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seed oils and colon cancer

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seed oils and colon cancer Empty seed oils and colon cancer

Post  shaftless Wed Dec 11, 2024 3:47 pm

A new study claims that too much seed oil used in cooking causes inflammation in the body that could lead to colon cancer. They've found byproducts of seed oils in tumors. And this may explain the recent surge of colon cancer in healthy young people according to this study.

If you want to fry something use butter or lard or vegetable oil like olive and avocado oil that doesn't come from seeds.


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seed oils and colon cancer Empty Re: seed oils and colon cancer

Post  CausticSymmetry Thu Dec 12, 2024 8:27 am

shaftless wrote:A new study claims that too much seed oil used in cooking causes inflammation in the body that could lead to colon cancer. They've found byproducts of seed oils in tumors. And this may explain the recent surge of colon cancer in healthy young people according to this study.

If you want to fry something use butter or lard or vegetable oil like olive and avocado oil that doesn't come from seeds.

It's amazing that a mainstream article is admitting facts like this. I've been saying this since the 90's. Better late than never, and it seems a lot of people are becoming increasingly aware of seed oils.

Back in the good ol' bad days, before vegetable oil lobbies bribed food industries to use their engine lubricant oil, promoting it as 'healthy,' french fries were cooked in their best oil ever, beef tallow or lard.

Then later on, various places used the engine lubricant oils (vegetable oil, etc), instead of real food, like beef tallow and lard, food tasted worse and was pro-inflammatory (not good for hair either).

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seed oils and colon cancer Empty Re: seed oils and colon cancer

Post  shaftless Fri Dec 13, 2024 7:52 am

I'm starting to rethink my teaspoon of refined coconut oil/day regimen for hair loss. Even tho the oil comes from the "meat" of the coconut it still is considered a seed...and a fruit and a nut  scratch


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seed oils and colon cancer Empty Re: seed oils and colon cancer

Post  CausticSymmetry Fri Dec 13, 2024 9:39 am

shaftless wrote:I'm starting to rethink my teaspoon of refined coconut oil/day regimen for hair loss. Even tho the oil comes from the "meat" of the coconut it still is considered a seed...and a fruit and a nut  scratch

Coconut oil is very saturated, so it's extremely stable, one of the few oils that are safe to fry with.

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