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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Live forever Tue Jun 15, 2021 12:02 am

imprisoned-radical wrote:

Previously posted a video revealing that vaccinated places were not saving lives and the death rate increased in certain places, which begged the question, why?

I do not believe this claim. Even in the absence of a reliable media and information sources, it is adequate evidence just based on first-hand experiences of people losing relatives and the reduced occurrence of that as time progresses.

Bottom line here is that those that trust the system and quackcines are missing fundamental information
about human health.

Sickness equates to poor water quality, poor nutrition and environmental impacts.

But poor water quality, poor nutrition, and environmental toxins have been a constant for hundreds of years. How do you explain the sudden discrete trending increase in deaths.

It's what the bacteria are eating that makes all the difference.

Eating necrotic issue will cause the toxic excrement (the crap or bacterial endotoxin) emitted from the bacteria.

The same principles applies to washing our hands after using the toilet--no desire to accidentally ingest this stuff, as the gut bacteria in our own gut eating our toxic waste. However, exposure to open wounds or cuts is where real infection can happen.

So for example, we all have Escherichia coli, also known as E. coli in our gut, yet many people
think this is bad....the real difference is what they are eating. Escherichia coli infections really means they've got a load of toxins to be eaten. What gets the blame? Rarely the toxin.

Like shaftless said, this is not true. The endotoxin is in the cell wall, it is not bacterial waste. Seems far too simplistic to claim that all disease is caused by toxins and necrotic tissue.

What about the bubonic plague? They have identified the specific bacteria that causes it. And what about the accounts from the middle ages of towns and cities that isolated themselves from outside contact, and were not impacted at all?

Those doctors on the show, clearly so indoctrinated. I'm glad to hear a lot of people did listen and give this a try. But it seems like some, such as Mr Shaftless, will never
grok this. Hope I am wrong!

Read my lips, shaftless. It's all about the terrain!

Not a great attitude.

There has been NO increase in deaths in 2020 (UK) according to the Freedom of Information requests for deaths/burials/cremations... only on the news is there an increase in deaths, because they are not in touch with reality and are presenting the masses with nothing more than a soap opera.
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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Tue Jun 15, 2021 2:29 am

About the bubonic plague: Check page 16 that covers the conventional view plus the flaws.

"A truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed.  When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker, alunatic."  -- Dresden James

"When a man or woman is honestly mistaken and hears the truth, they will either quit being mistaken, or they will cease to be honest."

Because false doctrine is so abundant: "The Truth will be the Strangest Thing you will ever Hear" - Paul Smith


The most common rebuttal I receive from the idea that CV-Nineteen is a hoax and that there is no virus is...what
about the deaths

Based on what evidence? The media is nothing more than prostitutes for their advertisers. WH0/CDC are dictators (top-down, military style).

Determining cause of death procedures does not involve evidence to prove a that a virus was the reason--even if viruses did exist, and using PCR to presume someone has "something" is not a diagnostic tool. The inventor "conveniently" died in 2019 and has lambasted Anthony Fraud_ci many times in the past over how he handle the HIV/AIDs scandal.

Mainstream has always relied on the worst form of 'science' which is called epidemiology. This is the study of groups to
look for statistical anomalies in order to present a hypothesis to test out. This is putting the cart before the horse. Because the hypothesis must be proved with causal data and/or mechanistic data in vivo (in the body) and they are not doing this.

There are common vitamin deficiencies that appear like alleged "viral" diseases. These are not contagious, yet it often appears that way because many suffer at the same time, similar to Vitamin D winters (low UVB).

It's easy to find "empty hospital video footage" all over the world. Personally I witnessed this myself, because for business reasons I had to visit dozens and dozens of them all throughout the fake p@ndemic.

I had already researched heavily to understand the CDC/WHO playbook seeing what they did during other fake p@ndemics (Ebola, H1N1, Polio).

