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Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  Smurfy Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:54 am

I was taking a trip down memory lane, trying to recall when I first started losing hair. Friends had the common courtesy not to point it out to me, until just a couple years ago, along with a hairstyle that neatly hid my temples. I recall just a really intense itch along my hairline and temples while at college, but at the time was totally ignorant to causes/effects. (how many others can relate to this!!) Quite the lifestyle at college, lackluster sleep schedule, high bursts of stress, and pizza and french fries seemingly daily. No exaggeration. 4 years this went on...

2 years after all this, I realized just what happened to my head, and why my body felt disgusting. It was an oily, itchy, sebummy mess (body too).

Long story short- cleaned up diet, taking good supplements, getting sun, exercising, chelating, taking stress with a grain of salt, and I feel WONDERFUL. My existing hair plays much nicer and looks better. Recession has stopped dead in its tracks (I believe so). But.... there's no regrowth.

Is this oxidative stress? What can be done in this instance to attempt regrowth? Nothing I've tried in 2-3 years has resulted in a new hair in the "barren wasteland". I'm certain its not mpb. Is this where the onion/garlic rub comes in?

Sorry for the negative post among the positives lately, I'm just so confused and need some direction. How can the health of the vessels/follicles be restored in the balded sections?

My lifestyle and diet is quite good, just don't know where to go from here. Input from anybody is really welcome. silent

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  CausticSymmetry Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:15 am

Smurfy - If I had to guess which are the most detrimental causes of hair loss, it would be stress and heavy metal toxicity.

That being said, there are more silent causes of oxidative stress, which is fundamental to hair loss. Oral pathology might be a factor. This includes cavitations, root canals and infected crowns.

Most wonder what a cavitation is, it is a hole in the jaw bone. Eventually will have an article on this mystery problem, but for now a cavitation is also known as osteonecrosis in the jaw bone, it is a result of an extracted tooth without the taking out the periodontal ligament. The periodental ligament anchors the tooth to the jawbone. When the periodontal ligament remains after a tooth extraction, the body does not completely heal in the empty socket; usually only a superficial layer of bone.

What remains is decaying tissue which exist in a hole without oxygen or a blood supply, which in turn causes a residual release of neurotoxic substances that are emitted from the waste matter of anaerobic bacteria.

These noxious bacteria steal electrons, cause oxidative stress in the body.

The link between oral pathology and various diseases, especially heart disease is quite pervasive. I listed a study as ane example:

The Relationship Between Self-Reported History of Endodontic Therapy and Coronary Heart Disease in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  Smurfy Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:37 am

To the rescue once again CS, I owe you a non-civilized dinner.

I'm intrigued you jumped right on oral pathology without me even mentioning it. I had a root canal done back in '06. I noticed the hair problems under 2 years later. Could the canal treatment really manifest that quickly, or was the prior tooth infection wreaking havoc to my body prior to the treatment? Yes apparently my hygiene wasn't stellar at the time, though your theory on oral fluid flow could seal the deal.

As for cavitations, thankfully I have none, and still have my wisdoms.

The relationships between oral health and systemic are really apparent now. My family is a perfect example.

Aside from obvious extraction, which I can't afford and don't want to deal with right now, are there any crucial actions I can take? What would you recommend in the event this is the cause?

The dentist who filled the tooth after said it was cleaned and sealed very well, so it doesn't seem like recurrent or residual bacteria could be a possibility. Perhaps the large glob of amalgam in it is to blame? Again... if so, could it really manifest in a year or less?

Does premature gray have any link to dental work? Regular "check-ups" and braces were had growing up.

Many thanks.

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  CausticSymmetry Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:58 am

The root canal is a major source of electron depletion.

Last year, I wrote these two articles that related to oral pathology.

And an article somewhat unrelated mentions root canals:

I have one theory, which might help and it couldn't be any cheaper. That would be oil pulling.

Here is a site that explains how it works:

Other than that, one can take Lypo-Spheric vitamin C to help counteract the loss of electrons.

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  j87x Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:14 pm

CS - how much liposomal vitamin C would you recommend taking for short term detox, and then for long term? I made my first batch and am not sure how fast I should go through it. Any idea how many ml or oz one should consume for a few months, then maintain after that?


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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  abc123 Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:33 pm

CausticSymmetry wrote:The root canal is a major source of electron depletion.

Last year, I wrote these two articles that related to oral pathology.

And an article somewhat unrelated mentions root canals:

I have one theory, which might help and it couldn't be any cheaper. That would be oil pulling.

