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Riken- 2020 Japanese release

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Riken- 2020 Japanese release  Empty Riken- 2020 Japanese release

Post  Benjamin Button Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:17 pm

I know all who come here would rather get to the cause of our hair loss problem, (and not only to save our hair but also to ensure overall health and vitality), but this technology looks really promising.

they've already grown fuckin teeth, glands and hair with their methods, they are an 18 billion dollar company, and are talking about a 2020 release. They are talking as if it's a done deal, and are confident they'll create hairlines superior to hair transplantation because they know how to manipulate the thickness of the shaft.

Now, I intend to supplement and diet for life, for the optimization of my health, but to be able to reclaim long lost land on my scalp that I'm struggling with now, well that would be just dandy now wouldn't it lol. I will book a flight to japan right now if they release this.

...But In the back of my mind I'm a little worried about the consequences of messing with stem cells. Perhaps CS or some other long time expert could share their thoughts on these avenues of treatment..

do you think they would be safe? or is there a possibility or even probability of disaster, ie cancer or something?
Benjamin Button
Benjamin Button

Posts : 64
Join date : 2015-09-19

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Riken- 2020 Japanese release  Empty Re: Riken- 2020 Japanese release

Post  cdto2012 Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:44 am

Some of my friends were involved in setting up the labs for stem cell cloning here in Asia years ago. This is a well tested system by now, and works wonders. They could regenerate very old people on their death bed, and have them recovering in a few days time. I have not studied if it is long term perfect, but it is very real, and not super complex to do at this stage of the technology. As it was here, the main concern is that it is too effective and gets blocked by medical industries that would lose business if people were cured.


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Riken- 2020 Japanese release  Empty Re: Riken- 2020 Japanese release

Post  Zaphod Fri Apr 21, 2017 5:53 am

Exactly, where i live is also stem cell cultivation lab, and an office that do the injections. It works really good.


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Riken- 2020 Japanese release  Empty Re: Riken- 2020 Japanese release

Post  Benjamin Button Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:12 am

I've been reading about all the really amazing things these japanese Riken guys are doing with stem cells across the board. Like really complex manipulation of stem cells to produce teeth, or being the first to inject stem cells into the retina of people with macular degeneration.

...and I know they've already grown terminal human hairs on the back of a nude mouse, by injecting hair "primordium" which is basically 2 different types of stem cell that grow into a full hair "organ".

...and then I'm thinking, is it possible that these guys will inject this primordium into some bald guys, calcified, fibrotic, fat depleted scalp and then be confused when nothing happens... I mean they have cells that would work if they injected it into your arm or cheek because there is healthy blood supplied tissue, but is it possible that they have overlooked the basics of scalp degeneration?

or am I being ridiculously inappropriately condescending to a corporation of genius cellular biologists who obviously understand the balding scalp environment? maybe not, replicel injected dermal papilla cells into balding scalps and got shitty 5% hair density increases, and thats 5% increase on a balding scalp, which probably translates to like 3 strands of hair.

is it actually possible that they have essentially a cure for baldness but they're going to fuck it up because they overlooked scalp fibrosis as mainstream institutions don't even acknowledge this phenomenon?
Benjamin Button
Benjamin Button

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Riken- 2020 Japanese release  Empty Re: Riken- 2020 Japanese release

Post  cdto2012 Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:24 pm

Maybe I should be all humble and not say anything, but I really do see everyday the difference with a regenerated scalp blood supply and decalcification with my DT-CPR methods. It seemed to take at least 6 months to improve the entire scalp, then the lengthening and thickening process is still happening a year later. I will post more pics soon, but I am sure it is just a matter of months until I see the majority of my hairs go terminal.

Anyhow we can do as much as possible to make sure our scalps are healthy enough to support regrowth.


Posts : 688
Join date : 2015-10-19

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