Based on how their playbook may work (this is a guess), the blood clots from whatever cause will be blamed on a virus, regardless if it's from the experimental jab or other forms of poisoning. Some fear that the jab-inations will fuel more clotting, creating a real p@ndemic, and thus the blood supply will be contaminated, and stricter levels of communist style control will be implemented and enforced.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Delphine Tue Jun 15, 2021 12:17 pm

Dr. Tom Cowan's understandings changed in the course of the Corona. He says he came to a "fork in the road"
and one thing that changed was: "I'm not sure I believe there is such a thing as an immune system"


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Directo Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:04 pm

CS, what about Malaria ? It's real or it's BS ?


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Fri Jun 18, 2021 1:32 am

Directo wrote:CS, what about Malaria ? It's real or it's BS ?

Taken from Contagion Myth:

In addition to overt poisons, insect saliva may contain parasite eggs. Tapeworms can be transmitted
by fleas, and mosquito bites contain the eggs of plasmodium, a parasite said to cause malaria.
Mosquitos also carry fly larvae, which can enter the body through bites, causing myiasis, a parasitic
infestation of the body by fly larvae (maggots), which grow inside the host. Some mosquito species
can carry filariasis, a parasite that causes a disfiguring condition called elephantiasis. These diseases
are “infectious” in the sense that people acquire them from something outside the body, such as an
insect, but only in the most bizarre of circumstances can they be transferred from one human being
to another.

P 32 Actually, scientists have yet to solve the mystery of malaria, a disease that kills over one
thousand people per day. The conventional view is that mosquitoes in tropical and subtropical
regions transfer parasites to human blood through their bites, and this parasite then destroys red
blood cells and causes intermittent fever. But the type of mosquito said to cause malaria inhabits
every continent except Antarctica, including Europe and North America, where malaria is no longer a

From the fifteenth century until recent times, many people in England suffered from
malaria under the name of “marsh fever” or “ague”—always associated with living in swampy
marshes. In fact, what is common to areas known for malaria (both today and in the past) is human
habitation in swamps and wetlands—and not just warm wetlands (which are conducive to
mosquitos) but also wetlands in cooler areas such as England.

Wetlands produce swamp gases—a mixture of hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and especially
methane. Methane poisoning causes fever, headaches, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, and
feelings of asphyxiation—remarkably similar to the symptoms of malaria: fever, muscle weakness,
nausea, vomiting, and chest and abdominal pain. Like malaria, methane poisoning can result in the
destruction of red blood cells.

In areas of the world where people still live in swampy areas, intermittent exposure to swamp gases,
which are undoubtedly stronger during warm weather or flooding seasons, seems a better
explanation than mosquitos for this stubborn disease.

The conventional view holds that “viral diseases” such as yellow fever, dengue fever, Zika fever, and
chikugunya are transmitted by mosquitos carrying viruses that “attach to and enter susceptible
cells.” According to textbooks, once these viruses enter the body and begin to replicate inside the
cells, they are contagious and are spread from person to person through airborne droplets, sexual
contact, eating food and drinking water contaminated with the virus, and even touching surfaces
and bodily fluids contaminated with the virus.

But we don’t need the concepts of viruses and contagion to explain these diseases. Environments infested with fleas, mosquitos, lice, and other insects carrying toxins or parasites will result in many individuals, especially individuals with
suboptimal nutrition, manifesting similar symptoms—an “outbreak” that requires no premise of
person-to-person contact, only many people subject to the same stressors.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Fri Jun 18, 2021 1:38 am

This is an interview that provides some rare insight into some topics discussed here over a decade ago. They are difficult to find, because they involve subjects there were thought to be banned from "Fascist_Tube"

The main subject is cause of CV19, but also gets into live blood analysis, dark field/phase contrast microscopy, holographic blood. Great interview and hopefully this will provide some insight in the role of germs, and a bit of an about face on a lot of assumed "health truths."

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:11 am

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Jdp710 Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:55 am

CausticSymmetry wrote:
Directo wrote:CS, what about Malaria ? It's real or it's BS ?

