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Effects of watercress extract fraction on R-spondin 1-mediated growth of human hair​

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Effects of watercress extract fraction on R-spondin 1-mediated growth of human hair​ Empty Effects of watercress extract fraction on R-spondin 1-mediated growth of human hair​

Post  Triangle Wed Jan 01, 2025 12:19 am

Objective: Hair loss and greying affect men and women of all ages, often causing psychosocial difficulties. Dickkopf-1 (DKK1), a major hair loss factor secreted from dermal papilla (DP) cells in response to the secretion of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), has been reported to induce and accelerate androgenetic alopecia (Androgenetic Alopecia). In addition, DKK1 acts as a potent suppressor of melanogenesis and is closely related to hair colour. R-spondin 1 (RSPO1) is a secretory agonist of Wnt signalling known to antagonize the effects of DKK1, including DKK1-mediated hair follicle suppression. In this study, we investigated the effect of watercress extract (WCE) on the secretion of RSPO1 and DKK1 from DP cells as well as its anti-hair loss effect in human hair follicles and patients.

Methods: The in vitro secretion of RSPO1 and DKK1 was measured by ELISA. Human hair follicles were collected from the scalp of a female donor and used for ex vivo organ culture to investigate the effects of WCE on human hair loss. Finally, a 6-month human clinical trial was conducted to examine the effect of WCE-containing lotion on hair growth in a male panel.

Results: WCE significantly upregulated RSPO1 secretion and suppressed DKK1 secretion in a dose-dependent manner, even in the presence of DHT. WCE-treated hair follicles elongated 1.6-fold compared with the control, and the level of RSPO1 production in DP as well as RSPO1 bound to the outer root sheath (ORS) increased. In the clinical trial, the hair lotion containing 2% WCE increased hair thickness and density to improve against hair loss symptoms.

Conclusion: WCE exhibited a strong anti-androgenic effect through its ability to suppress DKK1 secretion and antagonize DKK1 via RSPO1. These findings highlighted the potential use of WCE for the treatment of hair loss.

(Hairlosstalk poster bags posted a link to a discord group buy for 2-O-Feruloyl Malic Acid, but it is closing soon... Too expensive for me right now, but looks very interesting)


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Effects of watercress extract fraction on R-spondin 1-mediated growth of human hair​ Empty Re: Effects of watercress extract fraction on R-spondin 1-mediated growth of human hair​

Post  CausticSymmetry Wed Jan 01, 2025 7:41 am

It would appear that Watercress Extract or WCE or in Latin from Nasturtium officinale.
Clinical trials (like the one mentioned earlier) used 2% concentration in a topical lotion of the WCE.

Using something like this might work.

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