Here is a site that explains how it works:

Other than that, one can take Lypo-Spheric vitamin C to help counteract the loss of electrons.

CS, what about root canals on a baby tooth? Do they have the same effect? Is the problem self-correcting when the tooth falls out? Just curious because I had one when I was a kid.



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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  mphatesmpb Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:44 pm

I was taking a trip down memory lane, trying to recall when I first started losing hair. Friends had the common courtesy not to point it out to me, until just a couple years ago, along with a hairstyle that neatly hid my temples. I recall just a really intense itch along my hairline and temples while at college, but at the time was totally ignorant to causes/effects. (how many others can relate to this!!) Quite the lifestyle at college, lackluster sleep schedule, high bursts of stress, and pizza and french fries seemingly daily. No exaggeration. 4 years this went on...

2 years after all this, I realized just what happened to my head, and why my body felt disgusting. It was an oily, itchy, sebummy mess (body too).

Long story short- cleaned up diet, taking good supplements, getting sun, exercising, chelating, taking stress with a grain of salt, and I feel WONDERFUL. My existing hair plays much nicer and looks better. Recession has stopped dead in its tracks (I believe so). But.... there's no regrowth.

Is this oxidative stress? What can be done in this instance to attempt regrowth? Nothing I've tried in 2-3 years has resulted in a new hair in the "barren wasteland". I'm certain its not mpb. Is this where the onion/garlic rub comes in?

Sorry for the negative post among the positives lately, I'm just so confused and need some direction. How can the health of the vessels/follicles be restored in the balded sections?

My lifestyle and diet is quite good, just don't know where to go from here. Input from anybody is really welcome.

I think my temples started receding slightly along the sides of my head during my second year of college, most likely due to stress. Since my hair covered the receded area well when it was grown out, I didn't really think it was MPB.

But during the second semester of my third year, my diet took a nosedive. Pretty much everyday I'd have a burger, coke, and fries made with who-knows-what oil. My other favorite meal was baguette with spaghetti. Sometimes when I was hungry at night I'd have a couple slices of white bread. I think the hairline recession sped up during that time, and I noticed that the overall quality of my hair was declining. I could see a thinning spot right in front of the crown, which is a region most affected by neurogenic stress. Needless to say my overall health also was terrible.

Since then (it's been about a year), I've done a lot of research on hair loss and general health and I've accordingly changed my diet/lifestyle. I think the overall quality of my hair has improved significantly. But I think I've receded perhaps 1-2 mm along the hairline at temples. This worries me because it makes me wonder if hairline recession is much more connected to the genetic component of MPB rather than the health-related causes. I'm much healthier now than i was before (though my health is probably not perfect), and if my hairline is still receding while the rest of my hair has thickened up substantially...then perhaps it's not a health-related thing?

I observe the hairlines of other guys with MPB, and I've noticed that some people have a receding hairline, but their hair is otherwise thick right up to their current hairlines. I know one guy who seems to be the model of health, and his hairline has been receding at a snail's pace for 7-8 slowly that his hair loss is still barely perceptible.

Other people's hairlines seem to recede at a much faster rate, or they experience diffuse thinning well beyond the current hairline. Of course I am just speculating...but I think these are the people with underlying health problems.

At this point, I feel like I've slowed down the hairline recession significantly...and most likely hair loss has stopped elsewhere. But slowed hairline recession is only marginally better than regular hairline recession...since you're still losing your hair, lol. So at this point, I'm in the same situation as you Smurfy. Just totally confused as to how we can tackle the temples.v

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  Smurfy Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:18 pm

mphatesmpb wrote:

I was taking a trip down memory lane, trying to recall when I first started losing hair. Friends had the common courtesy not to point it out to me, until just a couple years ago, along with a hairstyle that neatly hid my temples. I recall just a really intense itch along my hairline and temples while at college, but at the time was totally ignorant to causes/effects. (how many others can relate to this!!) Quite the lifestyle at college, lackluster sleep schedule, high bursts of stress, and pizza and french fries seemingly daily. No exaggeration. 4 years this went on...

2 years after all this, I realized just what happened to my head, and why my body felt disgusting. It was an oily, itchy, sebummy mess (body too).

Long story short- cleaned up diet, taking good supplements, getting sun, exercising, chelating, taking stress with a grain of salt, and I feel WONDERFUL. My existing hair plays much nicer and looks better. Recession has stopped dead in its tracks (I believe so). But.... there's no regrowth.