Taken from Contagion Myth:

In addition to overt poisons, insect saliva may contain parasite eggs. Tapeworms can be transmitted
by fleas, and mosquito bites contain the eggs of plasmodium, a parasite said to cause malaria.
Mosquitos also carry fly larvae, which can enter the body through bites, causing myiasis, a parasitic
infestation of the body by fly larvae (maggots), which grow inside the host. Some mosquito species
can carry filariasis, a parasite that causes a disfiguring condition called elephantiasis. These diseases
are “infectious” in the sense that people acquire them from something outside the body, such as an
insect, but only in the most bizarre of circumstances can they be transferred from one human being
to another.

P 32 Actually, scientists have yet to solve the mystery of malaria, a disease that kills over one
thousand people per day. The conventional view is that mosquitoes in tropical and subtropical
regions transfer parasites to human blood through their bites, and this parasite then destroys red
blood cells and causes intermittent fever. But the type of mosquito said to cause malaria inhabits
every continent except Antarctica, including Europe and North America, where malaria is no longer a

From the fifteenth century until recent times, many people in England suffered from
malaria under the name of “marsh fever” or “ague”—always associated with living in swampy
marshes. In fact, what is common to areas known for malaria (both today and in the past) is human
habitation in swamps and wetlands—and not just warm wetlands (which are conducive to
mosquitos) but also wetlands in cooler areas such as England.

Wetlands produce swamp gases—a mixture of hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and especially
methane. Methane poisoning causes fever, headaches, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, and
feelings of asphyxiation—remarkably similar to the symptoms of malaria: fever, muscle weakness,
nausea, vomiting, and chest and abdominal pain. Like malaria, methane poisoning can result in the
destruction of red blood cells.

In areas of the world where people still live in swampy areas, intermittent exposure to swamp gases,
which are undoubtedly stronger during warm weather or flooding seasons, seems a better
explanation than mosquitos for this stubborn disease.

The conventional view holds that “viral diseases” such as yellow fever, dengue fever, Zika fever, and
chikugunya are transmitted by mosquitos carrying viruses that “attach to and enter susceptible
cells.” According to textbooks, once these viruses enter the body and begin to replicate inside the
cells, they are contagious and are spread from person to person through airborne droplets, sexual
contact, eating food and drinking water contaminated with the virus, and even touching surfaces
and bodily fluids contaminated with the virus.

But we don’t need the concepts of viruses and contagion to explain these diseases. Environments infested with fleas, mosquitos, lice, and other insects carrying toxins or parasites will result in many individuals, especially individuals with
suboptimal nutrition, manifesting similar symptoms—an “outbreak” that requires no premise of
person-to-person contact, only many people subject to the same stressors.

Many smart people who have dedicated their lives in this field know that, colds, flus, etc are caused by multiple pathogens. There is never just one pathogen causing an illness.  

Treating for just a single virus or a bacteria is not the correct way but that is how people have been conditioned.

Back in march 2020 china study found a bacteria mixed with the coronavirus.  Further, those without this bacteria but who test positive for the coronavirus have little to no symptoms.  Those who treat with just antivirals make little progress.  But those who treat for the bacteria and virus make progress.  Might be slightly off but that’s my memory.  Study posted on this site.

Other researchers found that certain toxins are responsible for certain pathogens.  A certain toxin found in the body causes a certain pathogen to flare up.  Without that specific toxin the pathogen does not flare up.

For example tin can introduction being probable toxin for spanish flu.  

I hope this helps someone understand things like malaria more.  There is never just one pathogen and these pathogens are pleomorphic.  Under a microscope they can be witnessed to shapeshift into different pathogens.  Bacteria, fungal, viral all the same.  

Lots to know on the subject.  I could be mistaken but lead and malaria go together.


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:11 pm

While we wait for the results of the Eliminational Control Experiment I will answer some questions.

Why does the theoretical genome "sars-cov-2" not exist in reality?

