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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

Post  Guest Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:31 am

So here's my hairloss story in short: been balding since 17, diffuse thinning in the NW5 area, never receeded 1/100 of an inch. Had a diet low in sugar before but loaded with fat (lot of fast food). Changed my diet and stopped losing hair, had a little regrowth thanks to the minox too (using it since 19).

I've lost a fair amount of hair but I look like a perfect non-balding NW1 with dermmatch, people have neved noticed, they just asked me if I dyed my hair, see my avatar Smile. You can see my current regimen in my signature, can you give me some advice regarding my situation please? What should I start or stop?

I know that type of loss is very rare and it could help some people who have the same problem as me, even though I don't see many people, even diffuse, who do not complain about receeding...

Thanks in advance


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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty CS?

Post  Guest Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:03 am

Also CS, can you share some of your personal knowledge about my specific problem and my regimen please?

This forum should really have an edit button Smile


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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty No replies

Post  Guest Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:12 pm

60 views and no replies? noone?


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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Re: Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

Post  9rugrats5 Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:27 pm

No replies, possibly because it is Sunday Smile I'll just write my personal thought... specific and more scientific comments should follow from others. First, even though you are diffusing, your hair looks good. I suppose you are in early 20's, if yes, I think you should get off Minox. Also, I think you are taking too many supplements. Less is more in the long term. Try the herbal, traditional medicine route.


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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty No way

Post  Guest Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:15 am

There's no way I'll ever stop minox, I'm pretty sure that's all that worked, not my diet or the supplements, I mean I can't risk to stop and lose all my saved hair, you understand.

I know I take too much supps but each one is important and has a purpose:
Chrome: blood sugar and acne
Zinc: Acne and androgens
B5: Acne and stress
Vitamin A: Acne and hairloss (? trough sebum reduction ?)
Omega 3: dry eyes syndrome, healthy skin, healthy hair
Magnesium: stress
Cysteine B6: Hairloss (only for those who lost their hair due to stress but you never know Smile )

Voilà Smile


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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Re: Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

Post  CausticSymmetry Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:18 am

Diffuse hair loss is generally related to thyroid and/or stress.

Too many supplements? I've heard this stated before and if that were true, I would personally would have a huge problem.

Medications can exacerbate both thyroid and/or stress hormones.

This thread may help "shed" some possible light on the diffuse factor or potential cause.

Optimizing thyroid health per iodine can also be important.

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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Thanks

Post  Guest Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:30 am

Thank you CS Smile, how do you know so much :p? So ok I'm gonna load on Iodine starting tomorrow, what dose do you recommend? Also I've just cured my acne with supps, shoud I be worried of acne as a side effect of iodine? What can I expect hair wise?


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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Re: Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

Post  CausticSymmetry Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:42 am

FredtheBelgian - Iodine in the beginning for some individuals (temporarily) increase acne.

This only occurs due to iodine pulling out toxic halides, such as bromide. Bromide competes for iodine and any type of detox reaction confirms a highly probably deficiency in iodine. To reduce such potential effects, one can salt loading using teaspoons of unrefined Celtic salt and 3,000 milligrams of Vitamin C.

If detox effects occur, lower the dosage, then increase again.

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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Re: Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

Post  Guest Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:47 am

Ok I hope they sell celtic salt at my health food store, so for the dosage? I heard 50 mg, is that ok? Can I get my vitamin C from orange juice (I know I know high GI but still :p)


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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Re: Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

Post  CausticSymmetry Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:51 am

Would start off with just a drop or two of lugol's solution and continue to build up until when there are no detox symptoms (start slow).

Orange Juice contains only a fraction of the vitamin C needed. Try to aim to 3,000 milligrams (three grams).

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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Re: Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

Post  Guest Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:54 am

I'm gonna buy it at a local pharmacy, I don't trust pills that come from the internet, I already have my B5 from the internet and I'm not sure it is it, maybe it's poison I don't know :p, ok so I guess I'll have to buy a vitamin C supplement too Smile


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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Weird

Post  Guest Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:19 am

It's weird, I eat sesame seeds and sunflower seeds everyday, first it was to help my skin and acne. When I stop eating them, my acne comes back a little, hope I'll not have to take my seeds in my bag on holiday :p. Do you think the heavy metals detox will help my acne too?