Is this oxidative stress? What can be done in this instance to attempt regrowth? Nothing I've tried in 2-3 years has resulted in a new hair in the "barren wasteland". I'm certain its not mpb. Is this where the onion/garlic rub comes in?

Sorry for the negative post among the positives lately, I'm just so confused and need some direction. How can the health of the vessels/follicles be restored in the balded sections?

My lifestyle and diet is quite good, just don't know where to go from here. Input from anybody is really welcome.

I think my temples started receding slightly along the sides of my head during my second year of college, most likely due to stress. Since my hair covered the receded area well when it was grown out, I didn't really think it was MPB.

But during the second semester of my third year, my diet took a nosedive. Pretty much everyday I'd have a burger, coke, and fries made with who-knows-what oil. My other favorite meal was baguette with spaghetti. Sometimes when I was hungry at night I'd have a couple slices of white bread. I think the hairline recession sped up during that time, and I noticed that the overall quality of my hair was declining. I could see a thinning spot right in front of the crown, which is a region most affected by neurogenic stress. Needless to say my overall health also was terrible.

Since then (it's been about a year), I've done a lot of research on hair loss and general health and I've accordingly changed my diet/lifestyle. I think the overall quality of my hair has improved significantly. But I think I've receded perhaps 1-2 mm along the hairline at temples. This worries me because it makes me wonder if hairline recession is much more connected to the genetic component of MPB rather than the health-related causes. I'm much healthier now than i was before (though my health is probably not perfect), and if my hairline is still receding while the rest of my hair has thickened up substantially...then perhaps it's not a health-related thing?

I observe the hairlines of other guys with MPB, and I've noticed that some people have a receding hairline, but their hair is otherwise thick right up to their current hairlines. I know one guy who seems to be the model of health, and his hairline has been receding at a snail's pace for 7-8 slowly that his hair loss is still barely perceptible.

Other people's hairlines seem to recede at a much faster rate, or they experience diffuse thinning well beyond the current hairline. Of course I am just speculating...but I think these are the people with underlying health problems.

At this point, I feel like I've slowed down the hairline recession significantly...and most likely hair loss has stopped elsewhere. But slowed hairline recession is only marginally better than regular hairline recession...since you're still losing your hair, lol. So at this point, I'm in the same situation as you Smurfy. Just totally confused as to how we can tackle the temples.v

Hey mp, that was really inspiring actually, it appears we have the exact same situation. What you say about others receding slowly or quickly are probably similar underlying health problems, but theirs are unchecked or worsening. With us and the verrryyyyy gradual recession, it seems we're close or just missing 1 more piece of the puzzle. Your observation with the who-knows-what oil really is an eye opener. These places probably use the cheapest oils available to them, probably canola or vegetable (or mineral...ugh). I can't imagine how much damage we've done inside from eating all that. The spaghetti was delicious, I agree, as was the french toast buffet on weekends... mmm, but now the thought of it is sickening. I had plenty of junk food lying around for night time study hours too.

I don't think it's coincidence we walk into school just fine, and leave completely damaged. Huge bodily stress and inflammation have to play a part, there's no denying it. Sort of why I included the words "french fries" in the title here... the free radical damage must have been insane, just from those in particular. What bothers me, much like yourself, is that you'd think reversing course and having a good diet would reverse the issues, but it hasn't so far.

My only ideas so far, are high-dose vitamin C as per CS, and a means of repairing vascular damage. For some reason our hairlines got targeted, it makes no sense, and I share your frustration. If you're like me, your scalp is in really good condition now, but no matter what you try, hair just refuses to come back!

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  Smurfy Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:32 pm

CausticSymmetry wrote:The root canal is a major source of electron depletion.

Last year, I wrote these two articles that related to oral pathology.

And an article somewhat unrelated mentions root canals:

I have one theory, which might help and it couldn't be any cheaper. That would be oil pulling.

Here is a site that explains how it works:

Other than that, one can take Lypo-Spheric vitamin C to help counteract the loss of electrons.

I read that article of yours back when it first surfaced. If only I had that information a couple years earlier. At least it's certain I'll never get another (or need one for that).

I gave oil pulling a try last year when Prague reported about it, and his success. However I only did it for one week, and I wasn't experiencing the effects that most seem to report, in fact I didn't experience anything different at all. Maybe more time was needed. I used coconut oil, which might have been a bad choice?

Is oil pulling actually effective at pulling bacteria and waste products out from the jawbone and infected tooth? Or does it more just cleanse the blood? Either way, it's interesting.