The First Proof: Because it was made using a computer. In order to exist in reality, the most basic thing would be to check whether there is a length of 29,903 in reality. The standard method for determining the length of the genome is gel electrophoresis. Virologists are not interested in this logical standard step.

The second piece of evidence: Virologists are checking the similarity of the theoretical genome "sars-cov-2" with other theoretical genomes. They never check if what they have created in the computer exists in reality

*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Image011

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:47 pm

How hard can it be to research and create a genome for a virus? Apparently much of the world has done this and has shared their findings. This is taken from

"Global Collaborations to Collect and Analyze SARS-CoV-2 Sequence Data
After the first SARS-CoV-2 genome was published, scientists all over the world soon realized the immediate necessity to obtain as much genetic information from as many SARS-CoV-2 strains as possible. At the beginning of the pandemic, many research groups tried to develop their own protocols to obtain SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data from culture or clinical specimens that tested positive for the virus. Multiple approaches have been implemented. In an effort to standardize sequencing procedures, an international workgroup called Advancing Real-Time Infection Control Network (ARTIC), consisting of scientists from the U.K., Belgium and the U.S., devised a method of SARS-CoV-2 whole genome sequencing (WGS) on the Oxford Nanopore Technologies sequencing platforms. The protocol has since been adapted for other sequencing platforms, allowing more laboratories to study the genome of the virus. The Office of Advanced Molecular Detection (AMD) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintains a GitHub page containing a comprehensive list of protocols, tools and resources for SARS-CoV-2 whole genome sequencing on various platforms, including Illumina, PacBio and Ion Torrent.

During a pandemic, it is imperative that sequence data of the pathogen of interest are shared in publicly-accessible repositories. The World Health Organization (WHO) strongly supports public access to sequence data to inform public health and research decision-making during outbreaks. One of the largest curated international repositories of SARS-CoV-2 sequence data is hosted by GISAID (Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data). As of September 2020, almost 100,000 full SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequences, along with key contextual information (metadata) associated with each sequence, have been uploaded and shared on the GSAID SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Epidemiology (EpiCov) platform. NextStrain and NextClade open-source bioinformatics tools use GSAID data, allowing users to create highly customizable visualizations."


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:56 am

The question arises: Why did virologists, as the inventors of computer models of the genome, cut real genetic material into smaller fragments?

source: MN908947.3
quote: "Sequencing Technology :: Illumina"

Because it is not possible to sequence the entire genetic strand with the Illumina method but only small fragments.

The consequence of the applied Illumina method is:

1. Inability to obtain a realistic complete genetic strand.
2. Creating a starting point for creating a theoretical genome that does not exist in reality.
*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Image012

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  MikeGore Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:18 am

Wow, thanks for those explanation and graphics CS! Makes it easier to understand.

If only more people in the world had the love for the Truth, to seek the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.

The world is submerged in lies and deceit and the world knows it not.


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Thu Jun 24, 2021 3:26 am

The MEGAHIT program was used in the puzzle process.

"De novo whole-genome assembly is often described as a giant jigsaw puzzle with millions of pieces"

With the help of this program, virologists from China invented the genome without comparison with reality.
source: MN908947.3


quote: "Assembly Method :: Megahit v. V1.1.3"

What is Megahit?

"An ultra-fast single-node solution for large and complex metagenomics assembly via Bruijn graph succinct"

What is the de Bruijn graph?

It is a theoretical graph that does not deal with comparing results with reality, but with creating theoretical models - possibilities.

The scientific evidence. When virologists say "sars-cov-2" it means it doesn't exist in reality.

*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Puzzli10

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Thu Jun 24, 2021 3:43 am


The theoretical model of "sars-cov-2" was not compared by virologists to reality but was compared to another theoretical model called "bat-SL-CoVZC45"

However, the bat-SL-CoVZC45 itself was also compared with another theoretical model and not with reality:

Just click ctrl + f and type: "assembled" or "alignment".

Thus, virologists do not hide the fact that they compare the theoretical model with the theoretical model.

