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mirror microbes

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mirror microbes Empty mirror microbes

Post  shaftless Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:08 am

Never heard of this before...

"A group of 38 scientists working in nine countries has sounded an alarm about the potential creation of mirror bacteria — synthetic organisms in which the molecular structure found in nature is reversed and could put humans, animals and plants at risk of exposure to dangerous pathogens."

So if we rearranged the molecular structure of a bacteria did we create a "frankenstein" of sorts? And maybe these unnatural entities can prove germ theory correct if they can harm us.


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mirror microbes Empty Re: mirror microbes

Post  CausticSymmetry Wed Dec 18, 2024 9:19 am

shaftless wrote:Never heard of this before...

"A group of 38 scientists working in nine countries has sounded an alarm about the potential creation of mirror bacteria — synthetic organisms in which the molecular structure found in nature is reversed and could put humans, animals and plants at risk of exposure to dangerous pathogens."

So if we rearranged the molecular structure of a bacteria did we create a "frankenstein" of sorts? And maybe these unnatural entities can prove germ theory correct if they can harm us.

These types of "fear porn" are part of the normal playbook for MSM.....Couldn't get access to the full paper, but probably has plenty of holes.

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