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  mphatesmpb Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:54 am


I seem to experience itching along the hairline at the temples within 24 hours of ejaculating. Maybe I'm not yet healthy enough to ejaculate without the hormonal spikes affecting my hair follicles negatively. I'm going to try abstaining for a while and see if there is a reduction in itching. If there is, then I think that might be part of the missing portion in the puzzle.

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  CausticSymmetry Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:26 am

abc123 - Since baby root canals are temporary, should be okay if they are long gone.

Smurfy - I understand that oil pulling works best with oils that you would normally want to avoid, such as
vegetable oil. Apparently it works better than coconut oil for this purpose.

I recommend someone try it a few months ago when they called and said they have horrible tooth pain, and it worked pretty well.

mphatesmpb - I took me a while to get to a point where I would have no inflammation post ejaculation. Wouldn't be surprised if it was sometime after vitamin D was optimized plus heavy metal chelation--just a guess though.

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  Smurfy Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:32 am

mp - What's interesting is itching occurred as well after any ejaculation, usually a day or two. It'll be interesting to see if your test works. For me it has... also I tend to get small, localized "flare ups" of itch along a section of each temple, only quarter-inch spots though. It's funny, only started lately, the only variables are being on 10k daily vit-D, and being off EC and ALA for a few weeks. Also, I notice on hot humid days my hair looks just awful, my scalp turns a reddish color, and the itch comes back, just more dull. It could be related to stress in some way.

CS - I did some reading earlier about the lypo-C. What I'm curious about is how the end result affects the growth of missing hair. Does the C itself affect the micro-circulation in the scalp? How does it work.... are electrons simply donated, or are toxic compounds washed away by increased circulation? Either way, is it that the follicles are unable to produce a hair due to lack of blood or toxins? Or, is there structural damage to the organ itself?

It's been stated that glutathione levels are much lower in hairless areas, will infusion of C increase the levels, assist in removal of clogged/damaged pathways and allow a new hair to form?

Also, I have plenty of vegetable oil and canola oil around, as for obvious reasons I never use it anymore. If you believe it's effective I'll try it.

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  CausticSymmetry Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:52 am

Smurfy - Vitamin C makes any regimen work better. When it comes right down to it, an electron depletion causes a deficiency of Vitamin C, and infection can be present, in the scalp, in the arteries, wherever.

When you have an infection say in the jaw bone and/or root canal for instance, there is a constant stream of neurotoxic waste matter that enter into circulation and they will hit whatever genetic predisposition you have, causing free radicals will destroy tissue as a result.

Check into some threads on Lipoprotein(a).

It's elevated in aggressive MPB, and what lowers it is Vitamin C, iodine (maintaining an euthyroid state), tocotrienols, etc.

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  Smurfy Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:19 am

CS - That really made a lot of sense. The damage is all over, but only manifests in your genetic "weak spots".

So, are all root canals infectious and havens the moment they are made? Is it safe to assume it's infected now, or can the toxicity occur years from now? In either event I'm not taking any chances with electron depletion.

The fact you say it destroys tissue, would it then be wise to fight back internally with vit-C, and externally with copper (peptide/nano), or is that a moot point, will the bodily naturally recover with reduction of lp(a) and toxins?

Guess my daily glass of OJ and slice of watermelon isn't gonna cut it...

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  CausticSymmetry Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:42 am

Smurfy - That's correct, Orange Juice isn't going to cut it. The joke in the health industry is (hypoglycemic juice), if it's not appropriate for your metabolic type.

Start watching this video at the 27:00 minute mark. Be sure to let it buffer, there's a good analogy of electron depletion by Dr. Thomas Levy who has had the opportunity to work with Dr. Hal Huggins back in early 1990's observing his work with dentistry and Vitamin C.

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  tonyj Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:05 pm

French Fries and Hypothyroidism. I wonder if 4 years of constant hydrogenated oils played havoc on your thyroid, especially if your consumption of these oils was daily?

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  Smurfy Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:23 pm

tonyj wrote:French Fries and Hypothyroidism. I wonder if 4 years of constant hydrogenated oils played havoc on your thyroid, especially if your consumption of these oils was daily?

That's exactly what I was thinking when I made the topic. I've only had the problems of cold feet and circulation issues for a few years.

CS - quite a video. In fact a little too informative, now I feel ill because of the things he said, even though it's all in my head Razz
Before I can get it taken out, heavy chelation and lypo-C sound nearly mandatory. I don't have insurance or that kind of cash to drop on a dental bill, so any other means have to do.