*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Compar10

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:33 pm

Maybe they compared it to the sars cov 1 genome of the virus that was nowhere near a pandemic in 2003. Supposedly came from sick palm civic cats in china (what a surprise).

Also, beware the delta PLUS variant that is now making the rounds. More contagious than the delta one but so far not more deadly. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:52 pm

At the end of this series of illustrations follows the last illustration. This illustration shows what is being done in science to determine the length of the genome. Of course, all this was very nicely explained by Dr. rer. nat., Dipl. biol. Stefan Lanka: "Gel electrophoresis is a reliable standard technique for detecting and determining the presence and length of genomes by dividing the DNA and RNA nucleic molecules lengthwise with the application of an electric current to the gel. The negative and positives charges on both ends make the molecules move through the gel, the larger molecules moving more slowly than the smaller ones, which ends up forming distinct bands on the gel according the size and length of the molecules. In order to determine more easily the length of the nucleic acids under study, nucleic acids with a known length are added for COMPARISON."


What is the obvious conclusion based on the presented scientific evidence? Sars-cov-2 does not exist in reality.

*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Gel_el10

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:57 pm

1,5 million € for a virologist who presents scientific proof of the existence of a corona virus, including documented control experiments of all steps taken in the proof.

*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Truth_10

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:09 am

This reminds me of that 1 million dollar reward given to anyone who scientifically proves the existence of ESP or paranormal activity by that magician james randi. No one ever claimed that either. I guess it's all in what you want to believe for your personal proof.

"Virologists inadvertently kill cells in test tubes, believing that this is proof of the presence and isolation of a virus. Only from fragments of dying cells do virologists mentally construct a gene sequence and pass it off as fact."

- But if they find remnants of DNA that normally shouldn't be there then isn't that some indication that a foreign life form was present inside that cell?

This is a "fact check" site that talks about the existence of viruses. Note the electron microscope pic of covid supposedly isolated from a human patient in the US. Pics like this have been around for years. How are they refuted?


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:20 am

*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Cv_exo10

The electron micrograph image above, taken from a cell culture, is what virologists present as evidence of the existence of SARS-CoV-2. However, according to a paper titled "Appearances Can Be Deceiving — Viral-Like Inclusions in C0V!D-19 Negative Renal Biopsies by Electron Microscopy," published in the August 2020 issue of the journal Kidney360, researchers found IDENTICAL particles in people who were "negative for coronavirus disease 2019 (C0V!D-19) as well as in renal biopsies from the pre-C0V!D-19 era." The paper's authors list "a number of potential natural mimickers that can generate groups of round vesicles mimicking SARS-CoV-2 virions ..."
In other words, well before the C0V!D era, and in patients who did not have C0V!D or tested negative for SARS-CoV-2, researchers were finding "vesicles" that were indistinguishable from
SARS-CoV-2. These findings affirm what I and others have been saying for more than a year: These particles, labeled as SARS-CoV-2, are actually normal components of dead and dying tissues. They are not pathogenic viruses.
Another bombshell from this paper: In a "detailed, ultrastructural study" from 2003, the CDC acknowledged that "SARS-CoV" particles (supposedly responsible for the 2003 SARS outbreak) could not be distinguished from "normal cellular components." This means that the CDC knew in 2003 that the images they were calling coronaviruses were nothing other than "normal cellular components."

"Fact-checkers" are paid by J&J and other big Harma associates.

Special note: Big Harma bought the media for several billions, that's how everything is now a pharma infomercial. No more objectivity.

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shukov Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:59 am

Live forever wrote:There has been NO increase in deaths in 2020 (UK) according to the Freedom of Information requests for deaths/burials/cremations... only on the news is there an increase in deaths, because they are not in touch with reality and are presenting the masses with nothing more than a soap opera.

People still believe that hospitals were overwhelmed last year - yet the "Nightingales" were barely used and the standard NHS figures do not indicate a pandemic took place.

Deaths from all causes in hospitals (NHS Scotland - official figures)
2015-2019 (average): 28,633
2020: 27,971

This is backed up by whistleblower interviews e.g.

