection, but are not for treatment of an acute viral infection. And since vitamin D is fat-soluble and its level in the body rises slowly, for those with a deficiency, taking a initial dose of 5-fold the normal dose (20,000 IU/day) for 2 weeks can help to raise the level up to an adequate level to lower infection risk.

Other essential nutrients can help

As mentioned above, many studies have shown that for those deficient in essential nutrients, a protocol that includes vitamin D, vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc can decrease the risk of infection for viruses, including those similar to COVID-19.[1] Recommended preventive adult doses are vitamin C, 3000 mg/day (in divided doses, to bowel tolerance), magnesium, 400 mg (in malate, citrate, or chloride form), zinc, 20 mg. [1]


1. Saul AW. (2020) Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service
2. Downing D. (1988) Day Light Robbery. Arrow Books, London. ISBN-13: 978-0099567400
3. Alipio MM. (2020) Vitamin D supplementation could possibly improve clinical outcomes of patients infected with Coronavirus-2019 (COVID- 2019). Preprint available at SSRN:
4. Raharusuna P, Priambada S, Budiarti C et al. (2020) Patterns of COVID-19 Mortality and Vitamin D: An Indonesian Study.
5. Ilie, P., Stefanescu, S., Smith, L. (2020) The role of Vitamin D in the prevention of Coronavirus Disease 2019 infection and mortality. Research Square preprint.
6. Lips P, Cashman K, Lamberg-Allardt C et al (2019) Current vitamin D status in European and Middle East countries and strategies to prevent vitamin D deficiency: a position statement of the European Calcified Tissue Society. Eur J Endocrinol. 180:23-54.
7. Oaklander M (2020) Almost Every Hospitalized Coronavirus Patient Has Another Underlying Health Issue, According to a Study of New York Patients. Time Magazine, April 22, 2020.
8. Richardson S, Hirsch JS, Narasimhan M. (2020) Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700 Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area. JAMA. 323:2052-2059.
9. Klingberg E, Oleröd G, Konar J, et al. (2015) Seasonal variations in serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels in a Swedish cohort. Endocrine, 49:800-808.
10. UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) (2016) Vitamin D and Health.
11. Vieth R (2006) Critique of the considerations for establishing the tolerable upper intake level for vitamin D: critical need for revision upwards. J Nutr, 136:1117-1122.
12. Vieth R, Chan PC, MacFarlane GD. (2001) Efficacy and safety of vitamin D(3) intake exceeding the lowest observed adverse effect level. Am J Clin Nutr, 73:288-294.
13. Cashman KD, Ritz C, Adebayo FA, et al. (2019) Differences in the dietary requirement for vitamin D among Caucasian and East African women at Northern latitude. Eur J Nutr. 58:2281-2291.

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Gilbert Henri Crussol, D.M.D. (Spain)
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Damien Downing, M.B.B.S., M.R.S.B. (United Kingdom)
Martin P. Gallagher, M.D., D.C. (USA)
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How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month Empty Re: How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month

Post  Zaphod Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:23 pm

I believe melatonin can be added to that list.


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How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month Empty Re: How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month

Post  Nuada Fri Jun 26, 2020 6:37 am

Did that take down that site ? I'm getting this error : The requested URL was rejected. If you think this is an error, please contact the webmaster.


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How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month Empty Re: How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month

Post  Zaphod Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:33 pm

Nuada wrote:Did that take down that site ? I'm getting this error : The requested URL was rejected. If you think this is an error, please contact the webmaster.


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How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month Empty Re: How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month

Post  shaftless Sat Jun 27, 2020 4:01 am

Well vit C is supposed to help so why not vit D? The only thing is people get lots of vit D in sunny countries and they are still dying. Maybe they need mega doses. But watch out for side effects.

I'd rather be taking that hydroxy drug that Trump is taking. He seems fine at the moment.


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How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month Empty Re: How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month

Post  bobthebuilder Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:49 am

very good post CS. I posted this sometime back there is a large link with Vitamin D levels. Italians have a gene defect and have issues with blood vitamin d levels.

Pollution level + low vitamin D = disaster for lung related infections.


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How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month Empty Re: How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month

Post  bobthebuilder Wed Jul 01, 2020 6:15 pm

for anyone wondering. Remember also if your taking Vitamin D3 your vitamin A levels will lower. I take both 3-4 days on 3-4 days off.

There are other agents like Liquid Zinc + quercetin (allow zinc to penetrate the cell - ionophore) + melatonin and the easy to get Drug Ivermection (vet store) which has shown promise too.

Here are the studies.

"Exposure to a short-term increase in pollution-causing airborne particles called fine particulate matter 2.5 (PM) is linked to the development of acute lower respiratory infection (ALRI) in young children, as well as additional doctor visits, according to recent respiratory research.May 6, 2018"

"In addition to causing rickets, vitamin D deficiency has been linked to respiratory infections such as pneumonia, tuberculosis and bronchiolitis. Pneumonia is a severe form of acute lower respiratory tract infection and is the leading cause of death in children worldwide.Mar 29, 2019"

And don't take your flu-shots this is why!
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How we can fix this "Pandemic" in a month Empty For what it's worth

Post  Zixcreator Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:25 am

Great presentation. Thanks for all the effort! I totally agree!

I am in the high risk category. I am totally convinced everyone in my family caught this in January. There are 6 people in my house. Including 2 of my grand kids. They were 8 years old and two years old at the time. Anyone that has little kids knows they are all super spreaders.

My wife and my one son got very very sick. Took 5 weeks to really get over it.

I was the only one that didn't get it. I take D, magnesium, zinc, and timed release vitamin c with bioflavonoids. The only other thing I was doing at the time was drinking green tea. Just by dumb luck I found out later green tea contains a substance that is a zinc ionophore.

I never caught it. Not one symptom. I still am playing it safe but in all likelihood I think I am immune to it.

Just thought I'd throw that in.

They know what to tell us to do. They're not doing that. That fact has caused me to rethink everything we are told. I refuse to continue to live my life under false assumptions. I hope this whole thing leads more and more people to question those that rule us. I hope they figure out that it is time to change this world. Once and for all.

Last edited by Zixcreator on Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:52 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Worded better)


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Post  CausticSymmetry Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:35 am

bobthebuilder - Great info, thank you!

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