Will oil pulling pull some of the bacteria and waste matter from the tooth? Would zapping the jaw and area provide a temporary respite? This is kind of scary stuff here.

What about lithium orotate?

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  hapyman Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:59 am

So there is nothing we can do about these cavitations besides keep loading on Vitamin C all our lives to make up for the constant barrage of toxins?


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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  CausticSymmetry Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:21 am

Smurfy wrote:
tonyj wrote:French Fries and Hypothyroidism. I wonder if 4 years of constant hydrogenated oils played havoc on your thyroid, especially if your consumption of these oils was daily?

That's exactly what I was thinking when I made the topic. I've only had the problems of cold feet and circulation issues for a few years.

CS - quite a video. In fact a little too informative, now I feel ill because of the things he said, even though it's all in my head Razz
Before I can get it taken out, heavy chelation and lypo-C sound nearly mandatory. I don't have insurance or that kind of cash to drop on a dental bill, so any other means have to do.

Will oil pulling pull some of the bacteria and waste matter from the tooth? Would zapping the jaw and area provide a temporary respite? This is kind of scary stuff here.

What about lithium orotate?

Oil pulling is only a guess on my part and a hopeful one, I'm just not sure, but would imagine it will alleviate the toxic load. It would be way cheaper than vitamin C, definitely worth experimenting with or without Lypo-Spheric C.

If anyone is interested to fixing this problem, it requires not just any dentist. Going to the wrong dentist can cause more problems. One can find the correct dentist by going to this website.

Zapping will not fix the problem, because with no blood supply, there are no white cells to take care of it. Killing the microbes in a space with no blood supply just causes a toxic reaction and new bacteria will begin havoc almost immediately after anyway.

Lithium orotate will not defend against it.

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  mphatesmpb Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:26 am

Is 'electron depletion' just another way of saying depletion of anti-oxidants?

Hey mp, that was really inspiring actually, it appears we have the exact same situation. What you say about others receding slowly or quickly are probably similar underlying health problems, but theirs are unchecked or worsening. With us and the verrryyyyy gradual recession, it seems we're close or just missing 1 more piece of the puzzle. Your observation with the who-knows-what oil really is an eye opener. These places probably use the cheapest oils available to them, probably canola or vegetable (or mineral...ugh). I can't imagine how much damage we've done inside from eating all that. The spaghetti was delicious, I agree, as was the french toast buffet on weekends... mmm, but now the thought of it is sickening. I had plenty of junk food lying around for night time study hours too.

Oh, and every friday after submitting my problem sets and projects...I'd meet up with my friend and smoke a ton of weed. Afterward I'd pick up a cream-filled, maple-glazed donut...toasted to a gentle, warm crisp...

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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  ubraj Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:41 am

CausticSymmetry wrote:Zapping will not fix the problem, because with no blood supply, there are no white cells to take care of it. Killing the microbes in a space with no blood supply just causes a toxic reaction and new bacteria will begin havoc almost immediately after anyway.


FWIW, had a chance to use Super Zappicator on someone with pretty bad tooth pain. Didn't notice a difference when used for only 30 minutes. Later tried it by using it as a pillow one time for many hours when sleeping and cleared up most of the pain. This was about 10 days ago.

As a disclaimer super zappicator is not a zapper. Also, was set at 13 V as opposed to the standard 9 V super zappicators for more punch.


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Them french fries gone and stole my hair! Empty Re: Them french fries gone and stole my hair!

Post  mphatesmpb Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:26 am

The following study shows that there are several herbal approaches to killing biofilms that live in root canals.


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of Triphala, green tea polyphenols (GTP), MTAD, and 5% sodium hypochlorite against E. faecalis biofilm formed on tooth substrate.

Extracted human teeth were biomechanically prepared, vertically sectioned, placed in the tissue culture wells exposing the root canal surface to E. faecalis to form a biofilm. At the end of the 3rd and 6th weeks all groups were treated for 10 minutes with the test solutions and control and were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively.

Qualitative assay with 3-week biofilm showed complete inhibition of bacterial growth with Triphala, MTAD and NaOCl, except GTP and saline, which showed presence of bacterial growth. In quantitative analysis, GTP- and saline-treated tooth samples have shown 1516 ± 17.2 CFU/mL, 156.4 × 109 ± 3.1 × 109 CFU/mL respectively. Qualitative assay with 6-week biofilm showed growth when treated with Triphala, GTP and MTAD whereas NaOCl has shown complete inhibition. All groups except NaOCl showed eight log reduction when compared to control when analyzed quantitatively.