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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Re: Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

Post  empty Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:52 pm

My loss is similar to yours - very little recession (I have a little bit on my right side) but lots of diffuse loss all over the top - even in the sides.

I'm doing heavy metal detox right now. Three weeks in and for the first time since I was in middle school I've been able to stop using anti-dandruff shampoo. Dandruff isn't totally gone - but I'd normally have major flakes after stopping those shampoos for a week. Hair loss is still going strong though.

Going to complete the heavy metal detox then get back on a small number of supplements. Also going to start working out more regularly and eating better.


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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Re: Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

Post  Guest Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:09 am

Ok CS, I hesitate between Chlorella and Spirulina for metal detox, which one do you recommend? I also bought Maca extract (was just besides the Chlorella on the drawer :p), will that help my hair? Thank you in advance Smile


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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Re: Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

Post  CausticSymmetry Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:42 am

FredtheBelgian wrote:I'm gonna buy it at a local pharmacy, I don't trust pills that come from the internet, I already have my B5 from the internet and I'm not sure it is it, maybe it's poison I don't know :p, ok so I guess I'll have to buy a vitamin C supplement too Smile

I must tell you that anything from a pharmacy concerning natural products are usually among the very worst possible.

This might seem counterintuitive, but pharmacies are experts in drugs, not natural substances. They often use only synthetic versions.

On the same token, most natural food stores and vitamin stores are also very poor when it comes to quality and proper selection. Or if the quality is good, the prices are too high.

The Internet offers the highest potential quality and the most number of products available.
It's simply impossible for any store or pharmacy to have adequate shelf space for many items. Especially
the very best items, because most of the public are incredibly (woefully uninformed) about what supplements
they should consider taking.

This is because marketing shapes their perceptions, so the stores usually carry only those items, which are
usually the worst.

FredtheBelgian wrote:Ok CS, I hesitate between Chlorella and Spirulina for metal detox, which one do you recommend? I also bought Maca extract (was just besides the Chlorella on the drawer :p), will that help my hair? Thank you in advance Smile

Will have a heavy metal detox article coming soon. Really, a proper detox involves using something like humifulvate. Detoxing metals can improve acne--diet should not be over looked either.

Acne may result from detox, but only initially.

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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Re: Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

Post  Guest Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:11 pm

So, neither of them, not chorella and not spirulina? Thanks for your explanation, it's true, iodine sold in pharmacy at my place is like 10µg :p


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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Re: Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

Post  Hoppipolla Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:49 pm

Usually if someone is losing hair since 17 with no clear health problems and a family history/context of balding, I'm very quick to say it's "just genes"... and I think it probably is. However, I suppose there are other possibilities... perhaps genetic sensitivities or something else that is tipping the balance hormonally as opposed to genetically.

Maybe Smile

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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Maybe

Post  Guest Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:53 pm

Maybe, maybe, I'm open to everything... except colloidal silver :p. But when you start thinning at 17, you have a tendency to tell yourself, fuck it's not my fault (I mean through diet, lifestyle etc.), it's just my fucked up genes... Still lost for this metal detox story, so spirulina and chlorella out?


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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Re: Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

Post  Hoppipolla Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:43 pm

haha well, CS is a different thing I think Smile

I was making it to kill candida/possible liver infections, but I don't take it as much anymore as I am using a newer arsenal of stuff! Smile

Can't help much on the metal detox I'm afraid! Digestive stuff is my forté! xD

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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Re: Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

Post  teacup Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:34 am

FredtheBelgian wrote:... Still lost for this metal detox story, so spirulina and chlorella out?

check this older thread

there are many discussions here on this, use google to search this website for chelation, spirulina, chlorella.

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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Forgot to mention

Post  Guest Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:04 am

I forgot to mention that my hair has stopped to fall a long time ago (1,5 years) with minox and diet improvements. So what can I expect from my regimen and the heavy metal detox (I turned to chlorella)? Regrowth? Too good to be true? :p. I already had some regrowth from my supps, couldn't believe it Smile


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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Re: Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

Post  Hoppipolla Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:14 am

you could always temporarily try miconazole and folligen as well as the minox on the areas you want regrowth Smile

That's a little HLT of me to say that but... meh, if it works it works!

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Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid? Empty Re: Diffuse since 17, never receeded. Heavy metals, thyroid?

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