A large number of alleged C-19 deaths were in care homes. These people were given DNR orders & Midazolam - basically euthanised and called C-19 deaths.


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:09 pm

Yet if you watched the news all you heard about was full icu wards and overworked medical staff. It was a nightly thing on the news. Some hospitals had patients in the hallways and one patient even died during transport to another hospital cuz there was no room for him.


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  Nuada Sat Jun 26, 2021 1:21 am

Might be a bit off topic but what do you guys think about Ivermectin?
I've heard about it when DR Pierre Kory talked about it in the senate but recently he went on Joe Rogan and he shared some pretty amazing results based on some small scale(multiple) trials and personal experience.
He claims it prevents covid, heals it and also cures the "long covid syndrome" in people who are no longer infected but somewhat not fully recovered.
Sounds like a miracle drug, a bit too good to be true, but looking at the evidence and knowing that it is not a "profit drug" then I'm inclined to believe him.
Obviously big pharma and big tech are attacking relentlessly but then like I said it is not a profit based drug.

Also @jdp70 are you still suffering from post covid sydrome ? If so, then have you made any attempt on getting Ivermectin ?


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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Sat Jun 26, 2021 3:00 am

shaftless wrote:Yet if you watched the news all you heard about was full icu wards and overworked medical staff. It was a nightly thing on the news. Some hospitals had patients in the hallways and one patient even died during transport to another hospital cuz there was no room for him.

In most cases, the news was wildly exaggerating - When it comes to health matters, they are mouthpiece of
the pharmaceutical cartel. It wasn't always like this, and perhaps within the last 10 to 15 years.

I personally eye-witnessed dozens of hospitals all throughout the entire pl@ndemic, but never mind that, because that's just in one state, so an easy search on Bitchute will reveal a lot of "empty hospital footage."

Such as...

How Big Pharma Bought Big Media for $6 Billion: The Unintended Consequences of Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertising

Not only did the news exaggerate, they staged a lot of footage using actors and props.

GR8 Video here, explains a lot of things behind the virus confusion:

Rumble — Disproving the concept of virology, contagion and genetic engineering.

Recorded on 24.06.2021

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  CausticSymmetry Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:50 am

Questions about so-called "variants" or mutations, strains. How they are tracked, sequenced:

"If the variants are just random variational artifacts of the viral culture, then why would they be able to be consistently tracked and sequenced throughout a population and from country to country?

Personally, I have no clue.

As far as sequencing is concerned, they don't just do sequencing when making "variants, mutants, strains" or "genomes". They do the puzzle process and the alignment process. Take a look at these illustrations made:

It has nothing to do with reality. As for tracking, they track software errors (and then they call them mutations) that occur in computer processing.

“Variants” like other terms such as “viral genome” are dead letters on paper or in a computer program or on a website. Very simple. A quote from the "most advanced" platform in the world for sequencing (3rd generation):

"It is difficult to tell the difference between true biological varation and errors."

So they have no idea what their result is.
Why are they talking about variants? Because it is their "daily bread".
Tracking, logically, is nonsense.

*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Mutant10

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*The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist* - Page 3 Empty Re: *The first scientific evidence in 2021 that viruses do not exist*

Post  shaftless Sun Jun 27, 2021 12:14 pm

Geez! I wish every time we clicked on a long thread it would take us directly to where the latest post was made. I'm getting so tired of scrolling down to the bottom for a half hour LOL

I thought it was easy to find and examine dna. They do it all the time in police work when they find hair or fairly fresh blood splatter or spit from a pop can or skin cells under some victim's fingernails. They've been solving crimes like that for years. How hard can it be with viruses taken from lung tissue or swabs from the nose? Supposedly the new delta "plus" variant has mutated the spike protein on the outside of its cell wall which it uses to attach to a cell. The new worry is the new vaccines may not recognize this new mutated spike protein since they were developed to recognize the old spike protein from the original virus.


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