5% sodium hypochlorite showed maximum antibacterial activity against E. Faecalis biofilm formed on tooth substrate. Triphala, green tea polyphenols and MTAD showed statistically significant antibacterial activity. The use of herbal alternatives as a root canal irrigant might prove to be advantageous considering the several undesirable characteristics of NaOCl.

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Post  LittleFighter Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:39 am

mphatesmpb wrote:The following study shows that there are several herbal approaches to killing biofilms that live in root canals.


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of Triphala, green tea polyphenols (GTP), MTAD, and 5% sodium hypochlorite against E. faecalis biofilm formed on tooth substrate.

Extracted human teeth were biomechanically prepared, vertically sectioned, placed in the tissue culture wells exposing the root canal surface to E. faecalis to form a biofilm. At the end of the 3rd and 6th weeks all groups were treated for 10 minutes with the test solutions and control and were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively.

Qualitative assay with 3-week biofilm showed complete inhibition of bacterial growth with Triphala, MTAD and NaOCl, except GTP and saline, which showed presence of bacterial growth. In quantitative analysis, GTP- and saline-treated tooth samples have shown 1516 ± 17.2 CFU/mL, 156.4 × 109 ± 3.1 × 109 CFU/mL respectively. Qualitative assay with 6-week biofilm showed growth when treated with Triphala, GTP and MTAD whereas NaOCl has shown complete inhibition. All groups except NaOCl showed eight log reduction when compared to control when analyzed quantitatively.

5% sodium hypochlorite showed maximum antibacterial activity against E. Faecalis biofilm formed on tooth substrate. Triphala, green tea polyphenols and MTAD showed statistically significant antibacterial activity. The use of herbal alternatives as a root canal irrigant might prove to be advantageous considering the several undesirable characteristics of NaOCl.

mphathatesmpb I was going to post some info about triphala, glad you are posting this interesting study. It's very promising because it inhibits / destroys biofilms and has antibacterial properties. It is antiinflammatory and antioxidant. I'm willing to try it in the future and see how it can reshape or improve the gut's ecology.

Constipated fellows should really give it a try I believe. It is said to work by its delicate astringent action, but I speculate it also has a prebiotic and antibacterial effect which positively influences gut motility.

Last edited by LittleFighter on Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:48 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post  LittleFighter Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:47 am

jdp701 wrote:
CausticSymmetry wrote:Zapping will not fix the problem, because with no blood supply, there are no white cells to take care of it. Killing the microbes in a space with no blood supply just causes a toxic reaction and new bacteria will begin havoc almost immediately after anyway.


FWIW, had a chance to use Super Zappicator on someone with pretty bad tooth pain. Didn't notice a difference when used for only 30 minutes. Later tried it by using it as a pillow one time for many hours when sleeping and cleared up most of the pain. This was about 10 days ago.

As a disclaimer super zappicator is not a zapper. Also, was set at 13 V as opposed to the standard 9 V super zappicators for more punch.

JDP the biggest challenge I see, at least IMHO, is to have a method to deal with cavitations. One thing is that essentially all info out there I've read talk only about root canals.

It can be very hard to get under the knife, very expensive and somewhat risky to fix them. Probably not an option for many for various reasons, and something to consider is that most people have had extractions in the past, supposedly a guarantee of infection.

I currently know a method to effectively destroy and inhibit biofilms at the oral cavity, keeping your teeth and gums healthy. But I don't really know how to deal with cavitations. This is another area I believe you could help a lot in here.

CS stresses out the oral pathology issue often but I feel like most people aren't too concerned. Probably because it's quite "complicated" to fix the problem... I guess.

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Post  ubraj Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:16 pm


IMO, kill the infection and chelate the lead and worry about the debris as a secondary. The body and bone renews itself every 7 years anyhow. IMO, the huge amounts of inflammation will occur with an active infection but IMO will slow greatly when there is just debris. If worried about the debris in the bone then focus on making sure one doesn't get bone loss in old age. Bones can be a toxic waste dump so to speak so limiting bone loss is important anyhow. Earthing would be good here.

Anyhow, It's not just root canals that cause cavitations but pathogens as well.

Spirochetes, bartonella, babesia are tops in these cavitations.

Kill via Rife, Super Zappicator, and some testimonials on Magnetic Pulser. Even this would be better than nothing even though maybe not getting to cavitation would assume?

Above link is from author of these two books.

hope this helps


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